The Curse for Salvation
Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Formula ya Kuchanganya Dini na Siasa bila Kufyatuliwa
Ni rahisi kuchanganya dini na siasa. Wanachama wa vyama wana dini. Viongozi wa dini ni waumini. Huwaoni wakati wakiapishana au kusimikana kwa wale wanaolazwa kifulifuli ili kusimikwa. Akiapishwa rahisi, lazima maaskopo na mashehena wawepo kumbariki japo wao wakisimikwa hawabariki bali kuwaahidi kula nao. Dini na siasa kayani zinachanganyika kibaguzi. Uliwahi kuona viongozi wa dini asilia wakimbariki askopo au rahisi? Kwanini? Ubaguzi na ukoloni mtupu. Hata wakuleishi na wakolosai, pamoja na uadui wao mtaani, wanachanganyikana Yerushaláyim na kwenye ngwalangwala na ndege na usafiri wowote hata mitaani kwenye nyumba za kupanga hata vitandani tena kwenye nyumba za chapchap.
Kwa wanaotaka kuchanganya dini na siasa, lazima wafanye yafuatayo:
Mosi, anzisha dhehebu la dini ili kupata umaarufu na ushawishi mbele ya mafyatu wa kisiasa watakaotaka kukutumia kuwapumbaza mafyatu waliosikinishwa kutoasi aka kufyatuka waliowafyatua na badala yake kuamini kuwa kuna miujiza ya kuweza kufyatua utajiri kwa njia ya maombi na mazingaombwe mengine.
Pili, jikombe kwa wanene na chata twawala ili uwe mnene na kula nao kwa kuwafyatua mafytu waliofyatishwa na kila sanaa na ngonjera iwe ni za amani, imani, mshikano hata umoja japo si wamoja. Umoja gani wakati tuna machogo na wazenj?
Pili, shabikia amani, mshikano na umoja wa walaji aka wafyatuaji dhidi ya imani ya haba na hovyo ya wafyatuliwa aka waliwao wanaosikinisha na mafyatu wanaowafyatua kwa kutumia dini na siasa. Ukitaka kujua zaidi mambo ya kufanya, jikumbushe ngurumbili kama vile Gwamajima na Rwakatarehe toka kaya ya lalalala waanzilishi wa uchanganyaji na ufyatuzi huu.
Ili kuthibitisha mashiko ya kanuni na nadharia ya kuchanganya dini na siasa, ngoja nipanue wigo kwa kugusia dhana kuwa kila kitu kinachanganyika na vingine. Kinachotakiwa ni sayansi ya ufyatu, ufyatuaji,ufyatukaji, na ufyatuzi. Wapo wanaoamini kuwa mafuta na maji havichanganyikani wakati vinachanganyikana. Acheni uvivu wa kufikiri kama alivyowahi kusema kaka Ben. Nenda jikoni. Mafuta na maji havichanganywi kutengeza mchuzi au kuokoa maisha? Waulize zimamoto. Maji huzima moto na moto hukausha maji. Ke na Me vikichanganywa hutegeza To… Nimesema toto au to? Tuachie wengine.
Duniani, kama ukiwa mwanasayansi kama mimi, kila kitu kinachanganyikana. Jiulize shaitwani na bwana Godi hawakuchanganyikana kwenye bustani ya Fyatu Mfyatuaji aka Edeni?
Wengine husema eti dhambi haiwezi kuchanganyikana na mema wakati vinachanganyikana. Nenda kwenye nyumba za ibada. Wenye dhambi wananchanganyikana na wasio na dhambi. Yesu alijichanganya na wenye dhambi hadi mafyatu wakamshangaa kabla hajawafyatukia. Au jiulize. Mbona njuluku watoazo mafisi na mafisidi kama sadaka au zaka hata kama chafu ua wizi hazikataliwi? Nenda mahakamani. Mahakimu na majaji watoa haki wananchangamana na wahalifu watafuta haki. Je kwa wale wanaopata chochote hawachanganyikani na wale wanaowatoa chochote? Kama madaktari na wagonjwa wanachanganyikana, hakuna kisichochanganyikana.
