The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 21 April 2013

What Bongo boondoggle-cum- Bongo bondage!

In Bongo where brain’s used criminally, any doodle can get away with it. In this part of screwed up world, one may say: Self-help and boondoggling on public offices is the only thing venal creatures living there know.  In doing so, sadly tough, the majority ---wishing would be a part of robbing party--- is perishing in bondage thanks to the activities of a cabal of boods.
No research no right to chonga. Tell me. Aren't kleptos behind Kagodamn, EPA and other thuggery a criminal-turned politicians? What’s up Roast-tamu Aziz, Eddy Lowasa, Endru Chenge and Jake Kikwete?
The other day I heard the economy was growing. I wonder. How could the economy grow at the tune of 8% while our foreign debt does the same at 400% (according to CHADEMA)? In such a situation, is there any true growth or bookish and cooked one? How can there be any growth amid corruption and drug peddling as Kangi Lugola (CCM) put it that some ministers and other bigwigs are good cheapjacks of be it mihadarati or drugs stolen from public hospitals, dispensaries and whatnot? Other badasses forged even their academic credentials.
As I wondered, there came this ad infinitum sacriligo involving robbing the public dosh in almost all ministries, departments, local governments and whatnot as the report of Comptroller and Audit General (CAG) unearths every year.
Logically, I see no rationale in having CAG’s office whose reports are sat on years in, years out. We always hear of CAG reports with all damning implications.   No single bin-Adam’s ever been charged or being punished all the more.
Always, in our gaffe-and-flaw-prone hunk the question is: Why could the government dress itself down by fearing and protecting drug barons, tax evaders and other criminals? Does it mean that these killers are the part of it or a government in its own light? If not, why’s it buffed them? Lao moja nini?   This country bwana, trust no boondoggler. Those thought to be clean aren’t.  Those thought would bring changes are changed themselves. Tamaa Bwana. Everybody wants to get rich by all and any means!
Guess what. When Kikwete said he knows all drugs dealers, thugs, corrupt officials and whatnot, I thought he’d take on them in lieu of ending up being soft on them. Seven years down the line, nothing’s ever come forth. Methinks this was another sanaa.
 The other day one geezer said that Kikwete’ll deal with all criminals he knows after retiring.
Bongo’s always funny in its own ways. It’s the only hunk on earth whose kit and caboodle of doodles can dubiously congregate and divide public houses among themselves without being whacked. Funny enough, the same criminals still holler that whatever they do is in the interest of people! To make things worse, when they congregate to ruin the hunk, receive fat perks called sitting allowances! Who’d believe that sitting on us pays this way? Fat perks for just farting around!   Indeed, Bongo with it boondoggles, is where crimes pay and criminals are heroes and heroines.
I don’t want to sound alarmist.  Again, didn't you hear of thugs that used to godfather and midwife Chama Cha Maulaji (CCM)? They’re arrested temporarily.  Thence, nothing’s ever been heard. Unacheza na pesa?
I’m waiting to hear government’s responses regarding its bigwigs especially Emmy Nchimbi, Mwilugu Mchembe and Taifa’s Institute of Sabotage  and Setbacks (TISS aka Uhasama wa Kaya) allegedly to be involved in gunk guff of sabotaging opposition using terrorist methods. Shame on them! Can this tell why Nchimbi’s forgery scandals have nary been dealt with? Mchembe, too, is said to have used somebody’s name in school. As for Riz Kiquette, ‘hanging’ on his dad’s back’s become monotonously sickening. Huu ni ukupe per se.
Bongo’s second to none in terms of plundering and stealing from paupers. Investors, especially fake ones, and most criminals can come and conspire with corrupt government officials and make away with billions of dosh. It has reached a point at which some government officials would conspire with corrupt politicians to rob the central bank and those responsible are waheshimiwa all the more! These bêtes noires have turned the Garden of Eden into a dungeon unnecessarily thanks to their myopia and greed. They preach water and drink wine!
Bongo’s the only hunk on earth where lies are turned into policies without the public waking up and stand up against it! Do you remember the say that Bongo’s an island of peace? Do people with albinism, elderly and retirees-especially those of the defunct East African Community- enjoy this ersatz peace? True, in Bongo, if you’re not a good freeloader, you’re as good as dead. Your rights will be vended to tarts by political mongrels.
Ours is the hunk in which a few rump-fed ronyons can mercilessly amass wealth while the majority cascades in abject poverty. Sadly, the same will still stomach calling this good life for all! Ironically, they refer to an all-you-can-deem-doom business of vending the people.
Ours is the hunk in which you can sleep Mjengoni and such shameful act is rewarded by being paid allowances. Though this can be seen as being naïve, blimpish or even giddy, I’m comfortable to submit that I see as Bongo Boondoggle Bongo-cum- Bondage thanks to Bongolalalanders’ sheepishness.
Source: Thisday April 22-28, 2013


Jaribu said...

Tanzania is the only place where crooks, murderers and other assorted misfits are in charge. Pablo Escobar would be proud!

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Jaribu you are dead right. It is only in Tanzania where every dunderhead can go and scoop dosh and go back home a tycoon as it once happened in Chavda, Vithlani and other thieves from India's cases. It is sad to note that those behind multi-billion schillings theft in EPA scam are the ones in the state house. Cry for Tanzania. Wear rags and smear yourselves with ashes to signify the demise of our beloved Tanzania.

Jaribu said...

So that explains why they were nicely asked to return the money, "Put it back, you naughty boy you!" The one whose hand is in the till is the one doing the chasing? It would be amusing if it weren't so tragic, putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

We sometimes need to blame ourselves especially the hoi polloi that has always allowed itself to sit aside and look while the plundering and rip off are going on. Have you heard of Ugandan bigwigs who were asking for kickbacks in Gabacholiland?

Jaribu said...

I hadn't heard about that until I read you posting up above. That is shameful, isn't it?