How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Does Africa deserve to import fish from China, really?

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There is a joke that one Chinese reared two cows whose capacity to produce milk was ten liters a piece. The joke goes on noting that this Chinese genetically manipulated one bovine so as to produce 100 litres he sold to non-Chinese as he sold the milk of the cow that's not manipulated to his compatriots. The upshot here is that when it comes to patriotism, Chinese are good at it. This joke brings us to the story that the Daily Nation (28 January 2018) carried titled “Kenya imports fish from China to meet high demand: CS Adan.” When I read that story I was flabbergasted and shocked as to how the country of Lake Nyanza could do this. When I was pondering on this story to which I didn’t have the chops for, I got the answer that currently, some African countries have allowed foreign countries to invest in food production through land acquisition as hunger is increasing tempo among their citizens while their soil is used to feed others. So, too, instead of developing industries in Africa, some African countries are now depending on importing the same products they are able to produce at home. This speaks to the fact that after failing to invest in and improving fishing in the Indian Ocean and Lake Nyanza, Kenya is now importing fish from China. While this is ongoing, many Africans are dying of either malnutrition or hunger not to mention poisoning from imported foods like fish, simply because they are unable to produce sufficient food for themselves.
The Daily Nation quoted Industrialisation and Enterprise Development CS Adan Mohamed as saying that “lack of fish feeds is a key bottleneck. Tilapia is being imported today. We don’t necessarily ban imports but we make sure that imports that are coming to our country pay the necessary duties and levies.” Tilapia or Oreochromis niloticus, a type of fish abundantly found in Lake Nyanza, is now imported from China where it is produced in farms; and are genetically manipulated not to mention that many may have streptococci which cause pink eye, meningitis, bacterial pneumonia, endocarditis, erysipelas, and necrotizing fasciitis. There is evidence that Tilapia farming in China is not driven by any other reasons but profits which is detrimental to health of the consumers.  As you can see, the priority for the government of Kenya is nothing but money but not quality. The CS does not mention anything about health, safety and quality but only money.
While Kenya is thumbs up about importing fish from China, the US is a wee bit cagey. For example the CBC (28 June 2007) quoted Dr. David Acheson, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's assistant commissioner for food protection as saying that “the FDA is not allowing the import of these Chinese farmed seafood products until the importers can prove that the seafood is free from harmful contaminants.” This is eleven year down the line. Did Kenya consider such realities?
Sometimes, I wonder. I don’t know what is wrong with the East African Community. Kenya is not alone in importing fish from China. The (4 January, 2018) carried the story titled “Tanzania Imports 2,000 Tonnes of Mackerel Fish From China”. It went on noting that “the local companies of the state have settled for imported fish from China. Reports suggest that 2,000 tonnes of mackerel fish enter the African country monthly from the Asian country.” As it is for Kenya, Tanzania is the host of Lake Nyanza and many rivers not to mention having a big chunk of the Indian Ocean. Again, what’s wrong with these countries? There are many explanations. Just imagine. The country such as Kenya with many landless people still has the guts of leasing its land to Middle Eastern countries to produce food for their people while many Kenyans face acute shortage of food. Why doesn't such a country produce the needed food and sell it to the countries to which it consents to invest in food production?  While such a sacrilege is ongoing, the  Guardian (3 December, 2010) reports that food production is actually 10% lower today than in 1960, yet over this time period the aggregate world food production has increased by 145%. The Guardian adds that there is renewed interest from around the world is self-interest wherein foreign countries are eyeing Africa as a source of food, which is prompting an unprecedented rush to buy or lease land. While this maniac is ongoing, many Africans are either dying of malnutrition or hunger. Who bewitched Africa?  Where will this love-cum-madness for cheap and simple solution lead us to? Asia is the continent with many hungry people. It is not deservedly to feed Africa whose population is only one-third of Asia’s population.

To do away with importing food and leasing our land for foreign food production, our governments need to embark on industrial revolution. Shall they fail, they must let other competent ones to slink in and liberate Africa from this shame resulting from internal colonisation presided over by black colonisers.
Source: Citizen, Feb., 28, 2018.