Giza na mwanga vinachanganyikana. Anayebisha aamke asubuhi aone machweo mwanga unapochanganyikana na kiza na kuzaa asubuhi au jioni. Chakula na vinywaji na sumu vinachanganyikana. Huamini bado? Kaulize hiyo mibia, misoda na mavyakula ya makopo mnayopwakia yanatunzwa na nini ili yasiharibike kama siyo sumu? Bata huitwa na kusifika kwa uchafu na uharishaji. Inakuwaje analiwa na kupendwa nyama yake?
Unyama na utu vinachanganyikana vizuri tu kama vitachanganywa. Ukibisha, jikumbushe au waangalie mafyatu wanaofanya mambo ya kinyama na wakabaki kuitwa mafyatu au wanyama wanaotenda wema kama kuongoza au kuokoa mafyatu lakini bado wakaendelea kuwa wanyama. Uchafu na usafi vinachanganyikana. Kama huamini nenda kwa dobi au wanaoosha vyombo. Maji safi ndo husafisha kilicho kichafu baada ya kuchanganyakina. Kama hii haiingii akilini, jiulize. Kwanini nchi zinazojiita zimeendelea wanachuja maji machafu toka majumbani na kutengeza maji safi?
Kwa ufupi, hakuna kisichochanganyika. Ni suala la kujua namna ya kufanya hivyo. Hivyo, nimethibitisha bila shaka lolote. Dini na siasa si zinachanganyikana bali zilishachanganywa sana tu.
Hivi niko wapi?
Chanzo: Mwananchi kesho.
Saturday, 25 November 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Nilipoteua na kutengua kidhabi aliyetaka kunitumia
Kweli, mwanaharamu ni mwanaharamu. Ukimuweka kwenye chupa, atatoa kidole. Bushite, kwa upofu wake, alidhani nilimteua ili kufyatua mafyatu wenzake wa kanda yake. Hivyo, nisingeweza kumfyatua. Kumteua tu, aliona fursa kutaka kufanya alichomfanyia aliyemuumba. Alianza kutoa matamko ya nguvu kana kwamba ndiye M/kiti. Alipayuka na kujidai hata kuingilia mamlaka ya wenzake wanaomzidi vyeo akiwapigia simu, kuwaanika hadharani akitoa maagizo ya ajabuajabu bila aibu. Alituchonganisha kwelikweli. Siri kali haiendeshwi majukwaani na kwa rukono. Hata hivyo, simshangai tokana na tamaa ya mamlaka na ukihiyo wake. Badala ya kutangaza chata, alijitangaza akidhani hajulikani janja yake. Badala ya kueneza itakadi ya chata, alijieneza na itikadi zake za kitapeli uchwara akidhani siku moja atakuwa rahisi wa mafyatu ning’atukapo. Thubutu!
Badala ya kujenga chata, alilibomoa kwa kujijenga binafsi tena kwa knibomoa na kufanya nionekane mbaya na asiyefaa. Alifanya mambo yaliyonitia aibu sina hamu! Alijizuga kunitukuza wakati ukweli alijitukuza na kujikweza. Alijifanya rafiki na kipenzi changu kumbe adui mkubwa nyambaff!
Juzi nilimsikia akiwataka mafyatu wamuombee awe msemaji wa wanyonge. Je mimi siyo msemaji wao au nawatesa? Hichi kifyatu kinachofyatufyatuka nilipokiteua, nilidhani kingenifaa. Kumbe kilitaka kunitumia kujitengenezea ulaji japo mafyatu sijui kama ni mazwazwa wakipe hata ujumbe wa nyumba kumi. Juzi mkwe wangu alipigiwa simu na kidhabu huyu na kunilalamikia. Ndugu yangu mwingine alihoji ilikuwaje nikateua kituko hiki kinachoniaibisha na chata langu! Aliuliza kwa uchungu kama ni washauri walionishauri, niwafyatue kabla huyu kidhabi hajanifyatua kwa kufanya mafyatu wanifyatue kwenye uchakachuaji ujao.
