The Curse for Salvation
Wednesday, 30 March 2022
Kenya 2022 Elections: Ruto Should Substantiate Rigging Claim
By Nkwazi Mhango, Manitoba, Canada
Dear Mr. William Ruto,
For the first time, I touch base with you. Allow me a wee bit of your time to the following important issues that resonate with you individually and Kenya in general. Since you fell out with your boss, President Uhuru Kenyatta, many things have occurred. All started when he shook hands with his former nemesis, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga on 9th March, 2018. We all understand you didn’t support this milestone for the duo and Kenya. However, your boss said that you’re informed about everything but later, you started complaining that his move had destroyed your dalliance, which gave birth to a very fake marriage known as UhuRuto. To cap it all, you recently alleged that Kenya’s coming general election will be rigged to favour Odinga. These are damningly serious allegations that can’t be swept under the rug.
Mr. Ruto, due to the above unsubstantiated rancorous allegations, you and some of your lieutenants have alleged that the coming election will be rigged in favour of Mr. Odinga since he’s backed and supported by your boss. Can you please tell us what we don’t know that you know? How spot-on are such allegations? Speaking at the Karson Institute for Race, Peace and Social Justice in Loyola University in Maryland USA, on 2nd February, 2022, you’re quoted as saying that “as a leader, I have taken the position to speak against any attempts to try and straightjacket people into predetermined outcomes. We would have expected to do this without the baggage of blackmail and intimidation that is going on but unfortunately that is where we are” (Sic). Seriously?
Because of those true/imagined dreads, you recently announced that you’ll launch your parallel tallying centre in the August election despite knowing that it is illegal and unconstitutional. To jog your mind, Odinga was quoted as saying that in “last election [2017], when we demanded to be allowed to set up a parallel tallying centre, he [Ruto] is on record saying that would be unconstitutional. Now he is saying he is going to set up a parallel tallying centre so he is basically living in contradictions.” Who’s telling the truth/lies between you and Mr. Odinga?
Mr. Ruto, by creating doubts about the credibility of votes, do you mean that you won’t accept the results shall you not be declared a winner even without actually winning? Are such allegations pre-emptive move to complicate things? Don’t you know its ramifications?! Have you easily forgot the 2007/08 bloodbath and bad politics? Have you forgotten the ICC saga Sir? Are you serious or just seeking sympathy from voters after sensing defeat? More importantly, the sage’s it that nothing should be done in a hurry except catching fleas. Similarly, what’s good for the goose’s good for the gander.
Mr. Ruto, thanks to the above catch-22, there are some issues we’d like to get straight in order to be the part of the solution to this narrative. Again, are you crying foul because the shoe is on the other foot, or do you’ve any believable evidence to substantiate your allegations? As the President to be––––conditionally and strictly if you make it––––you need to show believability and probity in whatever you do or say or stand for. Again, are you ready to make public your evidence on the matter?
Honourably and scientifically, please address the issue of rigging. Similarly, allow me to humbly ask you the following questions: Why’d Odinga rig if he won three elections without rigging since he didn’t have the instruments of power or being the part of government? What’s changed? Did he win or not? Refer to Moses Kuria (MP for Gatundu, South), who’s recently quoted as saying “we are the ones who maintained Uhuru, and we are the ones who used to steal votes for him.” The bolded words back Odinga’s allegations that his three wins were stolen.
Mr. Ruto, don’t you see that the truth that Odinga won three aeras and his victory’s stolen needs to be well-thought-out before making such allegations? How, if the government that conducted and presided over the election was UhuRuto’s? Based on that, don’t you see that Kuria’s exposé speaks to the facts that Odinga had the numbers, which he still has plus the backing of the outgoing president, thus will easily defeat you without necessarily rigging? If he won solo three times against two presidents, what’ll stop him from winning fair and square provided that the backing by Kenyatta speaks to the addition of ballot to Odinga’s ballot hamper?
More importantly, why’d Mr. Odinga rig the coming poll against one person while he’s able to beat three people in the allegedly rigged elections prior? Though we don’t support rigging since it can cause troubles for the country, we think that any allegations made without substantiation are likely to show that those making them have already sensed defeat. We might be right or wrong on this. Chinese proverb’s it that he who strikes the first blow admits he’s lost the argument.
Mr. Ruto, are you implying that you’ve underscore the fact that you’ve already lost the argument not to mention elections? If he were able to rig the election[s]–––if indeed this holds water––––why then did he lose three elections after being rigged out as you know? I don’t believe so; and I’d not like this to be the case. Thus, let’s be a wee bit fair to ourselves and Mr. Odinga and his backers. Kenya’s bigger and more important than us individuals.
In sum, let’s be fair to ourselves and others as we seek to maintain the cohesion, peace and stability Kenya’s enjoyed as the result of the handshake. If you lose just shake hands and try another time instead of thinking it’s the end of the world. Politicians come and go, and Kenya will always be there. Let’s also be truthful to our people and the country at large. Mr. Ruto, since you’re in the know, please divulge your evidence in order to unearth his dangerous and ghoulish scheme against the constitution and justice. Submit them to the authorities. Italians have proverb that never point out the mistakes of another with a dirty finger. Enough is enough. Let presidential contestants put their houses in order before making damning allegations. Mr. Ruto, can you please present your evidence to substantiate your claims? How’ll the coming elections pan out? Please clear the air before that. Blessed be and embark on clean and patriotic politics.
Source: African Executive Magazine today.
Monday, 28 March 2022
Is This the Kenya Heroes Fought and Died for?
Saturday, 26 March 2022
Why William Ruto is totally unfit to be President of Kenya
What you need to know:
There are a gazillion reasons why Mr Ruto must never be entrusted with power.A gazillion more reasons why Mr Odinga is the antidote to our stubborn problems.
The 2022 presidential poll is the most critical – consequential – election since the republic was founded in 1964. It’s a once-in-a-generation contest that could make, or break, Kenya. In political parlance, it’s an inflection point in the construction of the state. While the public is caught up in the petty hoopla of the campaign, a deeper and darker danger – an existential threat to Kenya as we know it – lurks ominously underneath.
All the country’s demons are primed to collide on August 9, and the consequences could be damning for us all. The fate of the country hangs in the balance. Four men – Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, William Ruto and Kalonzo Musyoka – could decide if we go to heaven, or hell.