Umfefika wakati kutoza taasisi za dini kodi

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Wakoloni walisamehe taasisi za dini kodi tokana na mchango wao mkubwa katika kueneza ukoloni Afrika kwa vile wote walikuwa ni kitu kimoja katika kuiibia na kuhujumu bara la Afrika. Hivyo, chanzo kizuri cha kusamehe taasisi za dini kodi ni dhana nzima ya ukoloni kuhakikisha zilikuwa zikiendelea kuwapeleleza waafrika na kuwafanya wawe watiifu kwa mamlaka za kikoloni zama zile.
Hata hivyo, ni bahati mbaya sana kuwa baada ya kupata uhuru, ima kutokana na kutojua au kuongozwa na wakoloni weusi, kupwakia kila kitu cha kikoloni kama vile kuwa na staili za utawala sawa na zile zilizoachwa na wakoloni, nchi za kiafrika zilirithi na kuendeleza kandokando hili la kikoloni bila kujua kuwa watatokea matapeli na wasaka tonge kuutumia udhaifu huu kuibia umma na kujipata utajiri wa dezo na haraka. Ni kutokana na dhana na tabia hii ya kikoloni, asasi za kidini ziliendelea kuwanyonya waafrika hadi leo ambapo kwa sasa zinatumiwa na baadhi ya matapeli kujitajirisha huku nchi zao zikiendelea kusamehe kodi kwa mabilioni lakini zikaendelea kutegemea kuombaomba na kukopa.
Kitendo cha kuendeleza makandokando ya ukoloni kuhusiana na ukusanyaji na ulipaji kodi kilichomotisha matapeli kila aina kuanzisha madhehebu ya dini ili kujitajirisha haraka. Tunao wengi nchini kwa sasa wanaolala maskini na kuamka matajiri. Wanakwepa kodi hata wengine kutumiwa na wafanyabiashara kukwepa kodi wakiwalipa kidogo kama ilivyowahi kutokea kwa shirika moja lililokutwa likiingiza magari ya wafanyabiashara kwa mgongo wa dini. Ni jambo la hatari,  kwa mfano, kama ilivyotokea  hivi karibuni ambapo dhehebu fulani lenye kutia shaka lilikutwa halina hesabu za mapato na matumizi yake na bado mamlaka, pamoja na kupata ushahidi, zilishindwa kuliadhibu kwa uvunjaji wa sheria huu wa wazi. Je yapo madhehebu mangapi ambayo, kimsingi, hayana tofauti na maduka au miradi binafsi ya viongozi wake? Je hili nalo linahitaji ugwiji wa historia au uchumi kulibaini na kulitafutia suluhu ya kudumu?
Najua wapo watakaojitokeza kutetea mfumo huu ima wanufaika au wale wanaohisi wananufaika kwa kusema kuwa madhehebu ya dini yanatoa baadhi ya huduma za jamii kama afya na elimu. Sina ugomvi na haya hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa hawatoi bure kama serikali inavyofanya. Hivyo, utoaji wa huduma kama hizi si sababu ya kusamehewa kodi. Isitoshe, kiwango cha huduma wanazotoa ni kidogo sana ikilinganishwa na kile kinachotolewa na serikali. Kwa nchi ambayo imekuwa huru kwa zaidi ya miongo mitano kuendelea kuwa maskini na kusamehe kodi ni dhambi isiyosameheka kama wananchi wangejitambua na kuhoji vilivyo. Nani anahitaji huduma ambazo zinatumika kama kisingizio cha kulipa kodi? Kwanini wahusika wasilipishwe kodi ili kuipa serikali uwezo wa kutoa hizo huduma wanazosingizia kutoa? Hali inakuwa mbaya kwa nchi ambazo hazina sheria za maadili zinazomtaka kila mwananchi na mkazi wake kutaja vyanzo vya mapato yake huku akiainisha alivyochuma na kutumia. Kwa wale waliokuwa wakihoji na kushuku utajiri wa haraka wa baadhi ya viongozi wa dini wa kujipachika, wanaweza kupata jibu tokana na hili. Je tutaendelea kuvumilia jinai hii kwa maangamizi yetu hadi lini kama taifa na watu?
Ni ajabu baadhi ya taasisi za serikali zinalipa kodi lakini madhehebu ya dini hayafanyi hivyo.
Wenye madhehebu ya dini wanaoonekana kuwa matajiri lazima watungiwe utaratibu wa kuwabana ili mapato na matumizi yao yajulikane wazi ili kuepusha kuendelea kuibiwa kwa watu wetu wasioshuku kitu. Hili lipo wazi hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa hata huyo Yesu wanayedai kumhubiri hakuwa na ukwasi wa aina yoyote na alisema wazi kuwa ufalme wa mbingu si wa matajiri. Tuwakaange kwa mafuta yao. Yesu hakuwahi kuanzisha kanisa wala kutoza sadaka na zaka. Kwani alisema wazi kuwa ni heri ngamia kupitia kwenye tundu la sindano kuliko tajiri kuuona ufalme wa mbinguni. Ajabu ya maajabu, kwa sasa, viongozi wengi feki, nyemelezi na wa kujipachika wametokea kuwa matajiri wa kuktisha na kutia kila aina ya shaka. Je hawa anamhubiri Yesu yupi wakati Yesu mwenyewe anajulikana kuwa maskini na kiongozi wa maskini aliyekuwa hata hana senti ya kulipia kodi hadi alipopewa na samaki? Yesu hakuna na mahekalu wala suti za bei mbaya ukiachia mbali kutotangaza injili yake kupitia vyombo vya habari? Wapo watanaoweza kuhoji vilikuwa wapi vyombo hivi wakati upo ushahidi kuwa kulikuwa na waandishi wa habari ukiachia mbali wakwasi kama akina Nabkadnezza waliokuwa wakilia kwenye vyombo vya dhahabu? Utajiri hakuanza jana wala juzi. Umekuwapo kadiri binadamu alivyokuwapo.
Leo imefikia mahali baadhi ya madhehebu yamegeuza makanisa maduka ya kupatia kila kitu kuanzia fedha, mazao hadi huduma. Mfano wa karibu ni kugundulika kuwa dhehebu moja lilikuwa likimjengea nyumba mke wa kiongozi wake. Kwa kazi ipi na kwanini kama siyo ufisadi wa kiroho utokanao na uroho uliojificha nyuma ya kuhubiri neno la Bwana? Jina la Bwana limegeuka biashara inayolipa haraka huku umma ukiendelea kuibiwa na kutopea kwenye umaskini utokanao na ujinga huku mamlaka zikishuhudia na kusamehe kodi. Umefika wakati wa kuzitoza kodi taasisi za kidini.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima, Feb., 28, 2018.

