How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Monday 30 November 2020


Nyamsi Theodore Auger aka Kotto Bass was  born on  6 February, 1963 and died on November 26, 1996 aged 33 years; was a Cameroonian Makossa musician. He became famous globally thanks to his unique style of singing and playing guitar. His songs still inspire up until today. However, as one of his fans, we remember his 14 year physical absence. RIP KOTTO NYAMSI BASS. 

Saturday 28 November 2020

Tubadili Mfumo Wetu wa Utumishi wa Umma

Pamoja kupata uhuru takriban miaka zaidi ya 60 iliyopita, nchi nyingi za kiafrika–––kama si zote–––zilisahau, au tuseme, makusudi, hazikubadili mifumo yake ya uendeshaji wa serikali zake. Kimsingi, nchi hizi zilirithi mfumo koloni na kuendelea hata kuung’ang’ania kwa manufaa ya watu wachache wenye nguvu katika jamii. Tokana na mfumo huu wa kikoloni na kinyonyaji, nchi zote za kiafrika zilibakia maskini pamoja na nyingi kujaliwa utajiri wa raslimali. Kuna msemo kuwa Afrika ina utajiri wa maliasilia lakini ikikaliwa na watu maskini hata kuliko wan chi nyingi za Magharibi zisizo na raslimali za kutosha ikilinganisha na ilizojaliwa Afrika. Katika safu ya leo, tutaangazia baadhi ya maeneo au mambo tunayopaswa kuyabidili haraka ili kuendelea na kuwawezesha wananchi wetu kufaidi utajiri mwingi waliojaliwa na Mungu. Yafuatayo ni mambo husika:
            Ni bahati mbaya kuwa  baadhi ya wazito wetu wanaosimamia raslimali zetu wanaishi maisha sawa na yale ya waliowang’atua, kuwatimua na kuwarithi ima kwa makusudi au kwa kutojua ukiachia mbali kunogewa na utamu wa hali na mifumo hii. Ni hatari kuwa ni wachache wanaoliona na kulidurusu hili. Tokana na mfumo huu zandiki, nchi za kiafrika zimekuwa zikipoteza fedha nyingi za walipa kodi kutokana na matumizi mabaya ya watu wachache badhirifu na fisadi. Ndiyo maana rais John Pombe Magufuli alipoingia madarakani, alijaribu kuutekeza mfumo huu pale alipofumua baadhi ya mambo kama vile ajira hewa, wanafunzi hewa na matumizi mabaya ya fedha na raslimali za umma bila kusahau rushwa huku akianzisha ubanaji matumizi yaliyolenga kuwakomboa wanyonge. Hii ndiyo siri ya Tanzania kupiga maendeleo haraka na kuweza kuwa kwenye kundi la nchi za kipato cha kati ndani ya miaka mitano; jambo ambalo halijawahi kufanywa na nchi yeyote.
            Leo nitatoa baadhi ya mifano kuhusiana na namna Afrika inapaswa kuanza kuangalia mpya mifumo yake ya uongozi na matumizi yasiyo ya lazima. Hivi, katika karne ya 21, kuna haja ya baadhi ya watendaji wetu kuwa na ma-bodyguard au madereva wakati hawana tishio lolote tokana na kuwatumikia wananchi–––kama kweli wanawatumikia–––wananchi au kuweza kufanya kama vile kuendesha magari yao kwenda na kurudi makazini? Hapa Kanada, wazito wengi huendesha magari yao na hawana ma-bodyguard au madereva tokana na kuwahudumia waliowachagua vilivyo. Je hawa wetu wanamuogopa nani kama kweli wanawahudumia mabosi wao ambao ni wale wanaowawakilisha? Je ni fedha kiasi gani tunapoteza tokana na ukale na mfumo huu wa kikoloni? Wakoloni walihitaji madereva kwa vile hawakujua nchi zetu. Walihitaji ma-bodyguard kwa vile walikuwa wakitunyanyasa na kutunyonya. Ukiondoa viongozi wa kitaifa ambao wanahitaji ulinzi kama huu, hawa wadogo kama vile wakuu wa mikoa, wilaya na wengine wanahitaji kwa mfano madereva na wasaidizi wakati ni watumishi wa kawaida?
            Hapa Kanada majaji, na wakuu wengine hujiendesha wenyewe. Chukulia mfano majaji. Kama wanahitaji madereva ili wasichoke, inakuwaje maprofesa wanaowaandaa hawa majaji au madaktari wanaookoa maisha ya watu wanajiendesha na hakuna kinachoharibika?
Kimsingi, wenzetu wa nchi za Magharibi walioanzisha mifumo fujaji na nyonyaji kwa makusudi mazima. Mfano, wakuu wa kila idara walilindwa kwa hofu ya kudhuriwa na wale waliokuwa wakiwatawala kimabavu na bila faida.
            Hakika, tunapaswa kuanza kutoza kodi viongozi au watumishi wa umma wanaopata mishahara mikubwa na huduma za bure kama hizi za madereva na wasaidizi wasiohitajika. Ukiachia mbali watumishi wa umma, huku si rahisi kuwa na wasichana wa kazi kama ilivyo nyumbani. Hii ni kwa sababu hakuna mwenye uwezo wa kuwalipa mshahara wa kiwango cha chini ambao kila mmoja wa wafanyakazi wa kawaida analipwa. Hivyo, uwepo wa uwezekano wa kuajiri wasichana wa kazi ni njia mojawapo ya kinyonyaji ambayo inapaswa kuangaliwa sambamba na maslahi ya wakubwa yasiyo na faida wala ulazima kwa taifa.
            Kwa vile rais Magufuli anasifika kwa kubana matumizi, anapaswa kuanza kuangalia maeneo ya wasaidizi wake wa ngazi mbali mbali kuanzia wizara, mikoa, wilaya na idara mbali mbali. Akifanya hivi, ataokoa mabilioni ya fedha ambayo yatamsaidia kufikia azma yake ya kuibadili Tanzania haraka iwezekanavyo.
            Mwisho, hebu tujiulize. Ni fedha kiasi gani tunapoteza kama nchi na jamii kwa kuendekeza mfumo huu ambao waliouanzisha na kuuacha walishaachana nao zamani tokana na kujua madhara yake kwa watu wao na mataifa yao? Wakoloni waliweka mfumo huu wa kinyonyaji na kivivu kwa vile walikuwa hawawatumikii wananchi bali kuwatumia na kuwanyonya kwa faida ya mataifa yaliyowatuma. Isitoshe, waliofaidi hizi huduma ni maafisa wa kikoloni tu na si wananchi.
        Kama profesa au wakili anaweza kuendesha gari lake, inakuwaje vigumu kwa majaji kufanya hivyo? We need to decolonise our systems along with our public officials.
Chanzo: Nipashe Jumapili kesho.



Friday 27 November 2020

Wednesday 25 November 2020

A MANUAL FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT:Assisting the newly elected MPs to understand the Rules of Procedure.