While partisans on both sides of the political aisle are focused on the shiny objects – rallies, fiery speeches, gaffes and personality quirks – the leviathan awaits. Shall we feed the beast, or slay it, for the sake of the country? The leviathan isn’t any one thing. It’s an atomic collection of all our psychoses as a country – our haphazard concoction as a state by the British imperialists, the inability of our elite to cohere us as one nation, the myopia of our looting and abject leadership, our failure to germinate the seed of democracy and economic opportunity for all, and the scandalous international order. All these debilitating maladies, and our infestation to the bone marrow by corruption, have retarded us.
Based on the monumental task ahead of us as country, I ask that we quit focusing on the minutiae of politics and treat the August 9 elections as a live bullet aimed at our collective head. It’s akin to Russian roulette. One wrong move and we are done for. That’s why I have concluded – after my deepest introspection – that Mr William Ruto is totally unfit to be President of the Republic of Kenya. Kenyans from all walks of life must overwhelmingly reject him at the ballot to send the clear message to the world that the country has chosen renaissance over decay, pessimism and damnation. Kenyans must say loudly and clearly – we choose light over darkness.
We stand on the cusp of history. We will make history, one way or the other. The two key horses in the race – Mr Odinga and Mr Ruto – are as starkly different as night and day. The former represents our better angels, the latter our worst proclivities. Never before have two people, who were on the polar opposites of the ethical and moral worlds, run for the highest office in Kenya. There are a gazillion reasons why Mr Ruto must never be entrusted with power, and a gazillion more reasons why Mr Odinga is the antidote to our stubborn problems. Let me tell you why Mr Ruto will be a nightmare for Kenya. Don’t be hoodwinked by slimy slogans.
First, what’s Mr Ruto’s vision for Kenya? Truth be told, Mr Ruto doesn’t have a clue as to why he wants to be President. His politics is completely transactional and devoid of any philosophy or ideology. The man is visionless and to the extent he has a vision, you’d be better advised not to buy it. Let me tell you why.
Two important symbols have emerged from what Mr Ruto and the United Democratic Alliance, his party, want us to believe is a vision. The first is something he’s called a bottom-up approach to development. The second is the wheelbarrow. The first is so general as to be useless while the second is a symbol of the pre-industrial age.
In organisational – or economic – lingo, the term bottom-up is so mundane as to warrant no serious discussion. Every company, or government, pays it lip service and homage but it’s usually a feel-good slogan – a type of Kool-Aid – fed to hapless masses, or a tired company line meant to boost worker morale.
Mr Ruto’s acolytes have cited US President Joe Biden’s use of the term in feckless attempts to legitimise their starry-eyed use of it. But that falls like a dud. As used by President Biden, the term means no more than his administration’s policies to marginally lift up the middle class. However, that’s been the song of all Democratic and Republican administrations since the Great Society of the 1960s.
Bottom-up approach
The Great Society programmes was a set of policies meant to reduce poverty, stem racial inequities, bring down crime and care for the environment. They were a project of a “thicker” welfare state. There’s nothing radical, or eye-popping, about them today. It’s the minimalist grist of the mill for every responsible democratic state today. It doesn’t actually address the needs of the poorest of the poor, the “hustlers” that Mr Ruto’s campaign is banked on.
To transform the penury of the “mama mboga” , Kenya would need a more radical economic model premised on zero corruption, massive deliberate investment in health, education, agriculture, infrastructure and small businesses. These must be targeted at the poorest. The philosophy of government would’ve to change.
Mr Ruto talks about the bottom-up approach as though it was a eureka moment. Someone should tell him that’s old hat. In fact, it’s part of Vision 2030 and many of the policies of previous Kenyan governments. He should tell us something new if he wants to put forth a compelling reason for his bid for State House, not regurgitating policies that are passé, and which have been tried before. Beyond the empty slogan, Mr Ruto has nothing else to offer. He hasn’t articulated coherent, or believable, policies to deal with corruption, Kenya’s premier development problem. He has many reasons to leave corruption alone.
Mr Ruto isn’t the person to slay the dragon of corruption. He should never – ever – open his mouth to address the issue, unless it’s to clarify the many scandals that have dogged his political career. I know he’s never been convicted of these scandals, although for once the court found him liable for grabbing a 100-acre plot belonging to one Adrian Muteshi in Uasin Gishu County at the height of the 2008 of post-election pogroms. Mr Ruto was fined and ordered to restore the land to Muteshi. But Mr Ruto’s scandal sheet stretches from Kisumu to Mombasa. One must wonder how these scandals relate to public reports of the sources of his reputed massive – and unexplained – wealth.
One of the best-known blots on Mr Ruto is the saga of the attempt to grab the playground of Langata Primary School. In that dastardly affair, Mr Ruto’s name was implicated in the attempt by “faceless” businesspeople to take over the land. After a public hue and cry, the matter receded.
The images of limp and bloodied schoolchildren under a military-style assault by heavily armed policemen will forever be etched in our minds. More prominent, however, is Mr Ruto’s alleged land grab of land owned by the Kenya Civil Aviation on which he built Weston Hotel. The matter is in court. It’s instructive Mr Ruto first denied, then admitted, owning Weston Hotel.
Mr Ruto’s other prominent blots include the maize scandal when he served in the Grand Coalition Government. He was sacked as minister at the recommendation of former Prime Minister Raila Odinga over corruption allegations. The 2013 “Hustler Jet” scandal embroiled Mr Ruto in a Sh100 million jet hire to gallivant in West Africa as the country struggled financially.
Other reported scandals include the Kimwarer and Arror dams mess and the heist of the Kenya Pipeline land. The list is long. It’s fair to say that no major political figure in Kenya today has been accused of as many scandals involving the theft of public resources. It’s notable Mr Ruto has never cleared the air on most of these scandals.
How do Mr Ruto’s allegations of corruption relate to the sources of his unexplained wealth? Mr Ruto has spent all his adult life in government. Early in his life, he joined the violent state-sponsored group Youth for Kanu ’92. The group sought to zone the country for the Moi-Kanu regime from the opposition to fight the push for democracy. It was an ignominious way for Mr Ruto to cut his political teeth.
Lack of public morals
From there, Mr Ruto was elected MP and thus began his long tenure in government. Where did Mr Ruto acquire his riches, millions of which he’s dished out to churches and other groups over the past five years in his not-so-stealthy campaign for State House?
Unlike other wealthy politicians, Mr Ruto can’t point to family wealth to explain his largesse. Even if he’s made money in business, which businesses are those, and can he explain how they were started and funded? He’s never been audited and has never publicly declared his wealth and its sources.