Mpayukaji apanga kuanzisha kanisa

  Image result for photos of kakobe          Baada ya Mamlaka ya Ukusanyaji na Ulaji Kodi (MUUK) kumbana askofu wa kujipachia Zach Ka-tortoise na kukuata anaweka njuluku kwenye ndoo na majaba, Mpayukaji anasukuti namna ya kuanzisha kanisa ili akaukate kwa jina la Yesu na Mungu. Maana hakujua kuwa kuwa kumbe kuna namna ambayo mchovu tena mwenye dhambi anavyoweza kujigeuza msamehe dhambi na akaishia kuwa bilionea wa kutupwa.
Isitoshe, baada ya kushuhudia matapeli wengi tena wasiopiga buku kama mimi wameanzisha NGO hizi aka Makanisa ya kuhubiri neno la Bwana na kuwatoa njuluku wachovu wajinga.  Kwanini nami nisianzishe kitu cha kunitoa hasa usawa huu ambapo vyuma vimekaza kwa kupigwa makufuli? Kwanini nisianzishe iwapo wakuda, washamba na matapeli wa kawaida wamejipachika vyeo vitakatifu huku wakifanya uchafu wao kwa jina la Bwana? Kwanini nisianzishe kitu hii lau nami nile dezo na kuukata kama wao? Nani huyu asiyependa kuukata akatakata?
Japo ni dhambi kumtumia Bwana kutengeneza ukwasi, kama kaya imelala usingizi wa pono kuendelea kusamehe walaji na wachumia tumbo kama hawa, kwanini nami nisiukate kabla mrija huu rahisi haujastukiwa na kukatwa. Nataka nichanganye njuluku hadi siku moja nijidai kuwa nina njuluku kuliko hili lisirikali ambalo halikuwa linajua siri kali za ulaji wa wenye magwanda wa kujipachika.  Kosa langu ni nini iwapo nitachanganya njuluku na kununua hadi mapipa kama yule jamaa aliyejipachika ukuu aitwaye Jose Gwajimmy? What’s wrong mimi kuwachuna kondoo wa Bwana badala ya kuwachunga wakaishia kuliwa na mifisi watu?
Ili kuwapata wapenda mkato katika kutatua matatizo yao, nitajiita Mtakatifu Mpayukaji. Maana nikijipachika cheo cha Mchungaji au Askofu hata Nabii, vimeishachafuliwa sana.  Ili kuzidi kuwachanganya nitaita dhehebu langu The Life of Important Father for Everybody (LIFE) Tabenacle of Miracles au Uhai na Maskani ya Miujiza kwa Kiingereza.  Nitaanzisha runinga yangu ya kutangaza vitu vyangu huku nikichombeza na magazeti kama matatu hivi ya kuhakikisha kila mliwaji anapata habari zangu. Nitachapisha vitambaa vilvyoandikwa Miracles is my Work au Miujiza ndiyo Kazi Yangu ili kuzidi kuwachanganya hawa wachunwaji ambao wachunaji na maaskopo wengi wa kujipachika wameishawachuna na kuwapachika mkenge.
Kuzidi kuzichanganya njuluku, nitaanzisha kampuni ya uuzaji magari ambayo itasimamiwa na vitegemezi vyangu huku mama nikiamuru ajengewe hekalu kwa vile atakuwa akinitunza vizuri niwalize vizuri. Kupitia deal hili lazima nihakikishe nachanganya njuluku vilivyo na wazee wa kodi hawanipati.
Ili kuwanasa zaidi wapenda kuukata bila kutumia akili wala kusota, nitapiga suti kali na kujitona na bling bling za bei mbaya na kuwaambia kuwa haya yote ni matokeo ya miujiza wasijue miujiza yenyewe ni kuwachuna wao mimi kama mchunaji aka mchungaji wao.
Kuhakikisha njuluku yangu haiguswi na wasaka kodi, nitahakikisha nachimba mahandaki na kuweka njuluku huku. Acha hawa wanaoweka kwenye ndoo na vijaba. Mie lazima nichimbe mahandaki na kuhakikisha yanajaa minoti.
Ili kuwamaliza zaidi, lazima nimuarike rahis na nkewe waje kusali kwangu. Wakishafika napiga picha nao na kuzitundika kila mahali kwenye ofisi zangu ili kuhakikisha wakija vinyamkera wadogo wadogo nawatisha kuwa mimi na munene iko dugu moja katika biasara ya Mungu. Watakaozubaa nawavisha mkenge kuwa mimi ndiye nilifanya miujiza munene akaukwaa unene.
Kitu nyingine cha kulia orodo ni kuhakikisha nawatangazia wote ambao wana bi wakubwa zao wachanga na warembo wasiopata watoto waje kwangu niwape watoto wa miujiza. Hapa lazima ukisoma soma taratibu bi Mkubwa wangu asikusikie akastukia na kuharibi miujiza ninayopanga kuwafanyia hawa vidosho ili wapate watoto. Ukishawafanyia miujiza, hata wakichemsha hawawezi kuwaambiwa warume zao ili kitu uliwafanya nyuma ya pazia la miujiza.
Jukumu jingine ambalo nitalitangaza chapchap ni kuwafanyia miujiza wale walioghushi vyeti vya kitaaluma ili waendelee kupendwa na munene kama jamaa yangu Bashit. Hapa najua nitachuna wengi hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa wenene wengi ninao wajua wana elimu za kuunga unga na kughushi ghushi.  Kwa wale waliokwishafukuzwa tokana na kughushi, nitawafanyia miujiza na kuwashauri wafungue kesi ya kushitaki lisirikali ili washinde na kupewa mabilioni ya njuluku. Ila kabla ya kuwaombea, mie naramba changu kwaju ili noma itakapobainika niwe nsharamba na kufanya vitu vyangu.
Mradi mwingine wa miujiza nitakaoanzisha ni kuwafanyia miujiza wale ambao vyuma vimekaza. Nitawafungulia milango ya njuluku hadi wachanganyikiwe wote tuukate. Hapa wale ambao missions zao bandarini na mipakani zimedoda nitahakikisha nawafungulia waendelee kuibia kaya kama ilivyokuwa zama zile za kaya ya shamba la bibi ambapo kila mharifu alijipigia njuluku na kuukata kama hana akili nzuri.

Kwa vile mimi ni bonge la mjanja, lazima niukate haraka kabla sheria hazijabadilishwa kiasi cha kumtaka kila mpigaji ataje alivyopata na kuutumia ukwasi wake. Hapa lazima nichangamke haraka kabla wazo langu halijaibiwa na wasaka tonge. Onyo, mie nafanya kweli na miujiza yangu ni ya kweli. Tofauti na wao, mie nasema wazi kuwa naunda dhehebu ili kuwachuna kondoo wa Bwana mchana kweupe.
Chanzo Tanzania Daima Feb., 28, 2018. 

Monday 26 February 2018

Between Miguna Miguna, Ndii and Magaya, who is the mole?