A book titled:  Members of Parliament: The job of a backbencher (Macmillan Press,1990) carries the following statement: “In the days immediately following a general election, the Palace of Westminster is full of earnest men and women. They are the new members of Parliament, and for many among them, the job which they have just been elected to do is something of a mystery”.
        This statement is equally relevant to almost all newly elected members, not only those at the Palace of Westminster in London; but of many other Parliaments elsewhere, including that of Tanzania. The main reason for the alleged ‘mystery’ is that the Rules of procedure, as well as the other conventions and processes of Parliament, will of course be completely new and totally unfamiliar to them. This will be much the same for the newly elected (and nominated) members of the Tanzania Parliament who are now on their way to Dodoma, ready to carry out the job for which they have just been elected. 
        This article is intended to assist them in understanding the Rules of Procedure which guide the deliberations of that august House, the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania; and also, equally important, to understand the other parliamentary processes and principles (known as conventions), which they must observe. I am aware of the tradition under which the Speaker’s Office arranges special seminars for the newly elected MPs in order to expose them to the Rules of procedure which are used in the National Assembly. Because of that, I will only focus on explaining those unwritten principles, or conventions, which are not usually included in the presentations made during the said seminars, but a knowledge of which is equally important for the members.
The Parliamentary conventions.
        The word “convention” as used in the context of this article, means ‘the way in which something is usually done’. The purpose here is to explain those things which are usually done in relation to our Parliament, but which are generally unknown, because they are not written in any law, not even in the formal Rules of procedure. The relevant parliamentary conventions include the following: 
         (i) The convention of starting Parliamentary sessions always on a Tuesday. 
The Tanzania Parliament normally holds four sessions in every calendar year, generally in the months of February, April, June/July (the Budget session), and in November. 
The most enduring tradition in this respect is that these sessions always commence on a Tuesday. That is why even the first session of the 11th Parliament has been summoned to commence its business on Tuesday, 17th November, 2015. It is classified as a ‘convention’ because it is not expressly provided for in any written Rule of Parliamentary procedure.
        (ii) The convention of recognizing what is known as ‘the two sides of the House’.
        The ‘two sides of the House’ means the Government side, and the Opposition side.  
Traditionally, members of the Ruling Party and members of the Opposition parties sit on opposite sides in the House. Members of the Ruling Party are normally allocated seats on the right-hand side of the Speaker’s chair, while members of the Opposition are allocated seats on the opposite side, to the left of the Speaker’s chair. 
This convention was inherited at the time of independence from British House of Commons practice but became unnecessary and was abolished upon the introduction of the One-Party Constitution in 1965, which eliminated opposition parties from the House. However, the practice was re-introduced upon the re-introduction of the multi-party Parliament in 1995.
        (iii)  The convention of recognizing the ‘essential role of political parties’ in the House.
This convention is based on the presumption that political parties are a fundamental factor in the Parliamentary system of governance.  And because the road to Parliament is through elections, that is why political parties have been given such a vital role to play in the matter of elections. These parties must compete in the elections in order to enter Parliament; and serious competition always involves two essential things, one is organization, and the other is discipline. 
        The important point to be noted here is that political competition between political parties does not stop when the elections are over, but it now shifts to Parliament, and shifts together with its twin requirements of party organization and party discipline.
        (iv) The convention of accepting ‘party discipline’ in the House.  
This arises from the fact that political competition shifts to Parliament immediately after the elections are over.  The tradition of maintaining party discipline in the House is in  fact fully recognized by the Rules of the House; that is why these Rules make provision for the appointment of a leader known as the “Government Chief Whip” for the purpose of supervising the maintenance of party discipline on the parliamentary side of the ruling party; as well as  the appointment of another leader known as  ‘the Leader of the official Opposition’ for the same purpose of supervising the maintenance of party discipline on the opposition side of the House. 
        The Government Chief Whip is a kind of prefect. His job is to supervise the performance of Ministers within the House, as well as that of the other members of the ruling party, in order to ensure that they generally act as one solid team in supporting their government.
         Similarly, the Leader of the Official Opposition also acts as a kind of prefect. His job is to ensure that members sitting on the opposition side of the House are united and disciplined in carrying out their constitutional task of securing continuous accountability by the government in the performance of its duties and functions. 
It is precisely for this reason that the Leader of the official opposition is mandated to form what is known as a ‘shadow cabinet’, each member of this group is given a particular range of activities, which normally are the responsibility of a specific government Minister, for which he is expected to direct criticism against the government’s policy and performance in respect of that particular Government Ministry.
        The Opposition’s weapons inside Parliament are: (a) asking questions, and (b) active participation in debate. In carrying out these functions, the Opposition has to bear in mind two important objectives. One is to ensure that the Government is at all times kept actively on its feet in the performance of its responsibilities; but its second equally important objective is to endeavour to achieve, if possible, the government’s defeat at the next general election. This is normally done by the opposition side trying to demonstrate to the general public, either through the strength of their parliamentary questions which they put to Ministers (aimed at demonstrating the government’s failure to perform), or through powerful and convincing arguments against the government, put forward in speeches delivered by their members during debates in the House.  This is perhaps easier said than done; because in order for them to succeed in performing this function, the Opposition must be presenting what is commonly described as “constructive and responsible criticism”, so as to demonstrate to the public that they are indeed capable of forming a viable alternative government. 
          (v) The convention of the ‘alternative Government-in-waiting’.
        Under this convention, ‘the shadow cabinet’ is regarded as the alternative ‘Government-in-waiting’. This convention was designed to operate when the Opposition succeeds in defeating the government at a general election, whereby members of the erstwhile shadow cabinet now become ministers in the new government. 
This convention is a key factor in the Parliamentary system of governance, which is designed to operate on the basis of “government by political party”, namely that the political party which wins an election forms the government of the day, but the losers continue with their challenges to the government from the opposition benches inside Parliament, in preparation for the next election. 
The parliamentary Rules of procedure.
        In the language of Parliament, the Rules of procedure of the National Assembly are known as “Standing Orders”.  They are made (and amended from time to time as may be necessary) by the House itself, under authority granted to it by article 89 of the Constitution of the United Republic. 
         Understanding the Rules of procedure is indeed the first and foremost obligation of every member of Parliament. Some wise man once observed that  “ a system can work well only if the people who are entrusted to operate it not only believe in that system, but actually struggle to make it work”. Members of Parliament are strongly encouraged to struggle to make our parliamentary system work well by acquiring a proper knowledge of its Rules of procedure. Such knowledge will at least enable them to avoid committing the kind of procedural mistakes, or even outright breaches of these rules, which might necessitate the intervention of the Speaker.
A summary of the relevant Rules. 
        For the purpose of assisting the new members of Parliament to understand the most relevant Rules of procedure which govern their participation during debates in the House, as well as the maintenance of order and decorum therein, a summary of these Rules is presented very briefly below.
Categories of parliamentary business.
        There are two main categories of business which is transected in the House every day, each of which has a set of applicable rules. They are: (a) Questions to Ministers, and (b) motions which are moved to initiate debate.
(a)   Questions to Ministers.
        The rules applicable in the case of questions to Ministers include the requirement of notice to be given, the valid purpose of asking questions, the manner of asking them, and the Speaker’s control of questions.  
(b) Motions to be moved.  
        Every   debate in the House is introduced by way of a motion (Hoja) moved by a Minister (in the case of government business) or, for non-government business, by any other member. 
        The general rule is that the process of debate in the House must commence with a motion being moved to that effect by the person responsible for the matter which is to be discussed. Such motion must be seconded by another member, failure of which renders the motion ineligible for debate. There are several rules governing the introduction of motions, including the requirement for notice to be given, the manner of giving such notice, the minimum period of notice required, the form and content of motions, and the withdrawal of such notices where necessary. There are also rules governing amendments to motions, particularly with regard to the form and contents of such amendments  
The rules governing debates.
        Debate is the everyday business of the House. There is a set of Rules governing debate in the House. These include the time and manner of speaking in debate, how to raise ‘a point of order’, and the right of reply for the mover of the motion which is under discussion. There are also rules which govern the contents and relevance of speeches which, for example, forbid the interchange of personal abuses, and the use of what is known as ‘un-parliamentary language’; they also forbid allegations being made against persons outside the House, and the citing of documents which are not before the House. 
Other Rules provide for the maintenance of order and decorum in the House.
 The procedure for making decisions.
         All decisions which are made in Parliament are made through public (and not secret) voting by the members present and at the material time. This is done either by voice vote, or by roll-call of the names of all the members present.  With very few specified exceptions, Parliamentary decisions are never made by secret vote. The only exceptions are when members are voting to elect their leaders, namely the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker; and when they are voting to approve the name of a new Prime Minister submitted to them by the President.  It is only in these specified cases that members are required to make their decisions by secret vote. 
        The requirements for making valid decisions by Parliament are provided for in the Constitution of the United Republic, as follows:
(i) There must be a quorum in the House at the time of voting to adopt any motion, (which is one half of all the members of Parliament).
(ii) A decision becomes valid if made by a simple majority of the members present and 
voting on the relevant motion, except where the Constitution provides otherwise. 
(iii) The Constitution has indeed provided otherwise in three specific cases, namely (a) when Parliament is making amendments to the Constitution; (b) when Parliament is passing a resolution to impeach the President, aimed at removing him from power; and (c) when Parliament is passing a resolution to remove the Speaker from power. 
In all these cases, the requirement is for a two thirds majority of all the members of Parliament.
Source: Daily News and Cde Msekwa himself.