These huge and unanswered questions make him ineligible for election as president in a country where corruption is a disease. Unless the next administration tames corruption – and publicly stigmatises corrupt officials – Kenyans will slide deeper into abject poverty. A person whose public record is closely linked to corruption – and can’t explain his wealth – shouldn’t be put in office at a critical moment in the life of the nation.
Mr Ruto’s unfitness for election to State House goes beyond his scandals. The man doesn’t have a democratic bone in his body. He was a key cog in the Kanu dictatorship under Moi. He was among the Kanu and state officials who suppressed the fight for democracy and the Second Liberation. He fought tooth and nail against the realisation of the 2010 Constitution.
He even led the campaign against the referendum to ratify it. Kenyans should fear that if elected president, Mr Ruto’s true undemocratic colours would come out. Would he abolish term limits? Very likely. Would he persecute, exile and do even worse to critics, opponents and the press? His political history and philosophy strongly suggest so.
Then there’s the dark cloud of the International Criminal Court that continues to hang over Mr Ruto’s head. Mr Ruto was indicted by the ICC for crimes against humanity for his role in the near genocidal brutalities that followed the 2007 elections. His case – and those of other co-accused – was terminated. But his case was withdrawn with a caveat.
The ICC poignantly ruled that his discharge did not amount to an acquittal, or an absolution. It was due to state interference and tampering with witnesses. The Prosecutor left open the probability of re-prosecution. The Prosecutor stated that the scheme to defeat justice was carried out at the behest of, and in collaboration with, Mr Ruto. Definitely not presidential material.
Finally let me address Mr Ruto’s lack of public morals. Mr Ruto has a penchant for lies. He’s a man who appears to be incapable of saying what he means and meaning what he says. A good example is his doublespeak on Jubilee’s record and his relationship with Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, his estranged boss.
For the longest time, Mr Ruto lied to the nation that his relationship with Mr Kenyatta was solid when it was clear to everyone their political marriage was irretrievably broken. Mr Ruto has consistently lied about Mr Odinga for the failures in Jubilee. Jubilee was broken by Mr Ruto’s insatiable political greed to inherit Mr Kenyatta even before Mr Kenyatta started his second term.
Absent without leave
Does Kenya want to elect a leader who can’t tell basic truths, even when they are obvious to the whole country? Does Kenya want to elect a leader who will take public resources for his aggrandisement and not spend a single day in the office? For the past five years, Mr Ruto has been AWOL (Absent Without Leave) from his office.
Yet he’s continued to plunder public resources for his campaign. He eats at the expense of the state. Sleeps in a government house. Is driven in fleets of state vehicles. Uses all of this and the massive state security apparatus to campaign. Yet he does absolutely nothing as Deputy President. This is a window into Mr Ruto’s morals.
An honourable person would’ve resigned and stopped living large on taxpayers’ money. This is nothing short of theft of public resources. Theft is taking money, a resource, or some other benefit you don’t deserve, and have not earned, without fulfilling your requisite obligations. Nothing is more important than the treasury of a country.
Yet Mr Ruto’s time in government and his own casual relationship with the truth about the state’s resources suggest a man who shouldn’t be entrusted with the public purse. During his time in government – especially the first term – the county borrowed heavily and was plunged into deep debt. Yet much of that debt was looted for personal gain. Does Mr Ruto know who stole our future?
Finally, I want to close with a fact that epitomises Mr Ruto’s character. He calls himself Dr Ruto. But as a person who has supervised doctoral candidates, I can attest to the fact that no one with Mr Ruto’s schedule has the time to do the demanding academic work that’s required for such a serious undertaking.
Did Mr Ruto really earn his doctoral degree? He – and those who supervised him – owe the country an explanation. Mr Ruto’s claim of such a dubious academic pedigree is a metaphor for his entire life – mysterious wealth, unexplained scandals, greed for power and fame, and nefarious attempts to defeat justice and the rule of law, including at the ICC. He’s unfit to be president.
Yet Mr Ruto and three other political heavyweights – Mr Kenyatta, Mr Odinga and Mr Musyoka hold the key to who will govern Kenya after August 9. The latter three owe Kenya a duty to make sure – within the strictures of the Constitution – that Mr Ruto does not ascend to power.
He must be defeated at the ballot box fairly and squarely if he’s declared eligible to run. Mr Odinga and Mr Musyoka will have an outsize role to play in that matrix. They must come together one more time, as they have in the past, to save Kenya from Mr Ruto.
Makau Mutua is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School. He’s also Chair of KHRC and Spokesperson of the Raila Odinga Presidential Campaign Secretariat and head of its think tank. @makaumutua.
Source: Sunday Nation tomorrow.
Friday, 25 March 2022
As would be expected, this sudden announcement produced a great deal of shock in all those who heard it live.Thus, last week, March 17th, 2022; was the first anniversary of President John Pombe Magufuli’s untimely death, which occurred hardly three months into what would have been his second term in office. And this day was aptly observed at national level through a prayer congregation attended by all the nation’s top leaders, who assembled at Chato (the home village of both the birth and burial, of the late President); in commemoration of the first anniversary of that sorrowful event.
The famous English Playwright and dramatist, William Shakespeare, wrote the following lines in his work titled Julies Caesar : “The evil that men do lives after them, but the good is often interred with their bones”. Tanzanians should not, nay, must not, allow ‘the good’ that the late President Magufuli did for our nation, to “be interred with his bones”.
And that, I humbly submit, should be the main purpose, and principal objective, of all such death commemoration events for all our departed leaders. Consequently, that will be the theme of today’s article, which attempts to present “the good” that the late President Magufuli did for our country and nation, “lest we forget”.
Everyone is, of course, free to make his own assessment of the late President Magufuli’s performance. There are three specific areas which lend themselves to leadership performance assessment and evaluation. They are (a) the state of the economy, and the social services; (b) participation in the international relations area; and (c) the management of the political landscape. In respect of the late President Magufuli,
I would venture to say that the vast majority, if not all, of the people, would easily agree that his performance in the area of strengthening the country’s economy, and his delivery in the social services sector, were admirably extraordinary. There is this Kiswahili proverb, which says “Mwenye macho, haambiwi tazama”. The positive results of his endeavours in this area were there for all to see, and witness for themselves.
For example, in the face oh high risks of failure, he boldly undertook to implement mega infrastructure projects ; particularly those of shifting the government capital to Dodoma, and the construction of the huge Stigler’s Gorge electricity generating plant; both of which had been conceived by the late President Nyerere in the early formative years of the country’s independence; but had been totally frustrated by factors beyond his control.
