The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 3 June 2023

Congrats Zim on ‘Inventing’ Patriotism Law

Although it’s long overdue, I can’t wait to see how it’ll pan out. I nevertheless congratulate Zim’s authorities on birthing a new bill lauded as a patriotic law. Africa needs such creative rulers who can enact laws that’ll help them to munch freely no matter what. I’ve some good reasons to clap such innovation. 
        Firstly, who wants to rule people who can holler or mutter about everything? Who’d like to hear every-so-often some unpatriotic ‘crooks’ call for the apprehension of the likes of gold mafioso syndicate? To do away with such ‘psychosis’, those in upper echelons of power, need to come up with simple solution of gagging such worrywarts who disrespect and expose the good rulers of Zim.
        Secondly, when the land is in an electoral mood, those aiming high to remain in high places must make sure that they’re on the top of the game. You call such a raw law a patriotic law that can protect even those who are unpatriotically patriotic as well from saying unsayable stuff. We call this winning without any fracases. You enact the law that’ll put off whoever plans to disgrace or dispute you or disclose your dirty linens. 
        Thirdly, underscoring that most of earthlings are becoming unpatriotic, you patriotically instruct the party and other organs under your control, to myopically come up with something to make everybody patriotic. To do so shrewdly, just define the law and its terms in your own terms. 
        Look at the bill in question. It clearly and nicely stipulates that “any citizen or permanent resident of Zimbabwe (hereinafter in this section called “the accused”) who, within or outside Zimbabwe actively partakes ... in any meeting whose object the accused knows or has reasonable grounds for believing involves ... military or other armed intervention in Zimbabwe ... subverting, upsetting, overthrowing or overturning the constitutional government in Zimbabwe; shall be guilty of wilfully damaging the sovereignty and national interest of Zimbabwe and liable to:-(i) the same penalties as for treason, in a case referred to in paragraph (a); or (ii) the same penalties as for subverting constitutional government.” What a beautiful piece of law!
        Looking at how timorous the bill’s, even haters abroad who met and instigated some evil foreign powers that issued sanctions against the mighty Zim’ll be sternly dealt with soon if not later. The law’s clear.  To be safe, all Zims and permanent residents must keep mum before they’re shown why birds don’t pee-pee. And this is truly patriotism. Zims as patriotic people, need to praise and protect the secrets of their rulers. This is where all lies about the gold Cosa nostra come in. How can foreign media know what’s happening in Zim and come with their lies to lecture Zims and tarnish its good name? This is dangerous and totally unpatriotic. Its major aim is to create bad blood between the mighty powers that be and the earthlings.
        As I sign off, I must say. Patriotic law’s so epic and terrific. It must add another legal requirement that all earthlings are duty-bound to defend, love, and protect the high and the mighty in the upper echelons of power. Former Uganda patriotic philosopher, Idi Amin once said that the duty of the earthlings is to love their rulers without questioning any action good or otherwise, they commit since when rulers eat, they do so on behalf of the earthlings. And this is what this patriotism’s all about. Join me to disclaim, sorry, to acclaim, patriotic law.
Source: Independent Zimbabwe today.

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