Fidel Castro and Diego Maradona were good and great friends who happened to dies on the same day  25 November though four years apart while Hugh Masekela and Oliver Mutukudzi, also good and great friends bellow  died on the same date 23 January  though a year a part.
Ted Kennedy and John McCain were good friends who also died on the same date 25August nine years apart


Saturday 21 November 2020




Akifungua bunge la 12, rais John Pombe Magufuli alisema kuwa angependa kukosolewa kwa hoja na kutoa suluhu, yaani ukosoaji chanya na wa kujenga (constructive criticism). Kwa msingi huo, safu hii itaitikia wito wa rais kwa kutoa ukosoaji chanya kuhusiana na kituko kilichoshuhudiwa bungeni hivi karibuni kwenye ufunguzi wa bunge tajwa ambacho si rahisi kuvumilia kuogopa kuweka mfano (precendent) mbaya.  Katika muda huu tajwa, mbunge mmoja mpya ambaye safu hii inamheshimu na kumhusudu sana ambaye, hata hivyo, zama za utawala wa awamu ya kwanza na pili asingeweza kufanya siasa tokana na kutochanganya dini na siasa.                Mbunge huyu aliwaacha wengi vinywa wazi. Kwani, mhusika–––pamoja na uanagezi wake–––alipewa fursa ya kuongea kwa niaba ya wabunge wakati ilikuwa ni mara yake ya kwanza kuongea bungeni. Hapa nadhani ndipo kosa lilianzia. Unampaje nafasi mwanagezi kuongea wakati kuna wakongwe ambao wameyazoea mawimbi kama haya?  Mbunge huyu ambaye ni mara yake ya kwanza kuingia bungeni, bila woga wala tahadhari, alitamka matusi tena mbele ya rais huku akishangiliwa kwa mshangao wa wengi wakati mhusika akizidi kukoleza matusi yake. Katika fursa hii ya kuongea bungeni, mhusika–––bila kuzingatia kuwa kila kinachoongelewa kinatunzwa–––alimkariri waziri mkuu wa zamani wa Uingereza, Sir Winston Churchill, akisema kuwa kama unakwenda mahali na njiani mbwa wakawa wanakubwekea, ukiamua kumtupia au kuwatupia mawe kila mbwa wanaobweka, hutafika. 
        Pia Churchill aliwahi kusema kuwa ni jambo jema mtu asiye msomi kusoma vitabu vya nukuu. Hapa muhimu ni kuzitumia vizuri. Je kwa kuwashambulia wahusika kwa kuwalinganisha binadamu na mbwa siyo kuanza kuwatupia mawe hao mbwa husika? Mbunge huyu mwanagezi alimaanisha wapinzani wanaolalamikia matokeo ya uchaguzi ambayo ni haki yao ilmradi madai yao yawe na mashiko.
Watanzania ni ndugu na tunaheshimiana tukishindana kwa hoja na si mapanga. Hakuna haja ya bunge letu kugeuzwa kijiwe cha uhuni na matusi. Hakuna mtanzania anayeweza kulinganishwa na mbwa hata awe hakubaliani nasi. Unapowaita wapinzani mbwa unakaribisha yafuatayo:
        Mosi, unawapa fursa wakujibu kwa kukutakana wewe na hata taasisi matusi mengi mazito bila sababu. Kwanini kulinganisha watanzania na mbwa wakati–––kama ni misemo ya busara ya kukaripia kadhia hii–––ipo tena mingi? Mfano, msemaji angesema kuwa kelele za mpangaji hazimnyimi usingizi mwenye nyumba. Tuwe na bunge la kistaarabu kama ambavyo ilikuwa kwenye kampeni; na si la matusi na visasi.
        Pili, kuwaita wapinzani mbwa maana yake ni kuwaita watanzania wote mbwa. Kwani, wapinzani nao ni watanzania sawa na watanzania wengine. Wanaweza kukosa, kukosea na mengine kama hayo. Lakini bado hakuna mwenye haki ya kuwaita au kuwalinganisha na mbwa. Hivi nao wakiamua kukuita wewe na wenzio mbwa utafurahi na kuvumilia? Usiishi kwenye nyumba ya vioo ukawatukana watupa mawe.
        Tatu, kwa kuwaita wapinzani mbwa, msemaji alipaswa ajue anamaanisha kuwa walishindana na kuwadhinda mbwa jambo ambalo haliingii akilini. Kwani, mbwa hawezi kushindana na binadamu bali mbwa wenzake. Kuna usemi maarufu kuwa jogoo aliwafundisha vifaranga kunya ndani. Hakuna haja ya watu walioshinda tena kwa kitsunami kuruhusu watu wachache wasiojua taratibu kuanza kupotezea heshima na utu kama jamii ya watu na taifa.
        Nne, kutolea matusi bungeni ni kuliondolea heshima na utukufu wake kama linavyoitwa siku zote. Bunge tukufu haliwezi kuruhusu matusi iwe kwa makusudi au bahati mbaya. Hivyo, ni vizuri wakubwa wa taasisi hii muhimu wakawaonya wanagezi wasiojua lugha za kutumia kwenye chombo muhimu kama hiki. Isitoshe, mbunge anayewawakilisha kweli wananchi, hajatumwa kutukana wenzake. Isitoshe, sijui kama kuna chama chenye sera ya matusi ya nguoni kama haya.
        Tano, watu wazima wanapotukana, tena matusi ya nguoni kama haya hadharani, wanatoa picha mbaya na somo baya kwa watoto na vijana wetu.  Watu wa namna hii wanaoshindwa kuona madhara ya maneno na matendo yao, hawalisaidii taifa wala hawawatendei haki wale wanaowawakilisha ima hawajui wajibu wao na ukubwa wa jukumu la uwakilishaji wananchi.
Je–––baada ya haya kufanyika na ushahidi kutamalaki kwenye vyombo mbali mbali vya Habari–––nini kifanyike? Tunashauri yafuatayo:
Mosi, kuna haya ya bunge kutoa waraka maalum kwa wabunge–––hasa wale wageni bungeni–––juu ya lugha na mienendo inayotakiwa bungeni.
        Pili, inapotokea mbunge kama huyu akapotoka na kuropa, basi spika au mkuu yeyote wa chombo husika amkaripia au kumpa adhabu mhusika papo hapo au baada ya kupata taarifa au malalamiko bila kujali yanatoka kwa nani. Katiba ya Tanzania iko wazi juu ya hadhi na nafasi ya binadamu kuwa wote tupo sawa mbele ya katiba na sheria.
        Hivyo, yeyote anayedhamiria kutukana, kwanza ajiulize yeye ni nani na anayemtukana ni nani? Wajibu wa kulinda heshima ya watanzania na taifa ni wa kila mtanzania.  Kwani katiba yetu iko wazi kuwa binadamu wote ni sawa na kila mtu anastahili heshima na ulinzi toka katika jamii.
        Tumalizie tulipoanzia. Si busara wala akili kuwatukana watanzania kwa kuwalinganisha na mbwa–––mnyama anayedharauliwa kuliko wote katika karibu mila zote za kiafrika. Si vizuri. Kama rais alivyosema, tupingane kwa hoja chanya na si matusi ambayo yanaweza kusababisha vurugu. Hakuna haja ya kukaribisha vituko kwenye bunge, taasisi ambayo si tukufu tu bali ni muhimu kama mmojawapo wa mhimili wa taifa. Tuonane wiki ijayo.
Chanzo: Nipashe Jumapili kesho.



