How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Thursday 28 December 2023


The whole world is now waiting to say ‘goodbye’ to the year 2023 which will come to its end next Sunday, 31st December, 2023. In the ordinary Nature of things, every country will have had its most significant ‘events of the year’ which should never be forgotten, solely for the reason that they constitute its future history. In the case of Tanzania, such history-making events include the opening of the “windows of fresh air” by President Samia Suluhu Hassan; by her bold actions which she took to reshape the country’s political space and establishing a more equitable political landscape. It was on January 3rd, 2023; when President Samia formally announced the lifting the more-than-six years ban on the holding of political rallies; which had been imposed by her predecessor, John Pombe Magufuli. However, this ban had excluded the  elected representatives of the people, who remained free to conduct such rallies in their respective constituencies or local council wards.             
        This was part of her political philosophy of the “4Rs”, namely, Reconciliation;  Resilience; Reform; and Rebuilding. It was also during this year that political players from the ruling party CCM and the opposition parties convened a meeting under the coordination of the Tanzania Center for Democracy (TCD), aimed at improving the functioning of the multi-party system. And during this year’s commemoration of International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2023; President Samia made a practical demonstration of her genuine intent to achieve political reconciliation, by attending an opposition  party’s rally organized by the Opposition CHADEMA’s Women’s Wing BAWACHA, thus further redefining the the country’s politics.
        Furthermore, as part of the President’s efforts to reshape the political space by reforming the electoral laws; her government tabled several Bills in Parliament, aimed at introducing changes in the current electoral system, in response to relevant demands frequently voiced by the opposition parties. Kudos to President Samia, for taking these bold measures in implementation of her 4Rs philosophy. We have discussed this before, philosophy on a previous occasion in this column. But because we have referred above to her specific action of ‘lifting the ban on political rallies’; which was, obviously, a negative element in her predecessor’s management of our nation’s political affairs; it is only fair and appropriate, particularly for the benefit of the younger generation, that we should tell the story of how the late John Pombe  Magufuli became President against all expectations by keen political observers, even within the ruling party itself. It is for that reason, that today’s presentation is focused on that story, which is implied in the heading of this article; to which we will now turn our attention; which is actually implied in the heading of today’s article. It is an inside story, told by an insider eyewitness.       
John Magufuli’s unexpected ascension to the Presidency.
 The statement that “in the unlikely event of John Magufuli becoming President” is borrowed from the familiar announcements made by cabin crew  at the commencement of each and every flight. I have borrowed those words for use in my presentation today, simply because they are entirely appropriate for my story. That statement may today sound like ‘imaginary fiction’, but it actually represents the truth as will presently be revealed in the paragraphs that follow below.                               
        During the hectic process of nominating the CCM official “candidate” for the Presidential election of 2015; no one seriously expected  that John Pombe Magufuli would be the successful candidate. The likelihood of his being finally selected to be the CCM candidate for the 2015 was, in reality, very remote; for such possibility was greatly diminished, not only by the unusually large number of CCM contestants who were finally registered (there were 43 applicants); but also by the fact that among these contestants, were some of those who held the highest  positions in the government hierarchy than himself; including the Vice President and the Prime Minister; and a number of more senior Ministers, that is to say, those who had served in the capacity of Minister for a much longer period; including veteran Edward Lowassa; who appeared, to many observers, to be the most obvious choice. This large number of aspirants caused by CCM’s “mid-term established convention, which presumably is known, or should be known, to all CCM members, (or, if there are any of them who are ignorant of it, they should know it from reading this article). The said convention provides that the incumbent CCM President is, under normal circumstances, entitled to serve for the second and final term of the constitutional two-year terms.        
        Consequently, thereof, he/she is guaranteed to be nominated by the party during the mid-term elections. For that reason, no other applicant from among CCM members is expected to apply to be considered for nomination as a candidate for the relevant mid-term Presidential election. Incidentally, this convention will automatically apply to the incumbent President, Samia  Suluhu Hassan, for the forthcoming 2025 Presidential election. That is to say that her nomination is fully guaranteed. Thus, any other CCM aspirant will have to wait for the 2030 Presidential election, when President Samia completes her second term. Hence for that election, electoral competition, if any, will only come from the opposition political parties. 
CCM’s  standard nomination process.
The party’s current ‘nomination process’ for its Presidential candidate, was formulated at the time of the country’s entry into multi-party politics. It starts at the ‘Central Committee” of the party, whose task is to produce a short list of five suitable  applicants, whom it recommends to the “National Executive Committee” of the party. The National Executive Committee then votes to select three candidates among those five, for submission to the ‘National Electoral Conference’ of the party, which in turn votes to select one applicant among the recommended three. 
The winner of this vote then becomes the official CCM candidate for the relevant Presidential election. In the case of voting at the mid-term elections, the voting function takes the form of a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ vote since, according to the established convention, there will be only one applicant, namely the incumbent President.
The 2015 nomination process.
2015 was the end of the second term for President Jakaya Kikwete; which accounts for the unusually large number of applicants. The nomination process was duly undertaken, as described above. But when the five names recommended by the Central Committee were made public, many of the stakeholders were totally surprised to see that all the big names mentioned above, namely Vice President Gharib Bilal, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda, and the senior Ministers, had all been dropped, including that of Edward Lowasa. But John Magufuli’s name was there, and so was that of Bernard Membe who was deemed to be a better candidate than John Magufuli. The absence of Edward Lowassa name from that short list caused considerable commotion at the National Executive Committee meeting. It seemed that the whole meeting had been mobilized to campaign for him; for, upon Chairman Jakaya Kikwete’s entry into the meeting chamber, the entire gathering of NEC members started singing “Tuna imani na Lowasa, Oyaa, oyaa, oyaa”. 
And during the meeting itself, some members expressed very strong objections to the omission of Edward Lowasa name from that short list. These were signs of trouble brewing up. This incidence provides testimony of CCM’s inherent strength to withstand such temporary internal tremors; for, despite the commotion, after much discussion and  patient explanations from Chairman Jakaya Kikwete, supplemented by the former retired Chair persons Ali Hassan Mwinyi, and Benjami Mkapa; voting was eventually carried out in relative calm, and the three applicants who emerged successful, included John Pombe Magufuli, who, again unexpectedly, beat Bernard Membe, who had been rated as a better candidate.          
        The votes results by the National Electoral Conference gave overwhelming victory to John Pombe Magufuli; who thus became the official CCM candidate for the 2015 Presidential election.  The issue of him being the “unlikely person to become President” had been determined. For, he now had his way cleared for ascendancy to the Presidency, only waiting for confirmation at the general election. 
         And in view of his being a CCM candidate, he was assured of the massive support of millions of CCM members and its supporters countrywide.  He collected 58% of all the valid votes cast, a handsome victory over Edward Lowasa, who had defected to the Opposition CHADEMA party in search of their nomination, which he had secured, but at a price. Thus, because of the frustration arising out of his failure to achieve his objective of becoming President on a CHADEMA ticket, he soon abandoned that opposition party, and returned to his base in the ruling party CCM. He had joined CHADEMA only as a political tourist. He had to ‘return home’ at the end of his tour there.
        The nomination process includes the choice of a ‘running mate’; which is actually a constitutional requirement. Hence, that was the next task to be undertaken by candidate John Pombe Magufuli, in order to complete that process. He had, apparently, revealed his intention of selecting Samia Suluhu Hassan as his running mate, to outgoing President Kikwete, who had warmly supported that idea.But Kikwete thought it wise, that they  should together consult the CCM Council (Baraza) of former apex party leaders, (the former CCM Chairpersons and the Vice Chairpersons), who  included myself.    
        I was the Secretary of this Baraza. Hence, I was asked to convene a Baraza meeting, “for consultations with the Presidential candidate”. The matter to be considered at that consultative meeting, was the ‘choice of the running mate’; and we were asked only this question: “Wazee, do you think that the country is ready to be governed by a female Vice President? We were told that there were two candidates under consideration, namely Samia Suluhu Hassan, and Dr. Hussein Mwinyi. A female Vice President? There was divided opinion on that question.  
         Some (the traditionalist ultra-conservatives among us) preferred a male candidate, but at the end, the decision maker himself quietly went away to make his own decision; and, indeed very wisely, he  decided to appoint Samia Suluhu Hassan. This was a wise decision because it gave a needed boost to CCM’s election campaign, which was effectively conducted by the ‘Umoja wa Wanawake wa Tanzania’, the powerful Women Wing of the ruling party CCM. And, as already stated above, Magufuli secured a handsome victory of 58% of all the valid votes cast. The misconceived “unlikely event” had been overtaken by the realty of the events which actually happened. He was now the democratically elected President of the United Republic of Tanzania.
 President  Magufuli’s  performance in office.
Immediately after taking the solemn Presidential ‘Oath of Office’; President Magufuli literally “hit the ground running”. His chosen slogan of “Hapa  kazi  tu”; and its active implementation, says it all.
But we referred above to his unfortunate action of prohibiting the holding of political rallies by political parties. He must have had his own good reasons for taking that action, but it certainly was in very bad taste politically; for which he was roundly criticized. And this story cannot exonerate him from such  blames. /0754767576.
Source: Cde Pius Msekwa.


