The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Friday, 30 October 2009

The Cartoons And Photos That Tell It All

I am not a cartoon buff in the first place. This taboo, however, had to be broken when I saw the following Cartoons and photos. I therefore invite my readership to share them with me.
We've vehemently been trying to portray what is going on in Africa to no avail.

You can see how Ugandan tyrant Yoweri Museveni invented a human robot known as (MANROBO). He can use, misuse and abuse without any criminal liability with regards to human rights and crimes against humanity. This robot, different from the ones you know, does not use electricity. It also does not have buttons to press. But it receives orders and it has brain though dormant. Shame on both!

I know this is not a laughing matter. But looking at another picture alongside the Roboman, this will leave you in stitches. Did you know a goat can employ a human being to give it a ride especially on his own back? Now you know. Seeing is believing. This is Africa in the 21st century.
To know what I mean. Please look at the cartoon depicting the much touted investors and listen to what they are saying about those that run errand for them. Or put it this way. Those that do their dirty laundry or political laundromats.

Though things seem to be spooky and creepy, we still have guys that can do something to rearrest them. Look at how the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere- the founder of Tanzania- is trying to instill some discipline to the villains he wrongly entrusted his beloved nation. If the dead can try, what of us-the living ones? It's better and worthy to die in honour than living in odium. It's better to act than to keep mum. Acting entails, even,exposing the rot you evidence; even criticize it not to forget to condemn it. Well done Mwalimu Nyerere.

Now that some of our colleagues have their own way of telling it all, why shouldn't we cheer them and honour their works? Before winding up, I must admit and complement. I got all those cartoons from Tanzania's Newspapers that I hugely thank.

I am used to writing long articles. This time, the cartoons and photo will run the show for me. I believe you who's reading this epistle will be captivated the same way I have been.
I therefore invite you once again to read and share your insights on this.
Thanks and bienvenu all.
Source: My bleeding heart.


Anonymous said...

Superb. Keep it up. This is yet another new way of educating us.

Anonymous said...

Nyerere punishing Kikwete after Mkapa! You can't be serious. Are you really Tanzanian or something? Uzalendo ni muhimu. Why use cartoons from Kenya while you know how Kenyans hate us? Shame on you. Wewe ni nyang;au kama wakenya na hauna maana. Shenzi.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Nashukuru kwa mawazo yako Bwana Anonymous hapo juu ingawa si sahihi. Wakenya hawatuchukii bali ujinga wetu ndiyo tunapaswa kuuchukia na kupigania haki zetu.
Tuache visingizio tuliangalie tatizo. Hivi Richmond na EPA zilisababishwa na wakenya au watawala wenu vibaka. Niko tayari kwa lolote kusimamia nisemayo.