Wednesday 18 November 2020


Exactly  two  weeks  ago,  on  November  5th,  2020;  the  newly  elected  President,  John  Pombe  Joseph  Magufuli,   took  the  oath  of  office  relating  to  the  country’s   Presidency;  and  that  is  when  he  commenced  his  second  and  final  term   as  the  5th  President  of  the  United  Republic  of  Tanzania   As  expected,   it  was  a  grand  and  colourful  ceremony,  held  at  the  Jamhuri  Stadium  in  Dodoma,  the    newly  proclaimed  country’s  capital  city,  and   the  seat  of  the  Government  of  the United  Republic.                                                                            
         I  had  the  very  good  fortune  of  having  been  given  the  rare  honour  and  privilege   of  presenting    to  the  President   the   major   traditional  symbol   of  power  and  authority,   namely  the   SPEAR. I  had  been   selected  to  represent   the  Elders  of  Tanzania  Mainland,  along  with  a  fellow   Elder  from  Zanzibar,  who  was  selected  to   represent   the  Elders  of  that  part  of  the  United  Republic.  He    presented   a  symbolic   SHIELD.   Indeed,   that  was  a  very  gracious  and  memorable  moment  for  me.
Some  reflections  on  the  2020 general  election.
        There   were  two  outstanding  features  of  the  2020  general  election   that   have,  inevitably,  attracted  public  discussion.    They  were:  (a) the  low  turnout  of  voters,  compared  to  the  2015  general  election;  and  (b)  the  presumed   ‘adverse   effect’   in  Parliament,   of  CCM’s  landslide  victory  which  has  completely  eliminated  the  official  Opposition  camp   of  ‘shadow  ministers’  from  the  House..
        The  low  turnout  of  voters   during   the  2020  general  election  has  been  the  subject  of  discussion  among  the  community,  mainly  for  the  purpose    of  trying  to  establish  the  cause  for  such   political   apathy.   The  voting  statistics  show  that  only   51%   of  all  the  registered  voters    actually  turned  up    to  cast  their  votes   at  their  respective   polling  stations  on  election  day,  28th  October,  2020.   This  phenomenon   is  commonly   described  as  “voter   apathy”;   and   is  a  usual  occurrence    in  many  other  jurisdictions   in  which  the  voting  exercise  is  not  a   compulsory   legal requirement,  as  is  the  case  in  Australia.    
        It  will  probably    be  remembered,   that   this  phenomenon  (of  registered  voters  staying  away  from  polling  stations),   also  happened  in  respect  of  our  2010  general  election ;  when  the  voter  turnout   was  even  lower;   a  dismal   42.8%,   down  from  a  high  84%  (of  10,088,484) registered  voters)   in  2000;    and  72%  (of 16,442,657  registered  voters)   in  2005.   But   subsequently,  the  voter  turnout     rose  to 67%  (of  23,161,440  registered  voters)  in  2015;  but  went  down  again  this  year,  to  51%  (of 29,188,347 registered  voters).              
        It   would   indeed,   be  a  worthwhile  exercise  to  spend   some  time  trying  to  decipher   the  true  reason,  or  reasons,   for  this  changing   voters’  behavior;  as  has  already  been  done   by  some  political  analysts.
The   views   from  political  analysts.
        The   CITIZEN    Newspaper  of   1st  November,  2020,  helpfully   reported   the  views  expressed   by  some  of  the  political  analysts  whom  it  had  interviewed. An  analysts  from  the  University  of  Dar es Salaam,  Prof  Ibrahim  Bakari,  is  reported  to  have  said  that  this  low  turnout  was  due  to  “lack  of  faith  in  the  electoral  system”.                                                With  due  respect,   Prof  Bakari  is  obviously  biased.    The   electoral  system  has  not  changed  since  election   year  2000,  when  the  voter  turnout  was  a  high  84%.   If,  indeed,  Tanzanians  had  “no  faith”  in  the  system itself;    how  will   he  explain  that  high  turnout?
        Another   University  don,  Dr.  Paul  Luisulie  from the  University  of  Dodoma,    is  reported  to  have  given  the  view  that   “there  were  those  who  fell  sick  on  election  day,  and  others  who  were  travelling,  or  had  to  attend  to  urgent  matters”.   Again,  with  due  respect,  that   cannot  be  a  plausible  explanation  for  such  a  large  number  of  absentees  from  polling   stations.   Yes,   people  must  have   travelled   on   election  day,   and  others  must  have  been  sick,  but  certainly  not  in  such  large  numbers!    There  must  therefore  be  other  reasons  which would   account  for  this  “voter  apathy “,   which  occurs  alternatively  between  high   and   low   turnouts. 
        My   own  recollection  of  the  low  voter  turnout   in  the  2010  general  election,  is  that   it  was  primarily  based  on  a  silent   political  protest, based  on  the  following  two   factors:-                       One,  that  was  the  period   when  CCM’s  popularity  was  at  its  lowest  ebb,   the  party   being   faced   with   serious  accusations  of  mega  corruption  among  its  leaders  at  the  national  level,   plus  many   other  serious  human  failings  such  as   the   plundering  public  funds  with  impunity,    and  an  assortment  of   other  evils.                                               
            Two,   there  were    actually  only  dim  and  distant  prospects  of  the  Opposition  winning  the  prestigious  Presidential  election,  simply  because  they  did  not  have  a  strong  enough  candidate. Thus,   in   such  peculiar   circumstances;   very   many   people  (including   the  Opposition  parties’  supports  who  saw  no  prospect  of  winning  the  election),   plus  the  large  numbers  of  disappointed  CCM  voters  (who  did  not  want  to   go  to  the  polls   to  vote  for  the  Opposition  candidates),   both  these  groups   just   decided   to  stay  at  home,  in  silent  protest. 
        On  the  contrary,  the  2015  Presidential  election  offered  very   bright  prospects  for  the  Opposition  CHADEMA  party  to  win   the  Presidential  election.  This  was    because   of  the  extraordinary   high  popularity   of    that   party’s  candidate,  Edward  Lowassa;  which  was   a  sufficient  inducement  for  the  Opposition  parties’  supporters,  and  many  others,    to  turn  up  in  big  numbers,  to  vote  for  Lowassa,  their  preferred  candidate;  which  accounts  for  the  rise  in  voter  turnout  to   a  decent   67%.
        There  is  not  enough  information  yet,   to explain  this  year’s  general  election’s   similarly  large  absenteeism  of  registered  voters  from  their  respective  polling  stations.  But  one  plausible  explanation   could  be,   that  those  who  did  not   want   CCM  to  win  the  election,   but  saw  no  reasonable    chance  for   the  Opposition  parties  winning  it,   just  decided  to  boycott  the  voting  exercise,  in  order  to  deny  victory  to  CCM.     
         Furthermore,    (based  on  my  experience  of  the  past  ‘one-party’   period),    there  were   also   those   misguided   ones    who    believed  that  President  Magufuli    and  CCM   were   going  to  win   anyway,   even  without   their  votes ;   and  so,  they   mistakenly  decided  to  stay  at  home.  
The   effect   of   CCM’s   landslide  victory.
        CCM’s  landslide  victory  is  another  feature  of  the  2020  general  election  that  has  generated   discussion   among the  community,  focusing   mainly  on  wondering  what  its  effect  of parliamentary  proceedings  will  be;    with  many  discussants  speculating  that  because  of  the  absence  of  the  Official  Opposition  therein,  parliamentary  debates  are  likely  to  be  ‘dull  and  uninteresting’.   
        With   due   respect,   I  have  a   totally   different  version of  that  story.   With  my  little  experience  of    how  Parliament  works  in  practice,   having  presided  over  its  proceedings  during  both the  ‘one-party  era  and  the  subsequent  multiparty  period,    my   humble  submission   is  that  the  anticipated  parliamentary  proceeding  may  probably    appear  to  be  “dull  and  uninteresting”,    but   this  will  apply   only   to  those  ‘ simple  minded’   members  of  the  community,   who   seek   mere   ‘entertainment’   (usanii)   from  such   serious  parliamentary   proceedings, which   normally   relate  to  serious  national  matters  such  as  the  passing   of  the  country’s   laws,  and  voting  money  for  implementing   the  country’s    development  projects;    matters  which  the  Official  Opposition  camp  in  Parliament  has  always   opposed,   dramatically  shouting    their  “NO””  votes  to  every  Government  proposal,   (including  proposals  for  the  Government  annual  budget,   which  also  pays  their  personal   salaries  and  other  emoluments) !                                                                                    
         Yes  indeed,  these  are   some  of  the  ‘entertainment   theatrics’   that  will    be  missing  in  the  12th  Parliament,  because  the  professional   ‘actors’   failed  to  make   it  to  the  august  House  in  the numbers    that  are  required  by  the   relevant  Parliamentary   Rules. Thus,  if   only  the  absence  of  such  ‘theatrics’  is  what  will  make  parliamentary  proceedings  “dull  and  uninteresting”,  then    I  strongly  beg  to  differ .                      
        On  the  contrary,  the  public  should  expect  to  see  some  lively   contributions  of  fresh  ideas  from  the  newly  elected  youthful   CCM  MPS,  who  will  be   determined  to  prove  to  their  constituents (the  voters  who  elected  them),  that  they,  indeed,  made  the  right  and  proper  choices.                            
        My   own  personal  experience  has  been  that,   when   there  is  no  official  opposition  in  Parliament,  as  was  the  case  during  the  ‘one-party ‘ period,   that  is  when   some  of  the  CCM  MPS  normally  constitute  what  are  known  as  “pressure  groups” ,  in  order  to   provide   an  effective  challenge  to  the  Government,   as  and   when  the  need  arises.    
    In  any  case,  it  is  most  unlikely  tha  there  will  be  any   matters  presented  by  the  Ministers  to  Parliament,  which  could    attract  justified  criticism  or  challenge;    for  two  obvious  reasons.  One   is  that  President   Magufuli’s    Government  will,  primarily,  be   implementing  the  promises  and  undertakings    that  were  made  in  the  CCM  election  manifesto,  all  of  which  are  for  the  benefit  of  our  country,  plus  the  betterment  of  the  lives  of   its  people.
     The  second   reason   is  that  the  Ministers  themselves  are  also  members  of  Parliament,  duly   elected  by  the  same  voters.     They   are   therefore,   ipso   facto,    equally   answerable  to  the  same  voters.    Hence,  they   cannot   foolishly   risk  annoying  their  constituents,   by  presenting     to  Parliament  any  proposals   that   are against   the   peoples’   interests;   since  they   too  (like  their  colleagues  on  the  back  benches),  also   want  to  be  re-elected  next  time.          
        A  combination  of  these  factors,   is  what  will  ensure  that  whatever  is  presented   by    to  Parliament  by  the  Government   will   definitely   be   ‘fit  for  consumption’.  This   practically  eliminates   the  need  for  an  organized  official  Opposition  inside  Parliament.
The  late  President  Nyerere,   had  occasion  to  offer  his  views   on  this  matter,   in  one  of  his  powerful  written   presentations,  i   as  follows :- “ The  system  of   multi-party  politics,  is  justifiable   only  when  there  are    parties  which   are  divided  over  some  fundamental   issues.    Otherwise,   that  system  only  encourages  the  growth  of  factionalism.     
        Take,   for  example,   the  case  of  two  major  parties.    Both  have  the  interests  of  the  people  at  heart  (or  so  they  claim).  Both  believe  that  education  is  a  good  thing,  and  should  be  made  available  to  everyone.    Both  believe  that  a  fair  living  wage  should  be  paid  to  all  workers;  and   that  medical  care  should   be  within  the  reach  of  all,   and  so  on.   Given  that  fundamental    agreement,  it  would  be  far  more  sensible   if  both  parties  were  to   cooperate,  and  let  the  electorate  choose  the  best  individuals  among  them;   so  that  the   chosen  representatives  will   meet  in  Parliament  basically  to  discuss  the  details  of  how  best  to  implement   the  agreed  programmes,   and   thereafter,   cooperate  fully   in  implementation   them”.   
         It  is  my  submission,   that   the  12th  Parliament  fits  perfectly   very  well   in  that  description;  namely  that   it  consists  of  the  ‘best  individuals’  who  have  been   freely    chosen  by  the  electorate;   and  who  will   examine,   with  due  diligence,  all  the  proposals  which  will  be  brought  before  them   in  Parliament.     There   will   therefore  be   no   possibility   of   its  proceedings   being  “dull  and  uninteresting”.                  
        CHADEMA’s   refusal   to   submit   names  for  the  Special  Women  seats.
Then  there  is  also  the  little  matter  of  CHADEMA’s   strange  refusal,   to  submit  the  names  of  their   candidates  for  the  19  women   seats  which  have  been  allotted  to  them.   Apart  from   its  meager  political   value  of  a  protest  demonstration,    such  action  will  have   no   meaningful   effect  whatsoever   on  the  proceedings  of  Parliament;   since  the  number   of  MPs  who  have  taken  the  oath,  is   already  more  than  enough  to  form  the  required  quorum  (which  is  half  of  the  total    membership  of  the  House)    for  the  House  to  make  valid  decisions  on  any  matter.   There  is  thus  no  danger  of  any  of  its  decisions  being  challenged  in  court,    merely   for  lack  of  validity. / 0754767576.
Source:  Daily News and Cde Msekwa.

