How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Birthday Wish to Bob Mugabe

Dear Bob Gabriel Mugabe, I remember. Your birthday was February 21st.

Many think at this age you’d be as mature as Nelson Mandela, Kenneth Kaunda, Desmond Tutu, and other mature men of Africa who retired before reaching your age. But lo!

You wanted over $ 300,000 to spend on lavish stuff. How dare you spend such a mammoth amount whilst your people are dying of lack of just fifty cents? Another thing you did was to detain Roy Bennett, the junior minister for agriculture.

Mr. Bob, have you ever thought about ‘after me epoch’? Did you read the stories of Idi Amin, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Jean Bedel Bokassa, Joseph Desire Mobutu, Gnassigbe Eyadema and others? Whenever their names are mentioned, true men spit wherever they are in annoyance and disgrace. If you don’t do something about this, soon you’ll join the list.

You’ve been in power for decades just like Yoweri Museveni, Albert Omar Bongo, Muammar Gadaffi, Denis Sassou Ngweso and others. Is there anything new you did not do that you can ad lib now?

I’m told you’ve as many as six or seven university degrees. But what are they for if they don’t enable you to read the signs of the times? What will you say on judgment day regarding deaths of innocent Zimbabweans killed by your army, hunger and maladministration ?

Think about that Bob. I wish you a happy and soul- searching belated birthday, Bob Mugabe.
Source: The African Executive Magazine Feb. 25, 2009.

Bongo the country of crazy mathematicians

THE other day I was condemning the guy that discovered Mathematics. Ever since I was in school, I did not like this art of numbers. Now, I laugh especially when I look at how current thieves make money by just inflating everything.

I am happy though, for one formula I vehemently disagree with is that to master those numbers, one must forget others. And whatever he calculates must be in the worst interest of the nation.

One may wonder where I am headed. The fact of the matter is, when I read the story that the Government printing facility was ready to print our highly disputed national identity cards I went berserk. I immediately smelled a rat in this entire abracadabra.

The media reported that the Government printer was, and still is, ready to do this job at the tune of 95bn/- in lieu of super-inflated 222bn/-!

My first question is; where does this cool 127bn/- go for heavens sake The safer side for our dubious mathematicians is nobody bothers to ask why and when What a medieval indifference for our own peril Mark my words.

This is not the first or last deal through which paupers’ money is swindled by freeloaders in power.

There was the radar deal in which $40m was pegged whilst the actual price was $28m! As usual, $12m/- went to Indian footpads that conspired with our hyena-like movers of whom one is said to have stashed over $1m in an off-shore bank in Jersey. Again, nobody asks!

Don’t wonder. The radar deal does not include posh presidential jet (Gulf Stream 555) which one hooligan proclaimed a national pride while it was in real sense a national cataclysm.

Again, this does not involve $133m belonging to EPA that thieves made away with. Hold your breath please. There is yet another puffed up 500m/- the CIS thieves scooped.

Some smart guys always laugh at us when we shamelessly go cup in hand begging while our clime is rich. Look at how the power-that be use oil guzzlers whilst our brothers and sisters from the Lake Region go via Kenya and Uganda to reach their villages. Again, nobody bothers!

Why don’t you invest in the infrastructure you twisted caricatures Ask yourself, how can a begging nation sit on $133, 000,000 that was stolen by EPA buggers!

Before this drives you mad, ask yourself how much money is stolen under the pretext of building our sub-standard roads Before you die of heart attack, just imagine how much money petrol importers are stealing at Tanga and Dar es Salaam ports.

I know one Form-Four leaver that is employed as a metre reader but who owns the world when it comes to wealth!

Before you holler in pain, ask yourself how much money is made at our border posts, especially Mwl. JK Nyerere International Airport where drug dealers employ Government officials to supervize their deals as the ’cargoes’ go through.

This is a country with many MPs and ministers with fake PhDs; not to mention the thousands of ghost employees with forged certificates. This, indeed, is the country where everybody is a sinner. A pauper lives like a nawab and nobody bothers!

The other day I heard some brouhaha and bugaboos that all involved in forging must be brought to book. Believe me, if this ever happens, their cases will never make any progress in a local court of law. Who will tax and sue whom if all fish in the bowl are spoilt.

If anything, only small fish will face the music so as to save the mammoth sharks and whales.

To wrap up the dubious math, recently TANESCO announced that customers will pay for vandalized equipment as if they’re the actual criminals! This is stealing from innocent people.

Time and again, Tanesco has been told to seal their transformers to no avail. Why don't they tell the Government to ban mikorogo

In a nutshell, that’s Bongo where simple minds steal from the public just because they are able to do simple Maths such as denying the Government printer the tender to print our IDs.

This is Bongo where billions are paid to bogus and dubious investors for doing nothing but stealing. Refer to Richmond, and IPTL that has been netting billions where it deserves just 50m/-

One thing that leaves me in stitches is that when our mathematicians are caught in action, you see them tongue-in-cheek trying to fool everybody including themselves! One thing they share is obvious. They don’t think when they calculate or speak.
Source: Thisday February 25, 2d009.

Mpayukaji na bakora za Mnali

BAADA ya sakata la njemba moja fyatu kuwalamba mboko wafa na vumbi la chaki, mzee mzima niliamua kukusanya maoni ya walevi.

Nilitembelea baadhi ya sehemu za Bongo nikianzia kule Katerero kabla ya kuelekea Kanazi na Kasenene nikilala Kagondo.

Nilimuhoji mwalimu Nonihino ambaye makalio yake yalikuwa bado yamevimba kwa kulambwa njiti arobaini.

Alikuwa na haya ya kusema: “Mushaija mwandishi wa haabali uniache. Sina cha kusema. Huyu mshaija kanitia aibu kweri kweri. Siku hizi hata kwa baba mukwe siwezi kwenda, nitakwendaje na aibu bwana mwandishi? Kila ninapopita wanafunzi wananizomeya eti mimi ni Mnari!”

Naye Mwalimu Mtakakwa wa Chemujwahuzi alikuwa na haya ya kusema: “Muheshimiwa mwandishi wa habali, huyu bwana kwanza ni mwehu na siyo msomi. Mimi sikujuwa kuwa kuna mtu anaweza kuwapiga walimu kama mimi.

“Kwanza mimi nshomile nina setifikeiti ya education na kozi mbali mbali. Pia hajui kuwa wanafunzi ndiyo walioshindwa, hivyo kama ni kupiga, angewapiga wanafunzi hata kwa kuwaoneya, maana tukisema ukweli pia selikari ndiyo iliyoshindwa inayokopa tumishahara twetu huku ikirara kitanda kimoja na mafwisadi.” Anaangalia huku na kule kuona kama Mnari anaweza kuwa karibu na kuendelea:

“Kusema kweri mwenye kuferisha wanafunzi ni selikari. Walimu hatuna mishahara ya kutosha, hatuna madawati wala vitabu vya kufundishiya. Sasa wanategemea tufwanye miujiza gani wanafunzi washinde? Mbona selikari yenyewe imeferi kwenye kuwakamata akina Kagoda, EPA na Richmond? Au wanazani hatujui kwa vile tunaishi mashambani?”

Nilimuuliza nini mawazo yake kuhusiana na rais kuchukua hatua za haraka dhidi ya Mnari.

Alikuwa na haya ya kusema: “Hiyi bwana ni danganya toto, tungesikia yuko lumande tungefulahi. Nazani lais angetoa fidia na kutuomba msamaha kutokana na kuturetea kichaa kuwa mkuu wa wiraya yetu.”

Jamaa alisiliba sana na kumwaga sera kwa sana. Siwezi kuandika yote aliyoyasema pakakalika, maana kwake mkuu na Mnari haoni tofauti. Tuyaache.

