How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Wednesday 31 January 2018

An Open letter to President Museveni

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Your Excellency president for life Hastings Kamuzu Banda, sorry, democratically elected president Yoweri K. Museveni,
            First of all, forgive me for a mix-up. I happen to have roots from a country whose criminal president once declared; he was president for life as if the country were his private estate.  This was long before multiparty democracy kicked in and kicked him out. This was none other than Ngwazi Hastings Kamuzu Banda of Malawi. I write this letter to invoke your experience and wisdom about good governance and the sacrosanctity of the constitution of the land. I must clearly state in the outset that the story I am going to delve on is about somebody else but not you, Your Excellency.
            Your Excellency, I was shocked when I heard and later read that you allowed the tinkering with the constitution in order to rule by overruling it. First of all, I could not believe. However, I had to after reminding myself how you're able to maintain power for over 30 years equivalent to six five-year terms. What prevented me from accepting to believe that this time the fact that same old tricks would be replicated to overrule the constitution contrary to the word of another Yoweri Museveni, who, none the less, is different from you I am writing. In 1986, at a time, he’s revolutionary and refreshing, Museveni, with razzmatazz, said that “the problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not the people but leaders who want to overstay in power”. Joshing aside, as refreshing as Ugandan politicians can be, in 2015, former vice president, Prof Gilbert Bukenya said that “president Museveni has been in power for over 29 years but our hospitals are in a terrible state. He has failed to even repair the hospitals Dr. Milton Obote built. Whereas he calls him swine, Obote did better than Museveni in this area” (Daily Monitor25, October 9, 2015).
            Your Excellency, now, you can see the difference between the two Musevenis I'm talking about. I know as you know. You know what I mean. Allow me to ask you a few questions. Does a person who tinker with the constitution really believe in the sacrosanctity of the constitution of his country? If he does, does he know that tinkering with it isn't only treasonous but also a sacrilege? Why does such a criminal raise the Bible during being sworn in  promising that you'd protect, respect and uphold the constitution while in actuality you just underhold and abhor it? Do you believe in God? Do you remember the entire oath you've already recited five times since you came to power; and underscore its meaning, intentions , sacrosanctity and significance for you and the nation in general?
            Your Excellency, may I remind you of the very oath which I'm sure you know and remember? It says: “I….., swear in the name of the Almighty God/solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Uganda and that I will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. (So help me God). How faithful have you been to yourself forget about Uganda, especially when you remember the words you uttered when you're ascending to power?  Does a person have any allegiance to the republic of Uganda whose constitution he can tinker with not once or twice but many times? You personally, have you preserved, protected and defended the constitution of Uganda while it can be tampered with under your watch?
            The other day, I heard you saying that you tinker with the constitution in order to get more time to finish off the job you started. Is Uganda a private estate any power-hungry person can use and overspend as he deems fit? What lesson does such criminality teach others, especially those under one's watch and age?
            Your Excellency, do life presidents believe in mortality or infallibility and immortality? Why am I asking such an obvious question? It is because as the bible says “There is a time for everything,   and a season for every activity under the heavens:  a time to be born and a time to die” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2). Why’d a mortal who came from the womb of a woman deceive him/herself with mundane things as if he/she will live forever? How do you call this in your philosophy your Excellency? If all of us would like to die in power, who will die out of it? How many years will it take for each and every of us to do so? 
            Your Excellency, the other day, I heard you lambasting foreign powers for wanting to intervene in your internal affairs by branding them colonisers. You said “Buli omu afuge enyumba ye,” meaning let everyone govern his/her own house (Observer, May 13, 2016). What happened when General Idi Amin said the same?  Do you know that since Africa gained its independence has been under black colonisers after they unseated the white ones and usurped powers from the hoi polloi? Do you know that the same black colonisers tamper with the constitutions of their countries; and are also maintained by white or external colonisers?

Time is up; maybe, next time.
Source: Citizen, Jan., 31, 2018. 