Wednesday 27 December 2023

Mara Hii Mafyatu Wamesahaulishwa Dip Weed!

Kuna mbinu chafu za kuwafyatua mafyatu waufyate ili waendelee kufyatuliwa. Kilipofyatuka na kutaka kuumana kwenye sakata na sekeseke la Dip Weed, mafyatu twawala walichanganyika wakichelea kufyatuliwa. Ili wasifyatuliwe, ilibidi wafyatue sanaa. Katika kuwafyatua mafyatu wasiwafyatue, mafyatu wanene si wakafyatua pusi toka kwenye kapu. Ghafla bin vu, ukafanyika uteuzi wa kile kijamaa kinachoghushi vyeti kilichowahi kuwika na kuzimika baada ya tamaa za ulaji kukithiri. Mwakijua ni kibashiti. 
        Kikiwa kimenenepeshwa na kushetasheta, si kilianza maigizo huku mafyatu wa nyuzi wakikiengaenga na kushiriki usanii wake wasijue wanafyatuliwa na kuwafyatulisha walio wengi. 
        Mara kitembelee huku. Mara kipande bajaj, mara farasi, mkokoteni hadi punda ilmradi usanii uchwara. Mara kibwekee kule ilmradi sanaa. Kwanini sauti ya wasio na sauti aka the voice of voiceless inageuzwa the voice of kipusi na chata lake? Hapa kanusheni kuwa hamjafyatuliwa. Je mtafyatua mafyatu wanene lini? Juzi nilikisikia kikifyatuka tena baada ya kuzimika kidogo na kuwasahaulisha mafyatu kuwa kitakwenda kutatua matatizo ya mafyatu mikoa fulani.
         Matatizo hayatatuliwi kwa usanii wala majukwaani bali maofisi na yalipo. Tangu lini tatizo likatatua tatizo?Kipusi chenyewe ni bomu na tatizo kubwa tu. Kinawachonganisha, na kuwadhalilisha hadi Abdi Kinamna kung’aka. Hamkusikia? Baada ya kutuliza mzuka wa Dip Weed kitakuwa wapi? Kipusi kinafyatuka kwa mamlaka hata mume wa bi Mkubwa hana. Ni kama kimetaifisha mamlaka ya Maza. Nashangaa kwanini mwenyewe haoni hili wala hasikii. Kitakapomchafua akachafuka na kufyatuliwa atajua.
            Kwa vile mafyatu ni rahisi kufyatuliwa wakafyatuka, si waliufyata na kusahaulishwa Dip Weed hadi ikazamishwa kinamna! Nani anaifyatua tena? Nani anahanikiza? Hata akina Tunda Lishu sijui Lishe, Mwabukuzi wa Mwakabuku hawasikiki na Mdude wake. Je wamefyatuliwa wakaufyata? Kunani? Kwanini wasifufue kesi za kipusi kama kweli msemayo kuwa alitaka kuwafyatua na kuwarejeshesha namba ni ya kweli? Kusanyeni Ushahidi mkakishitaki mahakama ya Afrika Mashariki muone kama hiki kifyatu kitaendelea kufyatua sanaa zake za sumu. Tena kwa Joji Kichaka walishakifyatua. Mkilonga nao ili mkifyatue, itakuwa rahisi.
         Je hii geresha na hiki kifyatu uchwara vikiisha mashiko, watafyatuani? Mafyatu, jiandea kufyatuliwa tena kwa mara nyingine msipofyatuka na kukifyatua hiki kipusi walichotoa kwenye kapu na waliokituma. Kimepewa ujiko na uwanja wa kufyatukafyatuka ili kuwafyatisha mafyatu wasifyatuke na kuwafyatua wanene na madudu yao kama Dip Weed.
Sasa wamanga wanachekelea baada ya kuwafyatua mafyatu kirahisi. Nangoja siku watakapoanza kuwafyatua mafyatu wetu, sijui walioingia na kuingiza hujuma hii watafyatukia wapi? Nani ajuaye? Huenda wameahidiwa pepo kule Dubei japo ni jehanam na zahama ya mafyatu fyatu wetu waliogoma kufyatuka na kufyatua. 
    Mie nafyatua kutimiza wajibu wangu. Kitakapoumana, nitasema nilisema lakini mafyatu hawakuelewa hadi wakafyatishwa wakaufyata. Mnauza hata banda…we koma! Heri msiniuze mie, bi mkubwa, na vitegemezi vyetu. Kweli akili ni nywele. Mnafyatuliwa na kila zoba na zwazwa nanyi msiwe mazwazwa! Mwenzenu simo na damu yenu sidaiwi.
            Kuna maswali muhimu ya kujiuliza na kuyafyatulia majibu sahihi haraka kabla hamjaendelea kuingizwa mkenge. Kwanini huyu fyatu uchwara amefyatuliwa wakati wa Dip Weed ikichachamaa? Kwanini juhudi zake zimeelekezwa kwenye kanda ya Mwendaze ambaye anayeonekana kufyatuliwa kinamna na mafyatu waliochukua ulaji baada yake kuanza kumfanya asahaulike kwa njia ya kusifiana hata pale wasipostahili? Nangoja kuona kama ataenda Zenj na kufyatukafyatuka kabla hajafyatuliwa na mafyatu wa kule wenye historia ya kufyatuka na kuwafyatua wanene. 
        Je kwanini amepewa ujiko mkubwa wakati kacheo alikotupiwa ni kadogo? Jiulize. Yule aliyekuwapo kabla ya aliyerithiwa na haka kafyatu yuko wapi? Si alipewe unene wa wilaya? Ina maana hawa mafyatu wa chata twawala hawalijui wala kuliona hili? Who is fooling whom? Hata hivyo, wanajua wanachofanya. Jiulize tena. Inakuwaje kifyatu chenye ulaji mdogo kama huu kiwafyatukie hata madingi wake huku kikijionyesha kila maulaji kuliko hata maza mwenyewe aliyekifyatua ili baadaye kimfyatulishe? Je kimewazidi au watakizidi kete na kukiteketeza kama alivyofanya aliyekifyatua baada ya kumaliza kazi chafu kilichotumwa?
            Kweli, mafyatu wanene wamejua kutufyatua. Yaani wanafyatua hata Mwitongo kwa Nchonga! Hamkuona kile kifimbo kikinajisiwa na hichi kifyatu uchwara? Hata hivyo, nilizoza na fyatu Mada wa Mchonga akanambia kuwa kumbe kilichotolewa ni vile vya kuchonga tu siyo kile chenyewe ambacho nimetunziwa mie kama mrithi wa kufyatuka kama alivyokuwa Mchonga. Hata hivyo, kama mliona, mlifanya nini zaidi ya kuufyata msijue ipo siku mtafyatuliwa zaidi na zaidi muishie kunikumbuka nisiwasaidie? Kipusi aka kibashiti na mchonga wapi na wapi jamanini au ni yale ya fyatu kumng’ata mbwa badala ya mbwa kumng’ata fyatu?
         Je hizi siyo siasa chafu zaidi ya za majitaka za mwendaze Sam Sixx aliyekiumba hiki kipusi? Je tumekuwa kaya ya hovyo kiasi hiki hata siri kali nzima, na ukubwa wake, kutegemea sanaa na maigizo ya kifyatu kichafu na uchwara? Heri wangenipa huo ujiko nikafyatue kila kitu bila kujali kwani mbwai mbwai. Hata hivyo, nani atampa ujiko fyatu mfyatuzi awafyatulie mbali?
            Hivi sijajifyatua?
Chanzo: Mwananchi leo.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Mahotela Queens minus Nobesuthu Mbadi and Simon Mahlathini Nkabide the groaner

