How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Thursday 28 February 2013

Hii kitu noma!

Marquis DubaiWorld's tallest hotel opens in Dubai
Hotel ndefu kuliko zote duniani, Marriott's Marquis Hotel Dubai yenye urefu wa futi 1099. Je wenzetu wameamua kuwekeza umangani kuepuka magaidi kushambulia mali zao kwa vile ndiko mazalia yao? Je hii kasi itafika lini Afrika?

Once in 600 years!

Acording to vaticanisti, insiders and literati in the  field, the resignation of Pope Bendict XVI once occurred 600 years ago. For many of us such a thing was a hidden treasure so to speak. Importantly, for this blog, what the pontiff did should be a lesson for the world especially African strong men who think that nobody can sit on their seats and things stay normal. They tamper with their countries' constitutions so as to stay little knowing there is an end to everything under the Sun.
Secondly, we need to appreciate the fact that every creature under the Sun has two most significant features--- the begining and the end- that govern our lives.
Thirdly, it is better to appreciate the fact that the pontiff knew his strength as well as his weakness--- physically, spiritually and politically-- so as to read the signs of time and do the right thing at the right time.
However, Vatican has always denied it, no doubt that, apart from old age, scandals may be attributed to be one of the reasons of pontiff's early abdication. Currently, the Holy See is dogged by sexual related scandals in all five continent. For the man on the helm--- if he happens to face the reality and accept--- such situation suffices to show him what to do--- abdicate, retire, resign call it whatever.
May this unique occurence change the perspective of the way rulers and leaders see power and life in general.

Kenyans must save Kenya

I must admit. I know Kenya’s Chief Justice, Dr Willy Mutunga as the man you can’t shake leave alone intimidate easily. I also know Mutunga as the power, among others, behind many changes that Kenya enjoys today. Under his initiatives many NGOs for Human Rights and Democracy such as Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) and others were formed all aimed at pressurizing the then Moi regime to usher democratic changes in. You can take this to the bank.
True, you can trust Mutunga. He means what he says as he was recently quoted by the media saying, “I have given most of my life to a better Kenya and if taking it is what will be required to consolidate and secure our democratic gains in this election, or even thereafter, that is a price I am not afraid to pay,”
Those who happened to meet him will agree with me that Mutunga has no life out of what he believes in. I was honoured to meet with him and Professor Makau Mutua at Gitanga Rd at KHRC headquarters. Simple and down to earth as he always is, Mutunga welcomed me in Swahili saying “Karibu ndugu.” He narrated his story about living in Tanzania as a refugee. In fact, from that day on we became friends who would touch base whenever time allows. I left for Canada and we kept in touch. In a nutshell, Mutunga is the guy who budges not to die shall anybody try to intimidate him.
According to recent report Mutunga was intimidated at the airport when he was leaving for Dar es Salaam where he was invited to give his expertise in constitutional matters. He didn't succumb. He triumphed.
That was the beginning. For when he returned back home, he received what is now known as poison-pen letter. Mutunga did not take things lightly. He called a press conference and told Kenyans how he and some judges were targeted by what he called Muingiki Veterans Group/Kenya Sovereignty Defense Squad.
That Kenya will have her general elections next month; the whole world would like to see no repetition of what transpired in 2008 when over 1,000 people lost their lives.
Strategic as Kenya is in the region, it will be a blow shall Kenyans not heed the calls asking them to refuse to be taken for a ride. Although PEV's blow's always been blamed on tribalism, Kenya does not have tribalism but fear and poverty for those who are used in such crimes like PEV. Given that the new constitution guarantees wellbeing and prosperity for Kenyans there is no reason for anybody to live under fear anymore.
Kenyans should be made aware of the challenges ahead for their nation especially the war against Al Shabaab in Somalia. Kenyans should not give Al Shabaab victory by turning against each other. For this will not weaken them but will also make them vulnerable.
One would challenge Kenyans to take a leaf from Rwanda after 1994 genocide. Instead of becoming the source of anger and vengeance, genocide in Rwanda, has been interpreted and has been used positively for the good of the nation. In Conflict Resolution Studies we have one saying that what we have ahead of others is the ability of using conflict productively and constructively. PEV did happen. Nobody can deny it. True, Kenyans did not fell one other in 2008. Let bygone be bygone. Let Kenyans prove the world that what transpired in the said period was an accident and something undesirable that they are now making good out of.
Although Kenyans are accused of destroying Kenya in the 2007-2008 Post Elections Violence (PEV), this time they have the chance to rectify the situation and reclaim their good name.
I know many have already written tonnes and tonnes of advice to Kenya. Mine today is, no lo olvidemos nunca literally No lest we forget. How can the whole nation forget? I heard many people complaining that foreign forces are interfering with their internal matters. Again, we need to understand. When Kenyans butchered one another, literally this was the invitation for foreign forces. Never shall Kenyans invite foreign forces anymore this time. They'll be one to blame in lieu of blaming others. Kenyans, please make us proud and happy. There is no East Africa without Kenya. So bear in mind that whatever you do, its shockwaves will be felt all over the world.
Importantly, it should be noted. Kenyans must save Kenya this time around come March 4th. Ameeeeen.
I wish you very serene and peaceful elections. Long live Kenya long live peace long live democracy.
Source: The East African Executive Magazine Feb. 27, 2013.

Monday 25 February 2013

Vunja mbavu ya leo: Rais Salma ahenyesha wakuu wa mkoa wa Rukwa

Mkuu wa mkoa wa Rukwa Injinia Stella Manyanya akisoma taarifa juu ya sekta ya afya mkoani kwake kwa Salma Kikwete mke wa Rais ambaye naye anapokelewa kama rais kila aendapo.Salma akizidi kuwahenyesha watendaji wa mkoa wa Rukwa. Huyo hapo juu ni  mganga mkuu wa Hospitali ya Rukwa Gurisha Richard naye akichukua zamu yake kujikomba kwa mama rais. (Picha zote kwa hisani ya Jamii Forums)

Kiashiria cha mauaji ya padri Zanzibar hiki hapa.