Maadili, Magufuli aungwe mkono

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            Hivi karibuni, kwa mara nyingine, rais John Pombe Magufuli alifanya kilichokuwa kimewashinda wengi tangu kung’atuka baba wa taifa Mwl Julius Nyerere. Magufuli aliamua kuwaondolea uvivu wachafuzi wa maadili ya kitanzania ambao, mara nyingi, ni matokeo ya utawala mbovu, ujinga, ulimbukeni na tamaa miongoni mwa watanzania. Tunachukua fursa hii kumpongeza kipekee kwa kuona zahma hii ambayo ilikuwa ikitishia uhai wa taifa kimaadili.
            Kama taifa, bila maadili, hatuna tofauti na wanyama. Taifa lisilo na maadili, halina utambulisho wake na linaelekea pabaya. Hivyo basi, rais Magufuli aungwe mkono na watanzania wote kuhakikisha tunapambana na yeyote anayetaka kuchezea mila na utamaduni wetu kwa gharama yoyote. Katika kufanya hivi, kuna mambo kadhaa ya kuzingatia.
            Mosi, tusingoje serikali wala kulinda mila na tamaduni zetu kwa hofu ya serikali wala kulamika. Maana, kwa wenzetu, mila na tamaduni ni uchumi. Mfano mdogo ni toka taifa la Marekani ambalo linatangaza na kuuza utamaduni wake dunia nzima kama njia mojawapo ya kuzitawala nchi nyingine. Chukulia mavazi, mitindo, vinywaji na vyakula vya kimarekani vinavyouzwa ulimwenguni kweli kupitia maabala yake ya Holywood na biashara nyingine. Mwl Nyerere aliwahi kusema “utamaduni kuwa ni chombo cha maendeleo.”
            Pili, kama jamii, tuonyesha maadili yetu kama njia ya kututambulisha na kututofautisha na watu wengine. Hivyo, tusichuuze utu wetu kwa kisingizio cha kutengeneza fedha. Hakuna ubishi kuwa kwa sasa filamu na miziki mingi vinavyozalishwa nchini ni vichafu tokana na kukinzana na maadili ya kitanzania. Tumekuwa watumwa wa mila chafu toka mataifa mengine yasiyo na mwelekeo hasa katika sanaa ya muziki ambapo ima tunaigiza Marekani au DRC bila sababu zozote za msingi.
            Tatu, kwa vile serikali yetu imejitofautisha na serikali za hovyo zilizopita zilizoruhusu uoza kimaadili kutokana na kuongozwa na watu ambao hawakuwa na maadili kwa kisingizio cha usasa na kusaka fedha chafu. Tunapaswa tujionyeshe kama watanzania wenye maadili ikiwa ni sehemu ya urathi wetu kama jamii ya watu wenye akili. Mambo ya kucheza miziki au kupiga picha za uchi ni ya kishamba na kilimbukeni. Milegezo, kutoga masikio na upuuzi mwingine lazima vipigwe vita kulhali. Maana vinawekwa wazi wazi kana kwamba ni jambo la maana.
            Nne, tunapopambana na kadhia ua uchafuzi wa maadili tusiangalie sanaa tu. Twende mbali zaidi. Kwa mfano, katika hatua hii, lazima tushughulikie vyombo vya habari vinavyoeneza uchafu kama vile magazeti ya udaku.  Kwani, nayo hayana tofauti na watembea na waonyesha uchi wao ukiachia malimbukeni wa mila chafu za kigeni. Magazeti ya udaku na radio na runinga za kidaku ndivyo vyombo vikuu vya kueneza uchafu huu kwa kisingizio cha kutengeneza fedha. Ni bahati nzuri kuwa Magufuli ameelewa na kufanya mambo ambayo wengi wa waliomtangulia ukiondoa marehemu baba wa taifa Mwl Julius Nyerere yaliwashinda tokana na kutoona mbali ukiachia mbali kuwa bize kwa mambo ya kipuuzi au kuyashiriki. Ukiangalia mema mengi aliyotenda Magufuli unashangaa kugundua kuwa amepitia kwenye mfumo mchafu kama huu. Hakika huu ni ushahidi kuwa Tanzania bado ina watu wema na wenye kuthamini taifa lao.         
            Baada ya kupambana na vyombo vinavyoeneza uchafu, twende mbali na kushughulikia watu has wale wanaoeneza uongo na uchafu kama vile mahubiri ya uongo yanayowaaminisha watu kuwa wanatenda miujiza au kutibu magonjwa yasiyotibika, kuleta bahati na upuuzi mwingine ambao umesababisha taifa letu lichafuke tokana na matokeo ya mahubiri na utapeli huu kama vile mauaji ya watu wenye ulemavu wa ngozi na vikongwe kiasi cha kuliacha taifa letu halina sifa kimataifa.

            Kwa uzoefu wangu ni kwamba katika Jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki, ni Tanzania pekee yenye vyombo vya habari vya kidaku na vyenye kuvunja maadili ukiachia mbali utitiri wa waganga wa kienyeji ambao wengi ni matapeli wa kawaida. Kama ambavyo rais Magufuli amekuwa akishangaa na kujiuliza nani alituroga hadi tukageuzwa shamba la bibi. Kwani, tuna watu tena matapeli wa kawaida ambao wametokea kuwa na utajiri wa kutisha tokana na kuwaibia watu wetu ima kupitia dini za kitapeli, uuzaji na usambazaji wa habari chafu ukiachia mbali waganga wa kienyeji. Huwa napendekeza taifa letu kuanzisha sera ya zamani ya kuuliza watu binafsi wanaoibuka na utajiri usio kuwa na maelezo ili kuondoa motisha kwa wengine wenye kutaka kuuibia umma kitapeli. Nchi ilikuwa imefikia pabaya hadi machizi fulani kuanzisha madhehebu ya dini yanayohimiza watu kutenda maovu kana kwamba hakuna serikali. Kwa vile rais Magufuli ameamua kujitofautisha na malimbukeni waliopewa madaraka wakaachi nchi itopee kwenye ufunjifu wa maadili, tumuunge mkono kama wananchi na jamii ili tuondoe kadhia hii ya uchafuzi wa maadili kwa faida na heshima yetu kama jamii ya watu. Maana, ilifikia mahali watu wakaanza kuogopa hata kutazama runinga kwa hofu ya kuonyeshwa uchafu wakiwa na watoto na jamaa zao. Hongera kwa mara nyingine rais Magufuli kwa kuanza kurejesha na kutetea maadili ya kitanzania.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima, J'tano, Jan., 31, 2018.