Wasaidizi wangu wengi walilalamika kuwa fyatu huyu kihiyo mhalifu alikuwa akiwaingilia kwenye nafasi zao asijue kazi yangu kubwa ni kuteua na kutengua kwa mujibu wa katiba yetu fyatu ya mafyatu. Badala ya kufuata kanuni za uongozi, alizivunja zote. Kugundua aliniona zwazwa akizidisha kabobo, nilimtengulia mbali. Kumbe mtangulizi wangu aliyemtupa jalalani alikomtoa hakukosea. Nimeaibika, kuhuzunika, kushangaa, na kujifunza sana. Sijui ni kukata tamaa au uzembe, maana hata mafyatu wanamuamini wasijue janja ya nyani na wanaingizwa chaka na mkenge mchana kweupe! Je kuna kitu hatukuelewa uzuri au tulipitiwa? Inakuwaje fyatu, tena asiye na chochote, kujifanya anaweza kutatua mataizo yote wakati hana uwezo?
Kwa kutumia jina langu, alijijengea imani, umaarufu, na sifa asizo nazo. Kwa makusudi, alijua hatatui bali kukuza matatizo ili baadaye ayatumie kutufyatua sisi tuliomfyatua na kumpa nafasi ambayo alitaka kutumia kutufyatua. Ametufanya tuonekana wote mazwazwa naye bonge la mjanja. Alianza kuwachonganisha watendaji wangu katika kila idara akiwapigia simu hovyohovyo wengi ambao kimadaraka, wako juu yake kwa kusingizia chata letu. Juzi hata mshirika wangu kanishauri niachane na kijitapeli hiki kichumiatumbo kinachoota kuna siku kitakuwa M/kiti na rahisi wa mafyatu.
Kwa ujuha, kidhabi huyu alidhani nilimteua kama kijibwa cha kuwatisha wanene. Siri kali haiendeshwi hivyo. Ni M/kiti mshamba anayeweza kutengeneza vijimbwa na vichawa kuwatisha wasaidizi wake. Kama unajiamini kama mimi unateua na kutengulia mbali bila kuangalia sura ya nyani. Si una dola. Siku hizi ni rahisi kwa rahisi kuteua na kutengua. Kumejaa machawa na mafyatu wanaojipendekeza wakijiruhusu kubadilishwa kama nepi mradi wapate tonge.
Du! Hamjanielewa walengwa?
Thursday, 16 November 2023
The ‘Lucrative’ presidency of President Mama Suluhu Hassan
William Shakespeare, that famous English Play wright of the sixteenth century, wrote the following in his Play titled "Twelfth Night”: “Some are born great; some achieve greatness; and some have greatness thrust upon them”. President Samia Suluhu Hassan of the United Republic of Tanzania; perhaps had “greatness thrust upon her” when she was peacefully elevated to the Presidency two years ago by simple operation of the country’s constitution, upon President John Pombe Magufuli’s sudden death, on 17th march, 2021. But in the meantime she has, indeed, “achieved greatness” through her own sterling performance efforts.
She must, presumably also have been “born great”; in view of the gender obstacle which stood in her way during her consideration at the ruling party’s highest leadership level for the position of ‘running mate’ for the 2015 Presidential election.
I was at that time CCM Vice Chairman for Manland Tanzania, and therefore a member of CCM’s “Baraza la Ushauri la Viongozi Wakuu Wastaafu” which is established by section of 123 (1) of the Chama cha Mapinduzi constitution, 1977; and its functions are prescribed in section 123 (3). They are, primarily “to give advice to the party and its governments” on issues of exceptional national importance.
President Jakaya Kikwete apparently felt the the choice of the presidential ‘running mate’ was one of such exceptional importance, so he decided to consult the said ‘Baraza la Ushauri’. Former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi was the Chairman of this Baraza, and I was its Secretary,
I was present at that special session of this Baraza, and can clearly remember the issues that were presented by the President Jakaya Kikwete for consideration and advise. He informed us that the incoming President Magufuli had two candidates in mind, namely; Hussein Ali Mwinyi (the current Zanzibar President); and Samia Suluhu Hassan (the current Union President).
The main issue to be considered was “whether the Wananchi of Tanzania were ready to be governed by a female President; should the President become incapacitated by disease or other cause, and thus becomes unable to govern the country”; which is provided for in article 37 (2) of the country’s constitution.
This shows that the female gender of Samia Suluhu Hassan, was considered an obstacle, which might lead to her rejection by the voters, and consequently the rejection of both the Presidential candidate himself his running mate! Fortunately, the Baraza quickly dismissed such fears as totally unfounded, and Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan was chosen as the ‘running mate’ for the 2015 Presidential election; and became the Vice President after CCM had won that election.