Hakuna ubishi kuwa mauaji ya padri Evarist Mushi yalijulikana kabla ya kutekelezwa kama alivyosema kardinali Polycarp Pengo. Pengo alikaririwa hivi karibuni akisema, “Tumekuwa tukipokea vipeperushi toka kwa watu wanaojiita Uamsho, wakisema mapambano yanaendelea,”
Pengo alitoa hata ushahidi kwa kuonyesha kipeperushi walichotumiwa. Kwa maneno mengine ni kwamba serikali ilikuwa ikijua kilichokuwa kinaendelea ingawa haikutaka kuchukua hatua? Uko wapi mkono mrefu wa sheria? Uko wapi umakini wa vyombo vya usalama? Je nchi yetu ni salama? Sababu? Nadhani ni wakati muafaka kuitaka serikali ijibu madai ya Pengo. Si serikali tu. Hata Uamsho wanapaswa kujibu madai haya bila kuchelewa. Kwani kutofanya hivyo kutaonyesha moja kwa moja walivyo nyuma ya mauaji ya kinyama na kishenzi ya padri Mushi.
Ukiachia mbali na kitisho cha Uamsho, kuna mtu anayeweza kukamatwa na kueleza vizuri maagizo yake juu ya kuua viongozi wa kidini hasa wa kikatoliki. Katika pita pita zangu kwenye mtandao wa Jamii Forum, niliwahi kukutana na link hii
Na link nyingine ni
Sina wasi wasi. Vyombo vya usalama vinajua mambo haya. Haiwezekani mtu akurupuke na kuweka maagizo haya kwenye mitandao bila wao kuwa na habari. Kwa yeyote aliyebahatika kusikiliza mahubiri ya huyu anayejiita ustaadh Hassan Ilunga, atakubaliana nasi kuwa mtu huyu ni hatari kwa usalama wa taifa.
Kwanza, mtu huyu anaonekana kama aliyekata tamaa kiasi cha kutaka umaarufu kwa kuchochea umwagaji damu chini ya chuki za kidini baina ya waislam na wakristo. Ingawa wengi wanaweza kumpuuza na kumuona kama hamnazao, tukubaliane kuwa kuna hamnazo wenzake wanaoweza kuona mahubiri na maagizo yake kuwa ya kidini wakati siyo.
Pili, mhusika anaonekana kutokuwa na elimu ya kutosha kiasi cha kuhatarisha usalama wake na wa taifa kwa kutaka sifa zisizokuwa na msaada si kwake tu bali hata wale wanaomsikiliza na kuyazingatia maagizo yake.
Tatu, huyu Ilunga kama ni mzima kiakili, alipaswa kubanwa aeleze lengo la maagizo na mahubiri yake. Kwa mfano, katika moja ya mahubiri yake anasema kuwa akiuawa shehe basi auawe na padri. Ni bahati nzuri kuwa hakuna shehe aliyekwisha kuuawa Tanzania ukiachia mbali yule shehe anayeonekana kuabudiwa na Ilunga aitwaye Abdul Rogo aliyeuawa huko Kenya mwaka jana.
Je mauaji ya Mushi ni kulipiza kisasi cha mauaji ya Rogo? Maana, kwa mantiki ya hoja za Ilunga ni kwamba waislamu wote ni ndugu na atakapouawa mmoja mahali popote basi ni halali kuua mkristo sehemu yoyote duniani. Je huyu ana tofauti na makundi ya kigaidi kama Al Qaida au Al-Shabaab ambayo Rogo alikuwa akiitetea kwa udi na uvumba huku akimsifia Osama bin Laden kwa kumuita shehe?
Je mauaji ya Zanzibar ni mwendelezo wa kampeni za Al Qaida katika Afrika Mashariki? Maana ukisiliza mahubiri ya Rogo ukayaunganisha na ya Ilunga unapata jibu moja kuwa Al-Qaida imeishafungua cell Tanzania na Kenya.
Je vyombo vyetu vya usalama hata vya Marekani havijui njama hii ambayo imevishwa udini?
Nne, ni ajabu kuwa ustaadh Ilunga haelezi chanzo cha chuki baina ya waislam na wakristo. Wala hatoi suluhu ya chuki hii ya kupandikizwa na kuundwa na wachumia tumbo wanaotaka kuishi kwa kutumia mgongo wa dini hasa uislam.
Tano, kwanini serikali haikuchukui tahadhali hasa pale padri mwingine Ambrose Mkenda alipojeruhiwa kwa risasi hapo Desemba 25, 2011? Je ni sababu zipi zilizoifanya serikali kuendelea kutochukua hatua kama vile kuwakamata kuwahoji hata kuwafungulia mashitaka watu wanaoeneza chuki za kidini kama Ilunga?
Sita, yalipochomwa makanisa huko Zanzibar jambo ambalo limerudiwa siku tatu baada ya kuuawa kwa padri Mushi, kwanini serikali inaendelea kuzungusha bila kuchukua hatua mujarabu?
Kama msomaji atajipa muda wa kusikiliza mahubiri ya Ilunga, atakubaliana nami kuwa, kama vyombo vya dola vingekuwa na nia ya kutafuta waliotekeleza mauaji ya Padri Mushi, basi ina pa kuanzia ambako si pengine bali kumuweka nguvuni Ilunga ili awataje wenzake na kwanini wanafanya hivi.
Tunaweza kuendelea kujidanganya kuwa mauaji ya Zanzibar yanasukumwa na udini bila kujua kuwa kumbe yanaweza kubeba hata msukumo wa kisiasa hasa ikizingatiwa kuwa kuna wenzetu wengi upande wa pili wasioridhika na Muungano kiasi cha kutaka uvunjike kwa gharama na namna yoyote ili wapate madaraka ambayo wameyakosa kutokana na Zanzibar kuwa kwenye Muungano.
Tusidanganywe na vurugu za kidini tukasahau kuwa maadui wa taifa hasa mshikamano wanaweza kutumia upenyo na sababu yoyote kutudhoofisha ili wafanikiwe. Hata haya mauaji ya Buseresere ni ushahidi kuwa vyombo vya dola havifanyi kazi zake vilivyo. Maana hii si mara ya kwanza kwa chokochoko zenye harufu ya udini kutokea Tanzania. Nani mara hii kasahau kadhia ya uvunjaji mabucha ya nguruwe uliotokea chini ya utawala wa Ali Hassan Mwinyi baada ya baadhi ya waislam kudhani kuwa kwa vile rais alikuwa muislam basi wangepitisha ajenda zao za siri? Ni bahati nzuri kuwa wakati ule baba wa taifa Mwalimu Nyerere alikuwa hai na alimtaka Mwinyi wazi wazi kutoa msimamo wake ambao ulikuwa ni kuanzisha falsafa ya RUKSA.
Leo Nyerere hayupo. Watanzania tupo na urathi wake upo. Historia siku zote ni mwalimu mzuri. Kwa vile tatizo hili si mara yake ya kwanza kujitokeza, tungeshauri serikali na viongozi wake waache woga na uzembe. Kazi ya serikali yoyote ni kulinda uhai na mali za wananchi wake. Anapouawa mmoja kwa uzembe wa serikali, ingekuwa ni kwenye nchi za wenzetu, serikali ingetimuliwa madarakani. Kwa vile Tanzania hatujakomaa kwa kiwango hiki, kuna haja ya kuikumbusha serikali kuwa kulinda uhai na uhuru wa raia zake ni wajibu namba moja. Hivyo, tunatoa taarifa kama hizi kuisaidia serikali kutimiza wajibu wake wa kulinda uhai, uhuru na mali za raia.
Kwa kuanzia tumetoa taarifa kuhusiana na Ilunga ambaye akishughulikiwa vilivyo licha ya kuacha kueneza sumu yake, anaweza kutusaidia kuwajua wenzake. Pia tunaweza kujua lengo lao la kufanya wanayofanya.
Kwa ukumbusho ni kwamba uislam hauruhusu matumizi ya vurugu na nguvu kuueneza. Ndiyo maana mtume Muhammad (SAW) alisifika kwa uvumilivu wake. Hawa wanaohubiri vurugu wasipewe nafasi. Hata waislam wa kweli wanapaswa kuwalaani na kuwafichua wao na hila zao. Kwa ufupi ni kwamba mahubiri ya Ilunga yanaelezea maandalizi ya kifo cha padri Mushi. Je watafuata wangapi? Je serikali inataka wafe wangapi ndipo ichukue hatua? Je serikali ina lipi la kutueleza ni kwanini isiwakamate akina Ilunga? Je inangoja wahubiri mapinduzi ya serikali ndipo istuke?
Tukubaliane. Na wakristo ni watu. Je wakiamua kulipiza kisasi au akatokea Ilunga wa kikristo serikali itamlaumu nani? na katika vita ya namna hii inapoanza haina macho. Watakaoumia ni pande zote hasa maskini, wanawake, wazee na watoto. Tuchukue hatua haraka. na hakuna haja ya kuogopa machafuko wakikamatwa wachochezi hawa kama wanavyoota. Waulize akina Ponda walipokamatwa si wamejikuta peke yao huku walichotegemea kisitokee.
Chanzo: Dira Februari 24, 2013.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Thanks Kashililah for flopping