Kijiwe kuendesha maombi Afrika nzima kwa ajili ya Tunduni Lissu

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            Baada ya kuona waumini hata matapeli wakiendesha mikesha ya kuombea kaya, Kijiwe, kwa vile kina wanachama ambao ni waumini wa kweli–na si wasaka ngawira na wachumia tumbo–kimeamua kuendesha mkesha wa bara zima la Afrika kumuombea shujaa wa ukweli aliye tayari kuufia ukweli kama Plato, Tunduni mwana wa Lissu aliyeumizwa na majembuzi na wapinga maendeleo na uhuru wa kujieleza waliotaka kumnyotoa roho.
            Mgoshi Machungi baada ya kurejea kutoka kwa king’ang’anizi Bob Mugabe anakwanyua mic baada ya kuamkua. Anaronga “wagoshi nina ushongo na kijiwe na mic hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa timekaa miezi mitatu bia kukwanyua waa kubusu mic.” Anatugeukia na kutuangalia na kuendelea ‘au shiyo wagoshi? Mwenzenu nina uchungu sana. Hapa manaponiona nina mpango wa kwenda Uhoanzi kumjuia hai Tunduni mwana wa Issu aiyetaka kunyotoewa roho na wajaaana wasiojuikana ambao mpaka sasa wameendeea kutojuikana wakati wanajuikana.”
            Kabla ya uendelea, Mijjinga anampoka mic na kudema “kaka usinikumbushe shujaa huyu anayeendelea kusota kitandani. Hata hivyo, namshukuru Muumba kwani waliotaka kumnyotoa roho wameshindwa na kuadhirika.  Kama uchache utaruhusu, tutakwea pipa pamoja kwenda kumpa kampani shujaa huyu wa aina yake kaya nzima.”
            Mgoshi hangoji aendelee kufaidi mic.  Anampoka mic na kuendelea “bashi mwenzenu nina wazo kuwa tiitishe mkesha wa baa zima la Afiika ili timuombee apone haaka arejee kuja kuendeleeza mapambano au siyo?”
            Kapende ambaye alikuwa akimnong’oneza jambo da Sofia Lion Kanugaembe anaamua kula mic. Anazoza “kwa vile kwenye kaya yetu tunapendana na wote ni ndugu, hili si jambo baya. Hukuna mama makamu alivyokwenda kumpa tafu kule Nairoberry kwa wakora juzi juzi kabla ya kukwea pipa kuelekea Uholanzini? Huu ni mfano wa kuigwa.”
            Kabla ya kuendelea Mipawa anamnyang’anya mic na kudema “hili la bibi wa makamu kwenda kumdeku mie sioni kama ni dili iwapo baba mwenyewe na kipaza sauti wamekula pini ukiachia mbali kutohimiza waliotaka kumsokoine kushindwa kupatikana kwa kisingizio cha kutojulikana. Hivi kweli hawa wajalaana hawafahamiki? Au ni kuzinguana na sanaa ukiachia mbali kuwa na mkono wa mtu?”
            Msomi Mkata Tamaa anaamua kutia guu na mapema “kaka paha umeibua hoja na maswali mazito na muhimu. Haiwezekani kaya yenye ndata na ndutu na kila ghasia za usalama kushindwa kuwabaini na kuwashughulikia hawa wajalaana kama hamna namna. Kama kaya haiwezi kuwabaini na kuwachukulia hatua stahiki hawa wahalifu basi ni hatari kwa maisha ya wana kaya wote na hakuna haja ya kuwa na lisilikali ambalo kwa kizaramo huitwa sitting duck or do nothing powers that be.’
            Kabla ya kuendelea mzee Maneno anampoka mic na kuchonga “Msomi angalia hicho kikameruni. Hujui kuwa nasi tuna lugha ya kaya ambayo mnene ameamua kuipigia chapuo kiasi cha kuanza kujulikana na kuheshimika? Hivyo, kaka zoza Kiswahili au siyo Msomi?”
            Msomi anatabasamu na kuendelea “kaka usemayo ni kweli tupu. Hata hivyo, nisamehe. Kwani nilipitiwa. Hata hivyo, si vibaya kujikumbusha madude na lugha niliyokuwa natumia wakati nikisomea PhD zangu nyingi. Hayo tuyaache. Naunga mkono wazo la kumuombea Tunduni ila nina sharti. Sitataka tuwahusishe wachunaji wanaojiita wachungaji na mashehena wasije kutia laana dua yetu. Nitapendekeza tuombe sisi wenyewe na walevi wote barani tena kwa kutumia Mulungu na si miungu ya kigeni na ya kikoloni.”
            Mpemba hangoji amalize “yakhe mie sikuelewi ati.  Uniposema Mulungu wamaanishani? Wadhani wote matwahuti wasio na dini wanaowezaomba kwa miungu ya kishenzi siyo?” Kanji anaamua kula mic “mimi ungakono na guu Somi. Vote iko na dini yetu ya asili dugu yangu. Kama veve zarau dini yako basi vote nacheka veve. Sisi takwenda omba Brahma asaidie hii Tundu ipone haraka sana.”
            Msomi anakatua mic tena ‘leo Kanji umenifurahisha sana. Afadhali umesema wewe. Maana, waswahili wakati mwingine ni viumbe wa ajabu. Wanadharau na kudhalilisha mila zao huku wakipwakia za wengine hadi kufikia hata kutoana roho kama ilivyo kwa Tunduni ambaye ameumizwa kwa kutetea wana kaya dhidi ya mambo ya ajabu ajabu.  Unaweza kuzunguka jiji zima. Hutakuta nyumba ya ibada ya Kiswahili bali za kiarabu, kizungu, kihindi, na juzi juzi nilisikia za shetani kule Idodomya ambapo chizi mmoja alitaka kuanzisha. Tunajidanganya na kudanganywa bila kujua kuwa huwezi kuheshimika kama hujiheshimu na kuheshimu chako. Hili ni somo la siku nyingine hasa nikizingatia kuwa ni pana hasa kutokana na kutamalaki kwa matapeliw anaodai watenda miujiza wakati ni wezi watupu. Hawa–mnasisitiza–washirikishwe kwenye kumuombea Tunduni. Watamwombea nini wakati wana madhambi zaidi ya shetani mwenyewe? Wataomba kwa Mulungu gani wakati miungu yao ni fedha na utajiri?”
            Sofi aliyekuwa akisikiliza kwa makini anaamua kula mic “mwenzenu nikimkumbaka Tunduni huwa machozi yananitoka. Sijui tunaelekea au kupelekwa wapi ambapo udugu tuliorithi umegeuka uhasama wa kutoana roho? Tulizoea kupingana kwa hoja siyo ngumi na risasi wala kesi za kubambikiziwa”

