How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Friday 27 July 2018



             Kama ambayo mmeona siku za karibuni, makala zilizokuwa zikitoka kila wiki kwenye Gazeti la Tanzania Daima na kijliwe na nyingine kwenye magazeti ya  Nipashe na the Guardian hazionekani  kwenye uga huu kwa muda sasa. Hit ni kutokana na kuacha kuandikia magazeti husika baada ya wenye magazeti haya kunidhulumu pesa nyingi ambazo ni malimbikizo ya kazi za takriban miaka mitatu. Hivyo, utawala wa blog hii unajisikia vibaya kufikia hatua hii ambayo, hata hivyo, haiepukiki. Kila nilipokuwa nikidai pesa zangu, wahariri wa magazeti husika walizoea kuniambia kuwa rais John Magufuli amehujumu biashara zao jambo ambalo naona ni dhuluma longolongo na ubabaishaji hasa nikaingalia haddi za wahusika. 
                  Badala ya kuongelea namna ya kunilipa, ulijengeka uadui wa ajabu. Mfano, wahariri wa Gazeti la Nipashe Gaudencia Mngumi na Edmund Msangi waliongoza katika uhasama huu usiokuwa na sababu yoyote bali dhuluma na kujikomba kwa mabwana zao. Sikutegemea watu  ambao wamekuwa wakijionyesha kama matajiri na watetezi wa haki za watanzania kama Freeman Mbowe na Reginald Mengi wangekuwa dhulumati wa kawaida wanaojionyesha kama watu wema wakati si chochote si lolote.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

The survival and stability of our union: Pertinent lessons from Cameroon

             AMONG the most widely reported international African news in the local print media last week, was the ‘self-inflicted’ conflict which is currently afflicting the Federal republic of Cameroon.
Just like the United Republic of Tanzania which was formed on 26th April, 1964 as a result of the voluntary unification of two neighbouring States, namely the former Republic of Tanganyika, and the former Peoples’ Republic of Zanzibar; the Federal Republic of Cameroon is also a Union between two neighbouring independent countries which are located in West Africa.
                 Before gaining their independence, the two separate countries were known as ‘French Cameroon’ (because it was ruled by the French), and British Cameroon (because it was ruled by the British). French Cameroon got its independence on 1st January, 1960; andexpressed its desire to unite with their neighbour, British Cameroon, upon the latter also becoming independent.
However, before British Cameroon was granted independence, the British colonial Government decided to hold a referendum in that country, in order to determine whether it was, in fact, willing to unite with the former French Cameroon.
                          The referendum exercise was conducted in February, 1961, with the result that the country became sharply divided, when its northern part, probably for linguistic considerations, chose to unite with neighbouring Nigeria; while its southern part decided to unite with the former French Cameroon.
Thus, on 1st October, 1961, the Federal Republic of Cameroon formally came into existence. This was a little over thirty months before the United Republic of Tanzania was established in April 1964.
These two Unions, that is to say, the Federal Republic of Cameroon in West Africa, and the United Republic of Tanzania in East Africa, are the only surviving ‘unions of two states’ on the African continent, all the others (which are described below) having failed, and consequently collapsed.
The survival of the United Republic of Tanzania. On 26th April, 2018, the United Republic of Tanzania joyfully celebrated its 54th anniversary, having been established on 26th April, 1964. In my article which was published in this column to celebrate that occasion, I made reference to comments which had been made by Hon.
January Makamba, Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office responsible for Union Affairs, who had said that “the Union Government has made positive headways in addressing the Union challenges” (which are commonly known in Kiswahili as “kero za Muungano”).
The Minister was touting the success in finding solutions to these problems asas one of the major reasons for the continued survival of our Union. He was, in fact, endeavouring to explain why “Tanzania has succeeded where others failed”. The unions that failed. It is indeed true that in Africa, apart from Tanzania, the Federal Republic of Cameroon is the only other such union which is still surviving.
There are indeed other countries in Africa which initially succeeded in establishing their unions, but failed to sustain them. These were the following: (a) Egypt and Syria. These two countries formed a Union which was called ‘the United Arab Republic’ (UAR), in February 1958; but this Union was dissolved after only four years, in September, 1961.
                   Egypt and Syria still exist today, but as separate countries. (b) In February 1982, the countries of Senegal and Gambia also established their Union, under the name of ‘Senegambia’; but this Union also collapsed in September 1989. The collapse of the said Unions left only two such Unions to continue to exist on the African continent, namely the United Republic of Tanzania; and the Federal Republic of Cameroon.