badly miss this group, especially those who have passed on.
Q ueen Nobesuthu Mbadi
Simon Mahlathini
You will forever be missed dearly
You made us proud and happy
RIP King  umbhuli and Indlovukazi

You were great
You were an asset




The annual ‘end-of-the year’ festive season has arrived, when Christians all over the world, and all other believers in God, will celebrate Christmas on Monday next week. I therefore take this opportunity to wish all our esteemed reads, a merry Christmas 2023; and a happy and prosperous new year, 2024.
        President Samia has directed that in order to bring this historic national event closer to the people, this year’s UHURU day celebrations will be held at Regional level, with activities which will involve the people’s participation. She also directed that the UHURU anniversary event should be marked by the launching of the process of collecting views from citizens regarding the next 25-year Development Vision, 2025 – 2050; a glittering function which was held in the capital city, Dodoma, marking the 62nd UHURU Day anniversary, and presided over by President Samia herself.
Welcome back home, Dr. Phillip Mpango.
Welcome back home Mr. Vice President and thank you very much for giving a severe tongue lashing to the social media rumour mongers. It was indeed great, to hear you saying “I am fit, I am safe, and in good health”. Because, as the wise saying goes:” Speak the truth and shame the devil”; you have effectively “shamed” those social media devils, who treasonably invented the false news of your premature death, but which was a dirty falsehood. I therefore hope and pray that the culprits will be apprehended, exposed, and punished appropriately, in accordance with the laws of the land.                
Some of us did not believe the malicious falsehoods that were circulating in the social media, particularly myself; just because during the period of the Vice President’s absence, I managed to contact his personal staff, who had accompanied him on his assignment outside the country. This was in connection with our arrangement that he was going to be the ‘Guest of Honour’ at a fund raising function arranged by Bishop Simon Masondole of Bunda Diocese, which includes Ukerewe, on 11th  November, 2023.  That is when I was informed that the Vice President had travelled out of the country.   I then suggested that he be requested to appoint another leader to represent him at the agreed function, which the Vice President immediately did.                                                          
        But even the idea of the Vice President dying, and the government deliberately withholding that information from the public, was so absurd, that no sensible person would believe such fiction.  However, there were some who did, and were greatly perturbed.                                                                                              Back to today’s topic.
The Christmas festive season appears to be an appropriate time for telling local stories related to Christmas. And I happen to have two short stories connected therewith, that I consider worth telling. One is in relation to Mwalimu Nyerere’s ‘encumbered’ journey to Christianity; while the other is on ‘how the Christmas festival season finally determined the date of Tanganyika’s independence day’.          
         I believe they will form a logical follow up on the ‘UHURU day’ stories that I narrated in this column last week. These new stories will be the main focus of today’s presentation. I know for a fact, that Mwalimu Nyerere, was an ardent catholic throughout his life. But, surprisingly, his journey to becoming a Catholic, was ‘encumbered’ by the circumstances of the times in which he lived. These were that he was born and brought up in a pagan family and was surrounded by a pagan community. In these circumstances, according to the records, he was baptized rather late in his life, on 23rd December, 1943, after he had reached the age of more than 21 years.
        However, the most notable ‘encumbering’ aspect of his journey to becoming a catholic, was that it was accompanied by words or actions which could be considered as ‘bordering on heresy’; because during his earlier days before he was baptized, he strongly challenged some of the catholic church aspects. Most of this information is to be found in Nyerere’s Biography, compiled by Issa Shivji; Saida Yahya Othman; and Ng’wanza Kamata. (Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, Dar es Salaam); wherein it is stated (Vol I, page 52), that:- “His later piety belies the resistance he showed in his teenage years, when he sought explanations and justifications for the Christian God. He lamented the regimentation of the church, and its rigid hierarchical system, its siding with the rich and powerful, and its objectification of man by not treating him as a member of society capable of taking action and ‘rebelling’ in order to achieve his development”.  
        But he bowed down to it, going to church every morning, never travelling without his Bible, and observing all the religious rituals built on this same hierarchy”. It is also stated on that page, that “The Maryknoll Sisters, with whom he had developed a very close, even intimate relationship, were ‘startled’ by the fact that he was a daily ‘communicant’; which was not a common practice among lay believers”.                                
         But there were other startling things that Nyerere did later after he was baptized; such as his undertaking of the astonishing feat, and very onerous task, of translating the entire ‘New Testament’ section  of the Holy Bible into Kiswahili.  His translations were subsequently published by Benedictine Publications, Ndanda-Peramiho; titled “Utenzi wa Enjili”.  
       “His later piety” mentioned above, refers to his exemplary religious life which he lived throughout all his years, until he died, which is what must have encouraged the catholic church in Tanzania to embark on the process for his beatification. And, in that particular connection,  I was only recently extremely delighted,  when I received the news that I have been selected and included on the list of three ‘key persons who knew him closely”, to be interviewed by the Vatican committee that has   been set up “to make inquiries regarding  his religious life here on earth”, in search of evidence that could qualify him for advancement  elevated from his present status of “Mtumishi wa Mungu”, to the next higher status of “Mwenye Heri”;  in the long process to the sainthood.                                                        
How the Christmas festive season determined Tanganyika’s date of independence,
Celebrating Christmas as a family event, is a very old Christian tradition. And for England, which, by English common law, and convention, is a Christian country, whose King or Queen must be a follower of the Anglican church. A sixteenth century English Judge, Mathew Hale (1609 – 76); is on record as having said that “Christianity is part of the Common Law of England”.                                                       