            Recent accusations by Miguna Miguna, a self-appointed National Resistance Movement (NRM) general sent me back to the time he betrayed Raila Odinga, the head of NRM. Miguna recently accused NRM’s strategists David Ndii and Norman Magaya of being moles in the NRM. He was quoted as saying that “Ndii opposed the swearing-in and threatened to lead a walkout from Nasa of Kalonzo (Musyoka) et al. Ndii shouted at me and made the threats in person in my house” thereby he is a mole along with Magaya whom Miguna said that “Magaya is actively working for Jubilee. He took Sh30 million to withdraw the petition against Sonko in retaliation for his failed nomination to EALA. He had vowed to ‘revenge against Raila’ after that. H.E. Raila Odinga himself told me about it.”
            After unleashing such dinting indictments, the head of the NRM Odinga was quoted as noting “my attention has been drawn to reports in sections of the media attributed to Mr. Miguna Miguna claiming that Dr. David Ndii and Mr. Norman Magaya are working for Jubilee Party. The allegations against the two, if at all they were made, are very unfortunate and detrimental to the course we are pursuing.”
            Contentious as Miguna has always been, especially when we remember how he was fished out of Canada by Odinga and became his advisor, it needs soul searching to seriously take Miguna accusations. However, looking at how Miguna has been trying to recast, relaunch and rebrand himself by self-returning in the fold, there must be something bigger than mere accusations.  My assumptions are: Miguna, as he machinated from the beginning, would like to use Odinga’s clout and fame to secure a place in Kenyan politics. I don’t know if Odinga and all those who think Miguna is an avant-garde have already unearthed this.  The way Miguna grassed Odinga must have acted as a wake-up call for Odinga and his fans to be cagey of Miguna and his veiled agenda. Essentially, one may argue that Miguna is trying to get rid of all those he perceive to be his competitors in his scheme of making mark on Kenya politics. Will he make it?
            Those who read his book “Peeling Back the Mask’, apart from seeking to portray Odinga as incompetent, Miguna swore that he would not work with Odinga on earth and in heaven. Before long, Miguna whom some refer to as doctor without necessarily having a PhD licked his vomit by willingly returning himself to Odinga after finding that the way he took would not take him where he wanted to go. For, a true revolutionary, this was not only denting but also demeaning. Does Miguna remember his avowals of not working with Odinga? Why did he shamelessly and willingly put back himself to the person he swore would not work with? If anything, Miguna’s documented avowals and salvos will always be the albatross around his neck. There must be something fishy here; and those targeted need to clinically interrogate such a move in order to make sense of it aimed at making another goof with another person. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. A fool is the one who is bitten twice in the same hole. Is Miguna seeking to put moz on as he once did, especially at a very crucial time when his contribution was needed? Time will tell.
            Although it is not good to repeat and revisit Miguna’s  unsubstantiated fabrications and salvos against Odinga, his truthfulness and seriousness must be put to question shall he seek to be trusted. By the way, who sworn-in Miguna to be NRM’s general which does not have any army? Again, has Miguna forgotten all mess he created and the ramifications from it?

            In sum, I think an Irish proverb which says that when you are right no one remembers when you are wrong no one forgets suffices to remind Miguna of his tainted past littered trail so that whenever he thinks he is moving forward, he should look back. If I were Miguna, I would fight my deportation first then come and silently cooperate with those who accepted me back to the fold however I did not deserves thanks to the mess I created and the loss I made. Mr. Miguna, please try to be a wee bit serious by appreciating the fact that your past is still fresh. The Latin proverb has it that verba volant, scripta manent namely spoken words fly away, written words remain. I think from what I have touched on in this epistle clearly sheds light on who is a mole and who actually is not among the protagonists names hereinabove.
Source: Standard, Feb., 26, 2018.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Authorities should stop purveyors of lies, obscenities

            Those who grew up in the 70s remember the Mahoka program the then Radio Tanzania used to air. This program was a comedy showing how madness can turn impossible possible hypothetically. Like it or not, this program, despite being a sort of practical hocus-pocus, was hilarious without necessarily damaging our national code and culture. Mahoka died many years ago though the Mahoka national lives on.  Currently, Tanzania is facing a threat of becoming a cultural litterbin wherein any cultural debris can be dumped in the name of entertainment. President John Magufuli has already been alarmed. He recently told artists to put their house in order after noting that some are blindly wandering off from national culture in the name of entertainment.
Thanks to Magufuli drive, many stakeholders were put on notice. Nonetheless, the speed in which cultural decay is dealt with is not satisfactory compared to what must have been done a long time ago. Thanks to carelessness and myopia devoid of ethos and cultural consciousness, some of our media are needless feeding us garbage in the name of making a quick buck. We now have the so-called Udaku or tabloids whose propensity is to feed garbage to our people. There are many more tabloids in Tanzania than any country in the region.  I am lucky to have visited all neighbouring countries minus Mozambique. These countries have a few; and others completely don’t have such obnoxious and poisonous media. Are we a mahoka country that can invest in culturally poisonous and pornographic stuff for its peril? It is no longer disconcerting to see X-rated photos on our newsstands for everybody to see including our innocent and uncontaminated children. Ironically, while the authorities have turned a blind eye to this cultural suicide, much government’s attention has been directed to purging and shunning serious media simply because they don’t share the bed with it.  This is wrong; and the civilised world is laughing at us for this self-inflicted collective and cultural suicide.
Another area that needs government scrutiny is religious chicanery wherein many conmen and women, quacks and money makers are making a killing by duping our ignorant and unsuspecting people that they can perform miracles to the effect of changing; and thereby solve their problems so as to improve their lives. We recently evidenced one impostor known as Apostle Tito confidently and openly preaching all absurdities without any fear. Thank lord; the authorities nipped him in the bud before his poison spreading so as to motivate other gunk imitators. We’ve reached a point at which anybody can go to bed a sinner and wake up a religious leader. As if this isn’t enough, under this collective imbecilisation if I may borrow from the late professor Seth Chachage, nobody is perturbed as this sacrilege morphs itself even bigger. We now have stinking rich cons whose wealth was only made by plundering our people in the name of God.
Further, we now have druids of all sorts advertising their criminality in putrid media. They assert that they can, as it is for bogus religious charlatans, Judases and Iscariots, cure any and every disease and expel spell. They enlarge sex organs, expel spells, and create wealth and do other impossible things such as helping somebody to perform well in examination, win a court case and voila the host of innumerable nonsensical stuff.   Again, what motivates such legalised criminalities? There are a couple of reasons including:
First, the failure by our authorities to regulate and scrutinise them is to blame.
Secondly, another reason is the fact that in our country, currently anybody can go to bed a pauper and wake up miraculously a tycoon without necessarily showing how one made this hush-hush dosh. So, too, this systemic slackness has motivated thievery and thuggery in our country so as to evidence the surge of crime rates. As a country, we now are infamously known for killing innocent people with albinism not to mention elderly people, especially females; which speak to gender violence.
Thirdly, the fact that our people are good buffs of such garbage adds up to the surge of such harmful media.

