The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Friday, 6 November 2020

Go Trump go

Here comes big and great news

It is about the United States

Its president is put on test

He doesn’t know what will be of his plight

Stars seem not to align for this punk president

He is seeking another time to make more mess

Will Americans allow him to do this?

Will they allow themselves more stresses?

Let’s see today whom they are going to pick for president

When you talk of Trump

Everybody jumps 

The man has been nothing but a monster

He’s destroyed the world for his turnover

Importantly, we should understand

Trump is a self-confessed racist

A self-confessed misogynist

Let’s all stand with Americans at this trying moment

To see to it that they don’t repeat the blunder

How could they while their votes were floundered?

It is time to make America regain its place globally again

Forget about Make America Great Again

What a lie, plain lie

Had it ever been great in real nous?

How if at all it has always been behind destroying other countries?

With Trump the US has become more of a failed country among others

 It is time for Trump to go

Go Trump go

Your time seems to be up

Americans are likely to show how fed up

They are about you

Go Trump go

Never look back go

Under Trump, America became but a shell of itself

It has lost  grandeur and oomph

Forward looking in its policy is long gone

The America’s dream is long gone

The man proposed to erect a wall on its border

This is not an idea of this century at the time the world becomes a village

He who proposed this is but a stooge

The country that used to be viewed as a world leader

Is now nothing but tormenter

Children have been separated from their parents

Their human rights have been badly abused

Under Trump America became but an anti-immigration

Under Trump, America became one of his corporate

If there’s anything that Trump represents

It is nothing but bigotry

He represents backwardness

Internationally the man has proved to be broke

Will American voters replicate the mistake? 

Go Trump go

Without you let America triumph

Go you have lost legality

Go Trump go

Biden’s what it takes

He’s all prerequisites

He only needs Americans' support

Full backing and support

Biden surely voters' commitment

To see to it he scoops the feat

This is not a small feat

Please  Joe go for that highest seat

Never look back just go and grab it

Go for it Biden go

Let’s now look at Trump’s challenger

Joe Biden is the man

He’s proved to unstoppable

He’s qualified and humble

Above all he is capable

Biden is as well sellable

Many pollsters predict this

This makes him suitable

His qualifications are reputable

He is but a winning mare 

On this I see no quibble

On this let American voters prove they’re undeceivable 

It is time for them to prove how noble they are

We collectively support you

Go Trump go

Who doesn’t know Biden’s prowess?

He’s Obama’s Vice President

He isn't like Trump who’s just learning the ropes

Biden has been there afore

Biden has all what it takes for the job

Indeed, America’s only hope

At this moment the nation is in quagmire

For years of futility are enough

Go Trump go

The presidency this time isn’t yours

Go Trump go

Never turn back

Go you have no knack

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