Other apparently risky mega investment projects included the reviving of the seriously ailing national Airline, Air Tanzania Corporation; by purchasing for it the most modern flying aircraft the Dreamliner, among other latest models; and the construction of the standard Gauge Railway line of more than one thousand kilometers; plus the construction of new, large, passenger and cargo ships to operate on Tanzanian inland Lakes; and all of these mega projects being carried out using only internally generated funds !
And in the Social service area, the late President Magufuli quickly introduced and implemented the policy of “free Primary and junior secondary education up to FORM IV level; and also greatly increased the amount of interest-free loans to higher (tertiary) education students. Considering the fact that there are as many as fifty-two University institutions that, between them, were admitting a total of more than one hundred students every year; plus an even much larger number of continuing students; granting loans to such large numbers of beneficiaries as a very heavy burden, as well as risky business, for the government to undertake. But Magufuli’s government had no hesitation in accepting to carry this extra heavy load, obviously based on the basic principle which is expressed in the dictum “elimu ni msingi wa maendeleo” .
On the other hand, however, his rather callous disregard of the serious dangers posed by the corona virus pandemic, relying instead on urging people to pray and pray again, asking for God’s divine protection. But, indeed, as if the almighty God had whispered to him, our country was largely saved from the ravaging effects of this pandemic, which continued to devastate many other countries in the entire word; thus necessitating the imposition of some extremely severe restrictions on peoples’ movements, such as lockdowns; which obviously created new serious problems by disrupting peoples’ normal lives.
President Magufuli luckily saved us from all that, with people continuing to live their normal, ordinary lives of working hard, in compliance with his famous slogan “Hapa kazi tu”.
Furthermore, opinions are also divided with regard to the international relations area. There are those who think that the late President seems to have largely distanced himself from personal meetings with his peers, both in respect of attendance at international meetings like the United Nations General Assembly; and in travelling to other countries on official visits. For he rarely crossed Tanzania’s borders for these purposes. Although they are also those who did not see this to be a problem at all.
Similarly, in the area of managing the political landscape; there is a substantial number of those who feel that he was not giving equal opportunities to all the political players, to exercise their political rights, particularly when he imposed a ban on public political meetings during the times when there was no elections for which to conduct the necessary electoral campaigns meetings.
But I am one of the late President Magufuli’s many admirers, who also include his Zimbabwe enthusiasts, who coined the “Magufulification” concept, to which I briefly referred to in last week’s article. Nevertheless, as shown above, I readily concede that, being a human being like the rest of us, he did commit mistakes in some areas of state governance. But such mistakes are what, I submit, should have been “interred with his bones”.
My admiration of the late President Magufuli’s performance, is clearly evidenced in the series of articles, which were regularly published in this column in respect of his performance : (a) after his first hundred days in office; and (b) at the end of each of his years in office, during the whole of his first term.
In my article on President Magufuli’s first hundred days in office, I made the observation that “President Magufuli had already become an African continental icon, within those first hundred days in office”; and to confirm this assertion, I quoted captions from some of the leading newspapers of South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria and Zimbabwe, all of which sang praises on President Magufuli’s exemplary performance.
In the same captivating enthusiasm, I also undertook, in 2019, jointly with my friend and colleague Nkwazi Mhango; to co-author a book titled “Magufulification”: A new concept that will define Africa’s future”; which we submitted for publication, upon formal signed Agreement, to GDY Publications Company Limited of Da es Salaam. But it is unfortunately still awaiting publication.
Inside our co-authored “Magufulification” tome.
Our own considered appraisal of President Magufuli’s unique, extraordinary performance (which is implied in the “Mgufulification” concept), is to be found in the final Chapter 10 of that book; in which we take a close look at his rapid implementation of his election promise “to bring substantive change”. Therein we cite both the minor and major changes, which he successfully introduced, in respect of the government’s management of the country’s affairs.
His ‘minor’ changes included the cancellation of some of the grandiose national celebrations that involved huge expenditures (such as the annual independence celebrations), and re-allocating the money budgeted to other development projects; while the ‘major’ changes include the enhancement of the collection of government revenues, from the former billions to the current trillions of shillings; particularly his effective elimination of the exploitation that was being carried out by some of the foreign mining companies when he introduced new, revolutionary, pieces of legislation; specifically: the “Natural Wealth and Resources Contracts (Review and Renegotiation of Unconscionable Terms) Act” of 2017; and “the “Natural Wealth and Resources (Permanent Sovereignty) Act”, also of 2017.
The first mentioned Act granted new powers to the National Assembly to review any mining contract, or Agreement, “which appeared to jeopardize, or was likely to jeopardize, the interests of the people of the United Republic”. The second Act made provision for the recognition of the country’s permanent sovereignty over its natural wealth and resources, by declaring that “the ownership of, and control over, the country’s natural wealth and resources shall be exercised by, or through, the Government, on behalf of the people of the United Republic”; and further provides as follows:- “it shall be wrongful and unlawful to make any arrangement or Agreement for the extraction, exploration, or acquisition and use of the country’s natural resources, except where the interests of the people are fully secured, and is approved by the National Assembly”.
These revolutionary laws include a number of other provisions, which have brought immense benefits to the people of Tanzania in a variety of other ways, by effectively controlling the mining sector; which has resulted in very significant increases in government revenues accruing from that sector, thus greatly reducing the excessive dependence on foreign donors; and creating genuine hope in the possible success of achieving the ‘magic’ of “self-reliance”, that was envisaged in the ruling party’s Arusha Declaration of 1967.
We also drew attention to the late President Magufuli’s commendable fight against the evil of corruption, and the strides he had made in that difficult endeavour; as evidenced by a variety of positive comments made by from different independent sources. A forum meeting of the Human Rights NGOs held in Banjul on the occasion of the 2018 “African Human Rights Day”; where 18 Tanzanian Human Rights Civil Organizations were represented, issued the following statement at the close of their meeting:- “This forum “calls on other African Heads of State to take a leaf from President Magufui’s fight against corruption”. A manifest proof of the international recognition accorded to President Magufuli’s achievements in that area.
“Ethics is the heart of leadership”, so the books of authority on this subject tell us. The late President Magufuli will also be remembered for his firm stand in defense of the constitution. In 2017, some CCM cadres had initiated a private campaign, seeking to have the constitution amended in order to allow him to serve for more than two terms. “I am not interested in staying on after my two terms”; was President Magufli’s ethical response. He continued thus: “I vowed solemnly, when I took the oath of office, to abide by the Constitution. There is no way I can stay beyond the stipulated two terms”. /0754767576.