Furthermore, as the older generation of Tanzanians will probably remember, the attempt to form an East African Federation (consisting of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda), also failed; despite the supreme efforts which were invested in that project by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, who went the ‘extra mile’ by offering to delay Tanganyika’s independence in order to wait for the independence of Kenya and Uganda.
So as to enable the three countries to achieve their independence simultaneously, and immediately thereafter, create the proposed East African Federation. At least that was Mwalimu Nyerere’s fervent hope and desire, which, however, failed to materialize; to his extreme disappointment.
However, despite its survival, Cameroon is currently in very deep trouble, caused by immense political problems which have seriously shaken its stability, and are actually threatening its survival as a union of two States.
                 The purpose of this article is to inform Tanzanians regarding those problems which are afflicting Cameroon, so as to draw their attention (and particularly that of our political leaders) to the relevant dangers which, if they not guarded against, can easily scuttle our own existence as a united nation.
The conflicts afflicting Cameroon. “Cameroon is currently bleeding to death as it faces very divisive and violent politics revolving around linguistic, regional, and toxic nationalism which were chaperoned by its former colonial monsters, the British and the French.”
              These are the words of Nkwazi Mhango writing from Canada, as reproduced in THE CITIZEN of Wednesday, 20th June, 2018. Mhango continues as follows:- “On October 1st, 2017, tens of thousands of people began a peaceful march, holding branches symbolizing peace and chanting ‘no violence’, to proclaim the independence of ‘Ambazonia’ (which is the name given by the secessionists to their hypothetical state). Since then, the former peaceful Cameroon which the whole world knew, has cascaded to brutality and violence from both sides”.
              Basically, the nature of the Cameroon problem is that for most of the time, the Francophone part of that Union, which is the much larger part of that Union both in terms of territory as well as population, has always treated the residents of the Anglophone part as ‘second-class citizens’ in their own country, through imposing the French language on them, and stifling the English language.
The Anglophone Cameroonian’s have been marginalized in many other respects, including denial of development aid and support to which they are entitled, plus deliberate exclusion from the business of running the affairs of the Union State.
It is further reported that since this conflict started, hundreds of people have been killed and many thousands have been displaced, large numbers of them have fled to Nigeria,and other parts of the world,as refugees. This kind of situation is absolutely pathetic. Hence the need for lessons to be learnt therefrom. Lessons to be learnt from the Cameroon conflicts.
                         There is basically only one major lesson which can be learnt from the conflicts in Cameroon, namely that which relates to their foolish policy of treating the residents of the smaller part of their Union as ‘second-class citizens’ in their own country.
                    In this respect, there is one basic similarity between our own Union and that of the Federal Republic of Cameroon, and that is, the vast difference in the sizes of the countries which agreed to unite.
Just as Tanganyika (at the time of the Union with Zanzibar) was the much larger country with a population of twelve million people, compared to Zanzibar with a population of only 300,000; so was Francophone Cameroon, which was equally much larger, occupying about four-fifths of the combined territory of former French Cameroon and its partner British Cameroon; with a corresponding difference in the sizes of their respective populations. But most of the remaining factors, especially the cultural, linguistic, and previous colonial administrative backgrounds, are all based on vast dissimilarities with Tanzania.
Indeed, it is authoritatively reported, in relation to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Cameroon, that “the Federal structure was specifically designed to meet the challenges posed by Cameroon’s racial, tribal, religious and political diversity”. The words quoted above are in complete contrast to the situation which facilitated the unification of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, which was based largely on certain unique uniting factors.
These factors were described by President Nyerere in his speech to the National Assembly on 25th April, 1964 in the following terms: “Tanganyika na Zanzibar ni nchi ndugu. Tunashirikiana kwa historia, lugha, mila, tabia na siasa. Udugu wa Afro-Shirazi na TANU wote tunaufahamu, na udugu wa viongozi wa vyama hivi viwili, haukuanza jana. Basi tunazo sababu zote hizo za kutufanya tuungane na kuwa kitu kimoja”. President Nyerere’s speech adequately describes the basic dissimilarities between the conditions existing in the United Republic of Tanzania, and in the Federal republic of Cameroon.
                     Those common positive cultural similarities between Tanganyika and Zanzibar which were described by President Nyerere, i.e. the factors of “historia, mila, tabia na siasa (udugu wa vyama, na udugu wa viongozi wa vyama hivyo); these did NOT exist in Cameroon, for, as we have seen above, their Federal structure “was designed to meet the challenges posed by Cameroon’s racial, tribal, religious, and political diversity, which is a clear acknowledgement of their existence therein.
