The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Mwl. Nyerere, I toast you

      Dear Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, I sincerely and dolefully toast you today on the 14th commemoration of your demise. Years have lapsed since your untimely demise occurred. Again, I still vividly remember you as if you left just yesterday. How could I stop remembering you while the gap you left behind’s always haunted me? How could I if at all your emancipatory policies are still something I miss badly. I badly miss your Ujamaa and Kujitegemea (Self-reliance and Socialism) that’s pointlessly replaced by Uhujumaa and Kujimegea (Corruption and Self-serving).
Mwalimu, I know.  You remember how one guy you called mhuni invited other goons in Zenj to thoughtlessly fell the Arusha Declaration of Freedom and Self-reliance. Good news is. Your curse haunted this fella. When he aspired for a top job he’s told to his face that he’s but a goon as you called him. He’s now rotting with guilty mind and thirsty for power that he’ll nary quench.
Mwalimu, I uniquely remember free social services such as education health and all those goodies. Ironically, those who received free education are shamelessly vending it now. Well, well. Human beings are very forgetful and myopic creatures.  I vividly remember how you kept tabs on corrupt leaders. I truly still remember how you nationalized houses from imported thieves soon after attaining independence. You did all that to see to it that at least some if not all of our people’d have roofs over their heads.
Mwalimu, when I remember how those houses were dubiously sold to wolves that used to pretend to be sheep, I feel like dying. Mwalimu, the absence of the cat makes rats take over and do whatever they want. This is exactly what happened after your demise. Those you entrusted power thinking they’re your disciples turned to be hyenas in sheep’s clothing. They vended us. They vended everything. Ironically, those who soiled your legacy are the ones duping us saying they emulate you. They might do so, again, not for good reasons. How can rats commemorate the demise of the cat while it actually guarantees them freedom to do monkey business? This is what we evidence today. We know. So too, they know verily. The Judas are fooling us today saying that they commemorate you! Do they? If anything, they strangulate your beloved earthlings and say they emulate you. What pains is the fact that those venal creatures call their dupery and duplicity commemoration! Sacrilegious as it is, this is what’s going on mwalimu.
Mwalimu, maybe, the word emulate has a new meaning which means the opposite. How could those selling our resources emulate you mwalimu? How can those accumulating wealth by the way of robbing us emulate you? How can those chasing ten percent in whatever deal they enter emulate you? How can thieves and hyenas emulate you? I’m afraid. They don’t. If they do, they just do so in a topsy turvy manner. How can they commemorate you while the gap between who haves and who have-nots is skyrocketing in a used to be classless hunk you built? It is a shame to call such hanky-panky commemoration.
Mwalimu, what we evidence is like seeing devils going to Mwitongo to defecate saint’s grave. They pose for photo ops on your grave. They’ve always desecrated your eternal abode. Everybody who wants to dupe our bin-Adams runs to Mwitongo so that he or she can be seen as your disciple while he or she actually is your traitor.  You’ll see them undeservedly competing for going there to mess and disservice you even more. When they do this, their hearts gnash them for this jiggery pockery. It doesn’t mean that they don’t know that what they do is dupery and criminal wrong doing. They abuse you this way.
Mwalimu, there’s a couple of things I’d like to tell you. Do you remember the person you cloned and backed for a top job after the- always-messing mzee Ruxa? Your boy happened to be a different person from the one you knew. Can you believe that when he ascended to power he’s misled by his wife and courtiers? He forgot your nuggets of wisdom that the president shouldn't run a hunk using bedroom policies. Your son fell in a trap that caught Solomon when Delilah’s dispatched to show him his Calvary. To cut a long story short, the boy did monkey business in the holy of the holy. On hitting the road after selling everything, the boy awarded himself Kiwila Coal Mine. Under his watch everything’s up for grabs. “It is our time to eat” became an order of the day that’s picked up by those who followed thereafter. We’re privatized after our parastatals were felled to those who were able to offer ten percent.
Mwalimu, you know how eloquent and ebullient your son is. He used this gift to abuse all of us who told him that what he’s doing was wrong. He used to call us lazy people who are lazy at thinking.  Whoever tried to wise him up about his megalomania’s called anything uchwara little knowing that he’d be soon after exiting the office.

Mwalimu, I know. You've a lot of letters to read. I thus pray that I humbly wind up this dirge wishing you eternal peace. Importantly, as you died saying that you feared and felt for your people, they’re now in hell on earth. Please, please please Mwalimu. Pray for your people so that they can see light by fighting for their rights instead of waiting for donors to come and do it for them. 
Source: Thisday Oct., 14, 2013.

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