            Kijiwe kikiwa kinanoga si mvua ikaanza kunyesha! Acha tutimke mbio utadhani mvua inaua! Waswahili kwa kuogopa mvua lakini wasiogope miwaya, sina hamu!
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima leo, Jan., 31, 2018.

Tuesday 30 January 2018

People's president Raila Amolo Odinga takes the oath of office as UhuRuto cowers and lick wounds

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           At last, Kenya's opposition leader Raila Amolo Odinga (RAO, also one of the National Super Alliance (NASA) was yesterday sworn-in as the "people's president'. If anything, this stubbornness was aimed at undermining the authorities not to mention coaxing it into unleashing brutality that would have cost it dearly. Again, what's the significance of this swearing in for Raila and Kenya?
      First of all, it aimed at assuring NASA's supporters that their leader is not a coward who is afraid of the authorities. In other words, swearing in energised Raila's base. It showed him as a man of actions who breathe and live what he preaches as opposed to his compatriots in NASA who lost their significance yesterday soon after Raila was sworn-in. Although Raila enjoyed the support from the Coast, what transpired yesterday was a show of force for Mombasa governor Hassan Joho.
          Secondly, Raila wanted the government to make a goof and act foolishly and end up in bigger crisis and quandary than the ones it is now facing.
          Thirdly, the swearing in has brought Raila back to the limelight as far as the politics of Kenya in the future is concerned. It is the beginning of the journey to the 2022 elections.
           Fourthly, by being sworn in without any resistance from the authorities, Raila has  assured himself how his next moves will succeed for the fear of mayhem.Had his co-principals partaken of the swearing in, Raila would have lost his chance to stand again in the coming elections. Therefore, the swearing-in has secured him a golden ticket as a  major contender. However, there are those who deceive themselves  thinking that Raila is old to stand again. What a goof! No retirement in politics of Africa. If Mugabe was ready to soldier on, why can't Raila?In 2022, Raila will be 75 just like Emerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe who is standing this year. So, too, there are other presidents who ran when they were in their seventies such as Nelson Mandela and Abdulaye Wade. Therefore, here the age is nothing but numbers for Raila. 
            Fifth, the absence of other NASA's co-principals Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetang'ula and Musalia Mudavadi, has emboldened and cemented Raila as the true leader who can steer Kenya in future after Kenyatta lapses his term in office. So, too, this defiance has secured Raila yet another chance to  take a short at presidency without necessarily needing to repay the leg up and support he enjoyed from the co-principals who have proved to be cowards and political prostitutes. Furthermore, the swearing in has portrayed Kenyatta as a coward if not a noisemaker who cannot make good on his promises.
           Sixth, Raila now knows how the UhuRuto government fears him. This is obvious. Raila intimidated it; and beat it at its own game. He therefore will give it a heck of challenge provided that he knows nobody wants to go back to The Hague.
            Seventh, by taking the oath of non-existing office, Raila has symbolically convinced Kenyans that he is still in the game seeking the very office. His new title people's president dwarfs Kenyatta. My friend from Kenya gave me a call after Raila's swearing in teasing that Kenya now has the people's president as opposed to the Nugu's president, nugu is Kikuyu word for apes.
         Eighth, by being sworn-in, Raila has notched past potential future candidates that supported him to end up failing him at the moment of truth. This puts him ahead of others who are contemplating to stand for election 2022.
      In a nutshell, however ceremonial or symbolic Raila's swearing in can rightly be construed or misconstrued, it has given him more political mojo and tempo to keep in on vis-a-vis 2022.cartoon

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Thank you president Donald Trump: open letter