    It is this strong British tradition that led to Tanganyika’s independence being celebrated on an earlier date than was originally agreed. Here is the juicy gossip: -
        The date of Tanganyika’s independence was initially decided at a “Tanganyika Independence Constitutional Conference”, which was held at Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam; from 27th to 29th March, 1961. The holding of such “constitutional conferences” was standard British government practice, and an essential part of the process of negotiations for the granting independence to the relevant country. But they were always held at Lancaster House in London.                                              
    Thus, the fact that the British government agreed to hold the Tanganyika constitutional conference outside London, was a notable exception to that general rule. The uniform purpose of holding these conferences was to determine two important issues. One was the constitution of the new independent country. The other was the date on which that country was to be granted independence; and they were always chaired by a representative of the British government, i.e. the governing authority.                        
         I had the good fortune of being appointed one of a handful of officials who were assigned to serve in the administration of that conference, and I still have some vivid memories of that event.
The first item of the agenda, namely the constitution of independent Tanganyika, was disposed of fairly quickly. This was because the leader of the Tanganyika delegation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, was of the view that the British representatives had no right to make decisions on the contents of an independent country’ constitution, and that Tanganyika would design its own constitution after it becomes independent.                                                  
         His greatest interest was regarding the date of independence.  He had promised his political party TANU, that he would do all he can to ensure that Tanganyika becomes independent BEFORE the end of the year 1961 (hence the placard “complete independence 1961, which he proudly displayed during the joyful procession from Karimjee Hall through the streets of Dares Salaam, immediately after the closing of that conference). The date which was agreed at that Conference and later announced by the Conference Chairman, the British government’s ‘Secretary of State for the colonies’ Ian MacLeod, was 28th December, 1961.
        Nonetheless, as everybody knows, Tanganyika’s independence was granted on 9th December, 1961. The reason why the agreed date of 28th December was changed to 9th December, is the core of this story; The only reason for that change, was that the 28th of December falls right in the middle of the Christmas and New year festival season.                                                                  
        The British delegation at the Karimjee conference, had apparently overlooked this fact, or it probably seemed to them to be irrelevant to Tanganyika’s independence. Plus, the fact that at that early stage, no one knew exactly who would be selected by Her Majesty the Queen, to represent her at the Independence celebration functions.                                                                           
        Thus, when Queen Elizabeth II selected her own husband, Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, to represent her at the celebrations, the date of 28th December became inconvenient for the Royal family, in the sense that the Royal family would be  separated during that all-important Christmas/New year festival season, with the Queen being in London, while her husband was far away in Tanganyika. This was unacceptable. The date had to be changed. 
        Mwalimu Nyerere was consulted. His reaction was that provided independence was granted before the end of December 1961, it did not matter which other convenient date was selected, but for him, ‘the earlier the better’. The first proposal was the 20th of December, 1961, but, apparently, this was also found to be unsuitable, for some reason. That is when 9th December was proposed, and accepted, by both sides.                      
          However, Nyerere, himself being a very devout catholic, he personally attached significant importance to the Christmas festive season, as evidenced by his later actions. For soon after winning the struggle for the country’s freedom from colonialism, and assuming the country’s Presidency, he quickly developed the habit of “going home” to his Butiama village, every year, to enjoy the Christmas festive season with his people there.
        And I have my own little gossip in connection with President Nyerere’s annual ‘Christmas pilgrimages’ to Butiama. It was during the Christmas season of December, 1974; when, just before his departure to Butiama, I was summoned to his Msasani residence in Dar es Salaam; to be told that he was planning to shift me from the Vice Chancellorship of the University of Dares Salaam, to the Ministry of  Defence as Permanent Secretary. He therefore wanted me to recommend a suitable person who will replace me at the University. I had to travel to Butiama to give him my recommendation; but then, his response was he had changed his mind, and that I would remain at the University. /0754767576.
Source: Cde Msekwa

Wednesday 20 December 2023

Hakuna RIP kwa Fyatu Mfyatuzi Hata Nisipoonekana au Kusomeka


Mwenzenu, juzi nilipata taabu. We acha tu. Si baada ya kupotea kwa mwezi mmoja kijiweni. Mwenzenu nilienda kwa sangoma wangu kujitibia. Wacha mafyatu wafyatuke. Walinifyatua sina hamu. Wapo waliofurahi nimefyatuliwa na kurejesha namba. Kwani wataishi milele? Wapo walioiniombea. Hawa nawashukuru. Sijui kama walifyatua hizo dua kwa upendo au kusherehekea kufyatuliwa kwangu na kuufyata hapa duniani. Maana, mafyatu wanaweza kuja msibani kujiliwaza wakisingizia wanawaliwaza wafiliwa. Wengine walinipa maagizo na salamu nimsalimie fyatu jiwe tukionana. Mradi kila mmoja na lake. Hata hivyo, msishangae. Ndiyo mafyatu wanaofyatuliwa kwenye mambo ya muhimu na makubwa wasifyatuke na kufyatua lakini wakafyatukia mambo ya hovyo kama kunitakia mie kifo. Kwani nilikuwa peke yangu kwenye kujitazamia? Kamuulize braza Phil Mipango au Abdi Kinamna na wengine ambao huenda kujitazamia tena kwa njuluku za mafyatu hawa hawa wasenzi na wavivu wa kufikiri kabisa.

            Nikiwa natafakari, namlaumu sana bi mkubwa wangu na yule mkubwa zaidi. Sijainyaka kwanini walificha ugonjwa wangu kwa mafyatu? Fyatu yoyote. Mnene au kapuku anaweza kuugua hata “kukata moto.” Kwani, mie ni nani? Kama majogoo walitetemesha dunia walifyatuliwa na kukata moto, mie nani yarabi?

