I've these sinking feelings about my beloved hunk especially its renowned elusive peace. It is a niggling love-hate relationship. In academia we've our ways of looking at things. Peace, to us, is not the absence of war but the existence of justice. This is another topic to avoid today.
I hate our hunk for allowing some brigands and selfish politicos to take us for a ride. Methinks. It is only in our hunk any criminal can commit all types of crimes and get away with it. Any person regarded to be mature, however mentally immature is, can utter any fibs and childish stuff. Yet people respect him. There are things people say even bovine can’t subscribe to.
I love my hunk for its dichotomous and paradoxical ways of doing things. Look at how we invest in kanywaji, kitchen parties, and short time “Guest Houses” whose actual guests are not but sinners. Cool uh? Bang! This is another issue for another issue.
For today, our vector is on fictitious-wealth-declaring biz. On the spotlight are Prince Riz Jake Kikwete and his father’s consigliore Eddie Lowassa. The duo left me awe struck. I read the stories of their sideshows through the papers.
I recently attended our session at the pub to chit chat with honorouble bibbers. The in-thing and main topic was this thing they call “deceptive declarations of wealth”--- a way of fooling the hoi polloi. What abracadabra staged by media and power winos! Mshiko at work as it causes people use masaburis to think instead of heads.
While sippers were seriously attacking kanywaji, I was busy reading some Newspapers that claimed that Prince Riz and Eddie had given explanations as to how “poor” they’re. Sadly though, to the contrary, on the material day, our screwed up Tabloids came with such sensational headlines. After being enticed by the headlines, I grabbed the Papers to end up close to fainting with anger. I read from the top to the bottom between and out of the lines to no avail. I ended up tossing one simple word kanjanjas. I’m wondering why Legmen did not ask the whereabouts of Riz’s and Eddie’s wealth such as actual amount in cash, the banks their monies are kept (at home or abroad especially Switzerland), the castles, mansions, villas, shangingis and oil tankers those guys own. Also, they’re supposed to clearly declare their wealth in terms of land they own, companies and whatnot. Again, the media lost it easily. Why? Money talks and it talks louder. Sadly, if this is the way our media is operating, they better sell tomatoes in lieu. Why steal our money by just feeding us mealy lies?
One boozer broke my ribs till my eyes were wet with tears. You know what; he said that the popinjays who interviewed those supremos were ethical tarts. He added that if the said supremos wanted to convince him they’d to declare their suits and nyumba ndogos and such nitty-gritty stuff.
Instead of declaring their wealth, our men declared their lies. They induced the journalists who ended up doing their dirty laundry. Shame on them all! Maybe, just maybe, the journalists were not hoodwinked. Maybe, they’re paid to write such nonsensical and sexed up stuff. Who knows? Being smart in this shamanic Bongo is to have money regardless how degrading or fraudulent one makes the said monies? I feel like breaking somebody’s neck so to speak. It is disgusting and abhorring. Why feeding us with such logos-defying stuff?
Again, who’s fooling whom including himself altogether? Do they think that the Bongolalalanders do not know how they rob them? Do these bloody bloodsuckers think that we are all stupid and mad? On my dead body! I won’t subscribe to these lies and junk ideas. I still believe the guys must come clean else they are leeches in glory of power. Do these guys think: we are proverbial guys that Mr. Peace Karume said their heads are brainless like those of fish?
Look at the ballyhoos I love to hate and abhor. When he’s asked how rich he is, Eddie said that those saying he’s rich are liars. Again, he went on saying that his wealth comes from harambees which receive a boost from his friends. He said that he’s sure. He won’t go bankrupt. Whose lies should we believe? Those saying that Eddie is super rich or he who senselessly says he’s rich without any meaningful explanations?
Against the odd, Riz said that he might have two or three biz. But this does mean he can own such humongous wealth. He didn't say whether he is poor or rich. He is financially hermaphrodite! Tell us how you made the capital for your two or three monkey businesses Sir. This is the only thing that can separate wheat from chaff. I thought these guys would squarely deny that they are rich. Hell no, they didn't Dudes, do you think we’re going to believe in your topsy-turvy stories of Mr. Hare and Mr. Rabbit? Maybe, Riz didn't want to declare his riches before his father does so. Aristotle said, “If a man does unjust things without being ignorant he is unjust voluntarily.”
Source: ThisDay Dec. 10-16, 2012.
Most of our journalists are clowns. They tolerate these crooks because they grease their palms. What a crying shame!
Jaribu you always make me strong for your noble comments especially at the times the gawks and goons try to discourage and discredit me. Many thanks and God award
No worries, and Amen! It is a tough road ahead but we must persevere. I commend what you do, as they say, "It is a dirty job but somebody gotta do it!"
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