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          Dear Donald John Trump, POTUS,
            I hope you are fine. Congrats on discovering that your upstairs is normal.
Mr. President, I am writing this letter to thank you for telling the truth however bitter and ugly it might be misconstrued.  Remember how the world caught fire when you told it as it is? Let me remind you. After being frustrated by immigration policies, you decided to call a spade a spade so as to make the whole world accuse, curse, huff and puff as if it doesn’t know who you actually are.  I remember reading the Washington Post that broke the news quoting you as saying “why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”  First of all, those condemning you seem to have forgotten your campaign promises that your presidency will be about making America great again even if doing so means to make America a threat.
            Secondly, those blaming you forget that you have proved to be the true president of the US but not the world. This is different from your predecessors who used to act and think as if they are the presidents of the world simply because they were presidents of the US.
            Thirdly, I am wondering why people are attacking you for defending your country. Some people say that your words were abhorrently provocative and racist. Of course, they were. Did they think racism has been rooted out from the world? What is the problem, to show the truth, especially how your country, and the West in general perceive others? I praise you for unearthing the true face of how the U.S and the West perceive others, especially those they once colonised and kept on exploiting up until now.  
            Those who truly know you and those who voted for you Mr. President weren't shocked or annoyed provided that you represent your voters and country altogether. Mr. President, hate or love what you said, I don’t hate you. I like you for being open and trustworthy. First, you are not a hypocrite. Nor are you a politician. You don't brag or smile where you're supposed to just like other Westerners who always strive to show only a positive self.  You say what you want to say without seeking to be politically correct. And you say it the way you want to say it but not the way listeners would want you to say it.
            Mr. President, those who don't know you and your take of Africa and black people in general must start researching about you.  Do you remember in 1973 when you and your dad were accused of denying black people the right to rent your apartments? As if this wasn’t enough, do you remember how in 2013 when Obama promised to assist Africa, you warned him noting that “every penny of the $7 billion going to Africa as per Obama will be stolen-corruption is rampant!” As if this wasn’t enough, you added that Africans “are people who import everything including matchsticks. In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years, because they know nothing about leadership and self-governance.” Mr. President, didn’t you know that African countries have never been independent like the US and the West are?  How could they be independent and still begging shamelessly not to mention their elections being funded by independent countries? What is wrong with you telling them the truth? Don't they imports all sorts of nonsenses despite running their own countries for over five decades?
            Now, let us face it. Aren’t many African countries corrupt? Aren’t they importing matchsticks despite priding themselves that they have been independent for over six decades? Aren’t some of African rulers addicted to begging; and proud of doing so?  Do those who rob their countries respect them or treat them just like ***hole? Who respects it on earth? Don’t those tinkering with the constitutions of their countries to cling to power treat them like s***hole?
            Mr. President, what's wrong with you telling them to put their houses in order instead of languishing in believing that the president of the US is the president of the world? What's wrong with you reminding such countries to stop clinging to colonial hangovers of thinking that they must be told lies as it has been since they gained their chimeric independence? What's wrong with you abandoning s***hole policies that your country used to use by sending the CIA to topple non-complying governments as it happened in Chile, the DRC and Guatemala where their leaders, Salvador Allende Castro, Patrice Emile Lumumba and Jocobo Arbenz Guzman were toppled and killed respectively simply because they were not ready to be in bed with imperialism and shithole and thuggish policies?

            In sum, Mr. President, keep on educating the world about things by doing what many love to hate and fear to touch. Congrats on making good your campaign promises that attracted American voters to elect you as the sign of how endemic corruption was in the US, especially swampy Washington you promised to drain. Is racism saying it or doing it? Aren't s***hole countries not discriminated against and exploited economically internationally? 
Source: Citizen, Wed., Jan. 24, 2018.

