The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Farewell Oliver Mutukudzi aka Tuku for Mission Accomplished Fare-thee-well

The death of the Todii song among others, Zimbabwean Oliver Mutukudzi 'Tuku' is yet another big blow to music lovers in Africa and the world at large. Tuku, the giant of a man was a no normal musician but a baobab tree.  For over 40 years Tuku traversed the world as he entertained and taught it through his exceptionally unique music.  Being one of his religious fans, I feel sorry for his family and the family of music lovers. We are all here to pass. One important thing to note is that Tuku has died on the same day and the same month his best friend Hugh Masekela died. What a coincidence! The worst is to  precede. Fare well Oliver Mutukudzi 'Tuku' for mission accomplished fare-thee-well. 
Sara Zvakanaka Tuku. 
Hamba Kahle Tuku. 
Thie Wega Tuku.
Nenda Salama Tuku.
Zorora Murugare Tuku.

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