There’s no time bibbers were openly all agog like the day Dr Tommy Kashililah, the clerk to the national assembly, recanted his bogey threats to shelve Bunge’s live coverage. Such freak-out brought a good aura. Swallows and fricassee were offered like crazy. You know what? Swallowers never believe in getting-booze-in-utopia paradox. Our loutusland’s on earth.
As we’re at our watering hole hankeringly irrigating our throats not forgetting to talk big, news arrived that Kashililah denounced his ballyhoos. No. The news was: The guy defeated himself by licking his own vomitus. One bibber left us in stitches when he said, “Thanks God for averting WW III that’s to ensue had Kaishiwa’s baloney been perfected.” Thenceforth, Kaishiwa became the name.
Who wants to miss the whole big picture of heshimiwas taking naps or telling lies? Hon Joni Komba and Steve Wasira are you there? Who wants to miss sideshows and fashion shows? Didn’t Kaishiwa and the likes know Bongolalalanders get wind of the newest gadgets--- laptops and handsets--- from watching movies Mjengoni. Who wants to miss theatrics, Heshimiwas’ bling bling and expensive viwalo?
If anything, there’s no place I adore and like at Mjengoni like the parking lot pregnant with shangingis and all expensive toys Japs have ever produced. Looking at them, a newcomer to Bongo won’t believe that such expensive heshimiwas represent paupers instead of Shangri-La. Even Japanese MPs afford such oil guzzlers.
I, for one, like to get new vocabularies from the Swanglish aimed at showing voters that MPs actually are educated and not forgers. Have you ever heard any heshimiwa speaking pure Swahili or pure English?
More on Kashililahism, after he stole the thunder, Kaishiwa found what he’s trying to commit was tantamount to suttee. After receiving some noogies from the annoyed wananchi, he decided to cringe after clinging unto tyrannical edict.
The good doctor had no way. He cowered and shifted the blame onto the media. Guess what. As usual, just like any coward politicos, he said that the media didn’t get it. Ironically, when the same media reported his recantation got it right. Wow! Sometimes it feels good for an adult to behave like a baby. You fool yourself thinking you’re fooling others. Shame, sorry, fame on you Kashiwa!
Did you know that such a movie’s barbaric and tyrannical? I read one editorial saying that your move wasn't only retrogressive but also non progressive.
Seriously, be advised. I recently evidence bibbers baying for your blood. They didn’t mince words after you issued your mkwara. They’re openly saying that you don’t have power whatsoever to attempt to do what you said leave alone executing it. Their argument is; Where do you get the power while how the House should conduct its business isn’t under your jurisdiction? Do you want to usurp the powers of the House? Don’t you know that even your boss, madame speaker, doesn’t have such power? Wasn’t your uppity an assault and abuse to the general public? Don’t you know that the said House is run by taxpayer’s dosh?
Bibbers are angry at you. How dare you take away their constitutional right --watching their representatives doing their sideshows? What’re you intending to hide? I heard one bibber saying that you’re not happy about seeing some heshimiwas dress down during the sessions. He added that you’re being used by those who wrongly think that the House belongs to the ruling-cum-bullying party.
Again, being an impartial party in this imbroglio, I’d strongly advise you not to commit this suttee again. You can take this to the bank. Tanzanians of today are not the same zombies the high and mighty used to cow and bulldoze. They’re educated---above all, know their rights. They've witnessed what happened to what were thought to be unshakable regimes in Egypt and Libya.
True, I heard one bibber saying that those who want to be respected should nary drink a lot from the cup of power and end up becoming winos and tyrants. I don’t mean you’re one. However, looking at your proposition, the conclusion becomes same difference.
Dear good Dr,
Can you give us any precedent of what you’re intending to do? Did you think the people would subscribe to this megalomania? I heard some vuvuzelas complaining that CHADEMA biggies disclosed your boss’ telephone numbers so as to expose her to assaults, intimidation and abuses. Do you think bigwigs should keep their phone numbers a top secret as it currently is? Why should taxpayer foot your bills while you actually want your number to be a private matter? Bibbers are clear on this saying that given that those occupy public offices are there to serve the public, their phone numbers should be made public so that they can see how better or worse they serve. I totally concur with this given that transparency and good governance can be assessed by those ruled.
I also heard some pro-tyranny fyatus saying that exposing biggies’ phone numbers will cause harassment for female public officers. Hogwash! Go tell it to the birds. If, for example, Anna Makinda was preferred to become a speaker of the house to Samuel Sitta simply because she’s a female, why didn't female factor feature or degrade her?
Those defending this gunk say that females are subjected to degradation if their phone numbers are made public. What a stinking and hairy lie! Shame on you! For their info, I know the numbers of the Queen and it’s nary been a problem. Who are those foxes of ours? Find another decent and intelligent way of massaging your lies. Again, this mess can’t be defended or justified so to speak. You betcha Kaishiwa for defeating yourself! Again, is this the way to fell natural gas’ issue in Mtwara?
Source:Thisday Feb., 25-March 3, 2013.

Nasi kumbe bado wamo

Friday 22 February 2013

Tatizo lenu ni udini, uduni, uhuni au ujini

Kuna mchezo mchafu na hatari wa kuuana kwa misingi ya imani za kidini na ulevi. Umeniudhi kiasi cha kujihisi natetemeka kwa hasira.
Na kama si kuheshimu sheria, n’shawanyofoa watu roho au kuwazaba wengine mabao hasa ndata na ‘lisirikali’ wanaovumilia upuuzi huu.
Juzi kule Buseresere, ‘walimnyotoa’ roho Mchungaji wa watu. Kisa? Wanagombea kuchinja! Wenzetu wakisikia vitu hivi, on top of mauaji ya albino, wanashindwa kututofautisha na hayawani hasa fisi na mbwamwitu.
Wenzetu wanashindana kwenda anga za juu, sisi kuchinjana na kupigana risasi! How come karne ya 21 watu wanyotoana roho wakigombea kuchinja njiwa na kuku?
Mna-‘boa’ na kutia aibu. Badilikeni, pepo si ya wauaji, wavivu wa kufikiri wala wababaishaji. Utasikia jitu linasema (eti) dini yake ni bora kuliko nyingine.
Una dini wewe au uduni wa udini? Wenye dini wakiitwa nawe uje! Loooh! Hiloo! Huwa siachi kujiuliza hata kama kilevi. How come watu wanagombea dini wakijificha kwenye udini wakati hata dini zenyewe hawazijui?
Mwenzenu nimesoma ‘matabu’ yote ya dini kuanzia, Mahabharata, Bhavagand Gita, Shastra, Upanishad, Sri Guru Granth Sahib na Dasam Granth hadi Tao Te Ching ya Lao Tzu.
Vitabu hivi na vile vitakatifu vya biblia na koran, vinafanana kwa jambo moja-usimtendee mwenzio usivyotaka kutendwa.
Wa-‘ingilishi’ wanaiita hiyo kuwa, golden rule. Sisi walevi tunaiitwa diamond rule. Ingawa vitabu vyote vilijitahidi kila kimoja kuvutia upande wake.
Hakuna nilichokipenda kama Tao Te Ching hasa falsafa yake ya Wu wei yaani kufuata mkondo badala ya kulazimisha mambo.
Sisi walevi tunafuata mkondo, ndio maana tukisha-‘utwika’ tunasukwa sukwa kwenda kila upande bila kupinga. Hii ndio maana ya Wu Wei. Huna haja ya kulazimisha mambo.
Dini ziko wazi. Hata mlevi akikupayukia usimpige risasi. Hata kama kasisi atakutoza uchache kwa njia ya ‘swadaka’ huna haja ya kumchukia.
Hamna haja ya kuhangaishwa na kuhukumiana. Siku ya siku Bwana Mkubwa atakata mzizi wa fitina kwa kuhukumu. Je, mkihukumu leo, siku hiyo yeye atafanya nini?
Kwa walevi wanaoleta ujinga ujinga wa udini na uduni, wanapoteza muda wao. Watawanyaka na kufichwa, halafu waanze kulalamika na kutishana. Wenzio wanagombea ‘migesi’ na ‘mifweza’, ninyi mnagombea kuchinja hadi kuchinjana! Mmechelewa kweli kweli!
Hakuna kazi ngumu na hatari kwa sasa kama kuwa mwandishi wa umbea, Padri au Mchungaji. Ukijikuta kwenye kazi hizo jua wataku-mwangosi kama siyo kuku-mushi.
Watashindwaje iwapo kuna mashehena kama lile liitwalo Irunga, yanahubiri mauaji na maangamizi na ‘lisirikali’ linawavumilia?
Ukiuliza kunani? Siri kali kama kawaida! ‘Mijitu’ imekosa akili hata ya kusoma amri ya sita yaani, usiue! Sijaona sehemu imeandikwa usilewe wala usichinje kuku wako hadi achinje so and so.
Tunamdanganya nani? Ajabu hata watu wakubwa wamejiingiza kwenye upuuzi huu! Kama mmechemsha muiteni mzee Ruksa awasaidie kwa kutoa ruksa kama kawaida yake ili kila mtu ajifanyie atakavyo.
Ukila mbwa ruksa, ukinywa gongo ruksa, ukivuta bangi ruksa, ukiibia umma ruksa, ukiwa mkristo ruksa, ukiwa muislam ruksa ila hakuna ruksa ya kuchukiana na kuuana. Simpo!
Kwa mlevi, huu ni ulevi tena mbaya unaoitwa uduni uliojificha nyuma ya udini. Hivi hawa wanaouana kwa misingi ya udini hawajui kuwa hili si jibu la uduni wala udini wao?
Badala ya mpambane na mafisi na mafisadi, mnaanza kuchukukia na kumalizana tena walevi wenyewe maskini. Kule Buseresere si walimnyofoa roho mchungaji wa kondoo wa Bwana, baada ya kuacha kuchunga na kufanya kazi ya kuchinja.
Chinja chinja na chunga chunga wapi na wapi? Huu nao ni uduni. Badala ya mgombee nani amefuga, nyie mwagombea nani achinje. Nauliza kilevi.
Hivi ng’ombe anayefugwa na mzinzi mwizi hata muuaji siyo haramu hata kumchinja, achilia mbali kumla? Hivi kwenye vibanda vyenu vya kupanga, mnakopandishiwa kodi kila uchao wanaowanyonya wanajali dini zenu?
Je, walanguzi wa bidhaa, umeme, simu, vyakula na kila kitu wanajali dini zenu? Umaskini, ujinga, magonjwa, uhuni, uduni hata ujini hauna dini.
Lazima niwaonye. Msije mkazidisha ‘mibangi’ yenu na kupanga kuvamia mabaa, mkidhani kitaeleweka. Tutamnyofoa mtu roho bila kujali anaamini katika nini.
Maana ukiona walevi wanaanza kuchoma makanisa ujue kesho watachoma mabaa. Sisi tumeishajiandaa na ‘michupa’ yetu. Tutawaponda ponda na kuwafutilia mbali. Kwani mbwai ni mbwai!
Kuchomeana mali au kunyofoana roho ni uhuni usiopaswa kuvumiliwa. Inashangaza ndata wanapewa ruksa to shoot to kill wanapoandamana wapingaji.
Ila wahuni na wabangaizaji wanaojificha kwenye udini wakifanya mauaji au uhuni unasikia tuvumilie. Jamani tuvumilie hadi lini iwapo haki hatuioni? Bila kuwakamata hawa wahuni na kuwatupa lupango watatusumbua sana na kutuzuia kutumbua kwa raha zetu.
Lazima walevi tunywe tutakavyo hata kama wengine hawapendi. Lazima watu waende kwenye ibada zao hata kama mna shaka nazo. Wajua? Kama watu wangekuwa wamepiga shule kama mimi wala wasingechukiana wala kunyofoana roho.
Mnapigania na kuchukiana kutokana na ujuha na ujinga wenu. Hivi huyo Mungu mnayepigania mwamjua yukoje? Mnayajua mafundisho yake? Mna lenu jambo!
Kwa taarifa yenu msimchanganye Mungu kwa ‘mibangi’ na kasumba zenu. Kama wenzenu ni wabaya kiasi hicho, jiulize aliyewaumba nani?
Hata kiti moto kaumba yeye. Hata mwana wa Adam alibadilisha maji kuwa ulabu ili watu wafaidi na kuchangamka. Sasa makosa yako wapi kwa mlaji na muumbaji?
Anyway, sitaki nimwage falsafa ambayo ni nadra katika anga hizi. Kwa wale waliosoma Para-philosophy wanaelewa ninachokiimanisha.
Ukiachia mbali uduni, uhuni na udini, kuna tatizo na ujini. Majini hupenda sana damu. Mnamwagana damu kumlisha nani kama siyo jini aitwaye udini, uduni na uhuni?
Na nawaonyeni, ingawa mimi si mtabiri kama yule habithi shehe Yaya, natabiri jini huyu atawasumbua msipoacha utaahira na ubwege wenu.
Damu ya Mwangosi, Kachela, Mushi na wengine wengi inapasa kutosha. Mchinjeni jini huyu kama siyo kumchoma moto badala ya kumalizana nyinyi kwa nyinyi. Hatosheki huyo.
Chanzo: Nipashe Jumamosi Februari 23, 2013.

