News that North Sudan has recently presented its application to join East African community is indeed a bad joke. Though unity is healthy, the unity of a lamb and hyena is not.
We must not allow ourselves to be taken for a ride by our rulers who in the past accepted and fast -tracked the memberships of some suspicious members without consulting with the hoi polloi. We should make sure that they don’t consent to North Sudan’s membership.
Machinations and bulldozing the hoi polloi have already started. Richard Owora Othieno, the head of corporate communication at the EAC Secretariat said in interview that the Secretary General, Dr Richard Sezibera has circulated the information to all member states asking ministers to chart the way forward.
"As per the normal procedure, Dr Sezibera circulated the Republic of Sudan's communication to Partner States; so we expect the Council of Ministers to take note of this development and give guidance on the way forward," Owora said.
North Sudan should not be admitted to EAC. First of all, North Sudan’s ruler, Omar Hassan Bashir is wanted by the ICC for committing genocide in Darfur. Thus, by admitting North Sudan, EAC will be abetting with the genocidaire..
If one looks at North Sudanese, excluding Darfur and Nuba Mountains, North Sudanese despite being African believe they are Arabs - not Africans even though they are typically black. It also should be noted that for generations, these Africans calling and regarding themselves as Arabs killed and tortured South Sudanese simply because they were black and Christians.
At one time, North Sudan allegedly sanctioned the killing of South Sudanese, guaranteeing the killers a place in paradise. Unfortunately for North Sudan, it has nary issued any apology or recanted this sacrilegious abuse to humanity. It is ridiculous and dangerous to admit Africans to the EAC who despise Africans and deny being African. For those who know the history and mindset of North Sudanese “arabs” will agree with me that being an African in North Sudan is synonymous with being a slave.
Economically, North Sudan has nothing to offer to EAC except conflict and more problems. While EAC members are gasping for improving the lives of their people, currently North Sudan has some programs that involve resettling Arabs and other Gulf nations in North Sudan under the arabization move by North Sudan.
There is yet another fact. Why should North Sudan hurriedly apply even before South Sudan that is a natural member of East Africa? If North Sudan is accepted, it must be understood: it will be an outright provocation for South Sudan to shy away from EAC. Comparably; EAC needs South Sudan more than North which has always forced its people especially black to join Arab League.
In essence, North Sudan, thanks to losing oil revenues after South Sudan went solo, is desperate and bankrupt. This can be seen on how its currency is cascading now. Therefore, it is looking for green pastures from East not to mention exporting its problems to other coutries. Refer to North Sudan being run by a dictator who has always hidden his face behind Islamic rule.
North Sudan, just like other Arab states, believes that one key member of EAC, namely Tanzania, committed genocide or tribal cleansing in Zanzibar in 1964 during the revolution of Zanzibar that toppled the Arab minority and apartheid regime. Refer to this linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lpY8_mKvjk. This is a crime to refer to revolution-cum-liberation of Zanzibar as a crime against humanity in Zanzibar. If North Sudan is admitted, Zanzibar that is the party of the United Republic of Tanzania will never make do with this blasphemy –cum-abuse to its independence and wellbeing.
North Sudan is using its vastness to dupe EAC members to think it is a good market. But looking at the current size of the economy of North Sudan and its dependent on Arab goods, and the mindsets of its people, North Sudan is not a big deal to have within the fold.
The expansion of the market has always being a driving factor for EAC members when it comes to admitting a new member. This should not dictate everything. For, in the end, we are going to admit loss-making and blood-letting new vampiric members like North Sudan.
Apart from the facts listed above, North Sudan is not a signatory of ICC whereby EA is. And thus, shall North Sudan become a member; its ruler become will put EA in conflict with international community.
What happened during the promulgation of the new constitution in Kenya should not be repeated by allowing Bashir the chance to stroll and jabber the way he wants. In sum, EAC should not be turned into the area for criminals like Bashir to stroll and chest beating. Apart from being a pariah state, North Sudan has always openly supported Islamic fundamentalism. Refer to the harboring of Osama bin Laden and condemning the emancipation of Iraq from the fangs of Saddam Hussein.
Source: The African Executive Magazine September 7, 2011.
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