The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Letter to Kakwenza Rukirabashaija

Bwana Mdogo Kakwenza,
I’m happy that, at last, you left the gaol you’re wantonly confined to, tortured, battered and humiliated. I thank Lord that they tortured your body but not your spirit. I thank God that you outsmarted them and fled even when you’re on bail for committing no offence. Your spirit is still fresh and committed.  For, you’re recently saying that you’ll return to Uganda without sneaking as you sneaked out. Again, I’ve some nuggets of wisdom for you. It is too early to think about coming back and stand your ground. You need to underscore power dynamics between you and your muggers. First, next time, before you write any lampoon, please first read Festo Kivengere’s book, I love Idi Amin: The Story Of Triumph Under Fire In The Midst Of Suffering And Persecution In Uganda.
        Bwana mdogo, remember. When you write something that can provoke even those you didn’t aim, you need to be very careful. When Kivengere wrote he loved Amin, it was to the contrary. And he got away with it. Sometimes, you can show your dander through laughter and vice versa. Let me give you an example of Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta. When he wants to say a serious thing, he says it jokingly. If I were you, the title of the book would have been a very loving saviour or something close to it. What if the book were titled Our Selfless Saviour? Using such tactics and techniques doesn’t depict you as a chicken or anything but a shrewd thinker who wants to safely deliver his message to both those who likers and loathers. Why using poison to kill your enemy while using honey can? Also, keep your bolthole a top secret since barbarians nowadays hunt down their enemies even abroad.
        Secondly, never use obvious innuendos, metaphor or anything close. Instead, you can think of what we call creative deconstruction. For example, why call somebody a greedy barbarian whereas you can call him a selfless fighter who fights for nobody except his family as Gen. M7 once told Ugandans to stop thinking he’s working for them as if he were their servant. If I were you, I’d use greedy pigs instead of barbarians since nobody’d like to associate him/herself with a hog.  I know your intention’s well and you’re sick and tired of lowbrows and their hangers-on. But remember. God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. Who knows if the cooks for the powers that be are the ones who misconstrued your message and told your target to mercilessly descend on you? Next time, never involve yourself in a tweeting duel with the lowbrows. They’re coldblooded and are game for killing. Make sure you write something like Ngugi’s Matigari Manjiruungi or Ngaahika Ndeenda. Hopefully, you know these shrewd pieces by this doyen of literature.
        Thirdly, why did you write about a greedy barbarian while Uganda either has none or is pregnant with many? Why one greedy barbarian while Africa––––Uganda included––––has millions of them? Did you aim at chopping the head or destroying the entire thing or just attacking the queen? If your title were about greedy barbarians and the milieu were about a barbarian, you’d have safely gotten away with murder young man. The sage’s it that if you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest.
         Anyway, I don’t want or intend to tutor you on how to write about something controversial you believe in. I know you young guys have torrid blood wishing to address everything brutally and truthfully. You’d like to solve all problems the world’s facing. Sometimes, you wrongly ruminate that our generation’s cowardly languid. And that’s why it produced greedy barbarians like those you targeted. Again, when you think of writing such stuff next time, please make sure you’re not within the barbarian’s jurisdiction when the stuff hits the shelves. I’m saying this to remind you that you need to know the type of banana republic you live in and the type of greedy and hard-nosed barbarians you’re dealing with. I want you to understand that freedoms and liberties we hear our politicos sing about are but theoretical. Even those the gurus of human rights who encourage us to fight for and enjoy our freedoms and rights such as the right to expression, in our humbly views, are the ones who have maintained barbaric and corrupt morons simply because they rob us and vend them the pillages. They’re the same that killed our radical leaders such as Patrice Emile Lumumba and Kwame Nkrumah among others.
        Fourthly, never write something even a buffoon can crack. If your satire were highly knotty, those barbarians and goons that ordered your torture would not get it easily as they did. They don’t read books. Thus, I doubt what attracted them is the provocative title you give your book. I don’t want to go deeper into this since I haven’t yet read your magnum opus, which I wish I must read and learn one or two things about the greedy barbarian.
        Fifth, before writing, you need to gage your enemy or target. Methinks you know what I mean. For example, there’s no reason whatever to write something that’d cost your dear and tender life. Think about your young family, own life and future not to mention your contribution to the nation. Also, remember, when you write anything allegedly to be against the dude who’s an avenger or the avenger himself who wield such much power, you must cover your tracks or ass.  For today, this is enough. Pole sana Bwana Mdogo Rukirabashaija. To those persecuting Rukirabashaija, you’re tarnishing the good name of Uganda. You can kill or force one Rukirabashaija. Many are under your noses even though they don’t holler like dogo. To avoid their poisonous arrows, just accountably and equally do justice to everybody. Stop corruption, authoritarianism, hooliganism, nepotism, nihilism, and other isms of the sorts.
Source: Daily Monitor today

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