Salma anapoufukuzia ubunge!

Siku hizi hatambulishwi kama mke wa rais bali mjumbe wa Halmashauri kuu ya Taifa ya CCM. Kwa wenye akili, uzoefu unaonyesha kuwa mama amenogewa ulaji na sasa anautaka ubunge hasa baada ya mumewe kung'atuka. Kuna uwezekano wenzetu hawa kila mmoja ana lake. Anna Mkapa alimtumia Mkapa kujirundikia mali huku Salma akimtumia kwa yote mawili yaani kujirundikia mali na kutafuta ulaji wa kisiasa kwenye chama cha mumewe. Kwa wanaojua uwezo wake, wanashangaa muda anaopoteza kwenye kusaka utajiri na madaraka badala ya elimu. Je hii inatoa picha gani kwa taifa letu? Hakika hii nayo ni aina fulani ya matumizi mabaya ya madaraka na ufisadi.

Reckless investment another disaster for Africa

This week I was musing about two historical colonial and imperialistic atrocities which reminded me of the death of Chilean democratically elected president, Salvador Allende (1973) and that of the first and democratically-elected PM of DRC, Patrice Lumumba (1961). Both leaders were toppled and killed by CIA.
Allende was killed by CIA just because he introduced what was known as Chileanization of the economy of his country. This meant: he had to empower Chileans to run their economy. By doing so, he was taking a morsel from the hands of foreigners especially American companies. To stop this, CIA brought one of its Americas school graduate Gen. Augusto Pinochet who ruined the country for many decades.
Another casualty of CIA machinations geared by greedy and exploitation of poor countries was Lumumba who was replaced by CIA agent Joseph Desire Mobutu, who, just like Pinochet, ruined DRC for decades. The involvement of CIA in the toppling of two leaders remained top secret for almost three decades. Many people did not know, and would not think, that CIA committed such sacrilegious acts on the democratic elected governments. Ironically, nobody would believe that the US could topple democratic governments and install dictatorial and kleptocratic regimes as it happened in two incident above. This raised the question as to whether the US fights for democracy or it just uses democracy as pretext and cover to secure its hidden interests.
Along with Allende and Lumumba was Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala, who was overthrown in 1954 by CIA just because he wanted to buy back the land that was owned by an American company so as to give it back to his landless citizens. Albenz was replaced by Carlos Castillo who also ruined the country. American United Fruit Company (UFCO) owned vast tracts of land which was not cultivated. UFCO used to undervalue its land so as to pay low tax, something our current investors do. Therefore, when president Albenz wanted to buy the same uncultivated land, UFCO found that it’d suffer a big loss. So, it demanded more money than the value it had declared. When Albenz held his horses, CIA decided to dispose him to save an American Company.
The above three incidents remind me to write this as prediction of what is going to happen to Africa, shall currently myopic regime press on with their so-called investment geared by globalization. I can see Africa heading for the so-called economic coalition path with neo-colonialism based on economic exploitation. I am trying to apply history to show how it sometimes repeats itself especially, when those supposed to understand it well fail to do so. Africa, since independence, has been repeating the same mistakes. Our economies still depend on our former colonial masters. Black colonial masters have always been in power to serve white colonial masters. We’re but small and poor banana republics producing what we can’t consume and consuming what we don’t produce like hens. Who could believe that US used to give Mobutu over $1Bn annually to end up in imperialistic and parasitic banks in Switzerland? When it came to Mobutu, the US did not want any litany on democracy of accountability. Many American created dictators came and left without being reprimanded by the “champion” of democracy! Corrupt and kleptocratic regimes are in power in many African countries and US does not preach any democracy to them. Instead of singing democracy, the US is singing free trade and globalization.
Given that the era of dictatorship is gone, currently, the same imperialistic powers are using the so-called democratically elected leaders to ruin and exploit poor countries. In 1995-2005 Tanzania was under Benjamin Mkapa who did everything to see to it that he robbed all public investment. Mkapa offered all profitable firms to investors at a throwaway price. Since then, the country has been cascading to abject poverty despite producing gold in tons. This is but a single example which tells us that if Africa is to go on with the ongoing diabolic investment, chances are that landless Africans will resort into fighting for freedom afresh.
It is sad though to note that many African regimes have been singing the song of investment and globalization without any scientific, fair and safe preparations or measures in place. Many mineral and energy companies are landing multi-billion investments in Africa without paying tax or investing in human development. It recently came to light that some corrupt government officials in Tanzania stashed over $ 300,000,000 in Swiss banks. All this money was deposited to the banks by corrupt foreign investors. What is evident in many African countries is the rise of antagonism between poor citizenry and foreign companies, which have much influence in the upper echelons of power due to the kickbacks they give to venal rulers. Human rights and the environment are gravely abused and the champion of democracy is just watching silently!
I am not trying to avoid sounding like a Luddite especially for those who would wrongly think I’m against investment. Omnishambolic and exploitative investment “no”… “yes” to fair and reasonable investment. Without taking a leaf from the above incidents, Africa is going to cascade even more into neo-colonialism. While rich countries are using their companies to rake billions of dollars from Africa in order to invest in their people. African greedy rulers are selling their people with their resources. We are not allowed even to subsidize our poor farmers or offer social services, especially welfare, as it is in rich countries. They don’t allow us to do this fearing that the prices of our produce will rise and therefore making it hard for rich countries to buy them at low and exploitative prices, as it has been going on since time immemorial.
Source: Afro Spear Toronto Feb., 2013.

