The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 18 July 2016

Our Lives in History, Today 18 Years Ago

Today 18 years ago I quit bachelor club. It is the time my sweetheart Nesaa came into my life. Since then, we've been happily married. So, too, we're blessed with six children, four girls and two boys. We've cherished and enjoyed  more  our marriage more than anything we've ever had in our lives. Though years have lapsed, it still feels like yesterday. We're still wholeheartedly and sincerely committed to each other. Since the day we made our vows our love has never dwindled.  Our union has always been spiffy despite being mortals.
Today is a day
Our loves got a seal
It from this day
We're declared wife and husband
and, indeed,
It is from this very day
Two became one
We've since soldiered on
Joyful has always been our union

We stood whatever challenge
Love became our refuge
Just like any  human being
Cooperation has always been our forte
Ever since we've never staggered
We've stood together
We indeed are stronger

Our house became a home
for whoever that comes 
We make her or him feel at home
We are always calm
Whenever we face a storm
Love has been our weapon
Indeed, love has made us soldier on

We always thank God
To bring us together
 Going from strength to strength
Our marriage is always healthy
Patience and love are our hush-hush
Today is our anniversary


Yasinta Ngonyani said...

Hongera sana..tarehe 18/7 miaka 18 ya ndoa. ..inaendena. HONGERENISANA

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Da Yasinta nakushukuru. Nilijua utaibuka. Kwani huwa siyo mchoyo wa fadhila na kutia watu moyo. Nakuombea nawe uzidi kuimarika katika ndoa yako. Je wajua tulifunga ndoa kwenye birthday ya Nelson Mandela?

Yasinta Ngonyani said...

Ahsante. ..mie imezidi 18:-) hapana sikujua ila sasa najua. Je kwanini tarehe hiyo?

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Ni coincidence tu wala hatukujua kuwa ni birthday ya Bwana mkubwa.