Msamaha wa rais usigeuzwe dili kusaka umaarufu

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            Mwishoni mwa mwaka jana, rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Dk John Pombe Magufuli, kwa mamlala aliyo nayo kisheria, alifanya kilichowastua wengi kwa kutoa msamaha kwa wafungwa katika kuadhimisha kumbukukumbu ya uhuru wa Tanganyika. Katika msamaha huu wa rais, ulihusisha hata wale waliokuwa hawatarajii acha kutarajiwa kuachiwa kama vile wale waliokuwa wamepatikana na hatia ya kubaka, ambayo kisheria, hawakupaswa kusamehewe. Hili lilizua malalamiko toka kwa watetezi wa haki za binadamu hasa baada ya wasamehewa kuonekana wakijivinjari kwenye viwanja vya ikulu. Wanaopinga hili walisema kuwa linawapa ujasiri waliotenda makosa ya ubakaji.  
Hata hivyo, si lengo la makala hii kujadili uhalali au mamlaka ya kufanya hivyo. Niseme wazi kuwa rais alitumia mamlaka yake kuwaachia alioona wanafaa kuachiwa baada ya kujiridhisha, kupitia vyombo vyake kuwa havunji sheria, hasa katiba aliyoapa kuilinda, kuhifadhi na kuitetea kama mkuu wa nchi.   Pia, si nia ya safu hii kuhoji kama rais alizingatia maslahi mapana ya wahanga wa baadhi ya jinai ambazo zikitendeka na mtuhumiwa akakutwa na hatia hapaswi, kisheria, kupewa msamaha kama ubakaji. Kwanini nagusia hili? Ni kuepusha kuonekana kama rais amefanya makosa kutokana kufanya ambacho kisheria hakiruhusiwa wala kukubalika hasa tukizingatia sheria kama sheria na heshima na haki za waathirika wa baadhi ya makosa. Wapo ambao wameishaanza kutumia kuachiwa kama mtaji wakizunguka huku na huku wakivutia vyombo vya habari kuwahoji. Wapo wanaodai kuwa wanafanya waliyofanya kama ishara ya kumuunga mkono na kumshukuru rais. Rais keshawaachia inatosha. Hana haja ya kuendelea kusikia mambo yenu. Heri mkae kimya na kumshukuru Mungu na rais kimya kimya badala ya kutafuta usupastaa unaoweza kuwaponza baadaye.
            Makala ya leo inajikita kwenye kadhia mbili, yaani wasamehewa kutaka kutumia fursa hii ama kutafuta umaarufu wakisahau kuwa msamaha hauondoi kosa la jinai walilopatikana nalo na ile ya wasamehewa kurudia kutenda makosa ya jinai kiasi cha kuonyesha kuwa msamaha wa rais ni kama dhihaka au una makosa kwa kuachia watu ambao hawakupaswa. Hivyo, ushauri wa kwanza, ni hawa wahusika kujua kuwa kusamehewa na rais, siyo fursa ya kutafutia umaarufu au kurejea kwenye maisha ya jinai bali kujrekebisha na kuomba Mungu wasiburuzwe tena mahakamani.  Pia wahusika wajue kuwa msamaha wa rais ni jambo ambalo ni sawa na bahati nasibu. Katika nchi inayofuata sheria vilivyo na kufanya uchunguzi wa kina kabla ya kutoa misamaha kwa wahusika, kusamehewa na rais tena kwa makosa yasiyosameheka, saa nyingine ni jambo ambalo linaweza kuitwa muujiza hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa kufanya hivyo, kunaweza kuleta madhara kwa mamlaka au kuifanya iangalie upya uamuzi wake na kuziba mwanya wa makosa kama yalitokea ima katika kuchunguza tabia za wahusika na mazingira ya kuhukumiwa au sheria.
            Hakuna kilichoshangaza safu hii kama kuona baadhi ya wahusika ambao si raia wa Tanzania, kuonyesha kaubabe fulani ambapo kwa nchi za wenzetu siku walipoachiwa wangefukuzwa nchini. Ni ajabu kuwa Tanzania haikufanya hivyo kwa sababu ambazo mamlaka inajua yenyewe. Kitu kingine kilichonisukumba kudurusu wazo hili ni ile hali ya wasamehewa kutokana kosa walilofungwa nalo. Tumeona wengine wakisema hadi kutoa machozi kuwa ima walionewa au kubambikizwa kesi tofauti na hawa wanaosaka umaarufu kwa sababu tu wameachiwa na rais.
            Wahusika wanapaswa kujua kuwa rais aliwasamehe si kwa mamlaka tu bali tokana na huruma yake. Hata kitendo cha baadhi kukaribishwa ikulu kilizua utata hasa kwa waathirika wa kadhia waliyoshitakiwa nayo wasamehewa na kupatikana na hatia na kufungwa maisha. Sijui wazazi wa watoto na watoto waliofanyiwa vitendo hivyo, huko waliko, wanajisikiaje? Je hawa wasamehewa wangetaka nini kifanyike kama vitendo walivyokutwa navyo hatia vingetendwa kwa wapendwa wao, watoto, dada, shangazi au ndugu zao? Japo naweza kuonyesha kama nawabagua wahusika, kwa vitendo walivyopatikana navyo hatia na kufungwa, wajue kuwa Tanzania ni taifa lenye huruma. Maana kwenye nchi nyingine ikiwamo yao, ukishafungwa imetoka.  Kusema ukweli, kuna kipindi Tanzania tunakuwa wakarimu sana kiasi cha kutia shaka kama kweli tunajua thamani ya utaifa wetu.
            Mbali na wanaosaka umaarufu na kushindwa kuomba msamaha au kuonyesha kuwa wamejutia makosa yao, wapo wanaotumia fursa ya kusamahewa kama kuitukana mamlaka iliyowapa upendeleo huu. Kwani, tayari wengi wameisharejeshwa kule wakiwa wametenda makosa ya jinai kuiachia mbali baadhi kuwa mikononi mwa vyombo vya dola wakisubilia kufikishwa mbele ya vyombo vya sheria baada ya kupatiakana na ima silaha au kujihusisha kwa njia moja au nyingine na jinai.

            Tumalizie kwa kuwataka wasamehewa kuwa na fadhila. Watende mambo mema. Wale walioachiwa kama nilivyioanza kwa makosa yasiyosameheka, wasijione ni wajanja au wasitumie msamaha wa rais kutafutia umaarufu na kuonyesha ubabe. Kwani, wale waliowakosea, licha ya kuwa watu, wana makovu ya mateso yao. Kwa wale ambao si raia wa Tanzania, wazidi kumshukuru Mungu.  Kwani ingekuwa nchi nyingine, jambo kama hili lisingefanyika tena bila serikali za kwao kuiomba serikali lau kufikiria kuchukua uamuzi kama huu wa ajabu. Pia, tumshukuru rais kwa kuwa na huruma muhimu afuate sheria na taratibu ili kuondoa malalamiko.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima, Jan., 24, 2018.