Monday 18 February 2013

Kikwete’ll shock many this time around

The other day presider J.M. Kikwete left bibbers in stitches. When he woke those stealing then selling medicine from public hospitals to private dispensaries will soon meet their waterloo if not Armageddon, bibbers almost died laughing. We laughed and laughed and laughed (tulicheeeeka weeee) till some were hospitalized. Sadly though, as Kipanya’d put it, they ended up paying a fee ‘to see’ a doctor who seriously advised them to go and buy the stuff from his pharmacy. Jokes aside, this is ridiculous. Any politicos can swear in the names of all gods and angels without delivering and bibbers still vote for him massively. Don’t think: I’m making this up. This is how it’s always been.
Over and above, Kikwete’s ultimatum to show thieves of public drugs what made a snake legless, are pomp and romps, if not pongs, we’re used to. Don’t blame him after seeing those smart guys get away with it. Please ask him. Has he ever called the shots or delivered on the promises to nab drug barons, thugs and fisadis whose lists he said to have had in the drawer? Being a wonk, he'll fix this gunk.
Interestingly, fyatus are asking: why did he wait for good eight years to act? What flap-doodle  Better late than never, Are you out of the loop? The good man’s busy globetrotting to attract aids and investors. Whether this badass public robbing’s been goin’ on for a long time isn't an issue. Again, why didn't you remind him? Don’t you know? He’s a lot to do that make him neither see nor hear anything till the eleventh hour. What a wise monkey! See nothing hear nothing. If you thought he didn't live up to his words, why did you vote him for the second time? What did you want him to do after noting that his policies, time, and strategies are hitting a snag? Don’t you know: we've elections in 2015? Who wants to become a sitting duck after being a lame duck?
Fyatus are saying: our man must jail all suspects especially those robbing our hospitals and dispensaries, and of course, Keko-based Medical Store Department (MSD). Who wants to open Pandora’s Box? If he does, it means: he’s to roast his pals and consigliore. Again, this’ll defeat their hand in glove cooperation or mshikamano. Supposes he does so and they fire back by putting his dirty laundry to the agora? Do you think they met at the roadside as Eddie once recanted it?
Call ‘em all great names- sharks, noble thieves and fisadis. The man knows: by robbing government hospitals, they’ll still cure the bibbers or invest in the hunk. Refer to Villa-dotted Beaches in Masaki, Msasani, Mikocheni, Kunduchi and now Kigamboni.
Those saying Jake didn’t deliver must have their heads examined. He did deliver a lot more than expected. He grieved when his consigliore Eddie Luwassha was immolated by the Parliament to save his face and outfit. Remember. Haven’t you already forgotten Kagodamn and EPA? Mark my word. This time Jake’ll nab Kagodamn and those robbing our drugs and drug barons so that he can leave a shining legacy. However, there’ve been cat-rat meanderings and silence, Kikwete is a serious man who says less and does much. Wonder not if he orders WAMA to man MSD.
In a word, one thing must be twigged. Though you say the good man whitewashed in delivering and performing, at least, he kept the hunk guessing. We live with hopes. Everybody tries to rob and get rich like others. Ask the robbers, drug barons, tax evaders, corrupt officials and whatnot he said he knows of. Our man doesn't have kiherehere like those primary school girls he said it causes their impregnation.
What’s more, since he came to power, new and sound investments such as RITES and EPA have been attracted so as to become tougher, smarter and mightier than the power that- be even after messing. Applaud him for this leap forth.
If anything, Kikwete’s upbeat issue regarding his so-called successful fight against graft is ‘real.’ Yeah. He persecuted Basie Pesambili, Dan son of Jonah and Chieddie Mgonjwa. Aren’t they sharks? Given that these are ‘the only’ big fish in the pond, whom else do you want him to take on? Rostaam, Riz? If there’d be others, he’d not blink to keep tabs on them.
As for fight against larceny, we’re all witnesses. Cops are allowed to shoot to kill as they do trigger-joy stuff. And when ignorant and abhorrent guys bay for their blood, they file cases full of legal flaws and get themselves off the hook.
Additionally, our economy is shriveling, sorry, shriving. If it weren’t, mammoth scams like Richmond, EPA, CIS, Meremeta and others would sink it. But thank Gosh. I can see many oil guzzlersor shangingis being bought even more despite swearing they’d be phased out. You banish them by buying more expensive ones. Thereafter, the old ones are sold to top officials at a throw-away price.
Again, our man told his detractors to their faces that when you experience traffic jams it means: The economy’s booming. For, everybody either has a Shangingi, or Mkangafu.
Screwed up big time uh-uh? Beware! There’s a fly in the ointment though. Again, don’t this seriously. I’m just kidding. True, Kikwete’ll shock many, if not all, this time around. Shiznit, isn't it?
Source: This Day Feb., 18-24, 2013.

Je wataka kuukata kirahisi?

Mambo kwa vyama, NGOs na dini
Nina mpango kamambe wa kuukata bila kukatika. Nina mpango wa kupeta kiulaini. Nina mpango wa kuanzisha ima chama au shirika kama siyo kampuni ya kuuza neno la Mungu ili niukate. Kama nitaanzisha chama, basi bi mkubwa shurti aanzishe NGO ili aweze kula sambamba nami. Au siyo?
Nimepata sayansi hii ya kuukata baada ya kuona jamaa yangu Agussie Lyatongolwa kipindi fulani alipokuwa hajisikii vizuri. You know what? Pale Manzese nimewahi kuingia kwenye ofisi ya chama chake na kumkuta mkewe amekalia kiti chake akitoa maagizo utadhani ndiye alikuwa mkiti. Niliipenda sayansi hii ambayo kwa kitaalamu huitwa family business in the name of people’s business.
Nguli mwingine aliyenifungua macho ni Ben Bill Mkapu—usimchanganye na Mkapa---ambaye alipopata ulaji rahisi ambao wengine huuita urais alimruhusu bi mkubwa wake aitwaye Anna Tamaa kuanzisha NGO ya Fursa kwa wote wenye madaraka. Nguli mwingine aliyenivutia ni Jake M Kiquete ambaye naye alimruhusu bi mkubwa kuanzisha NGO ya Maulaji ya Wake za wakubwa.
Kama nguli wote hawa wamefanya kitu hiki kwanini nami nisitie timu ili mie na nyumba yangu tuondokane na ukapa?
Kwa upande wa kuanzisha kampuni sorry shirika la dini, nilivutiwa na magwiji kama Zaky Ka-Tortoise, Gettie Rwakatarehe, Silver Gamanyua, Luchekelo,Mtumwa Mwingila, Chris Mwakasenge na wengine wengi ambao wametokea kuwa mabilionea simply because wana sanaa za kuwakamua kondoo wa Bwana. Upo mshirika? Mambo kwa politiki kama siyo kwa Yesu ati. Kuna haja gani ya kuanzisha mkapuni wa biashara ya kidunia na kusumbuliwa na TRA wakati kuna ulaji laini na wa dezo? Kwa vile mie si mtasha wala mmanga, jamaa wa TRA hawatanipa misamaha ya kodi. Lakini nikiwazukia na neno la God wataingia mkenge na kunipa misamaha ya kodi ili niwe bilionea haraka. Hapa hata mlipa kodi hatanistukia wala kulaumu kwa vile nampa huduma yangu ya kutenda miujiza na kumfanya awe ‘bilionea’.
Hakika, huu nao ni muujiza! Unawakamua maskini na kuondoka na utajiri wakati wao wakiendelea kungoja miujiza. Unaanzisha vituo vyako vya radio na runinga kama siyo magazeti. Najua. Wanoko wataona kama naota ndoto za mchana wasijue nimeishafanya utafiti wa kina na kugundua kuwa baadhi ya jamaa wametumia kampuni za kiroho hata kuingia kwenye kampuni za uroho hasa kisiasa. Muulize Gettie Rwaka uheshimiwa wake ameunyakaje kama siyo kupata tafu toka kwenye kuuza neno la God. Usishangae siku moja kusikia mtume Nkwazi anakuja kutoa huduma ya kiroho kwa uroho mtakakitu sorry roho mtakatifu chini ya makanisa kama Church of the Creator for Mankind (CCM) au Church of Unified Faith (CUF) kama siyo Tabernacle of Almighty for International Fraternity of All (TAIFA). Kama ni biashara ya dini lazima nitoke na kitu kama Unchallengeable Lord’s Appointed Jamboree of Immortals. (ULAJI).
Kwa vile mimi nina utaalamu wa uchakachuaji, propaganda na sanaa, lazima nianzishe chama ili kuhakikisha nakomba mshiko wa kaya nzima. Lazima hapa nisimame kidete na kung’ang’ana kuhakikisha ukoo wangu na marafiki zangu tunaibuka kuwa mabilionea wa kutisha katika kaya hii. Ili kuwanasa walevi lazima, nihubiri neema na pepo hata kama wahubiriwa wataendelea kuishi kwenye nakma na moto. Who cares kama nitapa changu nao wakabaki na umaskini wao? Huu nao ni muujiza wa miujiza kuona watu wanapewa maneno ya kitapeli na kutoa pesa huku wakiamini kuwa wanafanya kazi ya Bwana. Hapa hakuna cha kazi ya bwana wala bibi zaidi ya bwana na bibi wanaowaingiza mjini.
Kauli mbiu yangu itakuwa, well we can make you richer than everybody under the sun. Najua. Walevi wanavyopenda na kuabudia kimbombo na kupenda vya dezo na kuishi kwa matumaini, wataukwaa mkenge. Lazima niwatwishe mkenge. Kwani mimi ni wa kwanza kuwabamiza mkenge? Mbona imekuwa kawaida ya wajanja kuwaingiza mkenge kila baada ya miaka mitano? Hapa kosa langu liko wapi iwapo natumia vipaji vyangu kuukata na kula kuku kwa mrija hata kama waliwa wanakula shida na karaha? Kama hamjui, huu ndiyo unaitwa ujasiriamali. Unaijasiria mali by all means available and possible kama Machavelli wa enzi za akina Lorenzo de Medici chini ya utawala wa familia uliojulikana kama Famiglia de Medici. Kwa taarifa yako, familia ya Medici ndiyo ya kwanza duniani kuwa tajiri. Najua wengi kwa sasa wanawaabudia akina Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates na rafiki yangu na mshirika wangu Warren Buffet. Hawa ni cha mtoto ukilinganisha na akina Medici. Anyways, hayo tuyaache.
Sijui chama changu nikiite CCM yaani Chama Cha Maulaji au CUF yaani Chuma Ule na Furahi? Hili nitaliamua baadaye.
Sijui NGO ya bi mkubwa tuiite WAMA yaani Wanyonge na Mafanikio? Anyways, tutaamua baadaye.
Leo tunaghura na mambo ya methali. Sijui kama siku hizi bado zinafundishwa pamoja na vitendawili tega na tegua urongo njoo utamu kolea. Ilm yenyewe imenyongwa na wenye jeuri ya kupeleka vigemezi vyao Majuu. Who cares? Usishangae wembamba wa reli, angalia mabehewa ilobeba. Je wainyaka ile isemayo msitu ni ule ule ila nyani wengine? Hivyo, usione wingi wa bangi na gongo ukadhani sina mipango bab kubwa na bambam. Naweza kufanikiwa. Who knows kama wengine, tena mafwala, wamepeta kwanini mimi mjanja nisipete mwanawetu? Ukitapeliwa mara nyingi utajua kuwa umetapeliwa baada ya kutapeliwa. Ole wake ajae kwetu. Hana tofauti na aendaye kwa waganga wa jadi au kienyeji au wanasiasa. Tahadhali. Hii ni kwa wenye akili tu. Again, you’ve to kiss many frogs before getting Mr Charming.
Zikomo kwa mbiri mose wa lero. Tafsiri? Siku ajirejea bwana mkubwa mtapewa.
Chanzo: Nipashe Jumamosi Februari 16, 2013.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Maskini Tanzania inaangamia hivi hivi!