            Hakuna kitu kilinifyatua kama kuona baadhi ya mafyatu wakiweka picha yangu na kamshumaa na RIP utadhani nilishakata moto! Jamani, sijakata moto. Kuweni na subira. Siku moja nitakata moto. Hata nyinyi na wanene wenu nikiwemo mimi na bosi wangu tutaka moto kama jiwe alivyofanya. Hakuna haja ya kuharakishiana mauti.

            Baada ya kufyatuka kwa stone, wapo wanaodai kuwa lazima aliyeko juu aangalie wa kuteua ima kwa kuzingatia afya yake au ukubalikaji au kiherehere chake ili asijemfunika bosi wake au akawa mzima kuliko yeye. Mafyatu hawa laanifu wazushi kweli. Eti wanadai kuwa kama namba wahedi si mgonjwa, basi nambari bee anaweza kuwa mgonjwa kama mimi. Hatutaki kurudia kilichotokea kwa stone ambapo alikuwa ameishafyatuliwa na ndwele na kumfyatua maza ili akifyatuka afyatue ulaji kama ilivyotokea. Wapo wanaosema kuwa nami ni mgonjwa utadhani wao ni madaktari wangu. Kumbaffuni sana.

Hata hivyo, siyo kosa wala ufyatu vyenu. Ni usiri uliotawala kukosekana kwangu kijiweni. Basi ngoja niwafyatulieni bure. Mwenzenu nilichegama kwa Sangoma kujiangalizia na kujitibia baada ya kujisikia vibaya. Hata hivyo, sikuweza kufyatua taarifa za ugonjwa wangu. Badala yake niliamini wenzangu wangezifyatua kama wasingekuwa waoga wanaojidanganya kuwa unene unamfanya fyatu awe malaika ajiwe asiyeugua wala kukata moto. Kama mashine zinakata moto, mafyatu ni nani?

            Baada ya kugundua kuwa kumbe baada ya kufyatuliwa na ndwele, wenzangu walifyatua rongorongo ili kuwawafyatua na kuwazuga mafyatu wasianze rongorongo japo haikuzuia, inabidi niwafyatue kuwa, baada ya kugundua kuwa kulikuwa na rongorongo, nilikuwa sionekani mwezi mzima kwa sababu nilikuwa ‘nafatyua kazi maalum’ aka kutibiwa. Sijui kwanini mafyatu hawajui kuwa kujiangalizia au kutibiwa ni kazi maalumu ambayo inatumia njuluku zao kibao! Huna haja ya kucheka na kudhani nakufyatua. Kwani, kutibiwa siyo kazi maalumu? Kama siyo mbona mafyatu wananilipia utadhani sipati mshiko mkubwa mwisho wa mwezi?

            Hakuna kilichonistua na kunisikitisha kama kusikia wenzangu eti wanataka kuwafyatua wale mafyatu wa umbea waliofyatua cover yangu. Kwani kazi ya mafyatu wa ‘umbea’ aka bahari sorry khabar kwa kimanga, ni nini kama siyo kufyatua ‘umbea’ bila kujali nani wanamfyatua? Nimemsika bwana Nipe Mapepe Ninaye akiwakamia wale waliovujisha na kufyatua cover yangu kwa sangoma kule majuu. Ni ajabu kidogo. Kwanini fyatu huyu aliyepewa ulaji tokana na jina kubwa la dingi wake asiwafyatue wale wanaochafua maadili, kufyatua njuluku za mafyatu, au wanaowanyima mafyatu wa ‘umbea kwa umbea’ wa kufyatua kwenye vyombo vyao vya ufyatuzi wa khabar ambao ni haki yao na ya mafyatu kikatiba.

            Kama wanataka kuficha, basi hawana haja ya kuwafyatua mafyatu wa ‘umbea’ wanapowafyatua. Waende mjengoni kwa yule bi Kidude asiye na subira wafyatue sharia ya kuzuia mafyatu kuwafyatua mafyatu wanene wanopokumbwa na zali kama mie. Sheria iseme wazi kuwa kufichua cover ya MAwaRA aka Makamu wa Rai..we koma usifyatuke ukafyatuliwa kwa ufyatu wako.

            Hata hivyo, mtusamehe sisi mafyatu wanene. Tuna katabia ka kujihadaa kama mbuni amuonaye adui akaficha bichwa mbawani akidhani na adui ni bwege kama yeye hatamfyatua. Huwa tunataka mjue kuwa hatuugui hadi kifo kituumbuwe. Tunataka muamini tumeumbika kwa mawe tusijue hata mawe yanafyatuliwa na kupotea. Kwa kutaka kulinda ulaji wetu, sisi mafyatu wanene huwa hatutaki kujulikana kama tuna ugogoro iwe kwenye afya zetu hata ndoa. Tunapenda kujidanganya tukidhani na mafyatu ni kama sisi nao watadanganyika kama Wadanganyika kumbe siyo! Nisingependa kilichotokea jiwe alipofyatuka kijirudie kwangu au mwingine.

            Kumbe sijakata moto!
Chanzo: Mwananchi leo.

Tuesday 12 December 2023



Zahara  au Bulelwa Mkukutana Mwanamuzik maarufu toka Afrika Kusini naliyesifika kwa uimbaji na upigaji gitaa hatunaye tena. Alifariki juzi tokana na kilichosemekana kuwa ni kupiga mma kupita kiasi. RIP Bule.

Maza, Kaa Chonjo kama Kuna Zengwe Kufyatuliwa Chongo-loh!


Maza Kipenzi na Kipendwa japo wapo wanaoponda,

Naomba nichonge nawe kiduchu tena kwa utuo bila kufyatua wala kufyatuka. Katibu mkuu mjiuzulu wa chata chako, Dan Chongo-loh–––uliyemfyatua usijue kama waweza kuiwa ntego wa warume kama alivyowahi kuonya mama Gettie Monge-la­­­­––––aliingia na kuondoka ghafla bin vu. Kuna tetesi kuwa Chongo-loh alichafuka baada ya mambo yake binafsi kufichuliwa mitandaoni. Ukiangalia kashfa iliyomfyatua Chongo-loh ambayo ni mambo ya kibinafsi ambayo wengi wanafanya ukalinganisha na watuhumiwa wa kufyatua mabilioni, huoni mantiki. Je uchafu wa Chongo-loh unawaathiri vipi mafyatu? Anasikitisha alivyoingizwa na kuchomolewa. Nadhani Gettie atakuwa anashangaa ulivyomfyatua haraka bibie mwenzako haraka wakati warume wakiendelea kufyatua na kutesa. Je is it the nature of things au ni lile bifu na Bashiti ambaye anaonekana kushika kani asijue itamshika kitambo? Wapo wapi akina jiwe hata yule Sam wa kwenye Bibi lia?

 Je nani anamfyatua nani akifyatua mazingira ya kufyatua tokana na ufyatuzi huu? Nani anamfyatua nani kati ya fyatu alyekufyatua hadi ukamfyatua Chongo-loh? Je huu ni mchongo wa chongo kibashit aonaye maulaji bila kujikumbusha mafyatu kama Katelefoni Hanga, Joni Okelllo, Eddy Sokoi4, Horaace Koli-imba (waliiohagiwa, kusokoinwa, na kukolimbwa na wapambe nuksi ili wasiharibu kitumbua chao), Eddy Ewassa na wengine wengi waliofyatuliwa kwa sababu waliwafyatua wenzao ili wafyatue ulaji.