                  The real danger is that these dissimilarities could easily tempt some of our people to relax, and even make the risky assumption that because of these dissimilarities, what is happening in Cameroon cannot happen to us.
               But such assumption would be risky, because these dissimilarities are not the principal cause of the current conflict in Cameroon, which in fact is, as was explained above, ‘the foolish policy of their Union leaders, to treat the residents of the smaller (Anglophone) part of the Union as second class citizens in their own country’.
          And the need to avoid that ‘foolishness’, was precisely the reason for crafting the two-government structure of our Union, in order to provide greater constitutional autonomy to Zanzibar (the smaller partner in the Union), in the management of their own (non- Union) internal affairs.
The structure of our Union In a document written by Mwalimu Julius Nyerere titled “Asili ya Muungano wa Serikali Mbili”, in which he explained at great length the reasons for adopting the twogovernment structure of our Union, Mwalimu Nyerere concluded his presentation with the following strong words: “Hatukutunga mfumo uliopo (wa Muungano wetu) kama wapumbavu. Tulitazama hali yetu halisi ilivyokuwa, na tukatengeneza mfumo uliotufaa zaidi katika hali hiyo”.
                  As everybody presumably knows, the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania makes specific provision in Chapter Four thereof, for the existence within Zanzibar, of: “Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar (articles 102 to 104); Baraza la Mapinduzi la Zanzibar (article 105); Baraza la Wawakilishi la Zanzibar (articles 106 and 107) and Mahakama Kuu ya Zanzibar (articles 114 and 115).
In other words, although Zanzibar is not a sovereign State, the Union Constitution provides Zanzibar with all the requisite three pillars of state governance, namely the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judicial Branches of any sovereign State. Additionally, article 102 (2) also provides for Zanzibar to have its own State Constitution.
                   There is therefore no chance for anyone even attempting to treat Zanzibar in the manner in which Francophone Cameroon is reported to have treated Anglophone Cameroon, the smaller partner in their Union. This is because if that happens, it will be a blatant breach of the Union Constitution, and will be dealt with accordingly.
Source: Daily News by Pius Msekwa ( former Speaker of Parliament and Vice Chair of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the Tanzania's ruling party).

Hate or love him, Magufuli is poor’s president

            To be straight and precise, I must state it from the outset that this piece seeks to make peace between the powers that be and Twaweza. Clearly, speaking to power is an arduous and perilous business. Whoever speaks to power must get ready to face the ramifications or rewards of doing so. I am coming from the perspective, constitutional one, that we, the citizenry, have the right to expression within certain parameters stipulated by the constitution. So, too, everybody’s the right to defending him/herself. Therefore, what I am to write here aims at nobody or any group. I read somewhere one person complaining that president John Pombe Magufuli cannot be the president of poor or rais wa wanyonge while his popularity is cascading. Has Magufuli’s popularity practically cascaded or snowballed?
            Without mincing words, I must categorically state. Whether the popularity of Magufuli is cascading or swelling is subject to dialogue. Let’s ponder on Twaweza’s poll that’s evoked hullabaloos. First of all, Twaweza, just like any citizenry, have the right to express their views without contravening the law of the land. Further, mark my words. Twaweza, just like any pollster, must have their reasons to come up with what they came up with. Either way, Twaweza may be genuine or otherwise depending on the motifs and motives behind the said poll. All depends on how one looks at the issue in point. Again, who’s, and how can we get the big, true picture of the real situation?
            Secondly, let’s be a wee bit serious. Does Magufuli really need Twaweza to gauge his performance and popularity? In the book How to Lie with Statistics, King (1986) notes that “they [statistical situations] do not measure what they appear to; they substitute statistical jargon for political meaning; they can be highly misleading; and in nearly all situations….” Furthermore, Rex Stout, in Death of a Doxy notes that “there are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up.” Moreover Best (2005) maintains that “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” I am trying to offer reliable academic sources to substantiate my point.