Mauji ya padre Evarist Mushi na yale ya mchungaji  Matayo Kachila ni ushahidi kuwa ndoto ya amani na mshikamano inaanza kuyeyeka. Je ni kwanini watawala wetu wanafuga jini hili la udini wakati wakijua fika kuwa kama litapewa makazi hakuna atakayenusurika? Je tatizo ni kuwa na viongozi wadini au wasio  na visheni ya kuona mbali?
Ni ajabu kuwa alipouawa padre Mushi raisi Jakaya Kikwete alikaririwa akisema, "Napenda kuwahakikishia kuwa tupo pamoja katika kuomboleza kifo cha mpendwa marehemu Padri Mushi na msiba huu ni wa kwetu sote," Kama rais maneno yake hayaingiii akilini. Badala ya kueleza atashughulikia vipi kadhia hii ya udini anajifanya kuwa pamoja na waombolezaji na wafiwa. Au anatimiza utani kuwa anapenda sana misiba? Sikuamini baada ya kusoma maneno ya Kikwete. Alipouawa mchungaji Kachila alisema wakristo watulie. Yaani watulie wamalizwe siyo? Tumwambie Kikwete ukweli bila woga amefuga udini kwa faida anazojua mwenyewe. Kwa mfano, ameelezwa kuwa chanzo cha yote haya ni mihadhara ya kidini inayoendeshwa na wachumia tumbo wasio na elimu hata ya dini yao. Hajaipiga marufuku. Ameelezwa kuwa kuna ajenda ya siri ya watu wanaodhani kuwa Tanzania inaweza kuendeshwa kiislam amenyamaza. Je kunani kama siyo kuwa mshirika wa nyuma ya pazia? Maskini Tanzania inaangamia hivi hivi. Maana siku hao wanaouawa wakiamua kulipiza kisasi na wanaweza kulipiza maana ni wanadamu. hakuna atakayenusurika. Nani ataendelea kuwa mpokeaji wa maiti ya ndugu zake wanaouawa bila kosa isipokuwa imani yao? Tufikie mahali tuangalia ukweli bila makengeza. Hata hao wakristo ni watu na wana hisia sawa na hao wanaowaua. Nisingependa tufike huko.
Kikwete acha usanii shughulikia matatizo ya udini vinginevyo nawe utaangamia baada ya kuiangamiza nchi.

Mtoto wa nyoka ni?

A photo montage of President Museveni and his son Muhoozi.Generali Yoweri Museveni akiwa na mwanae Brigedia Muhoozi Museveni.

Friday 15 February 2013

Tusiruhusu bangi za akina Kashillillah Bungeni

 Katibu wa Bunge Dk Thomas Kashililah akifafanua jambo kwa waandishi wa habari (Picha kwa hisani ya IPPMedia).
Taarifa kuwa katibu wa Bunge Dk Thomas Kashillillah alipendekeza kuwa vikao vya Bunge visitangazwe moja kwa moja ni upuuzi. Kuna haja ya kuwafahamisha akina Kashillillah wote wa wazi na waliojificha kuwa hili Bunge ni la watanzania wala si lao, wabunge wala mama zao. Bunge lipo si kwa utashi wa CCM au Spika, naibu wake wala wabunge bali watanzania. Linaendeshwa kwa pesa ya mlipa kodi na linafanya kazi za wananchi na si vinginevyo.
Kuna haja ya kuwafahamisha akina Kashililah kuwa zama za genge la watu wachache kuuburuza umma zimepita kitambo. Wafahamu kuwa ufisadi wa kiakili na kimfumo utaendelea kutawala huku wajinga wachache wakijihadaa kuwa wataliburuza taifa milele. Wasihadaike na ufisadi wanaofanya bila kuchukuliwa hatua wakadhani kila kitu kitaendelea kuwa kama wanavyotaka. Ni ajabu kwa mtu anayeitwa Daktari sijui wa nini kufikiria acha kutenda vitu kama hivi. Je Kashililah ni kati ya wale madaktari feki wa kughushi waliotamalaki kwenye baraza la mawairi? Inakuwaje udaktari wake hamsaidii kuona jambo jepesi kama hili? Tanzania ni nchi ya kidemokrasia ambapo madaraka yote ni ya umma na si ya watawala. Hata wakati wa udikteta wa chama kimoja, hakuna aliyefikia kutenda wala kufikiria kufuru kama hii. Hata kama ni ulevi wa madaraka, huu sasa umevuka mipaka na dawa yake ni kwa umma kuhakikisha hizi bangi za akina Kashililah zinakomeshwa mara moja.
Kumekuwa na lawama nyingi kuwa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) kimefanya jambo baya kuweka wazi namba za simu ya spika wa Bunge Anna Makinda. CHADEMA si wendawazimu wala wapumbavu---wanajua wanachofanya na walichofanya ni sahihi na ni kwa ajili ya maslahi ya watanzania.
Ni bahati mbaya kuwa watetezi wa upuuzi huu hawaji na hoja zaidi ya kuokoteza vijisababu uchwara. Mfano, kuna mtu mmoja ameandika kwenye blog kuwa kitendo cha kufichua namba za spika kitamdhalilisha kijinsia. Ebo, mbona alipoteuliwa kugombea uspika kwa sifa moja tu ya ujinsia hakudhalilishwa? Kwani namba za watendaji wa umma zinazojulikana kama vile wakuu wa polisi wa mikoa ambao ni wanawake zinawadhalilisha? Hoja za ujinsia na kudhalilishwa ni chovu na hovyo. Ni hoja zilizojaa 'ukashilila' mtupu.
Kiongozi yoyote kama anafanya kazi kwa misingi ya utawala bora hana haja ya kuficha namba zake za simu. Inakuwaje simu hizi zilipiwe kwa pesa ya umma lakini bado ziendeleee kuwa siri? Wanachoficha ni nini kama wanawajibika?
Nadhani kinachowasumbua wale wote wanaoamini katika kufanya namba za watumishi wa umma kuwa siri ni ukale na mawazo mgando yanayofanya shughuli za umma zionekane kama suala binafsi.
Hizi ndizo naita bangi za akina Kashililah na wote wanaotetea uoza huu ni wavuta bangi hizo.Je watanzania watakubali Bunge lao kutaifishwa na kubinafsishwa kwa wachovu wachache wasiojua hata wanachofanya kwenye nyadhifa zao? Wanataka kugeuza Bunge letu chumba cha mganga wa kienyeji na mchawi ambao kazi zao hufanyika kizani na kwa kificho? This should not happen in Tanzania. Never never never.
Tumalizie kwa kuwaonya wenye mawazo mfu na mgando kama Kashililah kuwa kutangaza vikao vya Bunge siyo suala la hiari wala hisani bali haki ya watanzania. Lazima watanzania wajue na kuona wabunge wao wanafanya nini, na  kwa namna gani Bungeni. Wamewachagua kufanya kazi kwa niaba yao. Sasa kama ni hivyo, hii jeuri na ufidhuli vinatoka wapi kama siyo kutafuta balaa na bangi za mchana? Shame on you Kashililah na wenzako!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Is Banda another disaster for Malawi?