Source: Daily News and Cde Msekwa.
Tuesday, 22 March 2022
Is Ukraine war the end of America’s clout and unipolarity?
As the first attacks took place, the West awkwardly issued threats that it’d impose sanctions against Russia, which it later did though to no avail. They announced all sorts of measures topped up with millions of dollars grants and aids at the time Ukraine needed boots on the ground to no avail. Many analysts wondered and are still worried how sanctions could deter or stop an advancing interloper seeking to revenge for its fleeting death. What do sanctions effectively do for the people trading punches?
Again, such desperate measures didn’t stop Russia from invading helpless Ukraine. Yes, the West’s abandoned Ukraine at the very hour of need. Why? The answer comes to from NATO’s General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg who says that the conflict’s but a new normal for the toothless Europe. Ukraine president Zelenskyy realised how betrayed and duped he’s after being left to face cavalier and callous Putin, who openly pled the Ukrainian military to overthrow him. A frustrated Zelenskyy’s quoted as saying “we have been left alone to defend our state.” This was obvious after Zelenskyy asked to meet US president Joe Biden to no avail. Instead of showing US’s mighty, Biden, kept on issuing threats and doing nothing as Ukraine’s on fire. This proves that the US’s given up on its hegemony.
The story of this over-all butchery started a long time ago when the US voted in Donald Trump to lay the foundation and thereby pave the way for the destruction of US’s unchecked hegemony. He openly leaned to Putin so as to expose US’s virility. He’s recently quoted as saying that Putin’s a genius.
Again, why did the West cower in? Methinks, the lessons from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya are now making sense. The US isn’t ready to repeat the same gaffe; and Putin knows this too well. He’s been scheming and studying it and has now made good out of it. Although it’s too early to conclude, the US has visibly lost its hegemony. This tells us that nothing human is permanent. Who knew that the US would easily and quickly swallow it pride?
As we ponder on this, we must admit that when the odds seem to favour Putin and defy the US, China, another superpower, is carefully calculating the next move in this war of domination. There’s nothing new shall China take over the helm. Egypt, Greece, Roman Empire, and Mesopotamia gave in not to mention the eminent giving by the US now after facing wars in many fronts. Of the trio, namely China, Russia and the US, China stood to gain big. Firstly, it isn’t involved directly in this obviously pricy and self-destructive war. Secondly, it’s now waiting to claim its prize, the leading place in global geopolitics. You can take this to the bank. The winner among the trio is China. Russia’s another champ. It better makes do with a silent China rather than with the raucous US, which seems to have chickened out in this game of flexing muscle. You can see this on how China’s maintained non-involvement and silence at the time the entire world’s chaotically and dangerously hollering. The silent lion’s the one that eats meat. So, too, Russia is revenging against the US that destroyed its hegemony. India’s and other BRICS’ members silence towards this war speaks loudly.
In sum, for the US and the West, it’s game over for their hegemony and machinations. As for Africa, when two hawks start a brawl, the fowls must seek a shelter. I heard Kenya’s envoi to the UN, Martin Kimani, making hullabaloos against Russia. Nobody listens to you guys. Instead of being used, strategize about how to use this crisis. If the tables were turned on Africa, you’d not hear any ruckus from either the EU, Russia even Ukraine. It’s the right time for Africa to think about disbanding their colonial border and unite as the strategy of asserting and claiming its place and power amidst the world community. Bad news however, this time offers opportunity for dictators to thrive since there’s no bully to bug them with the noises about/of democracy, good governance, and human rights. He who lives by sword will die by sword. Ta-ta hegemony and Pax Americana.
The author is a lifetime member of the Writers' Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador (WANL), an expert in Terrorism and author of over 20 books among which are Africa Reunite or Perish, 'Is It Global War on Terrorism' or Global War over Terra Africana? How Africa Developed Europe and contributed many chapters in scholarly works.
Source: African Executive Magazine
Saturday, 19 March 2022
Boda-boda menace a sign of deep-rooted cultural misogyny
Impounded motorbikes at the Central Police Station in Nairobi on March 8, 2022 following a crackdown following on errant riders.
What you need to know:
- The boda attack – and molestation – of a female motorist a couple of weeks back was Kenya’s nadir.
- The marauding “hyenas” encircled her, beat and stripped her naked, put their dirty fingers and hands on her.
- The Kenyan peoples, and I use the plural term deliberately since we aren’t one people, sometimes exhibit odious conduct. What’s shocking is that some of that despicable conduct has no purpose, and doesn’t achieve any goal worth the name. Take, for example, the conduct of people at huge political events such as political rallies, or large political party meetings.
- Often, the events start, or end, with stampedes of hordes of humanity. You’d think you are at the “running of the bulls” in Spain. Or random people simply coming up to you and demanding your cell phone number. Absolutely terrible. But the boda attack – and molestation – of a female motorist a couple of weeks back was Kenya’s nadir. We are all familiar with public gang rapes and attacks of women in India. Every time one of those savage gender-based attacks are reported on TV, I walk away from the set. I simply can’t take the violence. It’s akin to the racist cop’s knee on George Floyd in Minneapolis. I can’t watch it. Too traumatising. What’s utterly unbelievable is the lust with which the attackers ply their savagery. With their eyes bulging, emitting terrible breath, and sweating copiously, the “animals” scream as they plunder their prey.
- Even animals in the wild are more civilised. One of the root causes of gender-based violence – because rape of any kind is violence, not sex – is deep-rooted cultural misogyny. Hatred for women. No boy, or man, would breathe the good oxygen we inhale were it not for a woman – his mother. Our mothers, who are women (hello!) carried us for at least eight months in their bellies at great discomfort to themselves.
- They took care not to do anything that would compromise our health. Then, at great pain, they delivered us. I’ve always thought that if I had to give birth, the thought itself would simply kill me. I would literally die right there and then. And if I didn’t die, I would hate whatever I produced at such great pain. But yet our mothers love and nurture us – until we are old enough to curse, or talk back, at them.
- Attack on female motorist
- What were our fathers doing while mama was carrying us in her womb, or suckling us to strength? Your dad was probably in a beer hall cavorting with another woman, and then staggering home smelly and inebriated. That’s the textbook definition of a deadbeat. But it’s not to the males that we turn our gender-based ire and hate. It’s towards the female gender.