Monday 16 November 2020



Looking at and considering what is currently ongoing in Ethiopia where the federal government is battling it out with the Tigray rebels, Africa is poised to fragment even more. It started with the secede of Eritrea. Thereafter, in the neighbouring Sudan, South Sudan followed. Instead of reducing the number of its feeble and fickle state the Berlin Conference cloned, Africa saw the swelling of the number. Since 2006, Somalia led the way to this political suttee by being fragmented into pieces. Currently, the English speaking Ambazonia in Cameroon is fighting for secession.  Coastal Kenya and Darfur, Kordofan and Nuba Mountain in Sudan would like to follow the suit shall opportune moment come. Considering such second division of Africa resulting from the first one in Berlin, it becomes difficult to predict how Africa will be in the near future shall this madness and silliness of session–––be they of secessionists and federalists or unionists–––being addressed timely and quickly.


Moldavians have elected a new female President Maia Sandu (48) after she beat the incumbent Igor Dodon. Sandu had a very uphill task to convince the voters. Her opponents said she was unmarried. Thus, unsuitable for Presidency or Premiership while there have been unmarried Presidents famous of them being former  Presidents Ian Khama (Botswana),  Malawian Hastings Kamuzu Banda,  Bishop Michael Christodoulou Mouskos famously Makarios III of Cyprus, South Korean President Park Geun Hye, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Bolivian President Evo Morales, Philippines President Benigno Aquino III, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite and incumbent Russian President Vladimir Putin among others. Despite that she won. On the same note, this month marked the fall of the incumbents. In the neighbouring Malawi, Peter Mutharika lost to Lazarus Chakwera while Donald Trump to Joe Biden just recently in the US. Similarly, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (Croatia) lost to Zoran Milanović. Sandu becomes the only female winner while Grabar-Kitarović becomes the only loser.  Congrats big girl on your victory.







Though it all depend on how the second term will come to its finality, Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa–––like  was for Fredrick Tluway Sumaye–––is poised to make history by becoming PM for two terms, which is rare in turbulent politics shaped by competitions. As it was for former President Benjamin W. Mkapa, President John Pombe Magufuli seems to stick with his PM. This tells how competent and cooperative the man is. Many love and tremble when President Magufuli appoint them. To finish the term under Magufuli whose speed is next to never in matters of hardworking, is not a small feat so to speak. Thus, congrats ndugu Majaliwa for winning the heart of your boss whose viwango, if I can borrow from the late Samuel Sitta are unbeatable. Similarly, let me congratulate Ministers Philip Mpango and Palamagamba Kabudi on their re-appointment. Congrats all.



Kenyan government stepped in the dragon's trap to end up messing it a great deal. China is now on its throat after extending to it some monies to construct the Standard Gauge Railway. Tanzania is now boasting of constructing the same using its own money but not cheap and quick loans as was the case in Kenya.  Tanzania would have been in a bigger mess than Kenya and Ethiopia, two countries that constructed the SGR if its president were not cautious and visionary. However, the pain would have come from a different project, the Bagamoyo Port project that was touted to be the biggest in Africa. After studying the project, president John Pombe Magufuli suspended it and thereby saved Tanzania from the twangs of the dragon. As I am writing, Kenya is grappling with the debt to China so as to adversely affect its economy CLICK HERE. As for Tanzania, if Magufuli did not suspend the project, thus, saving tanzania the burden of swallowing a bite at the tune of $10 billion, we would be talking about a very different mayday situation as far as its economy is concerned CLICK HERE. Those who are prone of condemning Magufuli, should consider this before sharpening their tongues.