She was picked again, this time without any difficulty, for the 2020 Presidential election, and again, she became the Vice President after winning that election. But, unfortunately, President Magufulii’s suddenly died only a few months into his second term, on March 17th, 2021; and the same doubts about the capability of a female President to manage the affairs of the nation, were raised again, by some people; who harboured the unreasonable doubt that she would surely fail. These are known in Biblical parlance as the “doubting Thomases”.
President Samia’s sterling performance, has proved that they were shamefully wrong. There is a little nursery school story that I heard being told one day, about a baby mosquito’s exciting adventure, when it flew out for its first time, and found itself among a small gathering of human beings. On returning home.
The baby insect report the good news of its ‘grand reception’ by human beings:- “Wow’’, it exclaimed excitedly to its parents, “everyone whom I approached, clapped his hands to welcome me”.
The insect’s father’s response was: “congratulations son, for successful adventure, and the that pleasant experience you have gained today”.
But the mother said: Listen son, these people were not welcoming you at all. You should understand that they were, instead, trying to kill you! The moral of this story is that some women have greater wisdom than their men. This should be a good lesson for those men who tend to belittle the women’s intellectual capacity.
Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan takes on the mantle of the of Union President.
Following her accession to the Presidency of the United Republic in March 2021, Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan quickly ”hit the ground running” and many appreciative Tanzanians, in the various sectors of the Public Service, and the Private Sector; plus many other Organisations and Establishments, offered their sincere congratulations, and well wishes; plus expressing their full confidence in her capacity to perform well in her new role.
These sentiments were repeated by the country’s religious leaders of all denominations in April, during their Easter celebration sermons; when these leaders additionally called upon all Tanzanians to pray for her and her new govern, asking the almighty God to grant divine guidance to her, and to constantly guide her in the performance of her presidential duties.
These well wishes and prayers, were apparently not just wasted, for they seemingly have helped President Samia to “achieve greatness” as Tanzania’s President, even during her initial two years in that office. According to article 40 (4), President Samia Suluhu Hassan is entitled to seek re-election only once, that is to say, only in 2030. Thus, if though her singular efforts, she has managed to achieve such pronounced “greatness”; we should reasonably expect her to achieve enhanced “greatness” during her remaining term in that office.
Regarding the her gender, she herself showed that she was fully aware of the presence of the doubting Thomases mentioned above; and took the earliest opportunity to assure the public, in her maiden “Address to Parliament’ delivered on 22nd April, 2021; in which she said the following;-“Kwa kuwa ni mara ya kwanza katika historia ya nchi yetu kupata Rais mwanamke, najua kwamba watakuwapo baadhi ya watu wanaodhani kuwa sitoweza kubeba majukumu mazito ya Urais. Nataka kuwaondoa hofu, kwa kusema kuwa Mwenyezi Mungu hakuumba ubongo dhaifu kwa mwanamke na ubongo imara kwa mwanaume, La hasha.Wote tulizaliwa tukiwa sawa; isipokuwa ni kwamba malezi na umakini wa akili ya mtu, unategemea jamii inayomlea, pamoja na shughuli zinazomzunguka. Nataka kuwahakikishieni kwamba mimi nimekuzwa katika jamii sahihi, na kwamba ninao uzoefu wa kutosha wa kazi za umma”.
This sentimental statement by President Samia, reminds me of a similar statement, which was made by Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, when her country was under the serious threat of being invaded by King Phillip II of Spain in 1588:- “I know I have the weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a King, and the King of England too”.
This is part of ‘European History’ which we were taught during my student days. It is about the Spanish King who had sent a fleet of 130 ships transporting his large army, on a mission to invade England and overthrow the heretical Queen Elizabeth 1. But the invaders were disrupted by English fire ships off Gravelines.
They suffered further losses from the Atlantic storms, and returned to Spain with only 86 ships”. In the words of the British national anthem "God had saved their gracious Queen”. And to commemorate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, England minted a special medallion, with the Latin inscription“Flavit deus et dissipate sunt” (God blew, and they were scattered).
In her other role as CCM Chairperson
The relevant books of authority inform us that “in all properly functioning parliamentary democracies, political parties play a pivotal role to play, by providing a stable base for the operations of the government of the day, in the country’s governance operations”. The ruling party (CCM) has, similarly, been providing a stable base for President Samia’s governance.