Now we know what and where the problem is. Then what should be done? The authorities should invest in and resuscitate our lost cultural sensitivities and values. A nation without culture is nothing but a collection of freaks whose country can be easily corrupted and destroyed by cultural imperialism, hooliganism and lunacy and the like simply because it has allowed itself to be taken for a ride either because of its myopia or greed among others. Time for the government to pounce on udaku media has arrived. It is upon the government to wake up from the slumber it has been in since Mwalimu Nyerere left office.
Source: Citizen, Feb., 21, 2018.

Rais Magufuli atahadhari magazeti nyemelezi yapendayo kumsifu

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            Japo kusifia au kufisiwa ni haki ya anayesifia au kusifiwa, kunapozidi au kufanyika bila sababu za msingi, huleta kero na maudhi kiasi fulani. Mfano, mtu anapokusifia lakini akachelea kukwambia ukweli au kukushauri, basi mtu huyu hakufai hata chembe. Yesu aliwahi kuonya akisema kuwa si wote wajao wakisema bwana bwana wataingia ufalme wa mbinguni; kwani wengi ni wanafiki na wachumia tumbo waliojaa uongo na ghilba. Hivi katibuni, baada ya rais John Magufuli kuingia madarakani, kumezuka magazeti yanayojikomba kwake kiasi cha kusifia kila kitu. Hii si kazi ya magazeti kama sauti ya wasio na sauti. Kazi ya msingi ya kwanza ya vyombo vya habari ni kusimamia na kutetea maslahi yake pamoja na ya wale wasio na sauti katika jamii. Hili hufanyika kwa kuibua madhira na uoza unaowanyima haki zao wasio na sauti. Pia vyombo vya habari hutumika kama jukwaa la wasio na sauti na walio na sauti kueleza mawazo na matatizo yao. Hivyo, kusifia si sehemu ya wajibu wa vyombo vya habari. Hatuna maana kuwa magazeti yamlaumu rais bila sababu. Lakini inatia kinyaa kusoma baadhi ya magazeti juu ya namna yanavyojikomba kwa rais kiasi cha kusifia kila kitu. Kazi ya magazeti ni kufikirisha, kufundisha, kuhabarisha, kukusanya na kusambaza habari na kuibua hoja na uoza na kufanya hivyo bila patilizi wala upendeleo kati ya majukumu mengi halali ya vyombo vya habari. Kwa watu wenye akili sawa sawa na wanatoka kuheshimika na kuendelea lazima wakoseane, wakosoane na kuambizana ukweli. Tusipojikosoa tutaangamia kama jamii na taifa. Hivyo, tusiogope kukosoana na kuambiana ukweli; na ikibidi kusifiana tufanye hivyo pale inapostahili bila kuzidisha wala kutia chumvi.
Kwa wanaokumbuka namna utawala uliopita ulivyokuwa ukifanya kazi, watakumbuka wazi namna baadhi ya wahariri na wenye vyombo vya habari walivyobuni mbinu ya kuihadaa serikali ili kupata upendeleo na ajira. Nadhani bado tunawakumbuka baadhi ya waandishi wa habari na wahariri waliojigeuza wasemaji wa serikali kana kwamba wao ni Habari Maelezo na kuiingiza mkenge kiasi cha wengine kuteuliwa kuwa wakuu wa wilaya mmojawapo akiambulia kuwa Mkurugenzi wa Tume ya Mawasiliano Ikulu. Baada ya jinai hii kutendeka, makanjanja wengi na wenye vyombo vya habari waliona huu ndiyo mwanya wa kujiunga na ulaji wa dezo serikalini. Wengi tulidhani kuwa tabia hii chafu ya kujikomba na kujipendekeza ingeisha wakati ule. Ni bahati mbaya kuwa imeendelea. Tumekuwa tukisoma magazeti yakisema vitu vya ajabu ilmradi yawafurahishe wanaolenga kuwatapeli.
Nadhani wakati wa kuionya serikali na rais Magufuli mahsusi kuwastukia wasanii hawa ni sasa. Mwandishi wa makala hii amekuwa halalii upande. Huwa anaonya na kusema ukweli Dhahiri bila kujali atamuudhi au kumfurahisha nani. Hii ndiyo kazi adhimu ya uandishi wa habari na uchambuzi wa masuala ya kisiasa. Kwani, umma una imani kubwa na taaluma ya habari.
Wapo wasaka tumbo ambao magazeti yao yalishakufa zamani lakini yakaibuliwa na tabia hii ya kujikomba ili kupata vyeo au tenda za serikali. Hatuwezi kuendelea kunyamazia kadhia hii wakati tukijua madhara ya matumizi mabaya ya dhamana na taaluma ya habari. Tulishuhudia namna vyombo vya habari vilivyochochea mauaji ya kimbari katika nchi jirani ya Rwanda. Tutakuwa ni viumbe wa ajabu; kama hatutaghairi kujifunza tukajiruhusu kuchezewa na kutapeliwa na matapeli wachache tena wenye kutumia njia ya kijinga kama hii.
Kazi ya magazeti kama tulivyosema hapo juu si kutetea serikali au kujivisha jukumu la kuwa msemaji wake. Serikali ina watu wake tena wabobezi katika kufanya kazi hii wanaolipwa kwa kodi za hawa hawa wanaolishwa habari chafu na hawa wanaopenda kujikomba. Tuikatae, kuikemea na kuipiga vita jinai hii itokanayo na uroho, ukosefu wa sifa za kufanya kazi na kujiingiza kwenye uwindaji wa favour toka kwa wenye madaraka. Kwa wanaojua umakini wa rais Magufuli wana imani kuwa hataanguka kwenye mtego huu hasa ikizingatiwa alivyowahi kusema kuwa hakuingia madarakani kutafuta kupendwa kwani kama kupendwa mkewe anatosha. Na hii ndiyo maana juzi juzi aliwaambua baadhi ya matapeli waliotaka kupeleka mswaada wa kutaka avunje sheria kwa kubadili katiba ili kujiongezea muda wa kuwa madarakani. Hawa wote si kwamba wanampenda Magufuli bali ulaji tu. Hii inatukumbusha mwanaume mzima ambaye anajua kuwa maadili yetu hayaruhusu upuuzi aliyesema hadharani kuwa anampenda Magufuli balaa. Nadhani hili litakuwa limemchukiza Magufuli ukiachia mbali kumstua asijue wapo wengi wanaotumia njia mbali mbali kujikomba kwake ili wapate mlo au vyeo hasa wakati huu ambavyo vyuma vimebana kama anavyopenda kusema rais Magufuli. Hata watendaji au wateule wake wanaopenda kumsifia hawakosi kwenye kundi hili la waimba kwaya za sifa wakati mioyoni ni maadui na mafisi wa kawaida kama yule mchungaji wa kuchipachika aliyejaribu kupambana na mteule mmoja wa Magufuli huku akimsifia akaishia kumdharau na kumuumbua.
Tumalize kwa kumshauri Magufuli awe na macho na wale wanaomwendea wakisema bwana bwana. Si chochote bali mbwa mwitu wasaka tonge wanaoendesha na njaa na si upendo wa dhati.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima, Feb., 21, 2018.