Mpayukaji arejea toka Ukanadani kuulizia bomba letu la bomba dear

            Baada ya Kijiwe kungojea bomba letu la bomba dear toka Ukanadani bila majibu, kiliamua kunituma mimi kama Mkiti wake kwenda kudodosa kujua kunani lau kiweze kusaidia kaya kulipata. Ndiyo maana kwa miezi minne hivi, hapakuwa na kitu ugani. Nilikwenda kutafuta nondo. Nilianzia pale alipolianzishia totoTudu Lissu kuwa bomba letu jipya la Bomba Dear lilikuwa limenyakwa kule Ukanada, wanoko walimuita mmbea wengine msaliti na mambo mengine tu ya hovyo na matokeo yake akaishia kumimiminiwa shaba kibao. Hao wameshindwa na watanyong’onyea kabla ya kupukutika mmoja mmoja.
             Sasa siku zinazidi kuyoyoma wala bomba letu kipenzi hatulioni. Je kunani; mbona mabingwa wa kuzoza na kuzodoa hawasikiki? Zifuatazo ni adidu za rejea nilizofanyia kazi. Je ni kweli kuwa kuna washenzi na matapeli wa kimataifa walioingia kayani wakijifanya wanatafuta kazi kumbe kupiga njuluku zetu waliotufanyia kitu mbaya? Kama ni kweli, inakuwaje wale wanene walioendekeza upigaji huu tunaendelea kuwapa shavu badala ya kuwazomea hata kuwaonyesha lupango? Tunawaengaenga kwa lipi wakati walituingiza kwenye matatizo tokana na upogo na ubinafsi wao? Hamkusikia munene akisema wakati wa kuzindua taarifa kuhusu mawe akilalalimika kuwa kaya ilikuwa imegeuzwa shamba la bibi kwa wapigaji kuja kujipigia kama vile haina mwenyewe? Kaya ilikuwa ikiliwa mbele na nyuma tokana na kuongozwa na machangu kimaadili . Unapowapa unene vilaza, hata hivyo, unategemea nini?
            Kwa vile majibu hayatoki; na inavyoonekana, hakuna mwenye ubavu wa kuyatoa, kijiwe kiliamua kunilipia visa, nauli na malazi kwenda zangu Ukanadani kujua kunani? Hii ni kutokana na uzalendo–na si usaliti–wa kijiwe. Hivyo, msishangae kusoma mikakati hii hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa siku zilizopita niliipa kaya mbinu ya kuepuka wapigaji wa kimataifa wanaotumia mahakama zao za kijambazi kukwamisha maendeleo ya kaya kapuku hasa baada ya munene kusema kuwa hatakuwa tayari kujidhalilisha kama waliomtangulia kukesha kiguu na njia akienda ughaibuni kubomu kana kwamba yeye ni taahira. Haiwezekani kaya inayokalia utajiri wa kutisha iendelee kubomubomu kama vile haina raslimali. Huwezi kuongoza kaya vizuri wakati unapoteza muda kuzurura na kutanua bila sababu. Kama ingekuwa amri yangu, wajalaana kama hawa ningewatia kitanzi lau liwe somo kwa wengine wanaodhani kaya hii ni shamba la chizi.
            Najua kaya yetu ilikosa raslimali moja kubwa inayoitwa kwa kisambaa smart upstairs baada ya kung’atuka mzee Mchonga. Ni pale ilipopata wavivu wa kufikiri, malimbukeni na wazuraraji kama viranja wake wakaishia kujisifia kuzurura na kubomu ukiachia mbali kuiingiza kaya kwenye mikataba ya kipumbavu na kijambazi inayoihangaisha kaya. Kama si upuuzi wao, bomba letu kipenzi wala lisingekuwa gumzo hadi tunaitana majina mabaya ukiachia mbali kuonana wabaya bila sababu zaidi ya upumbavu wa wajalaana hawa.
            Kwa vile Mpayukaji si mgeni Ukandani, nilikwenda kukutana na washikaji zangu wa zamani ambao ima niliwafundisha au kusoma nao ili tuone namna ya kuinasua kaya na mkwamo huu.  Niliwahi kutoa msaada na ushauri wa bure kuwa kaya inapotaka kufanya mambo kama haya, inapaswa iwe inatuhusisha sisi wataalamu wa mambo ili kuepusha hasara inayoweza kutokana na vitu kama hivi. Kitu kingine nilichokwenda kufanya Ukanadani ni kuona kama kuna namna kaya yetu inaweza kujitoa kwenye mahakama za kishenzi za kinyonyaji kama hizi ambazo zimekuwa zikionea kaya za Kiswahili kwa sababu zilianzishwa na wakoloni waliotuibia bila kuwafikisha kwa pilato wakalipia madhambi na uhalifu wao vizuri.
            Kabla ya kuanza msafara huu mrefu kwenye kaya hii ya Ukanada inayosifika kwa baridi, ukarimu na ukwasi wake, naomba wahusika wasiogope aibu kutokana na nyodo walizoonyesha pale totoTundu aliposema Bomba Dear au Dear Bomba yetu ilikuwa imenyakwa tokana na kudaiwa na waduwanzi na washenzi fulani matapeli wanaotaka kutuingiza mkenge.  Baada ya kutia timu niligundua kuwa kweli bomba letu dear limenaswa. Maana, unaposhughulikia tatizo kama hili lenye amri ya mahakama nyuma yake, lazima uwe umejiandaa na zana zako zote. Huwezi ukavamia inshu kama hii kwa pupa ukafanikiwa. Sana sana utalizwa kama inavyooanza kuonekana kwenye mazungumzo yasiyo makini ya kimakinikia. Ndiyo maana, nashauri, siku zijazo, wanene wetu wajitahidi kufanya mambo kwa kuyapima kabla ya kuingizwa mkenge tokana na maamuzi na madili mengine ya kilevi levi ambayo kaya yetu ilizoea kuingizwa ikiwa chini ya walevi wa madaraka na washamba wa mambo kiasi cha kupoteza muda mwingi kwenye uzururaji bila sababu za msingi. Nampongeza sana dingi kwa kukataa ujinga na ulimbukeni huu wa kujilisha pepo wakati walevi wakinyotolewa roho na ukapa na ukata.
            Kwa vile ninapaswa kufanya maandalizi ili kuepuka aibu ya kuingizwa mkenge kama hawa wanaotaka kuingizwa mkenge, nilifanya utafiti wangu kisomi na kuona ukweli ambao siku zijazo nitatoa namna ya kuufanyia kazi na kufanikiwa. Juzi nilipitia zangu Brusels kum-breaf kumjulia hali na kumwombea dua totoTundu na kumpongeza kwa kuweka mambo hadharani hata kama aliumizwa vibaya sana.