Laiti shehe Obeid Karumekenge angefufuka na kukupa somo. Laiti Sayyidna  Abuba-kar as-Siddiqq au umar ibn al-Khattabbb wangefufuka na kukupa somo juu ya fitna na tamaa. Laiti Sayydina Muhamaddd  bin Abdullahh ibn Abd al-Muttalibbb ibn Hashimmm ibn Abd Maaanāf angetunuku na kukupa somo hili adhimu.      

Simjui Chongo-loh. Sina uhusiano wala shida ya kumtetea. Wala mie si chawa bali fyatu wa kawaida aliyemepiga vitabu hadi mlango wenye maandishi yasomekayo: no more clases and education for you. Najua unajua. Ninaishi Kanada, kaya ya neema na shibe. Isitoshe, mie ni mbukuzi wa kiwango cha Doktari original siyo feki wala wa kupewa. Hivyo, unaweza kuona. Sina njaa japo, kama fyatu wengine ukiwemo wewe, siwezi kusema sina shida. Nani anataka kumkufuru Allah Subhanahu Wa ta’ala (SWT)?

Kama magwiji fyatu kama Nebkadineza, Samson, Genghis Khan, Mirambo, Mutwa Mkwawa, Nyungu ya Mawe na wengine waliofyatuka na kufyatua walifyatuliwa, sie ni nani? Isaac Malyamungu alimponza Idi Amin. Heinrich Himmler alimponza Adolf Hitler wa Ujerumani kabla ya kugawanywa na baadaye kuunganishwa. Nuon Chea alimponza Pol Pot wa Kambodia. Galeazzo Ciano alimponza Benito Mussolini wa Utaliano. Juan Manuel Guillermo Contreras Sepúlveda alimponza Augusto Pinochet wa Chile, Abdallah Sanussi alimponza Muamar Gaddafi, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri alimponza kakayo Saddam Hussein. Georgy Malenkov alimponza Nikita Khrushchev kule Urusi. 

Mwisho, nyoka alimponza Eva––––kama kweli ni ukweli–––ambaye naye alimponza Adam japo kama siyo rongorongo za madume na mfumo dume. Orodha ni ndefu. Sitaki nikuchoshe. Ni fyatu wengi wanene safi wamepotezwa au niseme: wamefyatuliwa na wapambe wao wawaimbiao sifa na pumbazo ili kuwapumbaza na kuwafyatua kwa maslahi binafsi ya kesho.

            Ukivaa viatu vya wenzako, utagundua kuwa wengi walioapishwa siyo wale wanaojitiatia. Likifyatuka, huwaoni. Nani alidhani Pita angemkana mwana wa Adamu au wayahudi wangemsulubu Mwana wa Maria? Nani alidhani kuwa Jiwe angesahaulika baada ya wale aliowatengeneza kufanya kila jitihada asahaulike? Nani alidhani Shaytan angelimuasi Allah pamoja na kumpa kila alichotaka hata bila kuomba wala kutamka? Fyatu ngurumbili hatosheki. Ukidhani utani, angalia walio karibu yako kuanzia baba, ndugu, marafiki, na hawa wanasiasia wachumia tumbo. Sidhani mafyatu kama Bashit, Januwari Ma-rope mwana wa Mgoshi, Mapepe Ninae mwana wa Moze, Riz Njaa Kaya na wengine wanaweza kukuvusha.

            Kwanza, wanajua malengo na mipango yako ya mbili zero 25. Unadhani wanafurahia wakati, kama warume, wanajiona wanafaa kuliko wewe maza? Wahenga walisema, siyo kila ving’aravyo ni dhahabu. Tia akili umbuje angu. Acha niongee kisambachi nikichanganya na Kinyachi.

Maza kaongee na faza murumeo. Huenda, anaweza kukuokoa na hiki kitanzi na mtego ulioingizwa na ukajiingiza. Je unayakumbuka maneno fyatu ya maza Gettie Monge-la? Nasisitizia kifyatufyatu. Achana na mafyatu hawa wa kirume. Watakufyatua na kukurostisha. Chongo-loh, alikuwa mikono safi asiye na kabobo wala ngebe kama huyu fyatu unayamdekeza hata kama alikupendekeza uteuliwe mgombezi mwenzi.

Kabla hujafyatua milomo na kunienga kama hamanazo, jiulize na jipime. Wewe na Jiwe nani fyatu mchimvi anayeweza kumfyatua hata chawa na kiroboto aliowaumba mwenyewe? Je alipomfyatua huyu kidhabi, unadhani alikuwa amefyatua hadi kupagawa? Naomba ufyatue nukta hapo. Tia akilini. Yesu bin Mariam ambaye ni fyatu mwenzangu alisema kuwa siyo kila ajae akisema Bwana Bwana, atauona ufalme wa mbinguni. Siyo wote wanokuchekea wancheka kwa furaha. Wengi roho zawafyatua na kuwanyotoa kwanini wewe si wao.

Nisisitize, sina uhusiano wala usuhuba na Chongo-loh wala wewe. Andika na pigia msatari au weka nyota au mkazo maneno haya kwenye kumbukumbu zako. Siku ya siku ikifika utanikumbuka na kutamani ungewasiliana nami kabla ya hayo yatakayokufanya ukumbuke unabii huu fyatu wa mafyatu.

            Hii ni lecture au research paper?!!

Chanzo: Mwananchi, kesho.