H.E. President Joyce Banda P. Courtesy
When current Malawi President Joyce Mtila Banda, then Vice President, ascended to power after the sudden death of Bingu wa Mutharika, many thought Malawi would breathe fresh air. This was especially so after Mutharika’s wrangles with her and the international community paralyzed the economy of Malawi. The situation worsened after he tried to appoint his brother VP knowingly he’d succeed him shall anything happen as it happened.
Also Mutharika was at loggerhead with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank after refusing to devalue Malawi Kwacha. The whole kerfuffle started after Mutharika purchased a presidential jet which now Banda wants to sell.
When Banda took over, she took some measures such as devaluing the Kwacha, getting closer to the common citizenry and many more so as to entice and please the donors who resumed aids and loans to Malawi forthwith. To crown it all, she went a mile ahead vowing to legalize homosexuality in Malawi. Ironically, she thought this is what Malawians needed most. She was quoted saying, "Indecency and unnatural acts laws shall be repealed.” Such steps made Banda a heroine overnight especially for western countries. Again, politics is a dirty game and those playing are likely to be dirtier than the game itself.
Due to some ‘sound and different’ measures to please donors that Banda took to revive Malawi’s image after being tainted by Mutharika, many believed she’d change Malawi for the better. Luckily though, as the days go by, a true Banda started to surface. She started to contradict herself. Eight month down the road, Banda seems to be repeating exactly what her predecessor did. The Nyasa times had this to say, “Eight months, the majority of those getting government contracts have political connections to the ruling People’s Party (PP).”
Interestingly, the poverty that Banda promised to fight is increasing among the Malawians. According to the Huffington Post, In October 2011 that Banda slashed her salary by 30% so as to feed hungry Malawians. This was seen as an exemplary and selfless act. Again, looking at what is currently going on in Malawi, Banda becomes more controversial than her predecessor. It was reported that she was recently awarded an honorary PhD by South Korean University of Jeoju. After being awarded the said degree, Banda ordered her portraits reprinted so that the new higgledy piggledy title would appear before her name. This shocked many due to the fact that it needs a lot of money--- the same money Banda wanted to feed poor Malawians. It is the same money Banda thinks the presidential jet consumes.
Many wonder why Banda wants an honorary degree to be a title while it is not a title for the person who did not toil for it. Given that Banda promised to do things differently from Mutharika (who was allegedly held a fake PhD from unaccredited-Hawaii-based Pacific Western University), such a move made her look like a hypocrite if not a self-seeker. Sadly though, she did the same thing Mutharika once did when he ordered his portraits to be reprinted after being awarded honorary professorship of Economics by East China Normal University. By then, Banda was among those who opposed this move. She, too, abhorred calling Mutharika Ngwazi the title the former Dictator Hastings Kamuzu Banda preferred.
To cut a long story short, lack of education and moral grounds for some African rulers is becoming another big problem for Africa. They are fooled by foreign universities that aim at gaining influence. They award them honorary degrees they used abusively like the case of Banda. Some African rulers such as those of Malawi, The Gambia, Tanzania and others like to be referred to as Doctors knowingly that honorary degrees have nary become a title legally especially for those who did not toil for them. They like to lie to themselves. Their love of being regarded as elites even if they are not wouldn't be a problem had they restricted it. But given that they are extending it to spending public purse, indeed it is becoming another big anathema for our economy. Again, is Banda becoming another disaster for Malawi? Who knows?
Source: Nyasa Times and The African Executive Magazine Feb.,13, 2013

Monday 11 February 2013

Makinda: I love your style and stuff

Dear Anna,
I’m afraid. I won’t call you Anne knowingly that at the time you’re baptized such braggadocios weren't at work like now. Forgive me for carrying you back to those dark times of Alikwina. Anyways, this isn't the issue today.
First of all, take note. I adore you especially your style of doing things vis a vis keeping tabs on the opponents who want to disturb your peace. I've decided to write this epistle in order to show my accolades and support. So too, I’m writing to thank you for helping me to mau-mau my bibbers. If it weren't your style, true, I’d have had been in trouble longtime ago. Thanks dame for teaching me the art of bullying and mau-mauing the bibbers. You saved me. They wrongly thought they've the right to enjoy democracy. My foot! This shouldn't happen under our watch.
The other day I heard your nemeses complaining about bullyragging the house aka Mjengo. This surfaced when our own Kanywaji pub aka diet went berserk. You know what? We’re deliberating on bibbers’ private motions seeking to impeach me after bending some procedures and rules.
Guess what. Bibbers wanted to axe my deputy (Jobless Nduguy) simply ‘cause he speaks without thinking. Sick and tired of his jabbering and my bullying, they hatched a private motion. I shot it down forthwith. It wasn't the first or the last motion to be shot down. I've already felled many.
As this privately- tabled motion was going on, I, the speaker of the pub, tried to fell it. Wow! It’s as if I put my fingers in a state of ants. Again, this time I got a bitter pill. My deputy was booted down and no way would I help except to save my ulaji. All of the sudden, I heard the bibbers calling me Makinda, a kinda political tart and a Manchurian Candidate.
I heard them saying that evil people felled Mzee wa Kasi ya Viwango, Sam Sixx from manning the house professionally and competently. Bibbers were infuriated to the extent that they’re calling me names. I can’t repeat those names hither. Some of bibbers went overboard asking about my marital status especially when they got the wind that at this eleventh hour I’m still single. I just told them: go to hell like Joni Malicela once told his constituency in those olden days.
More on you, I heard them saying that you’re a creature-cum-product of mizengwe and that you’re inducted there to serve fisadi’s interests but not the interests of the hoi polloi as it is supposed to be. Some bibbers went a mile saying that you’re not schooled. I then asked them: When did education become an issue in our hunk especially when the one looking for the job is connected? I told them to direct their angers to the system instead of singling you out. For, you aren’t alone. I went ahead asking them if they’re aware of some other politicos in many ministries who were water-tightly implicated and Mr. Presider’s nary fired them. Their argument is that Sam Sixx is more qualified and experienced than you. Again, I asked them since when experience and qualifications have ever become a factor in ulaji in our hunk? The tipplers wanted everything to be done based on merit little knowing that such time is far gone.
Despite all allegations that you’re not schooled and that you’re the tool of fisadis and whatnot, I still envy your courage. I know even the opposing parties are saying that you’re bullying the house. Yes you’re. So what? Don’t they know that you a cadre of the bullying, sorry, ruling party? Regarding schooling methinks. To keep their mouths shut, just talk to one university abroad to offer you a PhD so that you can put them to shame. Yes dame, do so as soon as possible. Didn't you hear another dame in Malawi who’s recently offered a PhD that made her mad so as to want to spend millions of dosh to see to it that the title ‘Dr’ appears before her name? Even though honorary degrees are not titles for those who didn't toil for them, in our hunk it is an in-thing.
I heard some bibbers saying that what they’re saying was true simply because when allegations that you’re sponsored by fisadis surfaced you did not bother to deny or offer some explanations. I like the way you kept mum to avoid giving tongue wagers an edge a great deal more. What did they want you to say if at all allegations in our hunk have nary forced anybody out of ulaji? Did they think that you are birdbrained to delve into how you were appointed to run in lieu of Mr. Sixx? Who can throw rocks at vagabonds while living in a glass house? Who assaults arsonists while living in the grass house?
Gosh! They wrongly thought: your so-called masters-cum-creators and you’d clarify even if with far-fetched defence. They wrongly thought you’re a kinda chick they can bully little knowing you’re better at it than they are.
I know. You’re under enormous pressure currently. I thus have to wrap my epistle hither urging you to sit down with those guys and do the right thing before they show you the door. Vox Populi Vox Dei the sage has it. Again, I love your style of silencing the opponents in the house.
Source: This Day Feb., 11-17, 2013.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Bunge lisivumilie wabunge wahuni

Taarifa za hivi karibuni kuwa wafuasi wa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) na wale wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) walichapana kiasi cha kuumizana, kudhalilisha, kutishiana hata kuwekana ndani si jambo linalopaswa kufumbiwa macho au kushughulikiwa kisiasa na kishikaji.