- We must be sick – very sick – in the noggin. I’ve read of boys and men groping women in matatus and other forms of public transport. Many women take it in silent pain and suffering for fear of the shame of public reporting. Others, to their credit, batter the crap out of the creeps with their handbags. The attack on the female motorist by the boda boda men – and the attackers were all men – revealed a sinister and sick underbelly of the Kenyan man.
- The marauding “hyenas” encircled her, beat and stripped her naked, put their dirty fingers and hands on her, and did every despicable thing you could imagine. The docile public stood there, complicit, paralyzed. Shame on them. Those who stood by and did nothing attacked her by their inaction. The episode proved how depraved our society is.
- Cultural problem
- I don’t think this is the problem of a few bad apples. It’s a cultural problem. And it’s not just among the boda boda. It’s a societal madness. It’s like corruption. Deep in the bone marrow. The attack on the female motorist is behaviour that’s taught and learned. Right from the home. It’s then affirmed in our schools, work spaces, and private as well as public joints like bars, restaurants, and public transportation. At the root of it is the social belief that a woman is a “thing”, not a full human. A thing for the use and pleasure of the man like chattel.
- Women are supposed to cook, clean and care for us. In a word, slave for us. They exist to serve us. That’s the belief structure at the core of the attack on the female motorist by the boda boda. We teach boys to be masters and girls to be servants. We must re-educate boys and men. Start at the home. Don’t allow the division of labour by gender. If the boy eats, he must cook, just like the girl. If he defecates, he must clean the toilet, just like the girl. Apply that rule all the way through school. Have zero tolerance for sexist talk or unwanted touching in public or private spaces.
- Duncan Kung’u, my colleague at the Kenya Human Rights Commission, suggested Azimio leaders urge the state to form a Boda Boda Motorbike Police Unit solely dedicated to bringing sanity to the Boda Boda industry, an integral part of the economy. It’s a good idea minus police corruption.
- Makau Mutua is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School. He’s Chair of KHRC. @makaumutua.
- Source: Sunday Nation tomorrow.
Thursday, 17 March 2022
Barua kwa Hayati Dk John Pombe Magufuli
Sikuwahi kukuandikia barua ulipo kuwa nasi. Hata hivyo, japo kimwili uliondoka mwaka mmoja uliopita, kiroho bado tuko nawe. Matendo yako bado yanakuwakilisha, yanaongea na kutufariji kwa ukiwa uliotuachia ukiachia mbali pengo kubwa. Kwa muda ambao hukuwepo, naomba nitumie barua hii kukuhabarisha na kukujuza hali ya mambo japo kwa ufupi. Hivyo, unaposoma barua hii naomba nikujuze yafuatayo:
Mosi, Makamu wako Mheshimiwa Samia Suluhu Hassan alichukua nafasi yako kwa mujibu wa katiba. Kimsingi, Samia hakuchukua nafasi tu bali anaanza kutosha kwenye viatu vikubwa ulivyoacha. Mwanzoni, kulitokea ukakasi kwa baadhi ya watu ambao hawakuamini kuwa mwanamke angeweza kuwa Rais achilia mbali kutosha kwenye viatu vyako vikubwa. Hata hivyo, naomba nikutoe wasi wasi. Mama anaendelea kuenea kwenye viatu vyako barabara.
Pili, pamoja na kuchukua nafasi yako, mrithi wako ameendeleza mema yote uliyoacha ukiachia kufanya mabadiriko na marekebisho kidogo ambayo ni mambo ya kawaida kiutawala. Mfano, miradi yote mikubwa ya maendeleo bado inaendelea kwa kasi ya kuridhisha. Mbali na hilo, kwa mara ya kwanza, Tanzania tumeweza kuwauzia bidhaa nyingi kuliko wanazotuuzia. Hii mana yake ni kwamba uchumi wa viwanda unawezekana inaanza kutimia tena haraka sana. Tunakukumbuka na kukushukuru sana kwa kazi pevu uliyofanya. Kila tunapokwenda tunaheshimika kweli kweli kutokana na rekodi na uchapakazi wako.
Tatu, mbali na kuendeleza miradi kwa kasi ya kutosha, Mheshimiwa Rais alibadili kauli mbiu yako kidogo. Hata bajeti mwaka huu imepanda kutoka Sh36.66 trilioni hadi kufikia Sh37.98 trilioni ili kuwezesha miradi kuendelea kwa kasi inayotakiwa. Badala ya “Hapa Kazi tu”, aliinogesha kwa kuja na “Kazi Iendelee” akimaanisha kazi pevu uliyoasisi na kuacha isikwame wala kukwamishwa. Cha mno, alipunguza ukali kidogo kwenye baadhi ya masuala kama kuongea na wapinzani. Hata hivyo, hii haikuja kirahisi. Una habari kuwa Mwenyekiti wa CHADEMA, Freeman Mbowe, alisoteshwa ndani kwa takriban miezi minane baada a kufunguliwa kesi uchwara ya ugaidi. Kama siyo viongozi wa dini kuingilia kati mbona angeumia zaidi. Kwa vile mrithi wako ni msikivu kama wewe na ameendelea kuwaheshimu viongozi wa dini wa kweli (si matapeli wanaojifanya kutenda miujiza wakati ni utapeli na wizi) aliwasikiliza walipomuomba amfutie kesi Mbowe. Na baada ya kufanya hivyo, siku moja aliaachiwa na wawili walikutana ikulu na kupiga picha za pamoja na kutuaminisha kuwa sasa wako pamoja. Tunangoja kuona matokeo zaidi.
Nne, suala la uwajibikaji limeendelezwa japo ukali wa kutumbua siyo kama wako. Anayetumbua sana ni Dk Hussein Mwinyi ambaye unajua kuwa ni Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Mapinduzi kwa sasa. Naamini baada ya kusoma barua hii ya kumbukizi, Mheshimiwa Rais ataongeza kasi ya kutumbua. Pia, nichukue fursa hii kukupa habari mbaya kidogo. Unakumbuka baadhi ya mafisadi uliokuwa umesweka ndani kama wale walanguaji wa umeme wa AIPTIELO? Wote washaachiwa. Wako wanatumbua chumo la wizi,. Hata hatujui vigezo vilivyotumika kuwaachia. Mbali ya kushangaa na kuudhika, sijui undani wa kuachiwa kwao.