Thursday 7 December 2023


A patriotic song titled “Tazama ramani utaona nchi nzuri”; carries the following words:“Majira yetu haya, yangekuwaje sasa, utumwa wa nchi Nyerere asingeukomesha? And another song in the same category says: “Kama siyo juhudi zako Nyerere,  na Uhuru tungepata wapi?                                
        The basic intention of these songs was, presumably, to remind all the subsequent generations of Tanzanians, of their binding obligation to honour Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, for his  pivotal role in the struggle for our country’s independence.                                    
        The annual independence celebrations present the most appropriate moment for us to do so. Next Saturday, 9th, December, 2023; we will be happily celebrating the 62 anniversary of our country’s independence. I wish therefore to urge everyone, to offer a silent prayer for the late Mwalimu Nyerere, the Father of our nation.
        When we celebrated the ‘golden Jubilee’ of Tanganyika’s independence two years ago, I made use of that opportunity to write a series of articles which were published in this column during  the whole of October 2021, mainly detailing the successes  achieved by all our country’s apex leaders during the whole of that period; starting with founder President Julius Nyerere’s ‘formative years’, during which he laid the ‘firm foundations’ for the country’s  subsequent development, ending with President John Pombe Magufuli, whose second and final term was rudely interrupted by his sudden death in March 2021; when, by the smooth operation of our country’s constitution, Vice  President Samia Suluhu Hassan ascended to the Presidency.   
            Thus, as a follow up on those earlier presentations, it seems logical and appropriate, that I should devote today’s presentation to President Samia’s contributions thereto; with her lyrical slogan “kazi iendelee”. But since we are now talking to an entirely new generation about “firm foundations” that were laid six decades ago, it is only fair, and just, that we should provide a resume of what we are actually talking about, particularly in the area of political management; namely, those that relate directly to the country’s governance.
        These were clearly laid down in a document titled: “Guide to the One-Party State Commission”. In this document President Nyerere provided a short list of the “principles” that were to form the basis of the country’s new constitution, and also for the ‘administrative practices’ to be observed at all levels of government. They were the following:- 
a) That the country shall remain a Republic, with an executive President;                                           
(b) That the Rule of Law and the independence of the Judiciary shall be preserved;                       
 (c) That there shall be complete equality for all the country’s citizens;                                             
(d) That there shall be maximum political freedom for all citizens, within the context of a single national movement;                                            
(e) That there shall be the maximum possible participation by the people in their own government, and ultimate control by them over the State Organs, on the basis of universal adult suffrage; and                                              
  (f) That there shall be complete freedom for the people to choose their own representatives on all representative and legislative bodies, within the context of the law”. These are the principles which have formed the basis for all our subsequent constitutions, starting with the ‘Interim’ constitution of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar of 1964; followed by the ‘One-Party’ Constitution of 1965; and the ‘permanent’ constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977. They are the principles, which have also guided the ‘administrative practices’ of all President Nyerere’s successors; including the current President Samia Suluhu Hassan, whose outstanding “Reconciliation” contributions she is making under her umbrella lyric slogan of “kazi iendelee”, plus her refreshing “4Rs” philosophy;  are the main focus of today’s presentation.  
The “courage of reconciliation”
        We will focus primarily on her work in respect of “Reconciliation”. The word “reconciliation” means  “an end to a disagreement, and the  start good relationship again”. It is not always easy to achieve reconciliation. Hence, in that connection, my memory races back to President Nyerere’s “Dag Hammarskjold Lecture” to which he chose to give the  title “the courage of reconciliation”. 
        President Nyerere had been invited to deliver that  particular lecture as part of a series of such international lectures, organized by the ‘Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Foundation’ in commemoration of that United Nations Secretary General; who had died literally “with his boots on”, in a tragic plane crush accident. That speech was delivered in Dar es Salaam, on 24th January, 1964, before an international audience.              
        It was a great speech, in which, among other things, President Nyerere said the following:-“Dag Hammarskjold was working hard in search for peace in the whole world; but he also realized that peace can only be obtained on certain conditions, specifically, of compromise, tolerance, and a devotion to the principles of human equality and brotherhood.                                                 
        “As  UN Secretary General, he tried both to promote these conditions; and, just as important, he allowed  time for them to become effective”.   
Thus, reconciliation efforts need courage. As we are all aware, President Samia Suluhu Hassan is working very hard to promote peace in our society, through her “Reconciliation” efforts, and its implementation programmes. And she is clearly observing the “conditions” specified in President Nyerere’s lecture referred to above.           
        Among the most enduring, ‘firm foundations’, that were laid by the founder President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, were those that were aimed at: (a)  maintaining the nation’s unity and stability; and (b) the resettlement of the rural population into properly organized villages. Indeed, it is upon these foundations, that all our subsequent apex leaders have been ‘building the walls’ for the peoples’ welfare and prosperity; and investing their efforts in securing enhanced human and material development. 
         In her political reconciliation efforts (one of her big 4Rs), President Samia has clearly shown that she is working very hard in search for lasting peace among our political community; and  her endeavours can thus be rightly described as “courageous” in the context of President Nyerere’s  lecture referred to above; and they clearly constitute a major contribution, to the nation’s continued unity, peace and tranquility.                            
        This is precisely the reason why we often sing in chorus: ‘Kazi iendelee’; hopefully in genuine appreciation of, and support for, her efforts in maintaining  the nation’s unity. But President Nyerere also pointed out in that speech, that this work of reconciliation “needs the support of the law”; because, he said, “reconciliation arises out of the basic conflicts which are inherent in society . . .  Through cooperation with his fellows an individual person is enabled to enjoy the economic and social benefits of communal life. 
        But, at the same time, this cooperation introduces  the possibilities of conflict; ‘cooperation’ and ‘conflict’ being but two sides of the same coin. It is the law, or a system of rules that govern interpersonal behavior; and the enforcement of these rules, that makes cooperation between individuals fruitful”.                      
        For President Samia’s sterling efforts to achieve the desired success, she needs the full support of the law makers (who are aware of the difference between a ‘just’ law, which is impartial between persons, and aims at achieving reconciliation between groups that are locked in conflict; and an unjust’ law, which unfairly discriminates between such groups).      
        However, law, which is not enforced, is liable to deteriorate into mere expressions of pious hopes. She also needs the genuine support of the general public (which is willing to cooperate by obeying the law voluntarily); and the support of the ‘Law enforcement’ Agencies; (who must not rely on the use of brute force, even in circumstances which do not justify such action).
        It is In that connection, that President Samia’s government recently submitted three major Bills to the Union Parliament, which will result in the enactment of a new elections law (to replace that which was enacted a long ago in 1985); and a new law establishing the National Electoral Commission; plus others that will introduce significant improvements to the relevant laws, namely, the Political Parties Act; and the Election Expenses Act (which is aimed at eliminating corruption in our election processes). 
        The proposed new law establishing the National Electoral Commission, seeks to make new  provisions for: (i) the independence of the National Electoral Commission (section 6(1) thereof); (ii) the ethical qualifications required for its members (iii) new transparent procedures for the recruitment of its members; and (iv) for the Commission to have its own staff, solely  answerable to it (section 21(1).                                             All these new provisions appear to be a positive response to many of the demands that have often been voiced by various stakeholders. They may be inadequate; but, at least, they demonstrate the government’s ‘willingness to listen’ to such reasonable demands.                                  
        But there is more that needs to be done.
It must be admitted, however, that not all of the principles of ‘good governance’ that were listed that were shortlisted in President Nyerere’s “Guide” referred to above, have been observed in practice; particularly those relating to “maximum participation by all citizens in their own government”; because the demand for allowing “independent candidates” to participate in our elections still remains undetermined; since, under the 1977 constitution, all candidates for election to the Presidency and to Parliament, “must belong to and be sponsored by a fully registered political party”. In 1994, the Tanzania High Court, in the ‘constitutional petition’ case cited as: Rev. Mtikila v Attorney General; made a ruling that this prohibition of independent candidates from participating in elections, “was incompatible with the basic right of every citizen to participate in the governance of his country and was therefore unconstitutional”.                                         
         But even this court ruling was not implemented; and the said prohibitions are still firmly in place. This was, actually, the result of a clever ‘legal engineering’ move, by the learned Attorney General. It is an interesting story, but cannot be narrated here, due to editorial space limitations.  
         Building on the foundation of people living in properly organized villages. President Nyerere laid this foundation firmly in his inaugural Address to Parliament as President of the Republic of Tanganyika, which he delivered on 10th December, 1962 (my translation from the Kiswahili original):- “If you ask me what the government is planning to do in the next few years, the answer is very simple: the government will do all it can to enable our peasants farmers to live together in Village communities; for unless we achieve that, we shall not be able to provide them with  the things that are needed in order  to raise their standard of living.             For example, we will not be able to provide hospital services close enough to the people, or clean drinking water. And even when we will have a sufficient supply of electric power, we will be unable to connect it up to each isolated homestead”.
What we are witnessing now, namely, electricity being made available in all the country’s villages; Dispensaries and Health centers, and Primary and Secondary Schools; being constructed in practically every village throughout the country; all this provides a  clear demonstration, of the fact that the government is building on the foundations laid by President Nyerere in his inaugural Address to parliament referred to above.                         
         And more than that, every village is now ‘self-governing’ in the sense that each village has its own elected ‘Village government’, embedded in the structure of Local government Authorities.
Source: Cde Pius Msekwa.