Kutoka hapo nilielekea mkoani Lushoto ambako nilimuhoji rafiki yangu Mgosi Machungi aliyekuwa na haya ya kusema: “Kwanza huyu Mnai angepiga washambaa tungempiga zongo, ila hata hivyo kama tikishema ue ukweli, jamaa aipaswa kuwa mkuu maana wabongo timelala sana, tinahitaji mtu wa kutiamsha ili mambo yaende.

“Tazama tinavyochezewa na mafisadi na tisichukue hatua, unaona kina Liumba wanavyotizeshea kwa kuachiana bila aibu. “Heri atokee mtu atilambe bakoa tiweze kuamka na kulisogeza taifa mbee. Tinapaswa kuamka na kufa na mafisadi hasa wae wa madaakani tinaofanya makosa kuamini watatikomboa.”

Alipuliza moshi mzito wa sigara yake kali na kuendelea: “Kwanza alipaswa ateuiwe kuwa mkuugenzi wa Takukula ili awachape viboko mafisi na mafisadi. Au awe spika awachape viboko wabunge wanaozembea na kulala bungeni bia kusahau akina Chitahio na watoa ushwa waliojaa bungeni.”

Mzee mzima sina mbavu.

Mgosi aliendelea: “ Kama wameshindwa kumpa poomotion kusimamia maeneo hayo juu, basi wangempa ukuu wa tiafiki awanyoe wapiga mabao au awe waziri wa afya awakomeshe wezi wa madawa hospitai na wanaoomba rushwa wagonjwa.”

Hii babu kubwa. Eti Machungi anatamani Mnari angechaguliwa kuwa mkuu ili awachape bakora Kikwekwe, Kimdunge, Joe Makamba, Ewassa, Tunituni, Kagoda na bi mkubwa ajifichae kwenye Ngo!

Hii sikuweza kuikariri kama ilivyo kwa kuogopa tishio la kesi za kudai mabilioni mahakamani, hata hivyo wakati mwingine tunaogopa bure. Nakumbuka yule mbunge mwanasheria bilionea aliyetishia kushitaki magazeti kwa kufichua uchafu wake halafu akaishia kuufyata kama Grey Mgonjwa na mafisadi wengine waliotishia kushitaki. Mimi mtu akinishitaki namlamba bakora kama Mnari. Upo hapo?

Kwanza mimi siandiki kienyeji kama anavyotawala mkuu kwa ulevi wa tende akiwaachia washikaji zake kina Kagodamn na Liumba. Mie nakaanga, siandiki. Ukiwa fisadi nanyoa sipokei mshiko hata kama ni wa cheo cha uani kama Silva Rwamnyama. Mie natwanga kama sina akili nzuri.

Ila mimi si chizi wala mlevi wa madaraka wala kihiyo.

Lo! Badala ya kuhoji wananchi naanza kujihoji na kujikariri mwenyewe! Mwe! Huku kupayuka nako!

Kutoka Lushoto nilikwenda zangu Shinyanga. Nilimuhoji mzee Maduhu.

Alikuwa na haya ya kusema: “Mami mimi naona huyu Mnali angewapigaga wamafisadi kama yule wa pale Balyati, Endelea Chenga. Haka kajamaa mami kama kangekuwa na sirikali kangeweza kula sahani moja na wamafisadi hakya ya mama!”

Anakohoa na kuendelea: “Kwa kukatimua maulaji, mkuu amepata karata ya kuwaibia wapiga kura makura wakati wa uchaguzi ujao nakwambia mimi. Kama siyo kwanini asiwatimue akina Kandoo wanaowapigaga na kuwaibiaga wafanyabiashara ndoko ndoko? Kwanini asiwafunge akina Richmonduli na EPA ambao ni washirika na marafiki zake? Au ni kwa vile kacheo kake ni kaadogo?”

Kutoka pale nilirejea jijini Bongo ambapo mshirika wangu Mpemba alikuwa na haya ya kusema. “Yakhe mie huyu Nnali ankuna kweli kweli. Yeye apiga bakora wakati wao wapiga maisha. Lau yeye kawapiga mara moja ilhali wao wawapiga maisha yote, si usiku si nchana. Hivi huyu apigaye bakora na akopaye walimu nani awadhalilisha?” Ajabu anajijibu mwenyewe!

Anasema: “Mie naona wote sawa. Heri akupigaye mara moja akakoma na kukomeshwa kuliko akupigaye siku zote, wavunja haki za binadamu hawa ati. Maana walimu wetu sasa weshadhalilika kiasi cha kuishi kwa tuisheni ati, wamedhalilika kiasi cha wengine kuomba hata nauli kwa watoto kama ambavyo sirikali yaomba kwa wafadhili na wahindi inaowapa pesa yetu kila siku.”

Nilipokuwa nikiendelea kumhoji Mpemba mara nikasikia maajabu ya Kisutu ya mwizi kujidhamini kwa asilimia moja ya dhamana!

Baada ya kufika pale nilinyaka mazungumzo ya baadhi ya mgambo waliokuwa wakingoja mahabusu watoke mahakamani wawasindikize lupango.

Maongezi yao yalikuwa kama ifuatavyo: “Wajinga wanashangaa kwanini jamaa katoweka. Walitaka awataje wazito waliomtuma kuiba pesa ya uwezeshaji kwenye kusaka ulaji? Mbona kila kitu kiko wazi! Tunamshukuru Mungu kwa kipindi walichokuwa kwetu vigogo hawa si haba. Tumelamba lamba.”

Niliposogea karibu nizinyake zaidi, mara nikaamrishwa nitimke kabla sijawekwa chini ya usalama
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Februari 25, 2009.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Who will Tame Africa's First Ladies?

Azeb Mesfin, the wife of Ethiopia's dictator Meles Zenawi

I do not understand what geared Kenyan belligerent first lady Lucy Kibaki to demand written explanations from a minister for Internal Security, George Saitoti. Mrs. Kibaki wanted to know why many people perished in the Molo inferno when they were self serving from a petrol tanker. To her, this was nothing but negligence and insensitivity! To add an insult to injury, she said that if the minister responsible were a woman, this wouldn’t have happened.

One thing Mrs. Kibaki does not get is the fact that the Molo deaths are but the signs of a very-corrupt-and-rotten country where a gang of goons self-helps and serves on public property. It is the society in which what matters is what you get but not how you get it. It is the society ruled by hyenas-turned rulers whose aim of being in power is to steal from paupers.

The Molo calamity was neither caused by insensitivity nor negligence. It is man-made poverty that has forced innocent people to wrestle to make ends meet. Regarding women in power, there are some living examples whereby women ministers failed their countries. Zakia Meghji, Tanzania’s former minister was booted out after it came to light that she illegally authorized payment to a dubious company known as Kagoda that stole over $ 40,000,000 from Central Bank of Tanzania (BoT). When it comes to graft, gender does not matter but personal integrity and probity.

US First Lady: Mitchelle Obama
If it were not for cliffhanger’s behaviour for African rulers, a good thing for Saitoti to do would be to relinquish his place in protest of the disgrace committed against him. But contrary, in Africa, power is sweeter than honey. The likes of Saitoti are ready to die in shame so as to keep their grip on power. What a shame!

Surprisingly, Saitoti was unable to do the right thing. Even to demand an apology became difficult for him. But again, looking at Saitoti's record when he was vice president in the former autocratic regime, expecting him to do the right thing is as good as telling the ant to lift up the elephant. Indeed, Saitoti’s docility and naivety mark insults to our academic attainment. He was once misled by former dictator Daniel arap Moi and Kamlesh Pattni to ruin Kenya’s coffers. If a professor of mathematics can not calculate such simple political arithmetic, what of the common Kenyan in the street? However, it must be noted. Kibaki showed maturity for standing by his minister.

What Mrs. Kibaki did is not unique and distant in Africa. In neighbouring Tanzania, the former first lady, Anna Mkapa, is alleged to have amassed ill-gotten wealth, thanks to abusing her husband’s powers and office.