Kijiwe chalaani siasa za kijambazi na mauaji

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Marehemu Akwiline Akwilina aliyeuawa na risasi iliyofyatuliwa na polisi wakati wa kampeni za uchaguzi mdogo wa ubunge jimbo la Kinondonni.
            Wahenga walinena kuwa hakuna kisichobadilika chini ya jua. Baada ya mtindo mbovu wa siasa za kijambazi kuanza kuzoeleka, Kijiwe kimeamua kutia guu na kukemea na kulaani mauaji ya kisiasa yatokanayo na siasa za kijambazi kayani. Baada ya kutoka kwenye matanga ya Daniel John aliyenyotolewa roho kwenye mazingira ya kutisha, Kijiwe kimekaa na kudurusu nini kifanyike dhidi ya kadhia hii.
Mijjinga aliyekuwa rafiki wa marehemu ndiye anaanzisha mada ya leo “jamani wenzangu mnaongelaje mauaji ya vijana wawili hivi karibuni kwenye kampeni hizi zinazoendelea kwenye uchakachuaji wa jimbo dogo la Kinondo?”
“Yakhe wala usinkumbushe hili balaa la kujitakia litokanalo na uchumia tumbo, roho mbaya na unyama vya kutisha wallahi. Yaani kaya ya wapendanao ya mzee Nchonga na Karume yaweza kufikia hapa kiasi cha kutoana roho kwa sababu za ulaji wa dezo? Nalaani sana mauaji haya. Na nasema wazi kuna nkono na ntu hapa wallahi” analalamika Mpemba huku akionyesha wazi kuudhiwa na ujambazisiasa huu.
Mgoshi Machungi Shekiango anaamua kumpoka mic Mpemba na kuzoza “waivyontunduisu Issu niijua titajifunza jambo na kuanza kuheshimu haki za binadamu kumbe wapi? Hawa waionyotoa roho za Danie na yue binti wa chuo waaaniwe siku zote. Sijui ndata wanafanya kazi gani jamani? Mbona huko nyuma hawakuwa hivi?”
Msomi Mkatatamaa akiwa anajiweka vizuri kwenye fomu anampoka mic Mgoshi na kudema “mie tangu aliosokoiniwa Edward na kukolimbwa Horace, nilianza kuwasha taa nyekundu japo mauaji haya yalisimama kidogo tokana na mzee Mchonga kutoruhusu siasa za kijambazi na kuibia wachovu. Ila alipotundulisiwa Tundu, nilibashiri kuwa muonja hasali hachovyi mara moja.  Hivyo, hitimisho langu ilikuwa ni kwamba siasa tulizozoea kusikia kwenye kaya ya manyang’au zilikuwa zimepiga hodi kayani. Je wauawe wangapi ndipo tustuke kama jamii, kaya na watu waliozoea kupendana bila kujali dini, itakadi wala mafungamano ya kisiasa? Tulizoea kuwa mfano kwa wanaopingana kwa kuuana tokana na kupingana bila kupigana. Inatisha; lazima tuseme kwa sauti ya juu ili wahusika wajue tunajua kuwa wapo nyuma ya jinai hii uchwara itokanayo na siasa uchwara. Shame on them all.”
Kabla ya kuendelea Kanji ambaye siku hizi ametokea kuwa msemaji anakula mic “hii iko umma sana. Moyoni yangu naona chungu sana. Kama naveza naveza toka na bundiki yangu kwenda saka jambazi yote na kumalizia mbali. Kwanini naleta siasa ya tumboni kwa kaya salama kama yetu? Mimi iko taka data yote fukuzwa kazini kama nakuta inazembea na kuacha vatu nauawa kama nyama ya mwituni.”
Kapende anaamua kutia guu na mapema “mimi sishangai haya yanayotokea hasa nikiangalia namna ushindani wa kisiasa za ulaji ulivyogeuka mtego kwa wachovu wetu wapendao kula dezo. Hukusikia mjalaana mmoja akikufuru kuwa anampenda mwanaume mwenzake ni balaa asijue tafsiri itakuwa tofauti? Ukisikia siasa za kijambazi ndizo hizi. Sijui hawa wanaotuaminisha kuwa wanataka kututumikia na si kututumia watamuongoza nani wakati wanaanza kunyotoana roho? Je ni kwanini wanene wamefumba macho na kuziba masikio kana kwamba wanaonyotolewa roho ni mbu au mbwa? Baya zaidi wanatuaminisha kuwa wanatupenda wakati wanatuponda na kutunyotoa roho tokana na kutofautiana mawazo na misimamo. Je tutaendelea kuingizwa nkenge hivi kana kwamba sisi ni hamnazo? Napendekeza tuandamane kwenda sentro lau wajue tunaudhiwa na ukosefu wa usalama uliotamalaki sasa.”
Mipawa anaamua kutia guu “mna habari huyu binti aliyepigwa shaba juzi ni mtoto wa rafiki yangu? Sasa kama mchovu anakwenda kwenye mihagaiko yake usawa huu wa vyuma kubana anakuwa na wasi wasi kama atarudi salama, haya maendeleo tunayoambiwa yanataka kuletwa ni kwa ajili ya nani? Kwanini tunaendekeza siasa za chuki na woga bila sababu za msingi zaidi ya tamaa ya kutaka ulaji ili kula dezo? Kama tunakuwa wakweli, pale Kinondo kuna sababu ya kuuana wakati wagombea wanaotaka kuwatumikia wachovu na wanaotaka kuendekeza njaa wanajulikana?”
Kabla ya kuendelea kudema, Mzee Maneno anakula mic “kusema ule ukweli, mauaji ya juzi yamenitisha, kuniudhi na kunidhalilisha kama mwanakaya wa kaya hii iliyosifika kwa amni yake ambayo sasa tunaichezea. Hivi pakichimbika bila jembe tutakimbilia wapi wakati majirani zetu wote walishaharibikiwa?”
Kabla ya kumaliza, Mbwamwitu anajibu kwa kebehi “huenda tutakimbilia bahari ya Hindi ili nyangumi na papa watutafune kama zawadi ya uovu wetu. Nadhani roho za akina Sokoine, Kolimba na Mwangosi zinatulaani na kutuandama. Maana tumejigeuza majuha na wauaji tusijue fika kuwa matokeo ya kupanda mbigiri kuwa ni kuvuna mbigiri hizo hizo.”

