The Holy Bible,
9: 18 – 21 says as follows:- “And as he was
saying his prayers, his disciples were there with him. So, he asked them: what does the assembled congregation say that
I am? And they answered thus: Some of them say you are John the Baptist; but
others say you are Elijah; and yet others say that you are one of the ancient
disciples who has
risen from the
dead. He asked them again: How about you yourselves, who do you think I
am? And Peter answered: You are Christ, the son of God . . .” (These lines also appear in MARK 8:
27– 30; and in MATTHEW 16: 13 – 16.)
For the purpose
of this discussion, the above quotation is quite instructive, in the sense that
it reveals the most perfect, or God
inspired way, of
assessing a leader ;
which is to
ask the people
who know him,
to state their
personal opinions regarding
that leader. Thus, what the DAILY NEWS was doing is precisely that, namely, asking the people who know
President Magufuli, to state their personal
opinions regarding his performance, during
his first four
years in office.
What other people have said.
And indeed,
many different people
have taken the
opportunity of his
fourth anniversary “on
the throne”, to
express their varied
opinions in assessing President
Magufuli’s performance during
that period; including
some devoted
Tanzanian scholars, who did not
even wait to be
invited to make
such assessments.
I happen to know
one such scholar whose name is Nkwazi Mhango, a Tanzanian academic pundit currently
living and working in Canada, who appears to have an insatiable appetite
for writing books! For he already has more than twenty published
books, with a few others waiting in the queue at different Publishing Houses;
and is
still working on
new ones, including
the forthcoming one (whose preparatory work
he is kindly sharing with
me). The title of his new book
will be “Why Magufulication will One Day Change Africa’s Destiny: the Man who Makes
Things Change.”.
It appears that certain innovative academicians, the likes of
Professor Patrick Lumumba, and a few others, have invented
an entirely new concept, which they baptized in
the name of “Magufulification.” Apparently, this is because
they are very strongly convinced, that “President Magufuli’s style of leadership needs to be given
a conceptual dress, so that
it can be well studied
and analyzed, in
order to make
others benefit from
it”. That is an excellent, commendable
idea; because President Magufuli’s unique style of governance,
quickly won the hearts of Africa right
from the beginning
of his tenure.
For example, the
DAILY NEWS of 9thDecember,
2015; said this: “President John Magufuli has become a continental icon within just
one month in office, even without crossing
the country’s borders.” It
reproduced a number of captions from leading newspapers in South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria,
and Zimbabwe; all of which had showered praise on Dr. John Magufuli’s exceptional
performance. One commentator called this
phenomenon “Magufuliphoria”; which
has now been supplemented by the newly born “Magufulification.”
Nkwazi Mhago
submits, in his
new book’s Preface, that “Under
Magufulification, Tanzania has
registered some positive
changes which, by
design or fashion,
go against the
norms of dependency
and failures that
have always plagued
African countries . . . President Magufuli
has made a true and willing
sacrifice for the
love of his
country and its
people. This is indeed unique for
a leader who occupies the seat that has made many others abuse it.” That seems to be what justifies his presumption that “Magufulification will one day Change Africa’s
Destiny.” May his sweet dreams, come true. Amen.
My own personalized assessment.
My own personalized assessment.
Many of those
who have published their contributions in
assessing President Magufuli’s performance, appear to have concentrated
largely on the obvious, namely, on his “governance
delivery performance”; that is to say,
his performance in the delivery
of goods and
services relating to
the country’s development.
But that should be pretty obvious; for, as the Kiswahili proverb says, “Mwenye macho haambiwi
Magufuli’s achievements
are so glaringly conspicuous, that
they can be readily noticed by anyone and everyone. These
include his most
effective tax collection
drive, which has
enabled massive investments
to be made
in all kinds
of infrastructure development
projects, specifically, in
many mega new
projects relating to
Education, Health and
the provision of clean
water both in
the rural and
Urban areas; his successful
introduction of ‘sanity’
in the Public
Service; his sterling efforts
in combating corruption,
and in poverty
alleviation; et cetera.
will therefore, avoid that well-trodden footpath and, instead, attempt to follow the direction
that has been set by those leaned academicians referred to
above, which is to focus
on President Magufuli’s
unique style of governance.
President Magufuli’s unique style.
President Magufuli’s unique style.
Indeed, President
Magufuli’s unique style of governance “needs to be given a conceptual dress.” For it is his distinctive style of governance
that distinguishes him from many other Presidents in
Africa and elsewhere.
My own observation
of President Magufuli’s style, persuades me to describe him variously as follows:
- Firstly, that he is a “doer”, or a man of action i.e. a person who actually does things, rather than
just talking about them. In other words,
a man who “takes the bull by the horns”.
Secondly, that he is ‘a man of his
word”, that is to say, a person who actually does whatever he promises to do. A person who ‘walks his talk”.