Kwa ufupi ni kwamba bomba dear letu limenasa na sijui namna ya kulinasua.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Jumatano Jan., 24, 2018.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Legendary Saxophonist Hugh Masekela is no more

Image result for photos of hugh masakela
Legendary South African saxophonist , Hugh Masekela, died yesterday of prostrate cancer that was diagnosed in 2008. Masekela will be remembered for his contribution in pulling down apartheid regime in South Africa. RIP Hugh Masekela.

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Are African constitutions still sacrosanct?

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            The constitution of any country is a crucial part of it; it is the one that creates and guides the country in whatever it does. Recently, modern-day uber-greeds proved to be on top of the game vis-a-vis cling to, grabbing, and usurping power. They committed treason of tinkering with the constitution. Ironically, while individuals entrusted to protect, respect and uphold the very constitution tamper with and defecate on it, they call their insults against their people democracy and the will of the people! Which people are these?  Criminals in cohort with their parties or movements, for many years, have used the term ‘people’ to legalise their delinquency. Such criminality has held Africa to ransom. For Africa to move forward, the majority citizens need to rebel against whomever tampers with their constitution.
            Citizens need to stand up and speak out that nobody’s above the law. For, this is a loophole many stinking tin-pot dictators–who tinker with the constitutions of their countries under many ruses such as finishing off the job as if their countries are their private estates–use. They swear to uphold the constitution to end up underholding it; to do justice to end up doing injustices and to respect the constitution to end up disrespecting it by tinkering with and trampling on it. They swear by their foreign gods–as they ignore African ones–to end up selling their countries to foreigners.
             American former president Abraham Lincoln warns us saying that “don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties.” This proves: the constitution isn’t only sacrosanct but also paramount. Again, do citizens know this centrality of their constitutions a few misguided and narrow-minded bêtes noires can tamper with and get away with murder for the peril of the masses?
             As Albert Einstein puts it, “the strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.”  This is different from what transpired recently in many countries that allowed their potentates to tinker with their constitutions in order to illegally remain in power, plunder and lord it over the citizens as they wish.  If anything, this is counter developmental by nature.
             I wonder if the things people say make sense to themselves let alone to others. For example, apart from the constitution, one of the symbols of the nation is its national anthem. Uganda’s has some lines “united, free, for liberty; together we’ll always stand.” Do the majority of Ugandans who sing this song on many occasions know really what they mean; and what their national anthem stand for? How, if, for many times, have they allowed themselves to be taken for the ride as they evidence their strongman defecates on their sacrosanct document? Does Uganda constitution and those of the countries whose dictators tinkered with have any sacrosanctity left in them? Who is to blame?
            The same applies to Burundi whose national anthem has a stanza that reads
Our Burundi, sacred heritage from our forefathers,
Recognized as worthy of self-government,
With your courage you also have a sense of honor.
Sing the glory of liberty conquered again.
            Where’s self-government if the constitution is abused? Is there any glory of liberty amidst constitutional abuses? Do Burundians know what they sing and hold dear as a nation that says “acceding to independence with honorable intentions” Do such honourable intentions still exist whereas a single power-hunger individual can take the entire country for a ride and get away with it?

            The other day, I heard some mentally-sick boobs espousing the same treason we’ve evidenced been committed in Uganda and other countries. They want our constitution defecated on in order to usher in cult and skinny politics revolving around individuals. To hell with them; may they perish! Any leader or ruler who’s a man or woman enough must protect, respect and uphold the constitution by putting it above power hunger and whatever nonsenses constitution abusers and supplanters use to dupe their unsuspecting people. Jacob F. Roecker once warned that “the greatest threat to our Constitution is our own ignorance of it.” Aren’t those whose constitutions are tampered with ignorant of their constitutions and the danger to themselves? Who’ll save them from themselves? Whoever call themselves leaders or whatever who don’t respect the constitution are criminals who have no right to be in office. Such criminals need to be behind bars irrespective of the power they wield. How many criminals do we’ve in our offices; and for how long will Africa go on making do with such criminality; and collectively and massively become accomplices?
Source: Citizen, Jan., 17, 2018.