While first ladies such as Michelle Obama, Laura Bush and Hilary Clinton are renowned for helping their husbands, African ones are known for tearing them down. It must be noted that the First Lady crisis in Africa is caused by lack of rule of law and people-geared constitutions.

It is time Africa stopped being ruled by thieves that, along with their families and friends, self-help and serve on whatever they are pleased without facing the music.
SOURCE: The African Executive Magazine February 18, 2009.

Kudos SFO on Chenge and Rashid

I don’t know how to kick start today’s discussion. I’m baffled. I feel like caterwauling. When I look at the sacrilege committed in this time and clime full of crimes, truly, I just gnash my teeth.

We last week saw the Bongo boondoggle. Today, we’ll revisit our situation reminiscent to stomaching rot and graft not fighting them.

One thing is obvious. As a country, shall we maintain this conspiracy, indifference and silence; indeed, we’ll be committing very serious errors of judgment. What we’re sitting on needs the courage of the mad so to speak.

After catching the wind of the Radar scandal in which Tanzania was swindled by BAE Systems, con men and corrupt government officials, I found myself wishing baying for somebody’s bloody without fearing what befell PM Mizengo Pinda for instigating the killing of the killers of the people with albinism. So too, I still feel like going ballistic when I hear what Pinda said regarding two sitting government official implicated in Richmond deal.

Let’s face it point blank. The duo is supposed to vacate from office so as to allow fair and thorough investigations.

Going to my mission today, I sincerely and abundantly, thank British authorities particularly Serious Fraud Offence- “SFO” for their good job. SFO did not badge when was asked by our authorities to furnish them with what they know regarding radar theft by government biggies.

What is divulged in the report by SFO is surreal for a common Mwananchi. It is. Because knowing that the diablos you used to pay salaries and all fat perks as you hold them high became cats that could steal milk!

Mentioned and inculpated in SFO’s reports are former Attorney General and Minister Andrew Chenge and former BoT, Governor Idriss Rashid and their middlemen Indians. SFO says it clearly: these guys received kickbacks so as to bless this illegal child they ‘sired’ that ended up sinking taxpayers’ billions of shillings.

True, we now need to shift gears as far as taking on mega graft is concerned in our country. Many ramp-fed ronyons have already come into the big picture. What's never crossed my mind is why are they protected as opposed to the essence and logic of having the power-that be? Is it because some of its tops were party and parcel of the whole deal behind the curtains? Is it because we are fool enough to pretend that this matter does not concern us as we consequentially suffer? Will this ostrich behaviour help us really?

Much has already been said save that nothing has ever been done. Likewise, much has already been revealed regarding who did what and when. As usual, our charlatans and sitting ducks have already 'fired' their missiles on how to zap this vice. But again, what we know about the actions of these goons is nothing but lies.

Not surprisingly, they make us believe they’re with and for us. Behind the curtains you can not easily differentiate between fisadis and them! Those we wrongly think can teach fisadis the lesson are but blossom buds of theirs. Don’t ask me who and how. Revisit Kagoda and Richmond . Try to remember how these two vampiric scams have become another power-that-be within another.

True, let’s face it point blank. We’re tired of empty promises on combating graft. Time for actions aimed at practically smoking out these morons must be now shall we really mean business. Try to give us our due by understanding we’re human beings with full and perfect crania just like yours even if we’re not on the top. Even a little blind ant when given soil mixed with sugar can take sugar and live soil.

Our motto is: actions and deliver now. We’re tired of promises and rants and raves.

Instead of make-believe promises, we need the plan of action. We need those responsible to deliver instead of politicking and taking us for a ride.

Now that the ball is in our court, what will our authorities tell us when it comes to not taking actions against these suspects?

When and if you look at the names of the coterie of Nawabs mentioned, you, doubtlessly find that there is something fishy somewhere. More often than not, some people would goof that their covert efforts to get away with this will succeed. How, if the smell is always out landing in the dog’s nose? The more they try to hide the more the people presses for truth. Indeed, the more the dance around the more the truth surfaces.

I wonder. How can directly implicated persons like Andrew Chenge and, Idriss Rashid (Radar scam), Edward Lowassa ( Richmond kingpin), Zakhia Meghji (who openly admitted to have authorized Kagoda dubious payments) and such can survive? If they’ re going to survive, the braggadocios and grandstanding that Jakaya Kikwete’s president is not an entity with share holders will be put to test. Its seriousness, competence even worthiness will be shed overnight.

What makes things worse despite CCM toeing party line so as to make the whole issues political is the water-tight evidence already adduced. Will jumping a smoking gun do well for CCM and its ruling government? Shall we keep on making serious errors of judgment? Time to act is now.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Pinda kulia hakutoshi, awajibike

INGAWA kilio cha Waziri Mkuu, Mizengo Peter Kayanza Pinda, kinaonekana kuyeyusha hasira za Watanzania kwa muda, kuna haja ya kudodosa zaidi.

Wapo waliofanya makosa na kutafsiri kilio cha Pinda mbele ya Bunge kama njia ya kutubu. Hii ni baada ya Pinda kutoa kauli ‘iliyopinda’ ya kuchochea watu wajichukulie sheria mikononi kwa kuwaua watuhumiwa wa mauaji ya watu wenye ulemavu wa ngozi - albino.

Je, kiakili hii inatosha? Je, Pinda kweli aliwalilia wahanga au alilia kuepuka hatari ya kukumbwa na yaliyomkumba mtangulizi wake, Edward Lowassa, baada ya kutajwa kuwa alishiriki ufisadi?

Tuzidi kufikiri. Je, kama Pinda kweli alikuwa na uchungu wa kuwalilia wahanga wa uzembe wa serikali, alishindwa nini kuiamuru serikali yake ichukue hatua za kisayansi na za kiusalama badala ya kukalia majanga ukiachia mbali kuwa majanga ni sehemu ya maisha ya Watanzania?

Nadhani baada ya Pinda kugundua kuwa Watanzania wameamka na walikwishaonya hili kwa kuwatimulia mbali vigogo waliokumbwa na kashfa, aliamua kucheza karata ya kutaka kuonewa huruma. Hii ni janja si kutubu. Tusidanganywe nayo. Tufikiri zaidi.

Kama Pinda kweli ana uchungu na wahanga, tuseme Watanzania, kwanini anakubali kuwa sehemu ya serikali iliyoshindwa na kuwaangusha Watanzania ukiachia mbali kuwasaliti na kuwatoa kafara kwa wawekezaji huku ikiwakingia kifua mafisadi? Rejea tamko la rais Jakaya Kikwete kutaka tumuache mtangulizi anayekabiliwa na tuhuma za kuiba mali ya umma.

Je, Pinda hajui kuwa uzembe wa serikali, hasa kwenye kushughulikia ufisadi, ndiyo chimbuko na kichocheo cha mauaji ya watu wenye ulemavu wa ngozi, vikongwe na vibaka?

Hakuna siri. Pinda sawa na wewe, anajua jinsi watu wanavyoabudia utajiri upatikanao kwa njia haramu kama ufisadi, rushwa, mihadarati na mengine mengi. Wanafanya hivyo baada ya kuona wahalifu wakivumiliwa, kulindwa na kuheshimiwa.

Mtu yeyote aliyepata utajiri kwa kuwaibia Watanzania au kuwatoza rushwa, hana tofauti na auaye watu wenye ulemavu au vikongwe. Kifo ni kifo. Hakuna kifo kizuri wala chenye afadhali.

Kama tutafanya ‘homework’ yetu vizuri, tutagundua kuwa kashfa ya Pinda ni ushahidi wa kushindwa kwa serikali. Na serikali inayoshindwa kulinda watu wake na mali zao haipaswi kuendelea kuwa madarakani. Hapa ndipo umuhimu na ulazima wa kumng’ang’ania Pinda ajiuzulu tena mara moja unapoonekana.