            Twaweza’s recent polls created a lot of brouhahas and bugaboos unnecessarily. Before passing the judgement on Twaweza, we need to ask some important questions. First, what modality was used in conducting the poll? Secondly, how was the sampling done? Thirdly, what ethics was abode by or breached?  What methodology was employed? What were the presaged results? Was there any or proofs of impartiality? Who funded the survey, what for and why now not then? Did the pollsters use focus groups or its antithesis? Were the questions asked seeking multiple choices to get the answers or otherwise? What’s the rationale and relevance of the study?  This is because, as per Joey Reiman, a founding partner of the Bright House Institute, “the sad fact is, people tell you what you want to hear, not what they really think.” What makes me twitchy and even cagey is the fact that the said poll was released at the time Magufuli captivated Tanzanians by unveiling the newest plane, the Boeing 787-8 Dream liner Jet. What Twaweza did is like accusing a kind person of spitefulness at the time s/he’s offering his or her wealth like crazy. Let’s be a tad fair. Did Twaweza go to rural areas where the media, mainly government media, have much follow? What’s the composition of the participants?
            I understand. Magufuli isn't an angel. But looking at how he pulled Tanzania out of hopelessness, it doesn’t hold water to currently argue that his popularity is waning while his crusade against graft seems to bear more fruits in a very short time than Tanzanians expected. For example, his cherry-picking and firing style of his appointees have convinced, not all, but many Tanzanians that he's the president they needed and voted for.
            Off-the-cuffs: It is sad that CCM’s and Government’s personnel paid for defending it aren’t doing their homework adeptly and by the book. When Twaweza came up with its findings, what’s supposed to be done isn't going after its neck but finding another competent and independent pollster to replicate the exercise. For, vexing Twaweza is as good as exonerating it. First of all, Twaweza is not alpha and omega with regards to surveys in Tanzania. Keeping on pursuing it is as good as using a bomb to kill a fly. For whatever reasons that geared Twaweza to come up with its findings, there are many options and reasons to convincingly and practically interrogate and watering down its findings. Sometimes, I wonder if the CCM’s spin doctors and Ikulu’s information sections are manned by people with their professions in the field. Keeping on pursuing Twaweza is nothing but doing their PR bit. 
            In sum, does Magufuli really need Twaweza to impart him on Tanzanians who are already in love with him thanks to his performance? I don’t personally know Magufuli. Neither am I paid for to do Magufuli’s PR job.  Still, my wife, kids and I’ll abundantly and peacefully eat and sleep here where I am.  Again, in all conscience, take it from me. Apart from the father of nation, the late Mwl J. K Nyerere, no president boasts the trust of the majority of Tanzanians like Magufuli does. Let’s interrogate Twaweza’s findings, modality, rationale and inputs to the building of our country without fear or favour based on the premises that we all have the rights to expression and defense of selves. Give Magufuli a break so that he can get time to fulfill what made Tanzanians vote him as their president.
Source: Citizen, July 25, 2018.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Tanzania’s is people’s government not otherwise

          When President John Pombe Magufuli invited retired leaders to an open meeting, many issues came to the fore. Among those things is the satisfaction by the former leaders with Magufuli’s performance. Of all, one thing seemed to not augur well with some quarters pertaining to the identity of the government. This is because there have been some misattributions of the government wherein the exaggeratedly used narrative is that the current government is Magufuli’s but neither is it CCM’s nor Tanzania’s.
            Legally and procedurally, after the affirmation of the winner in presidential elections, be it, a party or a person, the government ceases to be the property of the winner. In lieu it becomes it becomes the property of the people who voted it. The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, Cap. 2 Article 6 the Interpretation Act No.15 of 1984 clearly stipulates that “…the Government includes the Government of the United Republic, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, local government authorities and any person who exercises power or authority on behalf of either “Government.”” There is no single mention of the government of either the CCM or the government of Magufuli. There’s no any ambiguity here. Constitutionally and legally, this is how the government is known; is and must be referred to for the matters of documents, functions and identification. This provision is clear and simple. Thus, misattributing, parodying or politicising the government is not only illegal but unusual so to speak. Thanks to such a provision and others, president Magufuli has oft-drummed the message of equality and unity clearly stating that he’s the president of all Tanzanians notwithstanding their divergent ideologies and all that jazz. This may be construed as Magufuli’s repugnance of charlatans, hangers-on and wire-pullers in or outside of his government who dubiously and purposely, for the quest of securing some favours, misattribute the government of the URT to him instead of the people. Sadly, many self-appointed praise singers and self-seekers deliberately attributing the government to Magufuli think they are doing him good and justice. Arguably, for such whiz kids and ort hunters, doing what they do aims at pleasing Magufuli though he’s philosophically negated such ballyhoos, hoo-has and soft-soaping. Refer to how Magufuli decline the offer to name the Kigamboni Bridge after him. Instead, he named the Bridge after Mwalimu Nyerere. Further, Magufuli recently disclosed that the government intends to name the Tazara flyover after Eng. Mfugale. If he were a self-seeker and a cut-rate populist as his detractors paint and portray him, he’d have induced his officers to name the flyover after himself. Further, refer to how Magufuli mortified the Frankenstein who wanted to lull him into tampering with the constitution in order to cling unto power illegally.