Tano, nadhani unakumbuka kadhia ya Ukovi-19. Kumbe ulikuwa unajua mengi ambayo hatukujua. Kwa taarifa yako ni kwamba nchi nyingi sasa zimelegeza masharti baada ya kuja na kile wanachoitwa kwa kimombo tough it out. Ulipotoka watu waliachana na kujifukiza wakaelekea kwenye chanjo na kuvaa barakoa ambazo, hata hivyo, huku Ulaya tutaachana nazo siku mbili kuanzia leo. Huu ni ushahidi kuwa utabiri wako kuwa miili yetu itazoea ulikuwa wa kisayansi na kweli japo wajinga wengi hawakukuelewa. Wazungu wana mizungu. Ndo maana hukuwaamini. Unaweza kuamini kuwa kuna vita inaendelea kati ya Urusi na Ukraine ambayo imefunika Ukovi-19? Basi kaka, vita ilipoanza waswahili walibaguliwa katika harakati za kuokoa maisha yao sina mfano. Ungekuwapo ungesema kitu bila shaka. Ajabu waukraine waliokwama huko Kenya wanalala na kula bure bila hata kulazimishwa waende UNHCR. Tumeonyeshwa kuwa watu weupe ni bora kuliko watu wote duniani na ubaguzi na dharau vya wazi.
Mpendwa Dk Magufuli, najua ulipenda sana vijana kiasi cha kuwapa madaraka makubwa huku wengine wakikuangusha wazi wazi kama yule aliyekuwa akituhumiwa kughushi vyetu vya kidato cha nne uliyemminyia lakini ujuaji na ujinga wake ukamfanya apuuzie ushauri wako hadi ukamtupa nje. Yupo anahangaika kwa sasa. Juzi nilisikia akilalamika kuwa amedhulumiwa kiwanja huko Regent. Mpaka leo, sijajua alivyopata pesa kununua uwanja eneo aghali kama hilo wakati hata wewe hukuwa na kiwanja pale. Cha mnno, Mheshimiwa Rais, ameendelea kuwaamini vijana huku akiweka kando wazee. Marafiki zako kama vile profesa Palamagamba Kabudi na William Lukuvi si mawaziri tena.
Kabla ya kusahau, ilitokea kasheshe hadi yule Spika wa Bunge uliyemauacha Job Ndugai akatemeshwa ulaji na naibu wake akaangukia. Si alimlaumu Rais kuwa anakopa na nchi ingepigwa mnada siku moja. Wacha azongwe hadi pale alipobwaga manyanga na kujikalia kimya. Siku hizi ni backbencher. Haonekani wala hasikiki tena. Kweli cheo ni dhamana na kila chenye mwanzo kina mwisho.
Habari njema kwako ni kwamba rafiki yako Raila Amolo Odinga asipokuwa Rais wa Kenya basi Mungu hakumwandikia. Najua unajua kuwa aliingia maelewano na hasidi wake Uhuru Kenyatta ambaye juzi alitangaza wazi wazi kumuunga mkono kupeperusha bendera ya chama chake na vyama vingine kikikwemo cha Kenyatta dhidi ya makamu wake William Ruto ambaye tuhuma za ufisadi zitamuangusha bila shaka ukiachia mbali kuwa hana uzoefu sawa na Odinga. Kuhusu bi Mkubwa wako Janet na familia. Bado wapo ila ameandimika tokana na kuendelea kukuomboleza. Hata mama yako bado yupo japo sina taarifa zake za karibuni. Lakini naamini hali sim baya hata kama uzee hauna tiba.
Mpendwa John, nimalizie, kwa vile sijui kinachoendelea huko uliko, naona nisikuchoshe wala kukata usingizi wako. Kwa ufupi, kama Hayati Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Benjamin Mkapa na mashujaa wengine mliotangulia, tunakukumbuka na kuku-miss sana kipenzi na shujaa wetu uliyeonyesha namna ya kuendesha nchi kisayansi na kiuhakika.
Tuesday, 15 March 2022
I usually have some casual conversations with my white neighbours. We mainly talk about weather and other things like being asked where I came from and if the country of Africa will soon enjoy peace and prosperity. However, this time around after Russia invaded Ukraine, the types of questions I’m asked changed from my personal experience and home to Ukraine as if I’m a Ukrainian.
There’s this neighbour of mine who doesn’t hate or love me. He doesn’t even greet me sometimes, which is normal forget about talking to me quite often. Because of the centrality of Europe and Ukraine being one of its countries, he recently asked me as to why’s Russia doing this to Ukraine? Guess what. I simply replied that this is how colonialism works. For us victims, no colonisation is decent or justifiable. It is but criminality. He’d not get it. He wanted to know what I meant. I told him that this wasn’t the first time a sovereign country had been invaded by another. I cited an example of Libya that’s invaded by the west in 2011 and its president, Muamar Gaddafi killed and nobody in Canada was concerned. I reminded him that we’ve been neighbours since 2009 and he didn’t come to ask me why the west invaded Libya and killed its president. He didn’t say anything. Mind you. This neighbour used to be afraid of me because of Covid-19 isolation. Just like the west did, soon after Russia invaded Ukraine, Covid-19 was pushed under the lag. If this didn’t happen, some western rulers like Boris Johnson–––who faced the scandal of flouting Covid-19 rules–––would have been already in the cold.
More on my neighbour, I told him that Libya’s GDP was twice as bigger than that of Ukraine and life’s better than Ukraine’s but internationally Libya’s plight wasn’t anything to consider since it wasn’t a European country. Who’d believe that today Libyans who used to be looked after the government are begging for charcoals and eggs in the paradise they used to enjoy and take for granted? Those who used to be given stipends for marriage and apartments, most of them are now scavengers. Again, they’re neither European nor white. Despite being pushed to go to the dogs, Libya’s GDP per capital is still as twice as bigger as that of Ukraine today.
Another friend asked me if Russia’s going to win this war. He wanted to know my views of the conflict and what can be done to save Ukraine and its people. I openly told him that there won’t be any winner since the war’s destructive not only between the two but globally. We all have already borne the blunt of it. Gas price is increasing like crazy, and this directly affects everything be it goods or our livelihoods globally. I told him that the only winner is colonialism since after the war, new laws and rules will be enacted to compensate the loss and poor countries will bear the blunt.
The topic seemed to be exhaustive and thorny. Thus, my other friend to whom I repeated the nuggets of wisdom I offered other friends asked for the solidarity with Ukraine. I promised him that that it’s a good thing to do. However, I asked him why didn’t we apply the same to Libya and other African victims? He’d not get it. He replied that Libya’s plight happened a long time ago and that Ukraine’s a civilised, white and European country. I responded that, to me, what transpired in Libya did just yesterday and not necessarily that only European and white countries deserve to enjoy peace as opposed to non-European ones that’d endure the scabs of colonialism and egoism.
