Your Excellency president for life Hastings Kamuzu Banda,
sorry, democratically elected president Yoweri K. Museveni,
of all, forgive me for a mix-up. I happen to have roots from a country whose
criminal president once declared; he was president for life as if the country
were his private estate. This was long
before multiparty democracy kicked in and kicked him out. This was none other
than Ngwazi Hastings Kamuzu Banda of Malawi. I write this letter to invoke your experience and wisdom about good governance and the sacrosanctity of the constitution of the land. I must clearly state in the outset that the story I am going to delve on is about somebody else but not you, Your Excellency.
Excellency, I was shocked when I heard and later read that you allowed the tinkering with the constitution in order to rule by overruling it. First of
all, I could not believe. However, I had to after reminding myself how you're
able to maintain power for over 30 years equivalent to six five-year terms. What prevented me from accepting
to believe that this time the fact that same old tricks would be replicated to overrule the constitution contrary to the word of another Yoweri
Museveni, who, none the less, is different from you I am writing. In 1986, at a
time, he’s revolutionary and refreshing, Museveni, with razzmatazz, said that “the
problem of Africa in general and Uganda in particular is not the people but
leaders who want to overstay in power”. Joshing aside, as refreshing as Ugandan
politicians can be, in 2015, former vice president, Prof Gilbert Bukenya said that “president
Museveni has been in power for over 29 years but our hospitals are in a
terrible state. He has failed to even repair the hospitals Dr. Milton Obote
built. Whereas he calls him swine, Obote did better than Museveni in this area”
(Daily Monitor25, October 9, 2015).
Excellency, now, you can see the difference between the two Musevenis I'm
talking about. I know as you know. You know what I mean. Allow me to ask you a
few questions. Does a person who tinker with the constitution really believe in the sacrosanctity of the constitution of his country? If he does, does he know that tinkering with it isn't only
treasonous but also a sacrilege? Why does such a criminal raise the Bible during being sworn
in promising that you'd protect, respect and uphold the constitution while in
actuality you just underhold and abhor it? Do you believe in God? Do you
remember the entire oath you've already recited five times since you came to power; and
underscore its meaning, intentions , sacrosanctity and significance for you and the nation in
Excellency, may I remind you of the very oath which I'm sure you know and remember?
It says: “I….., swear in the name of the Almighty God/solemnly affirm that I
will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Uganda and that I
will preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. (So help me God). How
faithful have you been to yourself forget about Uganda, especially when you
remember the words you uttered when you're ascending to power? Does a person have any allegiance to the republic
of Uganda whose constitution he can tinker with not once or twice but many
times? You personally, have you preserved, protected and defended the constitution of Uganda while it can be tampered with under your watch?
other day, I heard you saying that you tinker with the constitution in order to
get more time to finish off the job you started. Is Uganda a private estate any power-hungry person can use and overspend as he deems fit? What lesson does such criminality teach others, especially those under one's watch and age?
Excellency, do life presidents believe in mortality or infallibility and immortality? Why am
I asking such an obvious question? It is because as the
bible says “There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die” (Ecclesiastes
3:1-2). Why’d a mortal who came from the womb of a woman deceive him/herself
with mundane things as if he/she will live forever? How do you call this in
your philosophy your Excellency? If all of us would like to die in power, who
will die out of it? How many years will it take for each and every of us to do
Excellency, the other day, I heard you lambasting foreign powers for wanting to
intervene in your internal affairs by branding them colonisers. You said “Buli omu
afuge enyumba ye,” meaning let everyone govern his/her own house (Observer,
13, 2016). What happened when General Idi Amin said the same? Do you know that since Africa gained its
independence has been under black colonisers after they unseated the white
ones and usurped powers from the hoi polloi? Do you know that the same black colonisers tamper with the constitutions
of their countries; and are also maintained by white or external colonisers?
Time is up; maybe, next time.
Source: Citizen, Jan., 31, 2018.