The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Friday, 11 October 2013

At last the world's becoming aware of historical injustices

The article in Yahoo about Christopher Columbus is but an eye opener. The author of the article has come forth strongly criticizing the whole brouhaha and lie of commemorating the people who brought miseries to the world. One particular person dealt with is Columbus who expounded lies that he discovered Americas while Americas discovered him. We all know that Columbus was ignorant and arrogant. How could he discover the world he did not know? In his conviction, Columbus died believing that Americas was India something that was not. How can such an imbecile be referred to as the guy who discovered Americas while he actually did not know it even after setting foot on it? Are we all stupid and gullible or some shrewd beneficiaries of Columbus' thuggery are taking us for a ride? To me, Columbus and all so-called explorers, missionaries and merchants were bloody thieves whose graves should be burnt. They destroyed the world with their lies. How can you discover people who knew more than you did? This was the case in Africa where many sacred places were desecrated by these lies calling themselves all good names. I understand, for example, that East Africa Swahili City states were more advanced than Europe before Portuguese came and destroy them. We need to address and redress this myopic and megalomaniac historical injustices. We are feeding our kids with lies and bullshit pointlessly simply because some of us benefited from these lies. Even what we call West advancement and wealth have to do with robbing others especially Africa and Asia.
Now that the world is slowly recovering from ignorance and public myths, I am sure. Soon we will start re-writing our true history. For more info CLICK HITHER.

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