            Therefore, those misattributing the Government of the URT are doing so either out of arrogance, ignorance or whatever reason(s). Thus, this column differs from former President Benjamin Mkapa who said that he’d like to hear people referring to the current government as the government of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM). This shows how Mkapa has never detached himself from his past when he was president. He’d like his style to be replicated. The in the World Statesman, the quotes Mkapa as saying “my government is a CCM government.” Far from it.  True, Mkapa’s and his predecessors’ and successors’ governments were formed by the CCM. Nonetheless, this doesn’t give the CCM an exclusive right of monopolising or politicising the said government. Doing so is nothing but deliberate robbing the government from its owners, the people of Tanzania. This is illegal and abhorrent by all standards.
            All told, now, we need to ask ourselves. Whose Tanzania’s government is? As noted above, the constitution rightly answers this question. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania belongs to the people of Tanzania simply because the government as well as its creator, the constitution draw their powers from the people (Art. 8: 1 (a)). This is why Tanzania spends billions of dollars every five year on election as the way of seeking the consent from the people of Tanzania. Therefore, any attribution or whatever to the contrary of what is stipulated in the constitution is not only illegal but also the violation and trampling of the said constitution of the land.
            Provided the constitution is clear about to whom the government of the URT belongs, we need to address other important issues as we advise thersites, who with evil motives, either seek to paint Magufuli as a dictator or self-seeker, to stop misleading our people and wasting time. 
            Now that we know the truth, let’s stop misleading ourselves and others by misattributing our government to an individual party or person. The government of Tanzania is the government of Tanzanians namely the government of the United Republic of Tanzania. 
Source: Citizen, July 18, 2018.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Mwigulu ejection was but long tardy

  • See the source image The sacking of former Interior Minister Mwigulu Nchemba was something any analyst could see coming. It started a long time ago after and when his Ministry became a white elephant. There'a a couple of hunches one'd employ to easily presage what's in the offing for Mwigulu. Mwigulu’s sacking tells a very bigger story than any person can expect.
                First of all, it is fact that nobody in President John Pombe Magufuli’s government is untouchable. Everybody is vulnerable, especially if and when his or her performance is sluggish or does not meet Magufuli’s expectations. Mwigulu’s dismissal should act as a reminder to other ministers and public officers who seem to be more of liability than asset or those who think they are sacred cows under Magufuli. Guys, Magufuli has clearly and openly shown that what he needs is delivering but not anything else. For example, the minister under whose watch many blasts occurred before the current came to power must keep an eye on his performance. Other ministers are known; and some have already been warned like it was for the one whose Ministry failed to address issues that have to do with minerals.
                Secondly, Mwigulu lost it when he failed to curb the Kibiti mysterious killings that saw many innocent people killed for unknown reasons. So, too, Mwigulu failed to articulate his strategies in curbing the anathema. Essentially, when the former Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ernest Mangu was shown the door, time's up for Mwigulu. Sadly, Mwigulu didn’t read the writing on the wall and the signs of time. For example, Arusha Town MP, Jonathan Lema warned him that after failing to address many shortfalls, Mwigulu would be cannibalised by the same power that appointed him.  Instead, he kept on doing just the same by maintaining his inertness and sleaziness as he slept at the wheel. There’s a famous adage that humans don’t learn from history; and if they do, they do it in a wrong way. As the Minister of Home Affairs, Mwigulu would have revisited the history of the former President Ali Hassan Mwinyi who decided to resign after some innocent people were killed under his watch when he's Minister for Home Affairs. When Mwigulu was generously advised to call it quit, he sealed his ears hoping things would calm down; and thus survive. On this, had it not been President John Magufuli’s forbearance, Mwigulu would have been history a long time ago. Besides, Mwigulu lost it all when many accusations on illegally issuing working and residence’s permits surfaced without him reining in. Further, up until now, Tanzania’s passports and other documents such as IDs are not protected as they are supposed to.  Under the former regime, such documents were sold like peanuts to criminals and international criminal gangs so as to tarnish Tanzania’s image. If Mwigulu were cut for his job, he’d have weeded such criminality out. But he didn't so to speak.
