The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Friday, 20 September 2013


MANY with jealousy especially those that regard themselves older than others are now schmoozing that we’re eating and our rule is bogus, archaic and is made of corrupt friends. Yes; we’re eating. This is what we’re elected for. They’re saying we’re corrupt. Well, are they clean? Being corrupt is nothing new and won’t change our deportment. Let me tell you, guys. Whether you like it or not, we’ll rule as we please. So too we’ll nary listen to any nonsensical rumpus. We know. Those who lament, when they’re in 'ulaji,' didn't save for the future. Freddie Sumaye, are you there? When you were in power with Benny, you goofed for not allowing your clan to prepare themselves to take over after you, especially, in the establishment. Is this our fault sir? Joint smokers have jealousy for our yum-yum. Saying we’re ruling 'kishikaji;' and malingering is not a big deal. We won’t cave in or meddle. Tongue wagers are telling Boozers that they’re living in fear and angst not to mention dejection. This is ridiculous. Don’t you see how we brought about some changes? 'Mtaji wa maskini,' the capital of a politician is nothing but his voters; his investment is in public businesses and offices. This, too, applies to his family. Power must always be a family affair-cum-biz. If a wife can share the bed with husband why not share power? This justifies everything. If the son or daughter can use the name of the father, why not use his power too? True, we who are in power feel none of what you guys feel. We enjoy all goodies. You, too, enjoy all ‘goodies’ we promised. We enjoy the company of the fanfares of power. We seek wealth even by sitting on your shoulders. This is what forced us to vie for 'ulaji.' We promised better life for ‘all’ of us,not all of you! Sadly, when we said this, you didn't get it. You goofed thinking we meant life for all of you in lieu of all of 'us!' We didn't reach here without giving you 'takrima.' Remember? Most of those complaining are the ones who ate our money and accepted other trinkets. What’s wrong for us to reimburse ourselves through ten per cent on public deals? Actually, when we enjoy, you, do, too. We’re now in Canaan on your behalf. And that’s why donors entrust us with money to spend on your behalf. What’s good for us is good for you, too. The happiness and comfy of your president is yours, too. He and his family 'eat' on your behalf! Importantly, your leaders will do whatever possible to ensure they enjoy on your behalf. Whoever stands in their way will be standing in yours. We’ll send him to the gallows! Opponents complain that things aren't just as they were during 'Mchonga' times. Forget about Mchonga whose philosophy we butchered in Zenjbar. He wanted to build a society of angels, little knowing he‘s surrounded by devils! We've a different mission from that of Mchonga's: to ensure that all of 'us' benefit from our election promises of better life for all of 'us!' That's why our friends and partners falsely accused of corruption won’t be brought to book. This will defeat our mission and deprive them the chance to enjoy the 'cake' they love so dearly. This is our turn to eat. Those left out should wait for their turn. So, those accusing us of bad things, especially our ruling party, should stop immediately. Their turn will come. Folks, especially elders yelling at us, please shut up or put up. This is Bongo where everybody minds his or her biz. To get it better, read the book 'The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor go to Prison!' Today’s wisdom is: when cornered, a vulture cries 'wolf' to get away with it! 
Source:  The Business Times Sept., 20, 2012.

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