The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Is Rwanda's Day of Reckoning Here?

There is bad blood between authorities in Kigali and UN thanks to a leaked report on genocide and crimes against humanity implicating Rwanda forces in DRC. The darling of UN, Rwanda, is now threatening to stop cooperating with UN.

Though Rwanda has the right to defend itself, it ought to consider what transpired in 1994. When UN hurriedly declared that the killings in Rwanda were genocide, the accused people-Hutu, were not given any chance to argue their case. If precedent is to be followed, Rwanda's denial does not help anything save to show the UN's double standard shall it bow to the pressure and stop publishing the report.

According to Rwandan government spokesperson Ben Rutasingwa, “It is immoral and unacceptable that UN, an organisation that failed outright to prevent genocide in they accuse the army that stopped genocide of committing atrocities in DRC.” This is the 'big weapon' Rwanda has always used to intimidate the UN and the whole world.

The point at hand is not who stopped or failed to stop genocide in Rwanda. The issue is whether the Rwandan army committed genocide in DRC. The UN failed to prevent the Rwanda genocide from as it did in DRC. But shall UN failure be used as a pretext of burying the rights of those that were felled in DRC? This is a separate case that should not be used to deprive and trample on the rights of DRC. Two wrongs never make a right. Today, Kenya cannot intimidate ICC in defending its post-ballot warlords simply because ICC has failed to arrest Omar Bashir. These are two different cases with different merit.

If Rwanda sticks on its guns and UN cowers away, who then will prosecute the criminals that committed genocide in DRC? Shall individual countries institute cases against Rwandan authorities as Spain and France did? Will they be accused of sabotaging Rwanda and the development already realized there? The blood of the innocent people of DRC as it was for Rwandans cannot be spilled in vain. Invading DRC was illegal ab initio.

If it was possible for Rwandan authorities to come up with the numbers of those that were felled in the 1994 genocide ex-parte, what is wrong with the UN looking into what actually transpired in DRC when Rwanda and Uganda invaded and plundered DRC?

Shall UN withdraw this report or cower away just because Rwandan authorities have threatened to withdraw their army in Darfur, UN will end up in an awkward situation thereby losing its credibility before the eyes of the world. This should not be allowed to happen.
Source: The African Executive Magazine Sept. 15, 2010.


Anonymous said...

I am not quite sure why Nkwazi Mhango enjoys making claims and attacks on Rwanda.

Since we are talking about Human rights and Genocide, let us look at the history of the Great Lakes of Africa.

My Country of birth, Burundi, endured similar events, ethnic violence and Genocide. There are Countries that attempted to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Burundi, there are other Countries such as Tanzania, that chose to support a military struggle, supporting mainly Burundi Palipehutu Rebels.

Burundi Palipehutu rebels beleived that to have justice, they had to exterminate Tutsi, in their various attacks (launched mainly from Tanzania), this Militia group killed Tutsi infants and Women.

The leader of the same Group, Agathon Rwasa, enjoyed protection and privilege from the Tanzanian Government.

It is quite hypocritical that the same Tanzania always attempts to boycott Burundi and Rwanda full integration in East African community, claiming that both Countries have a bad record of Human rights, forgetting that Tanzania has a long history of secretly backing Violent Militia Group, not forgetting the recent UN Report which implicated Tanzania in plundering DRC resources.

To conclude, I would strongly encourage Nkwazi and others not to fall into this propaganda of demonising Rwanda as it is moving forward.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Dear Anonymous,
If you truly are Burundian it is very sad to hear that. But again,if you're connected to your killer- Buyoya, what Tanzania did is bad. It is even sadder to hear such words from a Burundian whose country's peace was reached thanks to Tanzania's efforts and sacrifice. As for Rwanda, hadn't we cloned and supported Yoweri Museveni where would Kagame come from? Shukrani ya punda siku zote ni mateke.
Regarding Tanzania being implicated in the plundering of DRC,let the justice take its course.
True to myself, I write what I think would enhance Human Rights and prosperity not better than thou by rulers or a certain tribe as it is in Rwanda.

Anonymous said...

I did not expect you to condemn part of your country's role in arming Burundi palipehutu genocide criminals, it was only late that your country decided to deport Palipehutu Leader, not because your Government has any morals, but simply because your country's donors put pressure on your government.You say that if it had not been for Tanzania, there would have not been peace in Burundi, you must be linked to CCM?Rwanda rebuilt because of efforts of true patriots!Why don't you talk about the genocide committed by Tanzania in Uganda by your Army? Only Julius Nyerere was a true Peace mediator, the rest of CCM officials will pay for the blood of Tutsi of Burundi!It is well known that most Tanzanian politicians are constantly boycotting Rwanda,Burundi integration in EA Community, no surprise.There are some good,honest politicians such as James Mbatia,NCCR-Mageuzi Chairman,they will make a difference.I know you will continue your Nazi like campaign against President Kagame and Rwandans, I know you will misguide many into your own hate propaganda, but surely genocide will always be defeated!