                Thirdly, Mwigulu presided over a very corrupt Ministry that was oft-accused of wrongdoings. For example, the police are ranked higher when it comes to corruption allegations. Refer to the simmering mortification involving the procurement of old and dubious police vehicles that recently forced president Magufuli to vent his anger on the matter. Further, refer to the Lugumi scam about which Magufuli, too, complained and ordered the incoming minister to look into it not to mention NIDA scam.
                Fourth, Mwigulu’s academic woes and the general sluggish nature of police performance sufficed to force Magufuli to boot him out. Up until now, nobody knows accurately what’s true or wrong with regard to Mwigulu’s academic history and qualifications. Nobody knows if he truly reached where he is based on his merit or fishy means. Mwigulu reminds me of other biggies whom were accused of forgery such as Makongoro Mahanga who sued Msemakweli Keinerugaba who brew the covers of big forgers to end up being order to pay him after failing to pursue the case (Mwananchi, 7 Feb., 2017) . Other allegedly got their academically dubiously include Mary Nagu, Emanuel Nchimbi, William Lukuvi and Deodurus Kamala (Msemakweli inMafisadi wa Elimu Tanzania) among others who kept mum to let the cloud pass.  Apart from this, police are renowned for their heavy handedness when it comes to dealing with dissent voices in the country. Under Mwigulu’s watch, many accusations of the lack of peace in the country grew day by day; and as the person in charge did nothing to address them as if it wasn't his business.
                Fifth, Mwigulu will be remembered as the Minister of Home Affairs who was like a sitting duck thanks to his indolence and let-down in addressing critical subjects under his docket. This is why Magufuli wondered how people he entrusted with public offices would only appear at unimportant occasions but not on the scenes that needed them most.
                In sum, thanks to his sluggishness, Mwigulu’s sacking was long overdue. It is sad that he didn’t see it coming, up until, he's caught off guard. How many’ll blindly replicate the same and suffer the same fate? Time will accurately and timely tell.
                Off the cuffs, I applaud Mwigulu for being ahead of others when it comes to donning on national flag. Again, donning on a flag without delivering is as good as nothing.
  • Source: Citizen, July 11, 2018.

‘Illegal’ migrants; Africa is paying back to Europe

          Many desperate people from Africa, Asia and Middle East are now making perilous journeys in thousands in their attempts to reach Europe seeking greener pastures. They’re risking everything to cross the Mediterranean Sea. Italy’s and Spain’s ports have become the modern-time Kilwa, Mafia, Dakar or Lamu for Africans entering Europe as it was for European colonial agents entering Africa. Europe is grappling with the heavy load of invaders just as Africa did when Europeans invaded and colonised it in the seventeenth century. Those poor but energetic and ambitious Africans, Arabs and Indians are called a calamity there due to the danger they pose to Europe’s culture and economies.
            Nevertheless, it is sad to note that Indians and Arabs are not seen with the same lenses as Africans are. Is it because of racism or ignorance? Why don’t they feel pity for them after considering how dangerous and adventurous their voyages are? Is the history repeating itself; or is the law of reciprocity, based on times, displaying its nature? It is time to tell Europe to stop worrying for no reasons. These folks are heroes who want to help poor relatives made poor by black colonialists that are always in bed with Western ones. Africa’s economies can’t support their population thanks to playing a service role to Western economies. If the situation remains the same, Europe must brace itself for even more. Maybe, this is the new way of deconstructing the archaic and anarchic system of exploitation enacted by the same European countries under colonialism, slavery and imperialism. This is why I fully endorse this exodus of the people. For, I know. It will help all of us to see the problem as ours not African or/and third world’s one as those who created such a dichotomous schema have always wrongly maintained for many years.
            Importantly, Europe needs to open doors, borders and hearts the same Africa did when first Europeans inundated it seeking spheres of influence or spheres of greener pastures that later became colonies. Sadly, Europeans seem to have forgotten a simple fact that they once gone to Africa colonised it and destroyed its economy and ways of life. What did they expect out of an unequal and inequitable trade relationship the world evidences today? When European colonial agents went to Africa, they did not have passports the same way the so-called illegal migrants are doing now. They’re called floods that’ll wipe out European good life standards. So be it; if they wiped out Africa's life standards before introducing slavery and colonialism. Swahili sages have a saying kula na kulipa. You eat and pay for what you’ve eaten. Or when you eat expect to be eaten. Aren’t we eaten by bacteria after our dead bodies undergo rigor mortis, chemical changes, when we die? The Europeans went to Africa; and robbed it everything. Fortunately for them, Africans are not going there to rob or colonisEuropeThey’re going there to work because they’re hard workers. They are honest and innocent victims of man-made exploitation in their continent. Again, the Europeans are the same creators of the forces forcing Africans to flee their continent. If European colonial agents inundated Africa in the seventeenth and the eighteenth centuries, what’s wrong with Africans replicating the same in the twenty first century as the sign of reciprocity?