Sunday 15 November 2020


Many people used to take for granted the fact that the United States is one hell of a giant and mature democracy the world has ever evidenced. In this myopic umwelt, one fails to see the true picture of the real thing even its political rationality and tonality or intersubjectivity. However, there is a caveat in this taken-for-granted faith in US democracy. US president Donald Trump has thrown a moggy to the pigeons. After vote counting indicated that he is likely to lose the elections, Trump became pugnacious and vitriolic to the extent of starting to call the entire exercise fraud.  Before this conundrum, many thought that the US has what it takes and much to offer as far as democracy and accountability are concerned. However, considering the quandaries it is in, there is nothing to offer. It is the right time for others to teach the US democracy. 
        The US and the West in general used to send electoral observers globally. Is it time for those who used to be at the receiving end to reciprocate by sending their observers whenever conduct its elections? As things stand, it seems, to me, that what used to be an archetypal democracy isn't really. As the votes are counted after the 2020 general elections, the US seems to have quickly lost its thump and brio. Who’d think that the president of the self-appointed leader of the free is not free? Neither does the president of the US trust his own institutions, democratic institutions. President Donald Trump has clearly shown that democracy we used to know isn’t actually what it is, but it is only logical and meaningful when he wins. 
        Despite one of the tenets of democracy revolving around winning and losing, for, Trump and the like, democracy becomes fraud and deceit when he loses. That is why Trump is ready to destabilize the country in pursuing for his narrow and personal interests. As a former president and businessman, Trump knows the results of his greed. Stock markets are likely to respond negatively as they always do amidst instability. If at all Trump were a patriot as he always wants Americans to believe he is, would have underscore the dangers this imbroglio poses to the economy of the US and the world in general. But again, not for Trump, a self-seeker and “a pathological liar (Sen. Bernie Sanders, Al Jazeera, 11/11/2020)or a conman (Joe Walsh, former Trump supporter, Al Jazeera, 15/11, 2020)who will stop at nothing but power and glory that he has already squarely lost. When will he come to his sense? Nobody's guess so to speak.
        Knowing how poochy and proud the US has been in tutoring democracy to others, many are dazed to see how chaotic elections in the US have become. Will Trump destroy the entity, the US that cloned him or the US destroy its clone? The situation is jumpy in the US after being polarized by the politics of the tummy under Trump. US' international stature is long gone. Trump has squandered everything by setting the country against almost everybody except Israel and Russia and many stinking dictators in the Middle East and North Korea.  
        If there are losers along with Trump are none other than Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Arabia crown prince, Mohamed bin Salman who used Trump as their stooge in doing their dirty laundries and covering their dirty asses. After getting to power, Trump turned America into his private estate for benefiting and employing his daughters, sons, daughters in law, sons in law and courtiers who abused the office of the president willy-nilly. Instead of showing leadership, Trump and co really showed lack of it. Instead of serving the country, they served themselves. Instead of respecting the constitution, they defalcated it and defecated on it with impunity. Of all, Americans will never forgive Trump for mishandling Covid-19 pandemic. If anything, this hugely factored into the defeat of Trump whom many people globally loved to see him lose. 
        Furthermore, Trump, a self-confessed misogynist, racist and white supremacist, is known for hating non-whites. Refer to how he called African countries shitholes and Mexicans drug pushers and rapists. As if that wasn't enough, Trump waged war inside and outside the country.  If there's anything Trump will be remembered for is nothing but fracturing the US and the world around cheap fundamentalism and toxicity as the leader of the most powerful economy on earth. To cap it all, up until now, Trump seems hellbent to stay in office illegally. Will he succeed?  Again, why Trump has behaved and misbehaved this way? The simplest answer one can offer is that Trump, since he was born, has lived in his own bubble or realities instead of living in real realities almost in every matter. Now that it has downed on him, will Trump max up his disloyalty to the US or just biting the bullet and let things proceed as they naturally are supposed to as far as presidency is concerned? How will Americans judge Trump and his controversial and convoluted presidency?
        The US that used to teach other democracy now needs to be taught about the same. The country that used to take pride in its institutions needs to be taught how to create and respect healthy institutions. Is it true that the elections in the US were a fraud and its democracy a white elephant? Who knows? Although people may blame Trump for his stinking corruption and mischiefs, they need to blame themselves for creating and empowering him. How could sane people hand over the power to the person who has no clue about it? Though the world has concentrated on Trump as a person, they need to turn their attention to see the cause roots of all this uselessness as a country. As country born of sin of colonialism, thuggery and slavery, is it the time for the US to pay for its sins?
        Now that Joe Biden US president-elect after fairly defeating Trump, will he expiate the peccadillos the US has always suffered so as democratically become yet another third world? Will the US keep its snide behaviour about teaching others democracy? Will it have the guts and gist of calling the likes of China and Russia dictatorships? Time will accurately and timely tell.

Saturday 14 November 2020

Kila Mmoja Sasa ni Ndugu Yake Kamala Harris Makamu wa Rais Mteule Marekani!

Wataalamu wengi wa masuala ya kisaikolojia na kijamii wanakubaliana kuwa binadamu wana hulka ya kutaka kujinasibisha na kile kilicho bora; na si vinginevyo. Jiulize ni watu wangapi wenye ndugu zao majambazi, dhulumat, wezi nakadhalika wanaotaka kunasibishwa nao. Hakuna. Hivi karibuni, wanaojua mahusiano ya wahindi na waswahili, watakuwa walishangaa kuona picha mbali mbali toka India ambako waswahili huitwa kalu au nyani wakisherehekea ushindi wa binti wa kimarekeni mwenye asili ya Jamaica, Kamala Harris alipoibuka kuwa mwanamke wa kwanza mmarekani na mwafrika kuteuliwa makamu wa rais wa taifa kubwa la Marekani baada ya rais Mteule Joe Biden kumbwaga rais mbaguzi anayeondoka Donald Trump. Siyo India tu bali bara zima la Asia wakiwamo wachina ambao juzi juzi waliwabagua waswahili eti wana Covid-19 wakati ilianzia huko Wuhan China. Rejea waswahili waitwao Jarawa kwenye kisiwa cha Andaman wanavyotumika kama kivutio cha utalii ambapo wahindi huenda kuwatazama kama waswahili wafanyavyo kwa manyani ya mbuga ya Gombe kule Kigoma.  Ajabu wachina walivyoshukiwa kuwa na Covid-19 hapa Amerika ya Kaskazini walilalamika sana wakati wakiwafanyia vibaya zaidi waswahili huko kwao.
            Kwa waswahili wa Dar Es Salaam na Afrika Mashariki watakuwa wameshangaa ubora wa ghafla wa Kamala. Mama huyu mwenye umri wa miaka 56 ni mtoto wa Daktari Donald Jasper Harris Mjamaica na mama wa kihindi marehemu Daktari Shaymala Gopalan. Kwa vile urathi wa mtoto hufuata kiumeni, Harris ni mswahili. Pamoja na kuwa na asili ya kihindi, ni vigumu kumnasibisha na India kiasi cha kuamsha hamasa na mapenzi makubwa kwa watu wanaoishi kwenye na kushikilia mfumo wa kibaguzi (caste) ambapo kuoa au kuolewa na mswahili au mtu wa tabaka jingine ni kitu kisichokubalika wala kuwezekana na nuksi kwa familia ya mhusika na jamii kwa ujumla. Sina haja ya kuleta hisia za kibaguzi bali kusema ukweli japo–––kama jamii na watu–––tujifunze kuwa wakweli kwa nafsi zetu.
            Kama Kamala, mswahili mwenye asili ya Jamaica angegombea hata ujumbe wa nyumba kumi nchini India hata katika baadhiya nchi za kiAfrika, angeambulia patupu. Pamoja na ubabe wao, hapa wamarekani wanatufundisha somo la usawa ambalo limezishinda nchi nyingi hasa za Afrika na Asia. Sijui kama kuna mswahili au mtu yeyote mwenye asili ya Afrika mwenye cheo chochote katika bara la Asia hata kiwe kidogo namna gani.
            Niliwahi kusema kuwa kama rais wa zamani wa Marekani mwafrika Barack Obama mswahili mKenya, angekulia Afrika, asingekuwa rais hata wa nchi ndogo yoyote tokana na ubaguzi wa kisheria utakao mgombeaji wadhifa huu awe amezaliwa na wazazi raia waliozaliwa katika nchi husika. Sambamba, sidhani kama Kamala angeweza kuchaguliwa kuwa rais wa Jamaica au–––kama nilivyodokeza hapo juu–––taifa lolote la Afrika au Asia. Hii inaonyesha namna tulivyo wabaguzi kuliko hata hawa wamerekani tunaowatuhumu ubaguzi na ukandamizaji japo hii haiondoi kadhia hii kwao na kwetu. Jiulize kwa mfano, mataifa mengi ya Afrika yanakataa uraia pacha wakati mataifa tajiri ya Magharibi hayana pingamizi hili tena kwa watu maskini toka Afrika na Asia. Pingamizi hili linatupa taabu waswahili tuliko huku. Kwani, hushindwa kufaidi  baadhi ya fursa kama masomo na nyingine kwa kuogopa kukana uraia wetu kitu ambacho ni kikwazo nyumbani na hapa ughaibuni. Mfano, mswahili ambaye hana uraia wa Kanada ukijiunga na chuo chochote unalipia mara tatu. Kuepuka hili, inakupasa ukae Kanada kwa miaka ili upate ukazi wa kudumu angalau uweze kupunguza makali ya huduma kama hizi ambazo ni nafuu kwa wananchi na kidogo kwa wakazi.
            Ukiangalia ni kwanini taifa la Marekani limeendelea, utagundua kuwa tabia yake ya kumkubali mtu kama alivyo, hasa inapokuja kwenye mchango wake kwa taifa, ndiyo imekuwa chachu yake kubwa ya maendeleo ambayo hivi karibuni ilikuwa imedumazwa na Trump ambaye alikuwa na mtazamo wa kuangalia ndani na nyuma bila kuangalia mbele (backward and inward looking). Tokana na udhaifu huu, wamarekani, hasa chama cha Democrat, kiliamua kuutumia na kumuangusha.
            Kwa sasa Afrika na Jamaica zinajivuna kuwa na binti yao kwenye Jumba Jeupe (White House) akiwa ameweka historia katika taifa hili ndani ya muda mfupi baada ya mwingine kukaa pale akiwa ndiye bosi. Asia nayo, inataka kipande cha keki cha ufanisi huu wa kinadharia ambao kivitendo, hauna lolote la kuisadia Afrika wala Asia ikizingatiwa kuwa sera za Marekani huendeshwa kitaasisi na si kwa kutegemea ni nani aliyeko ikulu japo mwenye kuwepo anaweza kuvuruga mambo kwa kiasi kikubwa kama ilivyotokea kwa Trump.
        Tumalizie tuliopanzia. Umefika wakati wa Afrika kujifunza kutoka kwa waliotutawala linapokuja suala la uwezo wa mtu binafsi. Tuwapokee wote wenye asili yetu kama wanavyopokelewa ughaibuni ili waweze kuchangia kwa bara letu pendwa. Laiti mgombea yoyote wa urais wa Afrika au Asia angeambiwa amteue mgombea mwenza kama Kamala Harris, licha ya kuchekwa na kuzuiliwa, angeonekana kama hamnazo; kwa vile sheria na mazoea ya huko hayaruhusu. Ama kweli jiwe la pembeni walilokataa waashi limekuwa bora! Ndiyo maana bara lenye kusifika kwa kubagua waswahili kama Asia sasa linajivunia binti wa kiAfrika kuwa makamu wa rais wa Marekani. Tuonane wiki ijayo.
Chanzo: Nipashe Jumapili kesho.