In continuation of CCM’s tradition of “kofia mbili” for Presidents who are elected to that high office on the party’s ticket, President Samia Suluhu Hassan was elected CCM national Chairperson on 30th April, 2021. The expression “kofia mbili” (wearing two hats), refers to the CCM convention, which provides that ‘the person who becomes the Union President, shall also become CCM’s national Chairperson’.
There was a time in the past, when this convention applied also to the party cadres who were appointed Regional Commissioners and District Commissioners, who also became the Regional or District party Secretaries in their respective Administrative areas; but this practice was discontinued in 1983, when it was decided that these positions shall be held by different persons; thus confining the privilege of “wearing two hats” only to the Union President, plus the Zanzibar President, who becomes the national Vice Chairman of the party for Zanzibar.
In her role and capacity as the apex leader of the ruling party, she has attracted overwhelming support from the party, and particularly from UWT, which is the women’s powerful wing of the ruling party.
But even the results of her election demonstrably showed the high level of acceptance that she was enjoying; for she obtained 100 per cent of all the votes cast by the 1,700+ conference delegates; whereas, with the exception only of Mwalimu Nyerere, all her other predecessors had always receive a number of dissenting votes, albeit very few.
A bright star that shines in the morning.
A Kiswahili proverb says“Nyota njema huonekana asubuhi”. This is precisely what Tanzanians have witnessed during the first two years of Mama Samia’s Presidency. She has clearly demonstrated that she will maintain her predecessor’s high tempo of constructing public (both mega and minor) development infrastructures. But she has also demonstrated, equally clearly, that she is determined to chart her own governance direction, of the kind that some observers had not expected; as evidenced by her introduction of her 4Rs philosophy.
The abbreviation “4Rs” represents: Reconciliation; Resilience, Reform; and Rebuilding; whose implementation has greatly contributed to the maintenance of the country’s peace and tranquility; indeed, a welcome ‘breath of fresh air’. But with regard to sectoral infrastructure development, I must acknowledge the fact that even our small-size, geographically isolated, Ukerewe Islands District, has hugely benefitted from President Samia’s equitable distribution of development projects resources, particularly in the health, education, and transport sectors. The residents of this District are full of admiration and gratitude, for the unprecedented large share of resources being allocated to Ukerewe by President Samia Suluhu Hassan; specifically in the construction, or rehabilitation of the infrastructures in the above mentioned health, education, and transport sectors.
The construction of ferries which provide a reliable connection between the largest island and the smaller ones of Bwiro, Kamasi, and Ghana; is particularly impressive, and will greatly improved the lives of the residents of these densely populated islands. Longtime residents of Ukerewe, like myself, have never seen such massive government investments coming to our islands! /0754767576.
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Wanajifanya kufyatuana ili watufyatue tena
Naandika nikilia kwa utungu. Juzi nilinusurika kupata kichaa. Sikuamini niliyoona kwenye runinga kuwa fyatu tena muishiwa wa chata twawala angewafyatua wanene mawazira wasiozira bali kufyatua kuwa wamefyatua matrilioni ya madafu. Unajua madafu trilioni yanaonekaje? Kama hujui, ukipanga noti za jero, trilioni ina urefu kuliko mlima Kimaranjaro. Mnainyaka mafyatu wangu? Wamjua Luhanga Mpini? Alimfyatua paka kapuni na kufyatua mtama kwenye kuku wengi tukiwemo wafyatuaji na kutupa nyenzo ya kufyatua haya mafyatu manene mafyatuaji njuluku za mafyatu waliofyatuliwa.
Kabla ya kuendelea, kabla ya hapo nilipata nyuzi kuwa maza na washauri wake wananyaka ufyatuzi wangu. Nimewafyatua hadi wakafyatuka na kugeuka mafyatu kama nyinyi mafyatu zangu mnaosoma ufyatuaji, ufyatukaji, na ufyatuzi wangu. Fyatu mmoja alinitonya kuwa maza alisoma vitu vyangu alicheka hadi akaomba maji ya kunywa. Hivyo, nawataarifuni rasmi, nami ni mshauri wa maza msikivu na msomi dokitari. Hivyo, ninachofyatua hapa kitamfikia na atakifanyia kazi kwa kuwafyatua ninaotaka wafyatuliwa baada ya Mpini kutaka wafyatuliwe na kurejesha njuluku walizofyatua wakati mafyatu walio wengi wakifyatuliwa na ukapuku. Mpini kweli kashika mpini. Maana ukimsikiliza anapowaambia takokuru wawafyatue mafyatu anaowatuhumu tena wanene, anajua anachofyatua. Nawashauri watuhumiwa wajue hivyo na kumwelewa hata wale waliowapa ulaji. Je siku zote alikuwa wapi? Give the devil his due. Amethubutu hata kama ni kwa faida ya chata lake na kutaka kuwaingiza mafyatu mkenge kama kawa wapige kura ya kula kwenye uchakachuaji.