Hatuwezi kumsamehe Pinda kwa sababu hatujui amri yake ya kutaka watakaokamatwa kwa kushikiwa kuwaua watu wenye ulemavu wa ngozi wauawe itaua wangapi. Tusijidanganye na kulia kwa Pinda.

Athari ya maagizo yake itakuwa kubwa huko tuendako. Kwanza ifahamike kuwa si watanzania wote, hasa wale wa vijijini aliowashauri waue huko mikoani wamesikia na kuelewa kitubio chake.

Kinachokera zaidi ni ile hali ya kitubio cha Pinda kulazimishwa na wapinzani badala ya bosi wake yaani Rais Kikwete! Ni ajabu kwa Kikwete kuchelewa hata kukaa kimya huku akiwaaminisha Watanzania kuwa ana sera za kuleta maisha bora kwa kila mtanzania wakati ukweli ni kinyume. Ukitaka kuliona hili, tathmini serikali ya Kikwete ambayo imekuwa madarakani kwa miaka mitatu sasa. Je, imetimiza ahadi gani zaidi ya kukumbwa na kashfa kila uchao?

Je, kwa hali ilivyo, kuna matumaini na mikakati ya kutimizwa kwa ahadi hata moja? Iwapo kipindi cha kuwa madarakani kimeshakatika kwa zaidi ya 3/5 na hakuna lililofanyika, Kikwete na wenzake watatenda miujiza gani kutimiza ahadi na matarajio ya umma?

Ajabu, ukiangalia vizuri, anachofanya Kikwete ni kuanza harakati za kuwania urais 2010 huku akiwa hajatimiza ahadi hata moja! Ameshindwa kutimiza ahadi. Hata kuwa na serikali adilifu ameshindwa? Rejea kwa mfano kuendelea kujizungushia watu wachafu chamani na serikalini.

Chukulia mfano kitendo cha hatari na kutia mashaka cha mkewe, Salma Kikwete, kuendelea kukusanya fedha zisizo na uhakiki kihesabu chini ya NGO yake ya Wama. Kwa nini kuwe na Wama iwapo wakati kuna wizara ya wanawake na watoto? Ajabu! hawa ndiyo wanaotuaminisha wataleta mabadiliko wakati ni wagumu kubadilika!

Kwa nini Kikwete hakujifunza kwa yaliyomkuta mtangulizi wake, mzee Mkapa, ambaye amejikuta matatani kutokana na tamaa za watu waliokuwa wakimzunguka?

Turejee kwa Pinda. Kwanza ikubalike. Maisha ya binadamu hata kama ni kichanga yana thamani kuliko kitu chochote, hivyo kitubio cha Pinda hakiwezi kulinganishwa na maisha ya makumi yatakayouawa au ambayo yameishauawa.

Asituhadae kwa kudai ana uchungu na wahanga. Hana uchungu. Angekuwa nao, tena kama mwanasheria na kiongozi wa ngazi za juu, angewahamasisha wananchi kujilinda kwa kufuata misingi ya sheria. Angewafundisha umuhimu wa haki za binadamu ambayo kila mmoja anapaswa kuifaidi wakiwamo wahanga.

Je, ni kwa nini Watanzania wanaonekana kufanya makosa kumsamehe Pinda? Inawezekana hawajui kuwa kimsingi wanayepaswa kumuandama si Pinda peke yake bali serikali nzima isiyowahakikisha usalama.

Pinda, sasa anaonekana shujaa kwa serikali kutokana na kuiokoa na hasira za Watanzania. Hana tofauti na Lowassa ambaye kuachia ngazi kwake haraka kulilenga kukinusuru chama chake kama ilivyokuja kujulikana baadaye. Na ndiyo maana akaendelea kulipwa malipo ya kustaafu wakati ukweli ni kwamba alifukuzwa.

Watanzania kama wanataka kujikomboa, wanapaswa kutumia fursa hii kuibana serikali itimke. Tuna hali tete kama ya Zimbabwe. Bahati mbaya upinzani wetu nao ni wa hovyo, unangoja kushindana kwenye uchaguzi utakaoandaliwa na kuendeshwa kwa wizi na mizengwe kama ambavyo imegeuka kuwa kawaida.

Hivi Kenya na Zimbabwe wangengojea uchaguzi wangefika popote? Serikali inaposhindwa kutawala kama ilivyobainika kwenye kashfa ya mauaji ya Pinda, hutimuliwa. Tutaendelea kutoa misamaha mingapi?

Tunapoandika kuna ushahidi wa wazi kuwa asasi na makampuni ya Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) vilishiriki kuliibia na kulihujumu taifa kwenye kashfa ya EPA na Richmond, lakini ajabu Watanzania wameendelea kuwaamini walioasisi wizi huu ili kupata hongo ya kuingilia madarakani watende haki?

Leo tuna mawaziri wa zamani kama Andrew Chenge, ambaye ushahidi unaonyesha wazi alishiriki kwenye ufisadi katika manunuzi haramu ya rada na ndege ya rais. Wapo kina Basil Mramba na wengine wengi. Wamefanywa nini licha ya Uingereza kutoa ushahidi wote hadharani?

Tunao mwanasheria mkuu wa serikali, Johnson Mwanyika, na mkurugenzi wa asasi ya Kuzuia na Kupambana Rushwa (TAKUKURU) ambao waliguswa moja kwa moja kwenye uchunguzi wa kashfa ya Richmond. Ajabu watuhumiwa hawa bado wanakaa kwenye ofisi zetu kwa ridhaa ya rais utadhani ofisi zetu ni mali binafsi ya rais!

Tubadilike na kuweka hatima yetu mikononi mwetu badala ya kutegemea watuhumiwa wajishitaki. Na hii ndiyo sababu ya wezi wa Kagoda kutokamatwa maana wanaoambiwa wawakamate Kagoda ni Kagoda wale wale wa nyuma ya pazia.

Tumalizie na Pinda kama tulivyoanza naye. Kinachopaswa kufanyika kuhusiana na kashfa ya Pinda, kwanza ni kuiita kashfa badala ya kumlazimisha atubu. Kutubu si jibu.

Pili tuikabili serikali kwa ushahidi wa maneno ya Pinda na kutamalaki kwa rushwa na ufisadi ikae kando wenye uwezo wa kutuongoza wafanye hivyo. Kulia lia hakutusaidii kitu bali kutuongezea machungu. Nao ni usanii.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Februari 17, 2009.

Jamhuri ya mgongano wa kenge wenye makengeza

JUZI mzee mzima nilikuwa natafakari. Mara naiona nchi nzuri tu kwa juu ing’aayo kama kaburi wakati ndani ni mifupa na uozo mtupu!

Ni nchi iitwayo Jamhuri ya Mgongano wa Makenge wenye makengeza. Unajua ukiwa na makengeza hasa ya ubongo ukiachia mbali ya macho unakuwa huoni wala kuhisi vitu kama vilivyo. Nyuma unapaona mbele na mbele nyuma. Kiama unakiita neema na neema kiama.

Ukinyonywa unajiona unanenepeshwa na ukidanganywa unajiona umeambwa ukweli! Huu ndiyo ukenge uletao mgongano kiasi cha Jamhuri ya Makenge kengeza kuonekana kituko kitupu.

Majirani wa nchi hii huicheka na kuikebehi watakavyo. Wapo waliowahi kuifananisha na kusanyiko la makaburi au hata mainzi mafu. Sababu? Watu kuishi maisha ya kikondoo kiasi cha kutendewa kila upuuzi wasiamke na kufanya kweli.

Jamhuri hii iliyojaa makenge wenye makengeza makubwa hufanya mambo kikengekenge. Ilijaliwa madini si haba. Lakini waulize wana makengeza kama wanafaidika na madini yao. Afadhali hata ya Tanzania tuna wawekezaji wanaoweza kuwagharimia mawaziri wetu safari za kwenda kukaa kwenye mahoteli ya kitalii huko London kwa mama na Uswisi kupanga madili.