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Dear Anonymous,
I am sorry. I did not know that I am arguing with a tribalist whose concept of the nation is his tribe. I understand. Tutsi in Burundi will never appreciate what Tanzania did for the peace of this tiny country. Being a cabal of killers-cum-swindlers led by Pierre Buyoya and his Bururi axis of evil,all elements under their tribal amalgamation for plundering the majority will nary like anybody telling the truth like me. It is sad and sacrilegious to talk of the blood of a few Tutsi and Burundi as one forgets tens of thousands of Hutu that were butchered by Tutsi-led regimes.
So dear Anonymous if you have nothing to argue, you better keep mum though expressing your views is your right.
Thanks and this is my last quid pro quo to whatever allegations you are going to fabricate about Tanzania.

Anonymous said...

You seem to know a lot about Major Pierre Buyoya, with details about regional internal Politics of Bururi elites.On that, I fully agree that Burundian Hutu were victims, as a matter of fact, I have been among the few who talked about it publicly, while also denouncing the butchering of Burundian Tutsi, I can understand that you can only sympathise with Burundian Hutu victims as your country supported them.There is nothing wrong in welcoming refugees, what is immoral is to allow a Militia to launch an attack from your Country's territory, groups like Burundi Palipehutu killed infants and children,can you honestly support this? I have much more respect for those who participated in any killings to come forward and confess just like the example of Rwanda where Genocide criminals confess what they did.Again, I am not a tribalist, as a matter of fact, I prefer the model of Rwanda where ethnic affiliation is banned, Burundi is making a huge mistake by adopting ethnic quota in their constitution, this will not help reconciliation.Tell me, how many tribes are there on the whole continent of Africa? I guess you support the ethnic violence on the kikuyu in Kenya elections? Ethnic politics cannot work in Africa!

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

I restrained myself from dialoguing with you anymore. But given that what you offered- as evidence to support your contention- have forced me to overrule myself.
One killer point to open your eyes up, if you are happy about purely-Tutsi-dominated rule in Rwanda, then nobody can help you out of that slumber my dear.

Burundians, as well as Rwandans, are our brethren. What separates sharply is the fact that the duo wrongly think their strength is in their tribes whilst we think ours is in our nationhood.

With regard to negating them from joining EAC, they have nothing economically even socially to offer save to become another burden. They have bigger population of landless people. Thus bringing them to the fold is as good as inviting poverty. I said this time and again we better invite Zambia even South Sudan but not the duo. We think, in the future, SUICIDAL as it is, they'll try to annex some of our land just as they tried hand on DRC.

Anonymous said...

read my comments again, I am not a supporter of tribalism as I know what it did to our Nation, those who support tribalism are merely Belgian colonial rule worshippers!It's fine if you feel that you do not need Burundi,Rwanda in East Africa because you claim that you fear both Countries would bring Poverty and burden,but you contradict yourself when you say you see Rwandans,Burundians as your Brethren, but at the same time you do not wish to associate yourself with them. I'm sure that Burundi,Rwanda can do well without being integrated in East Africa, there are plenty of other alliances that could be made if EA officially requests that Burundi,Rwanda leave.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Mark my words. We did not invite any of the duo save that they induced our stupid rulers. Go back to history and see how the duo secured membership in EAC hurriedly as it is opposed to the view of the people. Refer to the polls that was conducted in Tanzania where the majority did not consent to this sutee.

Anonymous said...

I respect your honest to confirm that Tanzania did not support Burundi,Rwanda integration in East African community.This shows and proves that Tanzania should have not hosted ICTR for Rwanda, it should have not peace talks since it is not a supporter of Burundi,Rwanda integration into EA? I also read that Tanzania was deporting Burundi Hutu refugees until EU offered to pay Millions of Euro for their citizenship,which Tanzanian Government agreed to. Would this be the same approach CCM used on Peace talks,ICTR? Was Tanzanian Government offered cash to host those?