Ingawa tofauti ya binadamu, hata kukwaruzana, ni jambo la kawaida, kukwaruzana huku kunapohusisha wanaodhaniwa kuwa ni waheshimiwa wabunge wanaopaswa kuonyesha picha ya uongozi na uadilifu, hugeuka kuwa jambo jingine. Katika tasnia ya habari kuna dhana maarufu kuwa mbwa akimng’ata binadamu si habari. Ila binadamu akimng’ata binadamu ni habari kubwa.

Taarifa ambazo hazijakanushwa ni kwamba katika tafrani la Dodoma ambalo lilihusisha vyama viwili lilizuka tokana na kugombea mlingoti. Wengi tuliposoma habari hii tulistuka na kusikitika hasa pale wahusika wakuu walipokuwa waheshimiwa wabunge. Je hawa ni waheshimiwa au waishiwa?

Wabunge wazima wanagombea mlingoti? Waheshimiwa wazima wanafanya vitu visivyo vya heshima. Je huku si kuishiwa? Kimsingi, wabunge kama wawakilishi na viongozi wa wananchi wanapaswa kuwa kioo cha jamii. Lakini kwa kilichojiri Dodoma kinaonyesha wahusika kuwa si kioo cha jamii tena bali kilio cha jamii. Inasikitisha zaidi kuona sasa baadhi ya wabunge wanaanza kuota sugu kwenye kufanya uhuni na ubabe tena dhidi ya wananchi wanaodai kuwawakilisha. Wabunge wanaotuhumiwa kuhusika kwenye vurugu hizi ni Aden Rage (CCM-Tabora Mjini), Nyambari Nyangwine (CCM-Tarime), Seleman Jafo (CCM-Kisarawe), Said Mtanda (CCM-Mchinga) na Mary Chatanda (CCM-Viti Maalumu).

Mfano, Rage amejipatia umaarufu kutokana na kile wazungu huita wrong reasons.Ni Rage huyu huyu alipanda jukwaani bila aibu kwenye kampeni za uchaguzi mdogo kule Igunga akiwa na bastola kiunoni hapo Septemba 2011 kana kwamba tulikuwa Somalia ambako jambo kama hili ni kawaida kutokana na taifa hili kuwa kile kinachoitwa Failed state. Tanzania si failed state wala haijawahi kukaribia hapo pamoja na udhaifu wake hasa ufisadi na utawala mbovu. Ajabu ya maajabu, pamoja na Rage kutenda jinai hii, si chama wala serikali waliomkaripia achia mbali kumfikisha mbele ya vyombo vya dola. Je tunajenga taswira gani kama siyo kuanzisha uhuni na ubabe wa kimfumo?

Kwa vile Rage na wenzake ‘wako’ juu ya sheria kutokana chama chao walichokuwa wakikipigania kuwa madarakani, amenogewa na kukubuhu kiasi cha kuwashawishi wenzake kufanya uhuni ambao ni aibu kwao na hata bunge kwa ujumla.

Nilitegemea kusikia karipio la bunge baada ya wabunge kufanya uhuni. Nani amkaripie wote iwapo wahusika mfano, spika na naibu wake wanasifika kwa ubabe na uburuzaji? Rejea spika Anna Makinda alivyoua hoja ya mbunge wa Arusha, Godbless Lema alipodai waziri mkuu ni mwongo hapo Machi 11, 2011. Rejea juzi tu naibu spika Job Ndugai alivyoleta vurugu wakati mbunge wa Ubungo, John Mnyika akiwasilisha hoja binafsi kiasi cha kusababisha wabunge wa upinzani kumtolea uvivu na kususa kikao cha bunge.

Pamoja na vyombo vya habari kuripoti jinsi wabunge waliyoshiriki vurugu kikamilifu, naibu spika wa bunge Ndugai alikaririwa akijaribu kuwatetea tofauti na hali halisi. Alisema, “Pale kama wasingekuwapo wabunge hali ingekuwa mbaya sana na yule kijana angeumizwa, kwani uwapo wao ulisaidia katika kuamua ugomvi ule,”

Je wananchi ni wapumbavu waliodai kuwa wabunge walikuwa vinara wa vurugu? Je kati ya Ndugai aliyesikia na wananchi walioshuhudia zile vurugu tumwamini nani?

Je huku si kuishiwa kwa CCM? Je inakuwaje mwenyekiti wa CCM ambaye ni rais wa nchi anakubali watu wachache wadhalilishe serikali yake na chama chake?

Ni ajabu kuwa Rage hajakomaa kisiasa kiasi cha kuona aibu anayosababishia taifa na chama chake. Je tatizo hapa ni nini? Je Rage ni nani katika nchi yetu kujifanyia atakavyo bila kushughulikiwa kisheria? Je kwa rekodi hii bado Rage anapaswa kuendelea kuwa mbunge na kumilki silaha wakati hana uwezo wa kujizuia? Je mamlaka husika wanangoja Rage aue ndipo yachukue hatua? Hakika dalili za mvua ni mawingu. Rage na wabunge wa namna yake wasipodhibitiwa mapema watatugharimu kama taifa.

Kuna haja ya kuwaelimisha watu aina ya Rage kufahamu kwamba kuwa katika chama tawala siyo kuwa na leseni ya kutawala katika kila kitu. Ingawa ni mapema kutoa hukumu, taarifa za awali zinaonyesha kuwa CHADEMA walipandisha bendera yao kwanza ndipo CCM wakaamua ishushwe ili wapandishe yao. Je hapa kuna utawala bora na unaofuata sheria na kujali usawa na haki za binadamu iwapo wahuni wachache wanaweza kutumia hali ya kuwa chama tawala kuwanyima haki wengine kuonyesha hisia zao? Maneno ya Jella Mambo katibu wa CHADEMA wilaya ya Dodoma yanatosha kuonyesha ubabe wa CCM. Alikaririwa akisema, “Kwanza, wamechukua bendera yetu.

Halafu tumeshangazwa na CCM kuruhusiwa kufanya maadhimisho yao wakati kuna agizo la Mkuu wa Mkoa na polisi kukataza mikusanyiko ya kisiasa wakati wa Bunge.” Ajabu hata polisi waliotoa agizo hili hawajatoa maelezo ni kwanini wanavumilia jinai hii! Je kuchukua bendera ambayo ni mali ya CHADEMA si wizi uliopaswa kufunguliwa kesi mahakamani? Lakini nani afanye hivyo wakati waliotenda jinai hii ni wafuasi na viongozi wa chama tawala? Je namna hii hatuleti vurugu inayoweza kulizamisha taifa letu iwapo wanaoonewa watasema ‘sasa basi’?

Hali inaanza kuwa mbaya hasa unapokuwa na wabunge ambao hawana mpaka na wapiga debe pale Mwenge Stendi. Je hawa waliwezaje kupenya vigezo vya uadilifu hadi wakapendekezwa au kuteuliwa kuwa wabunge? Je hii ndiyo sera ya kulindana au kupatikana ubunge kutokana na rushwa? Maana, si rahisi kuelezea namna ya wabunge wa hovyo wa hivi walivyoweza kupenya na kuchaguliwa bila kujenga shaka juu ya mfumo uliowapitisha. Kuna haya ya mamlaka husika na watanzania kwa ujumla kutowavumilia wabunge na maafisa wengine wenye mamlaka waliyopewa na umma kutowavumilia watu wahuni.

Chanzo: Dira Feb.,11,2013.