How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Kikwete please turn more stones

This year Canadian PM Stephen Harper pulled a plug by convening early
elections. Many wondered. It needed the courage of mad. Harper did so after being sickened by the opposition. It used to dare him. He triumphed. Things went to normalcy.

True, President Jakaya Kikwete used to face the same. Many used to take him of a lame duck thanks to the rampancy of corruption.

Swahili people are sometimes disgusting. Somebody abuses you. Ignore him. He thinks you're afraid of him. Descend on him. He says you are vexing him! All in all, it is better to teach him a lesson so that he can say what he wants to.

It reached a point. Some unreasonable criminals dared Kikwete to bring them to books. I still remember Dan of Jonah. When he was pressed to divulge how he acquired a certain public property. " he confidently said. He who thinks has guts let him go before the court. We'll meet there".

In another bulimia, my friend Bassie Two-penny son of Rambaramba told the nation that it should chew grasses instead of spending money on food so that an bird for the biggie of the biggies is purchased.Thinkers queried his tenacity little knowing there was something-mshiko.

The two winos above thought we're a bunch of goons little knowing tables would one day be turned against them!

Baron Edward Dalberg Acton (1834-1902) said. "Power tends to corrupt,and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." It corrupts to the bone especially when it is in the hands of a gawk and myopic person.

Currently the knuckle hop torturing many heads even myth busters is to rightly predict the goings-on in high echelons of powers. Those that thought Kikwete were a lame duck are likely to be tested to the limit if not proved wrong.

Many would like to see all sanctimonious hoopoes have their quills broken. In other words, all allegedly implicated top dogs- in dirty acts- be left in the lurch and hit the road either to the court or oblivion altogether.

The velocity manner and speed with which things took shape in recent weeks may speak volume. Kikwete is not a lame duck anymore. He aims at proving this. Though it is premature to reach the conclusion, looking at the nature of the things, shall he halt anywhere; the results will be remarkably tremendous suttee. He can bite and chew altogether. And mark my words. Before him there are no sacred but scared cows

Many have strongly urged Kikwete to do the right thing by defrocking and interdicting all current and former bigwigs implicated in various cancerous scams. They speak openly.Why should Kikwete face headache whilst everything is open? Angers are felt the country over and beyond.

Methinks. Kikwete's .all reasons to do away from political outlandish hobnob and put forth national interests. Is there any reason for Kikwete to suffer cold feet? Methinks. Nope.

Let's face it point blank. The country's going to dogs. Could Kikwete keep mum? How could he whilst creepy parasites were robbing our central bank and get away with it? How would he if at all our economy is always in the ICU despite having what it take to become an economic power house in the region? How would he whilst some gawks took him of punching bag as far as plundering the hoi polloi that voted for him is concerned? How would he if all he witnesses is meaningless
lives for the destitute citizenry thanks to corrupt privatization?

How would he with all these demonstrations and boycotts by students in higher learning institutions not to mention forgotten and exploited teachers? To ignore this entire calamity requires the courage of the mad.

A friend in Dar confided it to me that currently the butterflies are felt almost in every big man's stomach that knows. He abused his power.

I'm told bank accounts are ruined and money being wired abroad. Too those falling sick so as to be rushed abroad are increasing thanks to the fear of being booked in Keko, Ukonga and Segerea. Well done comrade Jakaya.

My friends of Buzwagi, Richmond, EPA, CIS, TICTS and other scams I'm told, are even consulting some witch doctors in Bagamoyo. We need to take on them timely and scientifically. Otherwise they will need more spare parts from albinos.

We're told: the mother of all scandals, IPTL,is still causing a heck.
Money stolen from CIS is bigger than even EPA and Richmond put together. Likewise bogus hiked radar, presidential jet, and even the demise of the late National Bank of Commerce still eat his brain up.

We still need to see justice being done. We need the former minister that called one million bucks vijisenti behind bars. We need all lawyers that enhanced all scams be brought to books under the rule of complicity and conspiracy.

Another pal of mine told me that those that wrongly thought their sins would be forgiven simply because they're Kikwete's best friends should forget. When it comes to matters of interests to the nation, friendship does nary work. Shall you doubt this go ask Eddie who was regarded as his altar ego-cum-consigliore He's crucified despite being the best.

If you're not satisfied with this remember the plight of Jesus. Who knew that Judas Iscariot would commit the sacrilege he committed? Kikulacho bwana.

Importantly one must note. In politics everything is possible. Your best friend may become your erstwhile foe and vice verse. As Jesus put it, the first will be the last and the last the first. So all those expecting mercy from Jakaya should go and flash themselves to the toilet.

I know. Some people will blame Kikwete and accuse him of everything real and imaginary. But is he the first to embark on such bold measures for the good of the nation? Nope. The late Levy Mwanawasa of Zambia was revered simply because he decided to do the right thing-to side by the people in lieu of standing on their way.
Mwanawasa was handpicked by Fredrick Chiluba. But this did not intoxicate him so as to betray the people.

Malawi's Bingu wa Mutharika's a man and a half thanks to his rebellion against his mentor who handpicked him-Bakili Muluzi. Kikwete has what it takes more than the duo above. He was not handpicked by anybody.

Mutharika went a mile ahead. When he found that his party was becoming
an obstacle and source of corruption, he ditched it. He found a new one
and he is still in power. Kikwete has a wider choice in this symmetrical situation. Coming to power on CCM's tickets should not make him a party slave or an enemy of the people. People voted for him first and the party later. He thus has to serve the people first.

Kikwete never employ mea culpa. For it'll be Armageddon for the nation.
The easy way out of this drama whereby the man has his back on the wall, is to let the guys go in order to deliver. Sir, remember the oath of office. "I shall diligently and "judiciously" serve my country and her people. Help me God", not I shall protect and save my friends against the people.

Though human beings dishonor their vows and oaths just because the God they invoked is unseen, the experience of those who fell from grace shows that God does punish oath violators. Who wants his president to face the wrath of God and wananchi? Will Kikwete keep on crossing swords with wananchi who in a way have some blemishes Kikwete let go all of maculae friends in order to salvage the already tarnished and standoffish office. Will he save the best for last? Who knows? May be we'll soon see more light. Failure to this, it'll be cantankerous
for all of us.

Source: Thisday December 3, 2008.