Hebu fikiria kwa mfano upuuzi alioufanya juzi spika Sammy Six kuzuia miswaada binafsi ya kuwawajibisha Makenge wajifichao nyuma ya utukufu. Nani hajui kuwa Makenge kama Johanson Mwananyika na Eddie O’shea ni mafisadi? Wanangoja nini kwenye ofisi za umma?

Kwanza, inabidi tumpe taarifa. Yake tunayajua alipokuwa Mkurugenzi wa The Insititute of Corruption (TIC). Alikwapua njuluku na kujenga mahekalu kule Masaaki. Tunalijua hili. Tunajua alivyo mchafu na mshirika wa majambawazi tajwa.

Anyamaze vinginevyo kijiwe kitamchukulia hatua. Pia aelewe nina mpango wa kuanzisha vuguvugu na kuwa mwanasiasa ili nieleweke, maana kila nikipiga vijembe wanajifanya hawapati kitu. Nitaanza kupayuka kama akina Mremax.

Turejee jamhuri ya mgongano wa Makenge wenye makengeza. Heri ya Tanzania ina serikali yenye heshima inayoweza kumiliki maelfu ya mashangingi na ndege ya bei mbaya kuliko Jamhuri ya Mgongano ya Makenge wenye makengeza inayotawaliwa na kuliwa na mfalme na watu wake watakavyo.

Wanaweza kufanya kila upuuzi bila kuulizwa wala kuwajibishwa. Nani amesahau kufuru ya kina Eddie Ewassa na Ben Makapu Tunituni na Anna Tamaa aliyerithiwa na hatari aitwaye Salama Kikwekwe?

Huyu mama anadhani hatujui anavyoiba kupitia kwenye mashirika ya hiari? Mbona Michelle Obama hafanyi upuuzi huu? Hawezi kwa sababu amekula vitabu na siyo mroho kama hawa kina Tamaa na Hatari wetu. Anaona mbele. Haoni usawa wa pua kama Six, Kikwekwe na majambawazi wenzao.

Kutokana na mwanya huu, watawala wa Makengeza ni wakwasi wa kutupwa. Wanakula na kusaza huku wananchi wakitopea kwenye utapiamlo. Hawana utapiamlo wa chakula tu bali hata mawazo. Huu umewakumba hata watawala ambao ukiuliza faida ya uwepo wao si chochote bali maangamizi.

Watawala wa Makengeza wanaweza kwenda benki kuu ya Makengeza na kujichotea pesa watakavyo bila kushitakiwa! Watawala hawa vidhabu wamejichotea mabilioni ya pesa kiasi cha kulihonga hata jeshi ambalo haliwezi kuwafanya kitu. Mambo ya nchi ya Makengeza yangefanyika Guinea bila shaka Mousa Dadis Camara asingevumilia.

Makufuru ya Makengeza yangefanyika Afrika Kusini, Mosioua Terror Lekota asingeacha kuasisi chama na kuunda chama kipya ili kupambana na watawala wa Makenge kengeza. Makengeza inahitaji kina Lekota milioni moja. Inahitaji watu wasio vyongo wala makengeza kuona makengeza yanayofanyika nchini Makengeza.

Ajabu wakati kufuru ambayo haijawahi kutendeka popote ikiendelea, wana Makengeza wanaaminishwa kuwa mambo ni safi si kawaida. Wanaambiwa hawana Makengeza bali kuitwa wana Makengeza ni utani unaomaanisha kinyume wakati siyo!

Kuishi kwenye nchi ya Makengeza ni hatari kuliko hata Baghdad. Ukiwa una ulemavu wa ngozi ndiyo usiseme. Ukizeeka baada ya kunyonywa jua utanyongwa kama mbwa ukidhaniwa mchawi wakati wachawi ni watawala, hii ndiyo hasara ya kuwa na makengeza. Mwenye nayo huona ndiyo siyo.

Nchi ya Makengeza ni sawa na ile rais wa zamani wa nchi tukufu ya Tanzania mzee Ali Hassan Mwinyi aliilinganisha na kichwa cha mwendawazimu walevi kujifunzia kunyoa. Kadhalika na makengeza imebakwa na vibaka kiasi cha kutokuwa na tofauti na kundi la mainzi mafu.

Uliona wapi mwizi anaitwa mheshimwa hata kama ni mwizi mkubwa kama Tunituni, Ewassa, Kagodamn Roast Tamu L’Aziz? Uliona wapi mtu anashutumiwa kwa wizi anaendelea kukaa ofisini akiiba na kuharibu kumbukumbu kama Johanson Mwananyika na Eddie O’shea?

Ni katika Jamhuri ya Mgongono wa Makenge wenye makengeza tu. Uliona wapi Karumekenge akiiba kura na kuendelea kuula huku akiwaambia wapingaji wameula wa chuya? Jibu unalo nimeishatoa. Kazi kwenu wajameni.

Uliona wapi mwizi anaanzisha magazeti kuwachafua wenzake akabaki kuwa mwakilishi wa wale anaowaibia? Basi kama hujui, hii ni jamhuri ya mgongano ya Makengeza. Nchini Makengeza wezi na majambazi huitwa waheshimiwa huku waadilifu wakiitwa washamba. Katika nchi hii laanifu ujanja ni kupata hata kama kupata kwenyewe ni matokeo ya ufisadi na uuaji wa watu wasio na hatia.

Katika nchi hii, wakubwa hula watakavyo huku wadogo wakiliwa kadri ya wakubwa watakavyo. Hii haina tofauti na nchi ya hayawani waitwao samaki ambao mkubwa humla mdogo na mdogo humla mdogo zaidi.

Katika nchi hii, ubongo hauna kazi zaidi ya kutenda jinai. Rejea daktari mmoja wa uchumi aliyewahi kuruhusu majambazi naye akiwamo kuibomoa benki yake na hatimaye akatundikwa sumu akaishia kufa kama mbumbumbu.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Februari 17, 2009.

Kufuru na upuuzi wa Jamhuri ya Mgongano wa Makenge wenye makengeza ni mengi. Huwezi kuyaelezea kwenye ukurasa mmoja wala kwa siku moja. Tumewaambia Makenge waachane na ukenge na makengeza wajikomboe. Lakini hawatueliwi! Wataelewa lini? Ipo siku.

Naona macho yanauma. Huenda naambukizwa makengeza! Wacha nikitoe kabla ya jamaa hawajaja kunikolimba hata kunibalali.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Africa: Victim of Oppressive Globalisation?

African Leaders at the WEF last year

Is globalization becoming its own enemy? Currently, rich countries are gasping for new air. They’re facing a worst ever economic recession that is threatening the stability of some governments. Iceland became the first casualty of this mess. The Prime Minister Geir Haarde was shown the door by the angry citizens. In Europe, no government is sure of its survival..

Though former US President George W. Bush proposed bailout as a magic bullet, it is not working wonders as expected. Taxpayers are feeling the pinch as their money is awarded to inefficient corporations. Rich countries have the money to bail out their economies. What of the poor countries whose fate and plight has always depended on begging? Who will bail them out at this moment of truth?

Think again. Apart from bailout there are stimuli. Where will we get these economic missiles with which to zap economic down turn in poor countries? If big guys are shaken, what is the plight of little guys?

In the name of globalization, poor countries allowed their public utilities and resources to be bought by agents from rich countries at a throw-away price. Capital flight became an in-thing as corruption surged. We were taught how to kill our economies first. After all productive firms were felled; our goons privatized them to the agents of the same wheel dealers. After privatizing everything, themselves included, they’re now caught off guard!

African Leaders at the WEF last year Photo:Courtesy
Social services were abused and killed. In Tanzania the so-called cost sharing and bearing was introduced. To make matter worse, World Bank and International Monetary Fund offered full-proscription-packed loans to see to it that the already felled utilities are sold to the buyers who also enjoy loans from the sellers. In Kenya there was the Goldenberg scandal while in Tanzania, EPA raised its head. All those became money sinkholes that cost our coffers dearly but enriched the rulers.