Thursday 12 November 2020







The news that former US President Donald Trump has not guts to accept his current loss, thus become a loser is shocking. For more info, PLEASE CLICK HERE.


Jerry John Rawlings (22 June 1947 – 12 November 2020).
For more info, please CLICK HERE.

Wednesday 11 November 2020



        The  2020  general  election  was  truly  historic,  not  only  in  terms  of   CCM ‘s  sweeping   overall  victory,   but    it  was   also   historic  and   admirable   in  terms  of  the   flawless,  and  near - perfect   way,   in  which  the  entire  exercise  was  administered   by  the  National  Electoral  Commission. I  have  myself  witnessed,    and  actually   participated,  in  each  one  of  the   general  elections  that  have  been  held   since  1965 (the  first  general  election  to be held   after  the  country’s  independence),  and  I  can  bear  true   testimony  to  the  fact  that  the  2020  general  election  was,  by  far,   the  best  organized  of  them  all.                                
 The  “Magufulification”  concept“Magufulification”   is  the  name  that  was   ‘invented’  by  certain  dedicated  academicians   during  President  Magufuli’s  first  term  in  office,  in  order  to  describe  his  unprecedented,  unique,  refreshing    style  of  governance.   They  justified   their  initiative   in  the  following  words:-  “President  Magufuli’s   style  of  leadership  needs  to  be  given  a  conceptual  dress,  so  that  it  can  be  well  studied  and  analysed,  in  order  to  enable  others  to  benefit  from  it”.   They   certainly   deserve   to   be   highly  commended  for  this  not  only  relevant,  but  also   most  appropriate,   linguistic  invention.                                                But  as  a   result  of  the  October  28th  general  election,  which  has  wiped  the  “official  Opposition ”  team  completely   out  of  Parliament,   this   has  added  a  totally   new  meaning  to  that   term.    For,     “Magufulification”   can   now   also   be   correctly   described  as  “the  art  of  lawfully   changing  a  country’s  political  landscape,  through  the  ballot  box”. President   Magufuli  is  still   in  his  first  week  since   he  took  office.  What   should   we   expect  from  him  during  his  second  and final  term? What  we  should  expect.
         Judging  from  President   Magufuli’s    huge  and   unprecedented   election  victory;    it  would  be   a  fair  intellectual  exercise   to  ‘speculate’   on  what   is  to  be  expected  from  him  during  his  second  and  final  term.    In  my  humble  opinion,  it  will    be   a  more  vigorous  continuation  of  his “Magufulification”    surprises;    or  ‘Aluta  continua’.                                                                                                Thus,  in  pursuance  of  that  objective,  and   as  a  gentle   reminder  to  the  general  public,  in  today’s  article,  we  will   focus   mainly   on  some  of  the  most  attractive  leadership  features  that  we  witnessed   during  his  first  term,  that  appear  to  have  led  to  the  said   academicians’   invention  of  the  term  “MAGUFULIFICATION”;   and,   specifically, on   the  unique,  twin  aspects  of  his  remarkable   ‘appetite’   for  the  virtues   of  “assiduity”  and  “innovation” ,  in  his  equally   unique  leadership   style.                                      
        But  before  that,   we  will  briefly  refer  to  a  ridiculous   claims  being  advanced  by   some  of  the  dissatisfied  Opposition  political  parties,    which  lost  the  election,   namely   that  “their  votes  were  stolen”.     Votes   being    stolen?     No    way !                                                   
        But  such  ridiculous  claims   were  also   made  immediately    after  the  2015  Presidential  election,      advanced   by  the  “best loser”  political  party  CHADEMA.   This   was   not  only  a   ridiculously   false      claim,  but  was  also  dangerous  for  country’s  the  peace  and  political  tranquility;  and  must  therefore    be  strongly  disputed,   whenever  it  happens.   
        Disputing   the   false   claims   of   “votes  having  been  stolen”.
 Our  ‘best  loser’  political  parties  in  the  past  Presidential  elections,   namely   Chama  cha  Demokrasia  na  Maendeleo  (CHADEMA),  and  the    Civic  United  Front  (CUF)  have  always   ‘invented’   a  rather  strange explanation  for  their  failures;    which  was    to   claim   very  loudly,   that  their  votes  “had  been    stolen” !   We  heard  that  from    CHADEMA’s  Presidential  candidate  Edward  Lowassa  when  he  lost  in  the  2015  Presidential  election,  which he  had  confidently  assured  himself  that  he  was  going  to  win   “even  before  the  second  (Sunday)  Holy Mass   was   over”.    When   he  actually  lost   that  election,   he  immediately   claimed  loudly,   that   his  votes   “had  been  stolen”.                                                          
        On  its  part,   the  Civic  United  Front  has  been  making  the  same,  or  similar  claims,  in  rejecting  the  Zanzibar  Presidential  elections,   ever  since  the  re-introduction  of  multi-party  elections   in  1995 ( all  of  which  they   lost.    In  my  article  published  in  this  column  on  April  13th,  2017, I  presented   a  critical  rejoinder  to  such  claims,  basing  my  argument    on  Sir  Winston  Churchill ‘s   ‘political  wisdom’.  
        Sir  Winston  Churchill   on  the   art  of   politics.
That   British  Statesman  and  war-time  British  Prime  Minister,  Sir  Winston  Churchill,  is  on  record  as  having  said  the  following:-  “Politics”  is  the  ability  to  foretell  what  will  happen  tomorrow,  or  next  week,  or  next  year;    plus  the  ability  to  find  an  explanation  for   why  it  did  not  happen”.  
Such   false   claims  by  any  losing  party,   are  simply    rendered   ridiculous   by  the  obvious  fact  of   the  transparency  of  the  relevant  exercise.    This   transparency    is  provided  for  in  our  electoral  laws  and  procedures,  which   make  adequate  provision  for  the  prevention  of  any  such  fraud.     
        For  example,   there  are  provisions  in  those  laws,  which  allow  each  political  party  to  appoint  its   own  “polling  Agents”,  whose  functions  are clearly  specified  therein,  namely      “ to  represent  and  safeguarding  the  interests  of  the  party’s  candidate  at  the  polling  station”.  The  words  “safeguarding  the  party’s  interests”   obviously  include  the  responsibility  to  ensure  that  the  votes  of  that  party’s  candidate  are  not  stolen.                                                                                                    Furthermore,  the  election  laws  also  provide  for  the  appointment   of  a  “counting  agent”    by  every   candidate,  to  represent  him  during the  counting  and  addition  of  votes  by  the  Returning  Officer,  or  by  the  Electoral  Commission,  as  the  case  may  be.                                                                              