Mpini alisema kuwa mawazira waliokwiba njuluku wajipime au maza awapime na kuwafyatua kabla hajafyatuliwa na mafyatu kwenye uchakachuaji ujao. Mpini alitaja ripoti ya CAG ambayo ilifanya jana nishindwe kula. Nilijaribu kanywaji nikashindwa. Kila kitu hata chakula cha usiku nilishindwa. Nilijikuta nachanganyikiwa kwanini nakuwa kapuku wakati mijizi minene ikiendelea kupiga utadhani shamba la bibi. Hii kaya ya mama siyo ya bibi.
Kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya CAG, kaya ilipigwa madafu trilioni 30 bado mafyatu wanalala na wengine kupeana ulaji! Inakuwaje zipigwe njuluku ndefu kama hizi halafu mama anahangaika eti kwenda na kombe mkononi akibomu ukiachia mbali kaya kujaliwa ukwasi mwingi ajabu ambao tunao lakini tunaukalia? Inakuwaje halioni hili au linahitaji macho ya ziada au linampendeza tu? Iweje? Kwanini? Hajui? Anajua? Ilikuwaje akawapa ulaji tena nyeti watuhumiwa kama Mwiguu Michembe, Janiwari son of Joseph Makambale, ImmaTutubu, Maukame Mbawala na wengine aliowafyatua Mpini? Kwanini njuluku ndefu hupigwa kila karibu na uchakachuaji au hii kitu ni kubwa kuliko inavyoweza kuonenaka? Halafu anatokea muishiwa anatetea chata la walaji kuwa halitetei hawa wevi kana kwamba wanachaguliwa au kuteuliwa na wapingaji. Oneni aibu jamani, nasi hata kama mafyatu, tuna akili pia kumbukumbu za kufyatuliwa. Natamani yule anayejiita doktari wa uchumi aliyeficha tasnifu yake tuwekwe kitimoto nimuubue lau aseme udoktari wake ima ni wa kupewa au kughushi au kufanyiwa lakini si wa kusomea. Hayo tuyaache.
Inapofikia muishiwa wa chata twawala kushindwa uzalendo akaamua kama mbaya mbaya akafyatuka, jua mambo siyo poa. Hii huitwa kufyatua, kutyatuliwa, kufyatuka, na kufyatuana katika sayansi ya mafyatuzi na ufyatuzi. Hata hivyo, huu ufyatuaji wa njuluku za mafyatu si wa kawaida wala wa kuufyata. Nani aufyate wakati huu ambapo mafyatu wanafyatuliwa na taabu tena za kutengenezwa na mafyatu wanene wanaopaswa kufytuliwa hasa baada ya wao kufyatuana? Je huu uchungu umeanza lini? Kwanini sasa? Je kuna kitu mafyatu hawajakimanya, hivyo wanapaswa kuwa makini wasifyatuliwe kwa maneno matamu na uzalendo mahepe na machezo?
Je hapa wanashindwa uzalendo au ni yale yale ya karata tatu kwa kujua uchakachuaji umekaribia lazima mafyatu wavikwe mkenge kwa uzalendo wa ghafla bin vu? Kwanini sasa si wakati ule njuluku zilipoanza kupigwa? Je hatuwaoni akina Kagoda wakiandamana au kumtangulia bi mkubwa kwenye ziara zake nje? Je hapa tumuamini nani kati ya hawa wadogo wa chata lile lile? Kama mnamaanisha kweli basi fyatukeni mjiunge na mafyatu wa upingaji mpige mzigo kieleweke kuliko kuwa ndumakuwili kwa kiingereza.
Hivi uchakachuaji wa uchaguzi ni lini? Alaa kumbe!
Chanzo: Mwananchi leo.