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

What is big deal with hosting ICTR in the first place? Again, it has nary been the duty of Tanzanians to support anybody save for their nation. To show how generous Tanzania has always been you have admitted that she offered citizenship to desperate Burundians. I remember even in the sixties we offered the same to many Tutsi who were expelled by notorious Hutu regime there. We did the same in seventies when the same repeated. But we regret that the same people we hosted left our country in 1994 after RPF toppled the government in Rwanda by bringing presidential jet down. Those guys, I am told. When they were leaving, they destroyed everything they had ever own to see to it that nobody should make use of it!
But again, we are still offering more citizenship to same desperate creatures from Burundi. With regards to rebels or Pelipehutu, you honestly admitted that we kicked them out despite the fact that some of our stupid and corrupt officials helped them the same we armed RPF and Kabila. We honestly sometimes had to arm people so that they could go back and emancipate their countries from the fangs of dictators like Buyoya, Mobutu, Habyarimana, Kagame, Nkurunzinza. Museveni and what not if needs be.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressive you have named Burundi President (former Hutu rebel leader) who confessed in public to have killed Burundian Tutsi children.Rwanda will continue to inspire us as Burundians, their model of peace and reconciliation is one that cannot be found anywhere on this planet.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

The issue is not to mention current Burundian president, or Rwanda one even Uganda. The issue is democracy based on upholding Human Rights. We Human Rights activists do not care who you are. What we care about is Human Rights. I can mention even you. You are luck that you have concealed your name for fear of being implicated or whatever.
Importantly, note that I hate nobody but those who violate the rights of others like the guys I have mentioned above.

With regards to my own country, I understand too well that it went to dogs the day Nyerere died. The currently rulers are but thieves and con men and women who can not do anything for anybody.
So to cut the story short, if you can understand Swahili grab the copies of my books namely SAA YA UKOMBOZI and NYUMA YA PAZIA. You will surely know why I write fearlessly and openly.

My lunch is going cold. I thus have to call it a day.

Anonymous said...

Julius Nyerere was a great Man, a Man of peace, a Man of unity, a Man who encouraged and inspired everyone to love African, to develop Africa for Africans, Nyerere makes me think of a great Leader of Burundi, Prince Louis Rwagasore, who fought for Burundi's independence and challenged Belgian rule by encouraging to boycott the colonial rule, Prince Louis Rwagasore was assassinated before our independence just like Patrice Lumumba. Thomas Sankara is another favourite one, he transformed Burkina Faso, he made his Country agriculture self-sufficient, etc.

I am a huge fan of Nakaaya Sumari, "Mr Politician":

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

You are dead right Nyerere was ahead of his time and whatever you blame Tanzania on result from him. He cloned Museveni to punish Idd Amin and get rid of corrupt Obote. Whatever Tanzania did for its neighbours had his blessings if not his brain behind it. He strongly and practically believed in self emancipation based on doing justice.

I adore Nyerere. Had Kagame taken the right way at the right time, I'd place him second after Nyerere.

We as Africans are currently suffering because of our self seeking and selfish mentality.
I appreciate that we have stormed about many things together though I don't support your stand on various issues.
Thanks and be blessed. My advice is next time don't hide your name and identity. For it minimizes your good contributions.
Adios Amigo

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Well well well, we share the same nexus save that we are using different approaches. Going back to how it started when you said:I am not quite sure why Nkwazi Mhango enjoys making claims and attacks on Rwanda. Now you know my locus standi that I have no tolerance to whoever tramps on others' rights be he mightier or what.
Thanks bro. save that you have kept on committing the same sin-concealing your name.

Anonymous said...

No one is safe,Mate, this is why I concealed my name.So,how much do you know Rwanda history? Or Belgian's role in Burundi,Rwanda,Congo prior to 1916?Would you support prosecution of Belgium over what King Leopold II did in the Congo in 1800?Would you support Belgium prosecuted over the support of Genocide against Tutsi from colonial time? What about Arab slave traders of Zanzibar? Would you support trial of Arab states for the murder of Millions of Black Africans transported out of the Continent into the Middle east? I am pro Justice, but not selective justice like the one only suggested by the UN or the Hague, let us start from first Human rights violations on the continent of Africa, this will then be a fair trial. But all that Business that the First Republic President Kayibanda promoted saying that Tutsi came from Egypt and Ethiopia, that is total non sense!

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

You are dead right. Anybody that wants to disown any of brethren just because of their origin is mentally bankrupt. I fully support prosecution of all colonial maniacs and thieves that sabotaged out continent.
I have always agitated that all beneficiaries of all atrocities in the name of business such as slavery, colonialism and whatnot must be brought to justice and ordered to redress their victims.
Why are you concern with your safety if at all what you are fighting for is to see a bright Africa even if it means sacrificing your blood?
Who will kill you for telling the truth and be safe even at his heart? We will all die one day that's why death has nary been my concern.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Threats have nary intimidated me at all. I know. There are stupid criminals baying for my blood out there. So too my email has never became a secret. Link up with me. Just jolt down you will have me anywhen.
I thus believe, I've quenched your thirsty for communication with me.