Kabla ya Mbwamwitu kumaliza, da Sofia Lion aka Kanungaembe anajiimbia wimbo wake “amani kaya ya amani. Mnachezea amani ili kupata shari siyo? Mnaimba amani na kuborosha maisha wakati mkiharibu na kunyang’anya maisha. Mauaji ya kisiasa yazuiliwe yasigeuke kansa itakayoteketeza kaya. Wanasiasa huja na kuondoka lakini kaya siku zote itakuwapo. Wauao watauawa na wakoao wataokolewa. Kila aishie kwa upanga ajue atakufa kwa upanga. Vibaya hivyo ndugu zangu vibaya hivyo nasema achene kunyotoana roho kwa mambo ya muda ya kidunia.” Kabla ya kuendelea anazidiwa uchungu na kuzimia kiasi cha Kijiwe kuishia hapa ili kumuwahisha hospitali.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima. Feb., 21, 2018.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

My New Book: How Africa Developed Europe: Deconstructing the His-story of Africa, Excavating Untold Truth and What Ought to Be Done and Known is out

How Africa Developed EuropeDear  readers of this blog, take note that my new book is out. I welcome you to grab a copy and read as you send me your comments.
Thanks so kindly.
Nkwazi Mhango (author).

Whether Africa is developed or not, depends on how and what one addresses. Development is relative. Nonetheless, the fact is: Africa developed Europe; and thereby became underdeveloped. Addressed academically, the notion of development creates many questions amongst which are: Development in what? Whose development? Development for whom? Who defines development? In this volume, the development dealt with is polygonal; and touches on politico-economic sequels which also affect the social aspect. No doubt. Africa is abundantly rich in terms of resource and culture. Paradoxically, however, Africa is less developed economically compared to Europe thanks to the history of unequal encounters, among other reasons. We cannot emphasise enough the fact that Africa’s underdevelopment is the price of the development of Europe which is based on historical realities gyrating around Europe’s criminal past wherein slavery and colonialism enabled Europe to spawn its future capital and investment. How can anyone quibble about Europe’s development resulting from perpetual plunderage of Africa with impunity committed by European treasure-hunting adventurers? This volume prescribes Africa’s restorative recompense as the only way forward for the duo and the world.
ISBN 9789956764945
Pages 330
Dimensions 229 x 152mm
Published 2018
Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon

What next after Raila being sworn-in?

