The Chant of Savant

Friday 2 October 2020



If anything, US president Donald Trump is among many openly known Covid-19 deniers such as Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro who was recently suffering from Covid-19. Like Bolsonaro, Trump is now another casualty of what he used to negate and, sometimes scorn. Maybe, by practically knowing how the victim of this pandemic feels is likely–––if he opens his mind–––to help him face and glean the truth he’s avoiding, missing or failing to see and underscore. Another world leader who once faced Covid-19’s wrath is Boris Johnson, UK prime minister who tested positive and was hospitalised up until he recovered. 
            When it comes to Trump, Covid-19 is either fake news or a mere hoax any sane leader needs to avoid and ignore. On many occasions, Trump’s heard openly and shamelessly disputing it as a natural calamity. His take is that China created it for its hegemonic ends. That’s why he calls it a China thing. Because of this ignorance and naivety, Trump’s accused of mishandling the pandemic. Now that Trump’s exposed. He’s suffering from the China thing or a hoax sort of disease. Is it a slap on face or a warning that time for playing with serious things is long gone? Is it a divine intervention or just a reminder that leaders need to act responsibly and wisely instead of playing holier than thou even about the issues they’re not well versed with? They must listen to their advisor and respect their recommendations.
             Reports that Trump’s now Covid-19 positive–––after testing–––are but big and good news of course for whoever is concerned about how  the pandemic is tormenting the world almost in every aspect of life. It is good news not because we wish him dead. Instead, we wish him well and hope that, this time in point, Covid-19’s status will ameliorate his ability; and he’ll thereby understand the true nature of things; common and easier things to understand that he failed or refused to understand. His arrogance, denialism and ignorance, maybe, will now get the answer and come to an end. Those who were hungering for how Trump’s conspiracies and abjurations would end, are now celebrating the reports of Trump’s Covid-19 new status.
        Trump’s said to be mildly sick despite the precautionary measures telling a different story. To make matters worse, reports say that Trump’s treated with unproved concoction of medicine. Why? Is this ethical? What precedent does this set? Is there anything shifty that Trump handlers are hiding or just preparing the world for?  Is Trump seeking to garner sympathetic voters after staging this Covid-19 thing? Remember. Trump’s a reality TV showman who’ll stop at nothing when it comes to clinging to presidency. Granted that Trump’s been able to keep American oblivious about his dirty linens–––by not disclosing his tax returns–––any conspiracy theory about Trump makes sense. That’s because those who believe that Trump’s an ace manipulator–––who can turn everything to his advantage–––think that Covid-19 positive status can show Trump as a leader who can withstand anything. To prove this likelihood, Trump’s seen walking himself to and from the Marine One (presidential chopper exclusively used to ferryboat US president) that took him to hospital.
Trump recently had gatherings in his campaigns for re-elections. Similarly, Trump had a gathering on the issue of appointing a new judge to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died recently and left a will that the gap her death created be filled after November elections. This occasion was defined as a super spreader. For, up until now, eight of those who attended have tested positive. However, Trump isn’t a person who cares even  about respecting the will of the dead. He thus, hastily seeks to fill the gap with Amy Coney Barrett.
            Apart from being a Covid-19 denialist, similarly, Trump believes that global warming is a hoax. And that’s why, as the president of one of the most polluting nations, he’s never dealt with it adequately or taking it seriously. After consenting that Covid-19 is real, I’m sure. Soon, Trump will agree and comprehend that even global warming is real. This said, Trump will start to be realistic in learning and accepting accepted phenomena he’s strongly opposed either based on his arrogance, ignorance or interests. Living in his fizz of ignorance and power drunkenness, Trump once asserted that he used to take hydroxychloroquine to as preventative remedy against coronavirus infection.
            In 2016, Trump’s on record asserting that he’s the healthiest president God has ever created. However, after being discovered with Covid-19, things seem to be different from Trump’s braggadocios in his bubble world. After being admitted at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center, Al Jazeera’s Whitehouse correspondent, Alan Fisher reported that doctors were a wee bit worried about Trump’s health whom it says is obese. Also, Johnson–––UK prime minister who tested positive for Covid-19 in April–––was obese when he tested positive. Thereafter, Johnson started a very strict regime of losing weight. Similarly, the Al Jazeera disclosed that Trump actually eats junk, mainly French fries and loves to drink coke diet.
         Now that everything he did or said proves to be nothing but self-revealing charade and lies, Trump and his artificial world  has been exposed. He’s politically vulnerable and conquerable. Similarly, Trump once said that people should be injected with Disinfectants to treat Covid-19. I don't know how he’ll feel and react if somebody suggests that his doctors use his proposed remedies to treat him when he's now practically vile? Though nobody prays for him to die, there’s a good thing about Trump being Covid-19 positive. He’ll start to think reasonably even by using common sense instead of common nonsense as he’s always done. Currently, Trump is admitted at the Walter Reed Military Medical Center  receiving what’s reported as specialised care and treatments. Trump was seen wearing a face mask something he used to despise. To make matters worse, all who work in the Whitehouse are now mandatorily required to wear face masks! Ironically, Trump was recently quoted as lampooning his challenger former president Joe Biden that he’s senile and sick.  As if that isn’t enough, when his former challenger Hilary Clinton suffered from pneumonia, Trump parodied her as if he isn’t a mortal being that’s naturally vulnerable.
            Indeed, Swahili sage has it that neither one is created nor dead.  Donald Trump, welcome to the world of levelheadedness and possibilities. Playing God has never ended well. Now, it is clear that the king has always been naked since becoming the king despite priding himself he was decorated in expensive garbs. Poor Trump. How'll this affect his campaigns and chance of being re-elected nobody can exactly tell. Poor Trump. What good news and thing for Trump to test positive for Covid-19!

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