            I honestly think European countries need to learn about globalisation they introduced to the world. They must do so by using the waves of economic migrants. Time for colonial monsters to pay what they ate is now. European countries need to understand that what’s ongoing is, essentially the real product of their plundering policies championed by capitalism. Africans have a saying that the capital of a poor person is his or her energy. This is why Africans are looking for better life and jobs in Europe after colonial monsters conspired with black ones to deny them works at home. These folks are looking for the means of living dignified and meaningful lives. Invest in Africa and create jobs. You won’t see the assemblages of Africans coming to your doors to destroy and infringe on your cultures and standards the way you destroyed theirs. Redress Africa, you won’t see them.
Stop exploiting their countries by using black colonialists. Guess what! Without coltan from the DRC, all computers and cellphones will die. Without uranium from Africa the so-called superpowers won’t have powers to threaten each other. Do you know that the nuclear bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on 6 august 1945 was made of uranium from the DRC? Although colonial monsters don’t admit, there are many things that they depend on that Africa produces. Without chocolate from Africa Western kids would cry without a soother. Without cheap coffee from Africa, coffee will become a drink for tycoons only. Without the market for their weapons, they’ll turn them against each other. Without black colonialists to steal and stash money in their banks most of their economies will come to a grinding halt. Furthermore, without black colonialists to conspire with them, many regimes will fall. Again, is there any logical reason for despising Africa really? Go ask Chinese. Their economy will be nothing if they don’t supply Africa; and be supplied by Africa as far as raw materials are concerned.
Go asks India. Without Africa accommodating millions of its citizens scattered all over Africa not to mention buying its substandard products, India's economy is zilch. This is Africa, the giant of giant that’s been put on anaesthetics for generations. The day it wakes up from the slumber all will shiver and quiver even more. Now Africa is exporting its children to Europe as a way of paying a loan to Europe that once exported its colonial agents and thugs to plunder Africa. The difference is the fact that Africans aren't going to Europe to colonise or rob anybody. If Europe keeps on expelling them, soon they’ll go back home; and gang up against West’s stooges; and make real changes that’ll affect the West by chopping its taps off.
        In sum, Western countries need a new way of looking at, and doing things. Africans who were treated as half beings for many years due to being colonised and enslaved are no longer the same today. Young people know what; and where decent life is. They know how to use internet to gain information that’s been the power that propelled Europe to success on the expenses of others. Time for Europe to stop the lie that Africa will remain the same is now. No more lies about Africa. The Dark Continent is now opening up brightly taking on those who brought it down. Colonialism forgot one thing; history has one permanent predisposition. It repeats itself. This is why today crowds of African modern-time missionaries, explorers, merchants and whatnot are taking on Europe to pay it back.
Source: The African Executive Magazine.

Friday 6 July 2018


             Kama ambayo mmeona siku za karibuni, makala zilizokuwa zikitoka kila wiki kwenye Gazeti la Tanzania Daima na kijliwe na nyingine kwenye magazeti ya  Nipashe na the Guardian hazionekani  kwenye uga huu kwa muda sasa. Hit ni kutokana na kuacha kuandikia magazeti husika baada ya wenye magazeti haya kunidhulumu pesa nyingi ambazo ni malimbikizo ya kazi za takriban miaka mitatu. Hivyo, utawala wa blog hii unajisikia vibaya kufikia hatua hii ambayo, hata hivyo, haiepukiki. Kila nilipokuwa nikidai pesa zangu, wahariri wa magazeti husika walizoea kuniambia kuwa rais John Magufuli amehujumu biashara zao jambo ambalo naona ni dhuluma longolongo na ubabaishaji hasa nikaingalia haddi za wahusika. 