Tuesday 5 December 2023

Ngukinyukia o kahora Mwathani Mutongolya


Kama Pau Gekule, fyatua na Jan Makambale na wenzake chapchap

Kufyatuliwa kwa Madame Gekule kuna somo kubwa. Kwanza, ni mara ya kwanza maza kufyatua mnene chapchap. Huu ni utaratibu mpya na wa kifyatu, japo wa kuchanganya kidogo, kama utakuwa endelevu, unaweza kuwaonya mafyatu mibaka na mijizi wa njuluku za mafyatu wanaoendelea kusikinishwa na mafyatu wanene. Pili, kama siyo gea––––sitaki niseme kanyabwoya, hata kama ni hivyo–––ya kuonyesha mafyatu kuwa wanene sasa wanajali ili wawafyatue kwenye uchafuzi, sorry, uchakachuaji, sorry, uchaguaji ujao, basi kuna namna. Sitaki niamini hizi ni kamba na maigizo hasa usawa huu maza anapotaka kunyaka kula ya kura kulhali hata kwa kutumia mishite kuondoa dhana kuwa kama siyo mkono wa God, asingekuwa mnene wa kaya. Haya kila la heri japo kuna shari.
        Tatu, je huu ni utamaduni mpya wa uwajibikaji na wajibishaji wa mafyatu watumiao ulaji kimiungu ilhali ni mafyatu tena wengine vihiyo/vilaza au kuna namna tunafyatuliwa?
        Nne, kama kweli. Kama amefyatua, lazima afyatuliwe. Je alimfyatua yule fyatu au la? Mandata watatueleza. Je huu ndiyo mwisho au mwanzo wa sekeseke hili? Inakuwaje Gekule afyatuliwe kisiasa na aendelee kusepa bila kunyakwa kisharia na kusweka lupango kama watuhumiwa wengine tena wa makosa makubwa kama haya ambao si wanene? Je sharia zetu zinagwaya au kuwapendelea wanene huku zikiwaumiza na kuwakandamiza wadogo? Sitaki kwenda huko wala kufikia hitimisho hili mbali na kuamini. Hivyo, nategemea kumuona bibie mbele ya pilato aidha akipozwa lupango au kupewa dhamana.
  Tano, kwenye mahakama ya kisiasa, hakuna mwenendo wa mashitaka (procedure) bali kufyatua au kutofyatua kulingana na maslahi ya wahusika. Pia, kunaweza kuwapo kulindana hata kuoneana kwani ni vurugu mechi. 
        Sita, kama kuna utashi wa kisiasa, kunaweza kuwa uwanja mzuri wa kutenda au kutotenda haki. Sijui kilichotokea kwa madame Gekule ni kipi kati ya viwili hivi. Siwezi kusema ni kutenda au kutotenda haki. Kwa sababu hatujajua ukweli wote mbali na kuanza kushuku kwanini Gekule pekee wakati watuhumiwa wa makosa tena makubwa tu wapo na hawashughulikiwi.
        Saba, swali kubwa, muhimu lisilokwepeka, kwanini fyatu mmoja aliyetuhumiwa kumfyatua mwenzake tena kwa ugomvi wa biashara na mambo binafsi ashughulikiwe haraka kuliko watuhumiwa wanaofyatua jamii nzima ya mafyatu? Hapa tatizo ni mfyatuzi au mfyatuliwa au niengavyo ufyatuaji huu wa kinamna?
        Nane, katika sheshe hili, najawa na maswali kibao ya kifyatuaji ninayoelekeza kwa maza mwenyewe yanayotaka majibu sahihi bila kuzungusha wala kupoteza muda. Imekuwaje kumfyatua Gekule kabla uchunguzi ukamilike? Inakuwaje siyo watuhumiwa wa mishiko mikubwa, Mwehujuu Michembe, Januwari son of Ma-rope mgoshi, Mahame Kinyaa Mbawala n.k. aliowatuhuma Luhanga Mpini? Je kuna wateule kayani wanaopaswa kufyatuliwa chapchap huku wengine wakifumbiwa mato?
        Tisa, inakuwaje fyatu aliyemfyatua fyatu binafsi, tena kwa imani za kifyatu, afyatuliwe wanguwangu wakati wanaotuhumiwa kufyatua matrilioni yanayosababisha matatizo kwa mafyatu wengi waachwe wakiendelea kufyatua huku wengine wakibadilishwa mawiz-ara? Ala!
Kumi, imekuwaje maza amemfyatua Gekule anayetuhumiwa kumfyatua fyatu mmoja wakati hajawafyatua mafyatua wanene waliotuhumiwa kuiba matrilioni jambo ambalo linaumiza na linadhalilisha mafyatu kibao? Je ni yale ya kuwafyatua vibaka huku mibaka ikiengwaengwa na kuendelea kufyatua na kusababisha umaskini kwa mafyatu walio wengi?
        Kumi na mosi, ngoja tujiulize maswali mengi ya kifyatuzi huenda wahusika wakatupa majibu tena yenye mashiko au kuchukua hatua mujarabu kwa haki na usawa bila ubaguzi wala upendeleo. Ni wagonjwa wangapi wanakosa huduma, wanafunzi wangapi wanakosa elimu, makapuku wangapi wanatengenezwa tokana na ufyatuaji huu? 
        Kumi na mbili, je maza ametumia vigezo na usongo gani kumfyatua Gekule na kuwakumbatia hawa mafyatu wanaotuhumiwa kuuibia umma wa mafyatu?
Kumi na bee, kwa vile ngoma na sheshe bado vibichi, naomba leo, niulize maswali haya madogo na kidogo nikiacha makubwa na mengi waulize mafyatu wenyewe huku nikiongoja kuona wahusika watenda haki vipi na kwa kasi ipi kwa watuhumiwa wote hasa niliowataja hapa ambao, hata hivyo, walitajwa na mafyatu wenzao wanene tena kwenye chata lao la ulaji.
        Du yule manzi! Hivi naota au nasinzia au ndo zinafyatuka?
Chanzo: Mwananchi kesho.