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          At last, Kenya's opposition leader Raila Amolo Odinga (RAO)and one of the National Super Alliance (NASA)  has been sworn-in as the "people's president'.  Many thought Raila was politicking while he naturally has defied logic many times in his political journey. Raila stood up to brutal fellas such as Daniel arap Moi; who else would intimidate him? If anything, the stubbornness Raila showed was aimed at intimidating and undermining the authorities not to mention tricking it into unleashing brutality that would have cost it dearly. Again, what's the expected upshot of this swearing-in for Raila and Kenya? I can summarise it as follows:
      First of all, it aimed at assuring NASA’s supporters that their leader is not a chicken who’d betray them and chicken out at the hour of need. Indeed, the swearing-in is more significate than even baptism by fire. In other words, the swearing-in energised Raila's base not to mention showing Raila as his own man and the man of actions who breathe and live what he preaches as opposed to his compatriots in NASA who lost their significance soon after Raila was sworn-in. Although Raila enjoyed the support from the Coast, what transpired at swearing-in was a show of force for Mombasa governor Hassan Joho.
          Secondly, Raila wanted the government to make a goof and act viciously and end up in bigger crisis and Catch-22 than the one it is now facing. Although, it can be seen as a sign of coward, I congratulate the authorities on averting this trap that’d make it look bad.
          Thirdly, the swearing in has brought Raila back to the limelight as far as the politics of Kenya in the future is concerned. Thus, his swearing-in marks the beginning of the journey to the 2022 elections.
           Fourthly, by being sworn-in without any resistance from the authorities, Raila has assured himself and his hangers-on how his next moves will succeed for the fear of mayhem. Had his co-principals partaken of the swearing in Raila would have lost his chance to stand again in the coming elections. Consequently, the swearing-in has secured him a ticket as a major contender. However, there are those who deceive themselves thinking that Raila is old to stand again. What a goof! No retirement in politics of Africa. If Mugabe was ready to soldier on, why can’t Raila? In the year 2022, Raila will be 75 just like Emerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe who is standing this year. So, too, there are other presidents who ran in elections when they were in their seventies such as Nelson Mandela and Abdulaye Wade. Therefore, here the age is nothing but numbers for Raila. 
            Fifth, the absence of other NASA’s co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetang'ula and Musalia Mudavadi at the swearing-in has emboldened and cemented Raila as the true leader who can steer Kenya in future after Kenyatta lapses his term in office. The thousands who were ready for anything to see Raila is sworn-in as it happened cannot be gainsaid. So, too, this defiance has secured Raila yet another chance to take a short at presidency without necessarily needing to repay the leg up and push he enjoyed from the co-principals who have proved to be coward and political prostitutes. Furthermore, the swearing-in has portrayed Kenyatta as a runaway if not a hollerer who cannot make good on his promises. Again, Kenyatta must be commended for showing maturity that averted a grave danger that was looming over Kenya. He should not even listen to those who say what Raila did is treason. Instead, Kenyatta should keep an eye on Raila’s next move.
           Sixth, Raila now knows how the UhuRuto government fears him. This is obvious. Raila intimidated it and beat it at its own game. He therefore will give it a heck of challenge provided that he knows nobody wants to go back to The Hague.
            Seventh, by taking the oath of non-existing office, Raila has symbolically convinced Kenyans that he is still in the game seeking the very office. His new title people's president dwarfs Kenyatta. My friend from Kenya gave me a call after Raila’s swearing-in teasing that Kenya now has the people's president as opposed to the government’s president.
         Eighth, by being sworn in, Raila has notched past potential future candidates that supported him to end up failing him at the moment of truth for their peril. This puts him ahead of others who are contemplating to stand for election 2022.
      In a nutshell, however ceremonial or emblematic Raila's swearing-in can rightly be construed or misconstrued; it has given him more political mojo and tempo to keep in on vis-a-vis 2022. For the authority to stop him, it must keep its cool as it softens its stand on dialogue. For, shall the impasse go on, it is Kenya that suffers.
Source: African Executive, Feb., 20, 2018.

Saturday 17 February 2018

Zuma's recall: Has he reaped what he seeded?

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         Disgraced former South African president Jacob Zuma’s a cat with many lives that survived far too many perils before; succumbing to the same rapier he used to dislodge former president Thabo Mbeki. Despite being a survivalist, like the albatross around his neck, Zuma’s past kept on hauntingly hunting him culminating into a heavy blow he’s dealt after, like unwanted goods, being recalled in the same manner he roguishly did to Mbeki on 28th September 2008. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) ruling committee convened an ad hoc meeting that looked into the matter and what’s into it. Thereafter Zuma’s fate’s sealed; thereby ending long-time wrangles wherein Zuma refused to stand down; thus forcing the politburo, as its quid pro quo, to mercilessly and summarily axe him ending scandal-tainted and very controversial nine-year presidency that left South African economy in quandaries. Essentially, apart from being the baddest thing South Africa’s ever known, Zuma indeed was a political accident that cost the country dearly.
            Looking at how Zuma took advantage of his position and betrayed the ANC, Mbeki and South Africa, his recall did not confound or shock many, if any, especially given that Zuma lost legitimacy many years ago after being captured and abusively used by one Indian Gupta family not to mention unending scandals from sexual related ones to mega corruption. His departure was long overdue.  Similarly, using his power as the then newly-appointed president of the ANC, Zuma tumbled former president Mbeki down in a loutish way. When scheming and humiliating Mbeki, as the ANC, Zuma’s bootlickers and consigliore were just laughing, Zuma didn’t consider the precedent he’s setting. Now that the ANC has turned tables on Zuma, will he go home and enjoy the pickings of his venal rule or wait to pay for the tonnes and tonnes of corruption allegations and cases he and his family face? Will his successor spare him, his family and accomplices from facing the music? Surely, if you live by sword you truly will die of sword; the sage has it. Can Mbeki now laugh after evidencing justice being done and served to Zuma?
          Those who know how Zuma mustered Mbeki unceremoniously, will agree with us that Zuma has received what he deservedly courted. A few weeks before Mbeki’s toppled, under what the ANC called a recall, another victim of retributive politics, Julius Malema, the head of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) was quoted chastising Mbeki to leave so that Zuma could become president. Malema’s words were not in vain. For, after a week, Mbeki was kicked out from power. After holding a lot sway of everything, Zuma was elected president and sworn in in the Union Buildings.
          After getting what he wanted, grabbing power from Mbeki, Zuma wanted to get rid of Malema. Sooner than later, Malema was shown the door after being charged with tax evasion and other economic-related offences; thereby losing his lucrative position of the president of ANC youth wing.
             Looking at how things unfolded; and knowing who’s behind them, it didn’t take long before Malema to realise his terrible mistake as a sequel of being used.  He hit back by forming his EFF which has given Zuma hard time, especially after securing good-sized victory in past general elections.
            Zuma-Malema marriage hit rock bottom; and the duo became sworn enemies. Malema was recently quoted as saying “we are in a mess because we did not listen to the silent communication from president Mbeki that you are removing me and replacing me with nothing.” Malema’s refuting his allegations that the ANC was in quandary because of Mbeki whom he once accused saying “we are in this trouble because of Thabo Mbeki and his people. This problem was started by Mbeki.” Now, we can see that Mbeki wasn’t the cause of troubles South Africa is in while Zuma is; according to Malema. After realising his mistake of being used, Malema went as far as issuing an apology to Mbeki by meeting his late mother, Epainette Mbeki, in April 2014 shortly before her demise saying “I took an opportunity to also apologise to her about how we ill-treated her child.”

          In this live-by-sword-and-die-by-sword situation, the sword that Zuma used to finish off Mbeki has been turned against him to end up exiting power unceremoniously. However, the difference is: Mbeki left without any cloud hanging over his head as it currently is for Zuma whose corruption scandals will always haunt him soon after being fired. Has Zuma reaped what he sowed? Nkandla and hamba kahle Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma the man South Africa will remember as a scandalous president.
Source: Citizen, Feb., 17, 2018.