                  Badala ya kuongelea namna ya kunilipa, ulijengeka uadui wa ajabu. Mfano, wahariri wa Gazeti la Nipashe Gaudencia Mngumi na Edmund Msangi waliongoza katika uhasama huu usiokuwa na sababu yoyote bali dhuluma na kujikomba kwa mabwana zao. Sikutegemea watu  ambao wamekuwa wakijionyesha kama matajiri na watetezi wa haki za watanzania kama Freeman Mbowe na Reginald Mengi wangekuwa dhulumati wa kawaida wanaojionyesha kama watu wema wakati si chochote si lolote.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Magufulification can succeed shall it employ lifestyle audit

                When president John Pombe Magufuli ascended to power, he quickly took on graft so as to win accolades locally and internationally. Thence, many countries seem to have underscored the centrality of waging on graft the same way in order to redeem their governments and people. Recently, Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta took a leaf from Magufuli by heroically declaring war on graft. Kenyatta introduced what’s known as lifestyle audit wherein the lifestyles of public office bearers must be scrutinised to see if they correspond with their licit incomes.
           Underscoring the true nature of the lifestyle audit; not to mention its practicability and viability, it is time for Magufuli to reciprocate by adopting the method in Tanzania.
              In his endeavours to create and salvage his legacy, president Kenyatta shocked friends and foes by creating a funk so as to leave many Kenyans and the world at large wrought up though on tenterhooks. On declaring the war against graft in Kenya, Kenyatta vowed to nab all culprits conscientiously in order to eradicate or box graft in. However, despite such grandstanding and toughtalk, Kenyatta, up until now, hasn’t made his war clear due to the fact that it is not supported by the law. Without any legal backing, Kenyatta’s war on graft is seen as a castle in the sky. Thus, many whippersnappers are making lots of ruckus, rumpus and whoop-de-dos in what’s seen as the war of nerves aiming at dubiously making Kenyatta look good and serious. This is because saying something is one thing; and delivering on it is another, especially when a force behind it is a pol whose president’s been marred by mega graft not to mention being an heir of the mammon made by the same means. Kenyatta was quoted recently as saying that “everyone in the public service will have to explain the source of their wealth and all those found to have plundered public coffers will be put to task to explain the source of their wealth.” The world is still waiting to see. Many are wondering; asking how Kenyatta will put to actions his new medicine to graft while he’s been in bed with corrupt biggies since coming to powerKenyan anti-graft crusader, John Githongo once called Kenyatta’s war on graft a “theatre of absurd” (Huffington, Nov. 5, 2016).
            After Kenyatta professed his war on graft that’s, for a long time, doggedly mudded Kenya, many suspects were up in arms yawping as others are now trying to whirr the whole thing whole-hog as their means of unyokingthemselves from the looming dangers shall Kenyatta make good on his vows. Despite such well-acclaimed proclamation, Kenyatta’s detractors are still cagey thinking his move’s just a mere ruse aimed at stealingthunder if not stealing the show. Kapsabet MP, Oscar Sudi was quoted as saying that  everybody should be audited, including the president, beginning with his late father Jomo (Kenyatta) coming down to him.” All told, will Kenyatta dilly-dally and shilly-shally or cannibalise all corrupt elements in his fold and government?
           As for Tanzania, I think; the lifestyle audit resonates with Magufuli’s stance on graft. For, it is doable and feasible to take a leaf from Kenyatta by institutionalising it without necessarily politicising and weaponising or just declaring it without putting practical legal measures in place. For example, there’s a legal requirement for public officers to declare their wealth. Again, does this help while the so-declared wealth’s neither made public to the common binadam nor being publicly corroborated or scrutinised. This has been like whitewash because there are some big fish implicated in mega graft such as EPA, IPTL, Lugumi, Kagoda, Presidential Jet, SUKITA, Richmond, Radar, UDA and many more scandals that have never faced the music.
          Tellingly, lifestyle audit’s important and sine qua non because it’ll serve many purposes including: first,doing justice to pauperised people and their country by delivering justice to both culprits and victims. Secondly, knowing the wealths of our people’ll help the government to tax, task and question them on whatever seems illegal. Tanzania’s a legal requirement for public officers to declare their wealth. However, practically, this is but a toothless dog which lifestyle audit’ll give teeth to and put to notice those who still languish in old ways of making wealth. Essentially, this is the panacea western countries did in curbing graft. Thirdly, it’ll send strong signals to all that still think they can get away with murder.
             In sum, lifestyle audit’ll restore sanity in public services. Our people know who’s or stole what, when and where everything is stashed. We need to have the society that rewards accountability and hard work but not wrongdoing. It’s become a norm for a person to go to bed a pauper and wake up a tycoon without necessarily explaining how such bang-bang success was attained.
Source: Citizen, July 4, 2018.