Wednesday, 8 November 2023
Kanuni za upinzani fyatu usiofyata bali kufyatua

Mosi, ili ufanikishe upinzani wako, lazima upinge kila kitu kifyatufyatu na kifyatuzi.
a) kama chata twawala wakila wewe unawaaminisha mafyatu kuwa, wakikupa dola, utakuwa ukifunga kila siku. Mfano, wafunge kamba kuwa hutatumia mashangingi na mashankupe wala maboeing na mapipa mengine kusafiri na kutanua. Muhimu, wahakikishie kuwa utapiga marufuku ununuzi wa mashangingi. Badala yake useme utanunua bajaj kwa ajili ya kusafirisha wanene wote. Ili kuokoa njuluku, kila mnene atajifunza kuendesha bajaj. Hakuna mnene atakayekuwa na dereva, mfagizi, fyatu wa bustani, ngwea za dezo, walinzi na wasaidizi wanaolipiwa kwa njuluku ya kodi za mafyatu.Waaminishe kuwa hutavaa suti badala yake utavaa mgolole. Mashangingi na suti vinachafua mazingira.
Uhakikishie kuwa utafyatua miujiza ya kisiasa. Mfano, waaminishe unawapenda hadi kutumia bajaj bila kujali hatari ya kugongwa na madereva wasiojali. Hii iite sera ya kujitoa sadaka kwa ajili ya kaya kwa sababu unaipenda kuliko uhai wako. Kwa wanaojua bajaj zinavyonyonga, watakuamini: kweli unaipenda hata kama baadaye utaiponda kaya hadi kutoa uhai wako kwa ajili yake. Kadhalika, waaminishe kuwa hutakula kwenye mahoteli ya kitalii bali utakuwa unakula kwa maza ntilie ili kukuza uchumi wa ndani. Piga marukufu semina, warsha, na ujumbazi mwingeni.
b) piga marufuku ruzuku. Kwanini kila kitu kiwe kibaya ila ruzuku? Unaruzukiwa nini wakati unachofanya ni kupinga na kuanzisha vurugu? Waaminishe mafyatu kuwa ruzuku wanayopewa vyama vya siasa itakwenda kwa wafanyakazi na wakulima. Hii itasaidia kujua umefyatuka na hupendi njuluku. Hapa, ongeza kuwa hutokuwa na mabaunsa aka bodyguards. Unaogopani wakati huli wa kuiba cha fyatu yoyote hadi ulindwe kama mfungwa hatari?
Kadhalika, uwaaminishe mafyatu kuwa umchumi ambaye hutawalipa njuluku washikaji zako hasa waume au wake za wanene eti kwa sababu mnachangika bedrooms. Yours is boardroom but not bedroom politics. Uwaaminishe kuwa vitegemezi vyako havitapelekwa kusoma, kujiangalia, au kutibiwa majuu kwa vile utafutua na kuimarisha huduma za afya. Muhimu, waaminishe kuwa hutakuwa na misafara sumbufu ya kufunga barabara wala wasanii wa kukusifia wakati wanapaswa kukufyatukia na kukufyatua hata kukuzomea kama alivyosema Chalalamika. Waambie mafyatu uko radhi kukosolewa na kutoa zawadi kwa wakosoaji ambao watakulaumu siyo kusifiwa ujinga, upoyoyo au uzwazwa.
c) upinge kila kitu na kwa kelele kuu. Mfano, bibie akipenda kwenda majuu kudanda, ufyatuke kuwa anazurura na kupoteza njuluku za mafyatu. Asipofanya ziara kama Mwendaze, piga kelele kuwa ni mshamba anayeogopa kwenda majuu kuzoza kimombo au kukwea pipa. Akileta wawekezaji, unawaita wachukuaji. Akinunua madege, mwambie anapoteza njuluku kwani, mafyatu hawayataki madege bali uhuru usio na mipaka. Akijenga barabara, madaraja, vyanzo vya kuzalisha umeme, viwanja vya ndege, reli ya kisasi, mwambie mafyatu hawataki vitu bali utu. Tangaza hutotumia madege wala miundombinu. Uulize bila aibu wala woga hata ukichekwa kwa ufyatu wako kuwa tangu lini miundo ikawa mbinu kama siyo mbinu ya kuibia mafyatu? Umeme ukikatika tokana na ukame, unapiga kelele kuwa rahisi amemkosea Mungu. Maji yakiadimika, unafyatuka kuwa rahisi anaoga sana. Akiongea kitasha, unaongea kimanga. Waishiwa wakiongea kiswanglish, unaongea kimasai, kisambaa, na kibarbaig au siyo?
d) kama chata twawala kikianzisha sera ya uchawa unaipinga kwa kuanzisha sera ya usafi ya kuondoa ukunguni, upanya, na uroboto.