Our farmers and producers were told to work hard. They did. But to no avail. Our economies kept cascading despite all the hard work. True, our rulers ruined our treasuries as they crucified our people. Now we are at Waterloo, dumbfounded.

Recently in Davos, British Prime minister Gordon Brown said that the IMF and World Bank are outdated. This means; even their way of doing things. This being the case, what will we do as the victims? Were we prepared for this eventuality?

What the West doesn’t’ want to tell us openly is the bitter truth that at this moment, it is everybody for his own survival. And indeed, the fittest will survive. While they’re presently bailing out their economies after shrinking, they did not allow us to do the same to ours when shrank in eighties. What was regarded as socialistic and unacceptable misguided principle- bailout- is now legal when it comes to bailing out their economies!

Which lesson have we gotten from this? What worries me a great deal is the fact that our rulers are busy expanding their governments. To them, recession has nothing to do with their personal interests. In Kenya we currently have three Prime Ministers. In Tanzania, the current regime has more ministers than the past ones. Who cares?

As we open our borders and economies even more, the champions of free market are applying protective measures for their citizens to sail through. Try this in third world countries. You will face their wrath. Eyebrows were recently raised when president Barrack Obama came in with 'Buy American.' This did not augur well for Europe.

Whilst the developed world is providing subsides to their farmers, we’re loaning produces from our already suffering farmers! Even when we try to propose that the produce be subsidized, we’re being reprimanded for thinking about the unthinkable! As brainless creatures as ever, we’re bowing in order to serve our personal interests as we sacrifice our hoi polloi! Unfortunately for them, our hoi polloi still pin their expectation to us! Whilst in Europe governments are being punted out, in Africa, they’re tying their grips on powers!

Super-rich nations are openly saying that they don’t want to see their people suffer from the credit crunch that, in essence, they caused themselves. Coming to the poor countries, we’re not allowed even to finance the education for our youths. This means: we’ll produce half baked academicians who will depend on western ones to mislead them as they are doing to our current rulers.

In Tanzania, the government was able to ruin its treasures thanks to giving loans to fake investors that made away with it. The government feels at home to dish out money to offer the investors. But the same does not want to invest in education. Cheap and corrupt investment is condoned for it’s a good source of ill-gotten wealth for a privileged few. Can such a myopic approach usher in meaningful development ?

It pains to realize that Africa does not want to create its own economic paradigm. Instead, its greedy and egoistic honchos and academicians every single day beg from the West as if they have neither brain nor hands! They’ve turned us into beggars while we don’t spend even a dime they beg! Shall we allow ourselves to be misled a great deal more as our economies flop?
It was republished by The Herald Zimbabwe Feb.17.

This is Bongo boondoggle

In Bongo where brain is used wrongly and abusively, anybody can get away with it. In this part of the world one may say: self help on public property is the only thing creatures living there know. In doing so sadly tough, the majority is perishing on the expense of a cabal of criminals-turned politicians.

No research no right to speak. I must substantiate my contention. Tell me. Isn’t the honorable so and so behind Kagoda profligacy a criminal-turned politician?

The other day I was wondering why one bugger known as milionea wa Vijisenti could keep on surfacing everywhere as far as scams are concerned and stay in the the Parliament! Isn’t this a pure criminal-turned politician? What of the MP that forged his certificates? What of the one that stole people plot apart from being caught red handed dishing kickbacks to the voters in Kagera?

When I was wondering about this and that, there came this scandal involving the issuance of Identity cards for the citizenry.

First of all, I don’t believe there will be produced any identity cards. For since even before my daughter was born I heard of this stuff. But unfortunately, as she is heading for the university, no single ID has ever been produced!

What I am sure about is. Though no single ID has ever been produced, millions of shillings have already been minted and printed by smart chaps that can reap where they did not sow.

I was asking myself how Brother Lau Masha could dress himself down by showing directly how he wants to illegally print money. Just imagine. You’ve such a rotten lot heading such crucial docket. What will you expect as far as the security of wananchi is concerned? The living example to prove this is indiscreet killings of people with albinism and elderly in this clime and time.

This country Bwana, trust nobody. Those you think are safer aren’t and those that you think would bring changes are changed themselves. Tamaa Bwana. Everybody wants to become a tycoon by all and any means legal and otherwise!

You know what. After this abracadabra of IDs is over, soon you will be told. There must be even animal IDs. This will help to trace them shall they be stolen by thugs from neighboring countries. Even rhinos will need IDs. For they’re endangered spices not to forget people with albinism.

Bongo is always funny to think about. It’s the only hank on earth in which a gang of goons can dubiously congregate and divide people’s houses among themselves without being vexed. Funny enough, the same still holler that whatever they’re doing is in the interest of people! To make things worse, we’re told. When they congregated to ruin the hank of land, they even received some fat perks they call sitting allowances! Who could believe that sitting on us pays this way? You are given fat perks for betraying the hoi polloi! For heavens sake these allowances what for? The place where crimes pay and criminals are heroes and heroines.

Didn’t you hear of thugs that used to godfather and midwife one prominent outfit? The coca-cola-like force was once applied on them. They’re arrested. But since then, nothing has ever been heard. Unacheza na pesa?

Bongo is second to none when it comes to plundering and stealing from paupers. Investors, especially fake ones and most criminals, can come and conspire with corrupt government officials so as to make it with billions of shillings! It has reached a stage at which some of, not all, government officials would conspire with corrupt politicians to rob the central bank and those that did this are still waheshimiwa! These betes noix have turned the Garden of Eden into the den of Daniel unnecessarily thanks to their myopia and greed. They preach water and drink wine!

To make matter worse, many con men and women are hiding themselves behind the cloaks as they preach the word of God. They steal from paupers by cheating them they can perform miracles that will free them from abject poverty. In the end, they end up stealing from them and no power that -be comes in to help them!

Bongo is the only country on earth where lies can be turned into policies without the public waking up and stand up against it! Do you remember the say that Bongo is an island of peace? Do people with albinism, elderly and retirees-especially those of the defunct East African Community- enjoy this mythical peace? To be frank, in Bongo, if you’re not a good freeloader so as to stash money, you’re as good as dead. Your rights will be sold by buggers as they are bought by tarts.

It's the country in which a few top dogs can amass wealth whilst the majority is sinking in abject poverty. Sadly, the same will still stomach calling this good life for all! In a nutshell, it’s an all-you-can-deem-doom business of vending the people.

This is the country in which you can rest letting your brain breathe even by sleeping in the parliament as this act of shame being rewarded by being paid allowances.


News that ‘unknown’ terrorists have targeted MPs Drs. Willbroad Slaa CHADEMA-Karatu and Taarab Ali Taarabu CUF-Konde dresses our government down. Why can’t the state protect its leaders even if they’re in the opposition? What befell the late Horace Kolimba na Daudi Ballali should not be repeated. Such politics are dirty to the bone. What I just can’t understand is; why are we able to protect and revere fisadis as we target whistle blowers? The government must be held accountable shall any unthinkable happen.
Source: Thisday February 11, 2009.

Saturday 7 February 2009

Mvungi, Mkapa’s still indictable under constitution

When I read the statement by Dr. Adrian Sengondo Mvungi, the head of the faculty of Law at The University of Dar es Salaam that there are no legal premises in our constitution under which we can sue former president Benjamin Mkapa, I scratched my head afresh.

Ironically, Mvungi erroneously based his argument on the fact that our constitution does not bar the sitting or former president to do business, getting loans from banks and such. He’s right in this. But when it comes to committing an offence, methinks. He’s wrong.

Our Penal Code is clear that whoever, with intention or malice aforethought commits any offence is liable and shall be charged with crime so committed. This is the golden rule to base our arguments on Mkapa’s saga.