Knowing I am a Peace and Conflict Scholar, another friend of mine who entertained the dialogue about Russia-Ukraine conflict said that Putin’s evil because he invaded Ukraine. Again, I asked him why this rationale didn’t apply anywhere when the west minus Russia invaded Libya, it did not become bad or evil. He couldn’t answer. I asked him why and decided to answer my own question by giving two reasons. First, Libya is an African country. Secondly, Libya isn’t a civilised country apart from being a Muslim country. So, too, it wasn’t invaded by Putin. This means that if Putin invaded an African country––––just like the west has done on many occasions, he’d have not shaken the world. Nor would he have been bad and evil. Neither would he become dangerous and evil to the world as he’s after invading a European country. Thirdly, the west toppled Patrice Lumumba, the founder of the Congo, later Zaire and now the DRC, Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana) and installed stinking dictators. Again, this wasn’t an international issue since the duo didn’t go to the communists, then led by the defunct USSR. So, too, the DRC, like Libya, is neither a European country nor its habitants are white. Thus, the wars that have been ongoing since the first day of freedom isn’t and won’t be a big deal internationally.
In sum, looking at the concern shown, and questions asked about Ukraine, it’s easy to know why, for example, Europe’s shunned Russia apart from opening its borders to Ukrainian refugees to enter while the same has refused non-European refugees the entry. They’re neither European nor white. The ongoing war in Ukraine’s shown how the west has lost it so as to openly show and support racism. What difference does this make from colonialism, which made do with criminality against others and created the capital for Europe we see today? Again, poor Africans still believe their saviour is the west while in actual fact it is but a coloniser and racist to the bone. Essentially, the biggest lesson is that all catfish have barbels.
Saturday, 12 March 2022
Ruto tour a bona fide diplomatic stinker
By Makau Mutua Professor at SUNY Buffalo Law School and Chair of the KHRC.
What you need to know:
- It’s utterly bamboozling for Mr Ruto to go on an “official” international trip since he doesn’t – and can’t – speak for the government of Kenya.
- Significantly, Mr Ruto is dogged by a large basket of corruption and criminal scandals. Most of them are well publicised internationally.
I’ve always thought Deputy President William Ruto would do himself in before the fat lady sang on August 9 this year. I didn’t know it would come so soon. The past two weeks have been a lesson – offered to Kenya free of charge by Mr Ruto – about how to shoot oneself in both feet at once. I know Mr Ruto doesn’t have much international experience, except his time at the International Criminal Court nearly a decade ago. But the man from Sugoi has money, and should be able to afford first class political advice on what – and what not – to do when he leaves Kenya’s airspace. His junket to the US and UK has been a bona fide diplomatic stinker.
Mr Ruto’s international inexperience was on display from day one. In fact, the planning for the trip was shambolic. He took with him a fat entourage of some 40-odd inchoate mix of political flaks. That’s a scandal in itself. Kenya is a poor country where 20 per cent of the people live on less than $2 a day, and one-third of Kenyans, or 18 million out of 55 million, live below the poverty line. The sticker price for the trip was $1 million or Sh107 million. All at taxpayer expense. This is the caricature of an African potentate in the West. The image – of thieving African government elites on shopping sprees in New York while compatriots starve at home.
Corruption and criminal scandals
It’s utterly bamboozling and a misnomer for Mr Ruto to go on an “official” international trip since he doesn’t – and can’t – speak for the government of Kenya. Kenyan missions and embassies abroad would’ve treated him like a leper. Even if he met some Kenyan diplomats, the encounters would’ve been in futility. That’s because he’s a stranger in his own government. He would thus have been ill-prepared about conditions and politics in the US and the UK. And none of the coterie he took with him from Kenya would’ve been of much help because they don’t live there. It was simply foolhardy for Mr Ruto to wing it on his first major international trip. It was doubtlessly a fool’s errand.
Several factors conspired against Mr Ruto. The first is the weather. The harsh winter period isn’t the ideal time for people from the tropics to visit America – and traverse that vast land. The second was the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s true life doesn’t stop, or government work cease, because of war. But it distracts everyone. Paying attention to Africa in America is always a tall order, even without a hot shooting war. Third, both Americans and the British are well aware that Mr Ruto is a pariah in his own government. They would’ve been wary to trust, or get close to, him for fear of offending Nairobi. Thus Mr Ruto and his multitude forced themselves on their “hosts”.
Significantly, Mr Ruto is dogged by a large basket of corruption and criminal scandals. Most of them are well publicised internationally. His ICC woes rank at the top, as does his reputed unexplained vast wealth. I am sure that those were things officials and folks in the private sector thought about in America every time they shook his hand, or saw his visage. He was an eager guest but they were reluctant hosts.
However, Mr Ruto and his crew tried to spin the trip as a resounding success. For example, they loudly advertised a non-existent high-level meeting at the White House. Whether they were rebuffed, or they made it up, isn’t clear. Elsewhere, they largely met subordinate staff.
Took his wailing act abroad
Mr Ruto was welcome in several right-wing universities by religious conservatives. In places he should’ve made a good impression, Mr Ruto turned into a crybaby. He spent an inordinate amount of time attacking ODM’s Raila Odinga and his boss, Jubilee’s Uhuru Kenyatta. I am sure his audiences were left mouths agape. How does a sitting deputy president ridicule and lambast his government and his boss to foreign audiences while on a diplomatic trip? That’s a political death wish.
He accused his boss of “budgeting corruption” for the pilferage of taxpayer money. Then he accused Mr Kenyatta of a sinister plan to rig and steal the August 9 elections for Mr Odinga. He invited Americans to intervene and stop Mr Kenyatta.
Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i famously called Mr Ruto a sympathy addict. Having failed to elicit much sympathy at home, Mr Ruto took his wailing act abroad. It was a strange sight to behold. At one point, I thought Mr Ruto was preparing grounds to seek political asylum in the US against his own government.
Like Donald Trump, he’s laying the groundwork to reject the results of the elections if he loses. It looks to me as if he’s sensed defeat. But what I found rich is Mr Ruto’s accusations of others of corruption since several opinion polls in Kenya have ranked him the most corrupt person in the country. Go figure.
Prof Makau Mutua is the spokesperson of the Raila Odinga 2022 presidential campaign team. He is a SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School and chair of KHRC. @makaumutua.
Source: Sunday Nation tomorrow.