Mwisho, lazima uwe bingwa wa kufyatuka na kufyatua. Kila jambo lazima bila unyong’onyo uanzishe payo, na ngebe yosayosa hata chawa, kunguni, na viroboto wakusikie na kuelewa. Uwe mkali kama koyokoyo ukihakikisha kila wanachofanya wapinzani wako ni upoyoyo, uongo, na hakifai hata kama chafaa kuwaonyeshe wewe ni fyatu au siyo? Jikumbushe kibonzo cha zamani cha Bayoyo.
Acha niache nisijipinge mwenyewe!
Chanzo: Mwananchi leo.
Tuesday, 7 November 2023
The short clip ends there; but the original speech is much longer, for it also tells the story of Mwalimu Nyerere’s utter frustration and disappointment; when, in his opinion, the High Court (which was hearing a bribery case), failed to deliver justice, in view of its finding of ‘not guilty’ regarding only one of the accused persons, and jailing the other, in circumstances which were totally perplexing; which were the following:-
President Nyerere had, obviously, expected that the fact of arraigning a government Minister on charges of corruption, and getting a conviction, was going to be his ‘show case” demonstration that he was indeed serious, and genuinely determined, to eliminate corruption from all levels of our society; which partly accounts for his great frustration and disappointment when the accused Minister was so acquitted.
Under the provisions of said anti-corruption law, both the giver and the receiver of bribery are held to have committed an offence; and that is precisely what happened also in this case.
A person who was a Member of Parliament, and also held the post of Minister in President Nyerere’s government, Chief Abdallah Fundikira, was accused of having accepted a bribe.
It is a sad story, considering the fact that our legal regime recognizes ‘corruption’ as a criminal offence; and the that certain special State Agencies have been created for the sole purpose of “combating and preventing corruption. Yet all these measures appear to have had negligible impact in the war against corruption. There is also the fact that corruption’s menacing presence is roundly condemned by practically everyone, as an unmitigated evil, But yet, this evil continues to flourish in our society. One may be tempted to ask: Is there a way out of this dark tunnel?
The said Warioba commission’s report observed that “there has been a large increase of people who demand bribes, as well as those who give such bribes. The nation has also witnessed an increase in the use of state power for personal gains among public servants. At the same time, incidents of deliberate breaches of the laws have also greatly increased”.
Corruption in the political field.
It has been said in the relevant books of authority, that “corruption is a kind of virus which infects any political system, and makes it very ill. And if there is no resistance, the virus will eat the vitals of the system itself, and eventually destroy it. . . . But, like the human body, political systems are capable of developing their own immune systems, which are capable of fighting this virus, and preventing its growth. In a democratic polity, a vigilant ‘public opinion’ is the most reliable built-in immune system, which can resist and restrict the onslaught of this virus in the country’s political system”.
Then there is the aspect of ‘electoral corruption’, which is a major component of corruption in politics. ‘Electoral corruption’ means the menacing corrupt practices that take place during elections. These perhaps are, or may be, the primary cause of the corrupt practices in which some of the elected leaders tend to engage themselves.
Yet another relevant story relating to ‘corruption in politics’, is in respect of the “cash-for-questions” scandal in the British House of Commons. In 1994, two Tory MPs were alleged to have been “selling” questions in the House, at one thousand sterling pounds each. A team of reporters from the Sunday Times newspaper, went out to try to prove these allegation, and found that they were indeed true.
Accordingly, the House held an emergency debate on the matter, and appropriate punishments were recommended to be taken against the offenders.
However, the fact that this corruption problem is worldwide, is no consolation at all to Tanzania, because the said virus has also invaded our electoral democracy system; as evidenced by the numerous election petitions (alleging the occurrence of corrupt actions), that are filed in the High Court after every general election; as well as in some of the bye-elections. / 0754767576.