So if you look at Mkapa as a president, you’ll concur with Mvungi. But when you look at Mkapa as a bin-Adam, there is a window through which to try him.

No doubts. Mkapa abused the office of the president. This is an offence. He also was involved in acts that sabotaged our economy as he betrayed his oath of office. These can not be made simple offences one can easily sweep under the carpet.

To jog the mind of the likes of Mvungi, looking at the revelations inculpating Mkapa’s ministers and right-hand men like Andrew Chenge, chances are, if we do our homework well, Mkapa will be connected to all these deals. For example, nobody shouted to the top of his to support radar and presidential jet deals from which Chenge is said to have minted and printed billions. If a mere AG could get such big cut, what of his boss?

Mvungi’s worries must act as a reminder for us to dig deeper. Otherwise, Mkapa can be legally put to task. He is not the first or the last.

What I just can’t understand for those that aver that Mkapa can not be tried is, isn’t a crime to take public property you were entrusted to guard? Isn’t the taking of Kiwira Coal Mine a crime in itself for which Mkapa can be brought to book? If our laws and academia can not see this we’re truly doomed. And there are nugatory and unfit to rule us.

The general rule of the penal code is clear. Suppose the president rapes someone. Will you wake up saying; I am guru of law. And I see nowhere this can be tried?

What should be reckoned with is technically under which sections and with which offences Mkapa must be sued. But suing him is very possible legally.

If Mvungi thinks he is right. Then how did Zambians sue their former president? I am rising this issue knowingly how many African constitutions are symmetrical especially those of the Anglo-phone countries. We can send our lawyers there to take a leaf from this precedent.

The Philippine tried and jailed former president Joseph Ejercito Astrada. Astrada was sentenced to reclusio perpetua (permanent imprisonment). In the Philippines, it is one of two sentences, the other being life imprisonment designed to replace death penalty and is, in legal parlance, almost synonymous with life imprisonment.

Shall we fail to bring Mkapa to justice (though this is impossible); we can do what Indonesia did after it was legally unable to charge its former dictator Eliasa Surhato thanks to being terminally ill. The state preferred legal action against his son Hutomo Mandala Putra aka Tommy Surhato whom the judge sentenced to 15 years in jail and he was the first member of Surhato family to face the music.

For the love of political affiliation even kickbacks we may back Mkapa. What of his wife, children, consigliore and such that are in the big picture?

Importantly, when we discuss how to try Mkapa we should avoid political statements like doing business while in power. But again, even if president is allowed to do business, not illegal ones like profiteering or stealing public properties as it happened in Kiwira scam.

The issue here is simple. How did Mkapa acquire his additional wealth in that the one he acquired after being wheeled to power? How did Mkapa family acquire their wealth? How did Mkapa the person used president’s office to serve his personal interests as opposed to the oath of his office? Is there any element of theft in Mkapa’s gains? Such are the issues we must address before giving in.

Looking at how closely related to Mkapa, the figure mentioned in Kiwira deals; suffice to bring Mkapa to justice without any cloud of fear that the law applicable to him is amiss.

Well, if there is no law under which Mkapa can be brought to book, it means: we’re satisfied with this anomaly under which the current president, his family and friends can plunder our country as pleased?

Given that the president is elected by the people to man their countries on their behalf (not to milk it), it is time we amend or re-enact our constitution so that it gives us a responsible and diligent chief executive. Shall we keep mum on this; we indeed will be as corrupt as Mkapa and all those that defend him.

Mvungi as a guru of law has proved to be inept and shallow when it comes to using his know-how. He did not propose any alternative as far as doing away from this impasse is concerned. Mark my words. Mvungi’s words echo his boss’- Chairman of NCCR-Mageuzi who was quoted saying Mkapa should be left alone.

Mvungi is not alone in this conspiracy. Even greedy religious leaders have stolen the thunder supporting Mkapa. But what they don’t understand is, what they are doing dresses them down. Those we thought are the princes of God abruptly turned to be the hyenas Jesus warned us of!

We however know. Many tampon-turned-religious leaders are not supporting Mkapa. In lieu, they‘re but supporting the contributions the likes of Mkapa make to their dubious personal projects conducted in the name of God.

Legally speaking, former president Mkapa is adjudgeable save that what’s needed is to be cautious of the issues with which to do so.

In a nutshell, Mkapa is indictable.
Source:Thisday February 2009.

Thursday 5 February 2009

Was Nkunda Arrested or Recalled Home?

Nkunda meets Obasanjo last year.

Despite the fact that news of Laurent Nkunda's arrest was welcome to the world of peace lovers many questions need to be asked and answered. The arrest of the self-made ‘general’ creates many doubts for those that know his roots and mission.

Nkunda was created by Rwanda to enable Rwanda and Uganda to plunder DR Congo on top of trying hand on power in DRC under the pretext of preserving minority Tutsi from Interahamwe. Had Nkunda succeeded to become a stooge president in DRC, his creators would have go on to siphon whatever they want from DRC.

Nkunda's assault on DRC has seen millions of innocent people displaced not to mention hundreds of thousands who have died. This is the legacy Nkunda leaves behind. The Human Rights Watch group has documented summary executions, torture and rape committed by soldiers under Nkunda's command.This was followed by stealing and smuggling minerals - a fact that has caused much economic hardship and insecurity to DRC.
Nkunda meets Obasanjo last year
Now that Nkunda was recently ‘arrested,’ does it mean Rwanda and Uganda are no longer interested in plundering DRC? They’ve always maintained their forces to enter DRC and whoosh the rebels that threaten their autocratic regimes.

To get away with it, Rwanda and Uganda refused to talk with the rebels until recently when Uganda bowed to sitting down with LRA. Looking at the ping pong Uganda has always employed, another opportunity to invade DRC is on the offing after it was said that Joseph Kony is now in DRC.

Musing on Nkunda’s service to his master, it becomes too good to be true that he was arrested and soon might be arraigned.There are reasons to become wary.Firstly, Nkunda was operating under orders from Kigali. He’s but Kigali’s agent and loyal soldier despite being a disgrace. Nkunda went home after finding the nut he was sent to crack harder and bigger than he thought. He lacked leadership skills and was recalled to be reprimanded and rehabilitated.Nkunda might have been also been deposed just because he could not prevail over the interests of those that cloned him. This means, Bosco Ntagandawho announced the boot down of Nkunda, may soon come into the big picture to see to it that the stand off goes on.

Will Rwandan authorities present Nkunda to The Hague to answer charges related to grave abuse of human rights and general atrocity against humanity? Shall they do, won’t Nkunda implicate them under the doctrine of conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity in DRC?
I heard that Nkunda will be handed over to DRC. This will create chaos unnecessarily. The good venue to submit Nkunda is The Hague. The evidence is water-tight that DRC that could not try Jean-Pierre Bemba cannot do the same reminiscent to Nkunda.

It seems Nkunda and his bosses in Kigali might have fallen out so as to create animosity, distrust and vengeance. Having come of age, Nkunda might have become over-ambitious and refused to receive and carry out orders from Kigali, something Kigali would not stomach. After gaining international recognition, Nkunda wanted to go solo so as-in the future-to try hand on power in Kinshasa.Nothing on earth is as dangerous as dealing with power seekers. This is the business in which trust comes last after personal interests.

Now that Nkunda is out of the big picture, is this the beginning of the end of DRC’s crisis? The ‘arrest’ of Nkunda is still sketchy and murky. Much remains to be seen and it is too good to be true. Was Nkunda arrested or he was recalled home for spanking and reprimanding? This is the question we need to answer before jubilation and sighs.
Source:The African Executive Magazine February 4, 2009.

Chuo Kikuu kinapogeuzwa Choo Kikuu!

JUZI kuna jamaa aliniudhi sana . Eti anasema chuo kikuu sasa kimegeuzwa choo kikuu, na nzi wenye heshima na utukufu wanatua hapo!