And thirdly, that
he is an “innovator, that is to say, a person who boldly introduces new ideas,
and/or new ways of doing things.
In my considered
opinion, during the four years that President Magufuli has been in office, he has
amply demonstrated that he possesses all these special qualities,
and in surplus
abundance. The following selection
of his campaign
promises, and his subsequent actions
in implementing them;
will help to
prove this point.
Take, for example, his campaign promise
of “kuleta mabadiliko yenye
tija” i.e. to
bring substantive change (as opposed
to mere cosmetic
changes being promised
by the Opposition), He started
saying so in
his campaign speech
in Kigoma, on 16th September,
2015; when, obviously
with a touch
of humour, he
declared that the Opposition
acronym “M4C” (Movement for
Change); actually stands
for ‘Magufuli for
Change’. He was strategically challenging the opposition
Presidential candidate, whose campaign was premised almost entirely on the slogan
of “bringing change.”
“Mwenye macho,
haambiwa tazama.” We are all witnesses to the fact of the hugely
significant changes, both minor and major ones, that President
Magufuli has successfully
introduced in
the management of
the country’s affairs. The
minor changes include
the cancellation of
some of the
grandiose national celebrations
that involved huge
expenditures of public
money; and re-allocating
such money
to selected infrastructure development
projects; while the
major changes include
the significant enhancement
of tax revenues
(from the
former few millions
to the current
trillions of shillings),
with its attendant
development benefits.
And in
particular, his unprecedented success in introducing new legislation to combat
the blatant exploitation that was being
practiced in the rich mineral sector, by some unscrupulous foreign
companies. Undoubtedly, that measure
was a very bold action on the part of the
President; which has resulted in surprisingly huge increases in the Government revenues accruing
from that sector. But, it should
also be noted and appreciated, that this ‘boom’, was a direct product of yet
another aspect of President Magufuli’s ‘unique’ leadership
style, namely, that
of his impromptu,
unscheduled, inspection visits
to certain carefully
selected, important functional
areas of government
operations. In this
case, it was the Dare es Salaam Harbour; which, on that fateful day for the
wrong doers concerned, he decided to visit without prior notification;
and that is when he noticed a large
collection of containers
waiting to be exported.
He became suspicious and wanted to
know their contents. Thus, as a man of action, he immediately initiated the investigation process that culminated in
the discovery of the existence of a grand tax-evasion scandal.
faithful disciple of Mwalimu Nyerere.
Another distinguishing factor in President
Magufuli’s unique style of governance, is
his apparent determination to build on the foundations which were laid by the departed
father of our nation, the late President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere. Right from the
beginning of his tenure, President Magufuli has, consistently and continuously,
demonstrated this determination. Furthermore, there are certain striking similarities
in his, and Nyerere’s, choice of issues to be given priority; as well as in the
massive, positive public responses to their initiatives. Two examples
will help to prove this point: -
i) Putting the
greatest emphasis on tax collection.
Mwalimu Nyerere said this: “corrupt Governments
do not collect taxes”; or, in Kiswahili: “Serikali ya wala rushwa
haikusanyi kodi, kwa
sababu inawatumikia wenye
mali.” President Magufuli’s bold actions in dealing with the grand tax evaders,
is clear testimony of his determination to walk in the footsteps of Mwalimu Nyerere;
and, by extension, also proof that his is NOT a corrupt Government.
In fact, President
Magufuli’s unprecedented success
in tax collection,
is what has
enabled him to make yet another
major stride in following the
footsteps of Mwalimu
Nyerere, namely the
completion of the
mega infrastructure projects relating
to moving the Government
capital to Dodoma
from Dar es
Salaam; and the
construction of the
Rufiji River hydro electricity (Stigler’s
gorge) project. Both of which were top priority projects in President
Nyerere’s Administration; and very dear to his heart.
ii) In
the matter of leadership ethics.
It has been authoritatively
said in the books of knowledge, that “ethics is the heart of leadership”, in other
words, leadership is the sine qua non of a
good leader. President Magufuli has also,
very seriously and dutifully, embarked on the important task of implementing Mwallimu
Nyerere’s well-known stance on the all-important
question of leadership ethics; which is what actually moved
him to include
the “leadership code
of ethics” in the
Arusha Declaration of
Thus, in pursuit
of that particular objective, President Magufuli has given priority to three specific
ethics-related governance areas. These are: (a) eliminating wasteful and unnecessary
public expenditures; (b) fighting impunity in the public service; and (c) tackling
corruption, the evil that has mercilessly
plagued our nation. All these actions provide adequate proof of his
determination to walk, steadfastly, in the footsteps of Mwalimu Nyerere. So: “hail
to the Chief”, the Nyerere of the present
Sources: Daily News and Cde Msekwa Himself.
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