        In  the  light  of  these  legal  provisions,  plus  the  fact  that  candidates  have  always   appointed  their  polling  and  counting  agents  as  required  by    law;    how  can  anyone  manage  to  “steal  votes”  in  the  presence  of  all  these  watchful  representatives  of  the  candidates  themselves ? Thus,   my   strong  message  here   is  that,   should  any  of   the  “best  losers”  in  this  year’s    Presidential   election   be  tempted  to   claim  that  their  votes  “have  been  stolen”;     the  enlightened  public  should   understand  that  this  is  merely  the  implementation  of   Sir  Winston  Churchill ‘s  ‘political  wisdom’  quoted  above;    and,  therefore,   any   such   misguided   claims  should   just   be  ignored.                                               
          Having   thus   disabused  that  false  notion  of  ‘votes  being  stolen’;   we  can  now  move  on  to  today’s   chosen  topic  for  discussion,  namely,  what  is  to  be  expected  from  President   Magufuli’s  second  term.      
A  continuation  of   the  “Magufulification”  syndrome.  
During  his first  term  as  President  of  the  United  Republic  of  Tanzania,  John  Magufuli  has  clearly  demonstrated   his  unique  personal  leadership  style,  which  was  characterized   by  the  twin  factors  of   ‘assiduity’,  and  ‘innovation’. The   word   “assiduity”   describes   a  person’s   habit  of  working  very  hard,  and  making  sure  that  everything  is  done  as  well  as  it  can  be.   This  is  what  adequately  explains  his  invention  of  the  slogan  “HAPA  KAZI  TU”.            
        While,  in  the   context  of  this  article,  the  word   “appetite”   refers   not  to  the  usual  physical  desire  for  food,  but  to  a  peculiarly  strong  desire  for  ‘something’.  And  in  President  Magufuli’s  case,  that  ‘something’  is   INNOVATION;   which  means  the  introduction  of   new  things,   ideas,  or  ways  of  doing  things.                                                                                                               
        I   carefully   recorded   some   of   his  first  term  performance. 
Soon   after  President  Magufuli  had   assumed  office,   and   in  the  course  of  my  diligent  search  for  suitable  materials   to  be  published  in  this  column,   I  hit  upon  the   idea  of  putting  on  record  some  of   President  Magufuli’s   performance,  and     ‘miracle’  achievements;    through  articles    published   in  this  column  regularly,   at  the  end  of  every  year.    These  articles  are  what  present   some  solid  evidence  of  President  Magufuli’s     twin  qualities  of  ‘assiduity’   and  ‘innovation.             
         The  first  of  such  articles  was  published  at  the  end  of  his  first  year  in  office,   on  22nd  November,  2016;   in  which,   in  relation  to   the  President’s   qualities  of  ‘assiduity’  and  ‘innovation’,   I   did  put  on  record,  among  other  things,  his   unprecedented   action   of  cancelling   the  pompous   and  costly  display  of  huge   military  parades  that  have  always  marked  our  independence  day  celebrations   on  9th  December;   and,  instead,  he  ordered  that  independence  day  be  celebrated  by   way  of  everyone  undertaking  the  more  important  task  of  cleaning  their  surrounding   environment,  wherever   they  live.     
        The  following  year’s  article  was  published    on  November  2nd,  2017,  when  President  Magufuli    had   just  completed  his  second  year  in  office;   in  which  I  narrated  his  other   demonstrated  qualities   as  “a  man  of  action”,  as  well   as  “a  man  of  his  word” ,  who  walks  his  talk.  For,   he  had  brought  ‘real  and  substantive  change’  during  his  two  years  in  office,  both  on  the  Government  side,  where  he  had  introduced  new  tax  collection  initiatives,  resulting  in  the  amounts   of  money  collected  through  taxes,  suddenly  rising  from  the  previous  billions  to  the  current  trillions  of  shillings.                                                       
        And   similarly on  the  party  side,  in  his  capacity  as  national  Chairman  of  the  Ruling  party  CCM;  where, within  only  six  months  after  his  election  as  national  CCM  Chairman,  he  had  introduced  certain  “sweeping,  tsunami-type  reforms”  in  the  party’s  organizational  structure,  which   replaced  the  previous  outdated  party  structure  which  had  become  totally  unsuitable.    
         Another  article    was    published  on  1st  November,  2018  after  he  had  completed  his  third  year  in  office.    In  that  article  I  made  a  brief  review  of  President  Magufuli’s  performance  in  the  crucial  social  and  economic  sectors,  including  his  effective  tax  collection  drive,  which  had  enabled  him  to  undertake  some  mega  infrastructure  development  projects  and  substantial  poverty  alleviation  measures ;   effective  delivery  of  goods  and  services  to  the  people  by  providing  greatly  increased  facilities  for education,  health,  water  and  sanitation  services;    his  successful   industrialization  drive;  as  well  his introduction  of  ‘sanity’  in  the  public  service.       
        I  further  described  President  Magufuli’s   qualities,    as    a  ‘doer  of  things’;   a  ‘man  of  action’;  an  ‘innovator’;  and   submitted   that  “in  my  considered  opinion,   during  the  three  relatively  short  years   that    President  Magufuli  has  been  in  office,    he  has  clearly  demonstrated  that  he  is,  indeed,    in  possession  of  all  these  qualities”  and  listed  a   selection  of  his  initial  promises,  and   their  subsequent  implementation”,   as  evidence.
         The  final  such  article  was  published   on  14th  November,  2019;   under  the  title  “Magufuli’s    four  legendary  successful  years”,  which  was  a  quotation  from  an  advertisement  that had  appeared  prominently  on  the  front  page  of  the  Daily  News  for  several  days  leading  to  the  5th  day  of  November,  2019,  the  fourth  anniversary  of   John  Magufuli’s   shining   Presidency.      
The   invited   stakeholders    did   respond   positively   to  that  invitation.
What   they  said.
        As    expected,  many  different  people  did  express  their  varied  opinions  in  assessing  President  Magufuli’s  performance  at  that   stage.  That  is  when   a number  of  innovative  academicians,  the  likes  of   Kenyan  Professor  Patrick  Lumumba  and  others,   proposed   that  “President  Magufuli’s  style  of  leadership   needs  to  be  given  a  conceptual  dress,  so  that  it  can  be  well  studied  and  analyzed,  in  order  to  enable  others  to  benefit  from  it”;  and  consequently  ‘invented’   this   new  concept,   which  they  baptized  in  the  captivating   name  of  ‘MAGUFULIFICATION”.      
        And  now  that,  as  a  result  of  his  sweeping   victory  in  the  2020  Presidential  election,    President  Magufuli   will be  “armed  to  the  teeth”  with   the  massive  peoples’   confidence  that  was   expressed   by    the  super  high  percentage  of  votes   cast  in his  favour  on  28th  October,  2020;   plus  a  Parliament  which  is  ‘full  to  the  brim’  with  loyal  CCM  members,   who  will  be  ready  and  willing  to  support  all  his  proposals;    and  also  considering  his  election  campaign  promises,   that   he  will  deliver  more  surprises   if  he  is  re-elected;     we  can  confidently  expect  a  vigorous   continuation   of    his  “miracle  performance”  during  his  second   term. In  other  words,  it  will  be  “Magufulification”    continued,   and    at  a  much  higher  level.   /   0754767576.
Source: Daily News and Cde Msekwa himself.