Kwanza sikumuelewa alimaanisha nini? Je, hao nzi wanapata wapi heshima iwapo nzi ni nzi tu hata awe mnono?

Kwanini wenye chuo waliruhusu nzi kuingia kwenye chuo chao?

Je, hawa nzi na adha zao ndiyo wamesababisha wanafunzi hata walimu kugoma?

Maana binadamu hawawapendi nzi, wanaleta magonjwa, hasa Ukosefu wa Uadilifu Moyoni (UUM) ambao hutokana na ugonjwa uitwao ufisi na ufisadi.

Ugonjwa huu hufanya mtu aharishe sana ubongo kiasi cha kufanya mambo ambayo hata hayawani hawezi kufanya.

Kutokana na kuahirisha ubongo sana, muathirika wa ugonjwa wa UUM huwa mchoyo, mlafi na mbinafsi.

Hujiangalia mwenyewe bila kujali wengine. Kibaya zaidi ugonjwa huu unaua kumbukumbu kiasi kwamba mja huwa kama nyani. Haoni kundule.

Wakati najiuliza maswali baada ya kunusurika kupewa kibano na Fanya Fyoko Ubondwe (FFU), niligundua ni kwanini wanafunzi walikuwa wanagoma kusoma! Kumbe wamechoka na uchafu na uchafuzi wa nzi!

Hawataki kukumbwa na ugonjwa hatari wa UUM ambao wataalamu wanasema humfanya mtu kuwa kichaa na asiye na aibu.

Msomi na kiongozi gani atake ugonjwa unaomgeuza zezeta na juha kama wale walioruhusu hali kuwa mbaya hadi nzi kujaa chuoni kiasi cha kuwachukiza wanafunzi?

Kinachoshangaza ni kwanini wanafunzi hawaungwi mkono kupambana na kadhia hii? Kuna kajamaa kanaitwa Udasa ndiko pekee kalikowaunga mkono huku wazazi wao wakiishia kulalamika utadhani ni jibu!

Inaonekana ugonjwa huu umeharibu watu wengi. Ajabu ukiwaambia wanaumwa wanakuchukia ukiachia mbali kukanusha! Wapo wanaoshangaa kwa nini rais hachukui hatua za kusafisha chuo kikaondokana na nzi. Hawajui rais ana mambo mengi, wapambe na wakati mwingine masikio yake hayawezi kusikia kila kitu pale chuoni.

Wengine wanasema rais si rahisi kujiingiza. Kwani hana hata kitegemezi kimoja pale. Kitegemezi chake na wakubwa wengine husomea nje ya nchi kuepuka kukumbwa na ugonjwa wa UUM, ukiachia mbali adha ya nzi.

Ila ajabu kuna watu wamekumbwa na UUM sijui ni kwa sababu walisomea pale? Mbona wakati ule wa mzee Musa chuo hakikuwa na wachafuzi (nzi)!

Wapo wanaosema kuwa mtoto wa rais hawezi kusomea kwenye chuo kilichojaa nzi.

Kwa hadhi na nasaba yake hii ni kufuru. Yeye lazima asome na kutibiwa nje kama wazazi wake watukufu. Hata watoto wa mawaziri hawafai kusoma kwenye chuo kichafu kama choo namna hii ingawa wazazi wao walisoma pale tena bila kudhalilishwa na udahilishaji!

Kweli nchi hii imevamiwa na nzi na kunguru. Juzi nilikuwa pale kwa mama ntilie. Ni nzi wa jiji. Ukienda hospitali nako uchafu ni ule ule.

Nasikia hata pale Benki Kuu ndio waliofanya mpaka kukawepo na wizi wa EPA!

Mara nikiwa najiuliza nini la kufanya, alitokea Kapende akiongea peke yake. “Tazama sasa wanachukia mwanga na kupenda giza . Fisi hupenda kiza sawa na wao. Ufisadi umegeuza watu kuwa fisi, licha ya heshima walizonazo. Angalia wanavyochezea shilingi shimoni. Yaani mnakubali kugeuza chuo kuwa choo kiasi cha kushibisha nzi.

“Hee” nilijisemea. “Kapende nawe umeona nzi pale chuoni kama mimi?

Alijibu huku akitikisa kichwa. “Bwana eeh, nusura nipigwe mitama nilipokatiza pale. Sikujua kuna mgomo wa kupinga chuo kugeuzwa choo kikuu na nzi wanene!”

Tukiwa tunashangaa shangaa mara anatokea Kidevu aliyekuwa akitusikia tukishangaa upuuzi huu wa kutounga mkono mgomo.

Alisema. “Mara hii mmesahau nyakati za Mwalimu? Watu walisoma chuoni pale na kilikuwa safi bila mainzi kama sasa baada ya mafisi-ahadi kuvamia kila kitu na kila mahali.”

Aliendelea. “Tangu Nyerere aondoke nchi imeingiliwa. Mafisi na mafisadi yametamalaki. Sasa wameingia na nzi sijui tutakuwa wageni wa nani Yarabi?”

Aliendelea. “Hivi unadhani bila na wadudu fisidi na nzi kuingilia chuo kikuu kiasi cha kugeuka choo kikuu wanafunzi wangegoma?”

Nami nilimjibu. “We kweli muongo sina mfano. Mbona chanzo cha mgomo ni mikopo?”

“Naam!” Alijibu na kuendelea. “Hapo hapo. Hujui hiyo mikopo ni michafu na imejaa nzi ndani? Kuna mtaalamu ameiainisha aina ya nzi hawa. Kitaalaamu wanaitwa Mucandalas Maghembus nyongeae. Inasemekana walitoroka kwenye maabara moja iitwayo Kikwecus longolongolos kwenye nchi ya Tanzia.”

“Sijakuelewa bado,” alijibu. “Hujanielewa au umelewa kama wale nzi mafu pale chooni? Tangu lini watu wakasoma kwa mikopo? Mbona wao walipokuwa wakisoma hapakuwa na mikopo wala midebe bali maji ya bomba la Mchonga?”

“Unamaanisha bila kuwa na kopo la kwendea chooni pale shuleni husomi?”

Alijibu. “Swadakta.’ Kwa uchafu ule pale bila kopo nambie utaingiaje chooni? Bila kopo si utajipaka kinyesi kwa kiu ya kutafuta elimu?”

Kumbe jamaa alikuwa anaongea kama Yesu. Kumbe hoja yake ni kwamba wanaowatwisha wenzao mizigo wao hawakutwishwa mizigo walipokuwa wakiisaka nuru!

Sasa nimeelewa maana ya ufisi, mafisi na ufisadi. Kiza kitupu kama ni hivi. Na nzi naanza kuwaona. Wapo wengi kweli kweli. Naona lile nene kama nune. Naona na jingine kama kupe. Kweli kuna nzi kwenye choo kikuu ambacho jamaa amekibatiza kuwa chuo kikuu.

Kweli nzi hupenda uchafu. Na bila ujinga hakuna uchafu. Je, hawa washabikiao kiza na ujinga si nzi tena mafu? Jamaa kweli ana akili za ajabu! Amejua kuwapa jina wadudu hawa.

Juzi nilikutana na mtoto wa mzee Machungi akiwa analia. Alipigwa virungu na maefuefuyu hana hamu. Kosa lake eti ni kutaka chuo kisafishwe na inzi wote wauawe ili waweze kusoma vizuri. Unajua ilikuwaje?

Nzi mkubwa aliwaarika wenzake. Kwa vile chuoni kuna vyoo vingi, basi nzi wale waliona sasa wamepata pa kuponea. Waliingia kila kona hadi kwenye Cafeteria na mifuko yote pale chuoni kiasi cha kukigeuza chuo choo kikuu.

Maskini nzi hawakujali kuwa chuo ni mali ya wananchi. Wao walikigeuza chao huku wakiwatimua watoto wa wananchi!
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Februari 4, 2009.