How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Monday 29 September 2014

Hii imekaaje?

To be safe and curb aliens enact laws

 Currently Tanzania is a focal point for aliens running away from various miseries many of which are economical. We’ve evidence the gangs of smugglers making a killing out of these desperate and poor people. They rake in thousands of bucks from them for the promises of transporting them to South Africa while others stay in the country hunting for green pastures. Tanzania has become a magnet for aliens due to the fact that our laws on immigration are loose and weak. We need to do away with this menace by introducing laws which will impose hefty punishment on criminals who smuggle aliens into the country wantonly.
          Many aliens from Ethiopia, Eritrea, neighbouring and other Asian countries have already been apprehended and others been deported. Again, is this enough? Surely it isn’t. Today I will draw an example from Canada’s experience and practices. Aliens have nary been a problem thanks to having tough immigration laws on liens. Canada does not use laws to curb aliens. She has the culture of not tolerating anybody who entertains, smuggle or offer any assistance knowingly that they are aliens.  This being the case, it is up to Tanzania to punish any cooperation whatsoever with aliens. Those breaking the laws should be jailed and their properties confiscated. Those housing them, so, too, should face the same. True, this is the only way we can do away with becoming a hotspot for aliens. Nobody is supposed to get services such as housing, work or any without fulfilling immigration requirements. It is sad that our people think that by harbouring aliens they benefit while they actually lose big time. Our social services and infrastructures are overburden.
          We’ve a hunch to begin with. Our people know the syndicate of smugglers. So, it must be an order for everybody to report any person he or she thinks is in the country illegally.  Mass education on the dangers of abetting and housing aliens should be offered to our people so that they can see the other side of the coin as far as aliens are concerned. For instance, many aliens from English speaking countries have been taking jobs that our people would do. Some Asian aliens have reached at the point of doing expatriate jobs while they actually are not expatriates and those smuggling them allege.
          Who needs an expert of Indian cuisine for instance while our house maids have, for decades, cooked Indian foods for their Indian employers? The situation has worsened to the extent that we have even security guards from as far as Nepal. We have Turkish, Iraq and other Middle East human traffickers bringing Syrians and whatnot illegally as they make fortunes.
          Illegal immigrants are not only a burden for the economy but also pose a great danger to national security. How many small arms do we currently have in Tanzania which came from Burundi, Somalia, Mozambique and DRC? What do these small arms do apart from criminal activities in which our people become victims?  Even crime rates are swelling thanks to the proliferation of small arms from warring countries.  
Moreover, with the outbreak of deadly Ebola coupled by loose immigration laws and porous boundaries, chances of the disease knocking on our doors are high. Look at the situation this way. When people come into the country illegally, it means they may conceal their true identities, and status so as to involve themselves in crimes or spread diseases.
Apart all above mentioned consequences, aliens increase our population as opposed to what we plan to feed and take care of. Once they come and stay reproduce children who became citizens automatically. Worse enough, affluent aliens bribe and get our citizenship thanks to having shady, myopic and gullible officials in our immigration points and offices.
Ironically, when Tanzanians go to other countries such as South Africa, even Kenya, are not welcome. Refer to recent accusations from traders in Arusha who alleged that they are maltreated in Kenya where their produced are not receiving same price as Kenyan.
Suffice it to say, if we enact tough laws which punish aliens and those abetting them chances of discouraging aliens to flood our country are high. We can’t let things remain as they are as our security is susceptible.
Source:ThisDay Sept., 29, 2014.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Look at how goons and betes noirs are eating Tanzania!

How the government handles the latest power sector scam could have a major impact on President Kikwete’s political legacy
Heads may be about to roll after revelations about the contested transfer of 200 billion Tanzania shillings (US$124 million) from an escrow account in the central bank, the Bank of Tanzania, to Harbinder Singh Sethi’s Pan Africa Power Solutions Tanzania Limited (PAP, AC Vol 55 No 13). The complex details of how Sethi acquired Independent Power Tanzania Ltd. (IPTL) and then raided the BoT account have now been pieced together by two opposition members of parliament, Zitto Kabwe and David Zacharia Kafulila, with the help of The Citizen and Mwananchi newspapers.
As Chairman of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee, Kabwe is awaiting the results of investigations of the IPTL deal by the Controller and Auditor General (CAG), Ludovick Utouh, and the Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) under Edward Hosea. Delays in finalising the two reports have led some to suspect that their findings may yet be tampered with.If Sethi’s critics are proved right, this is the country’s biggest corruption scandal to date. Based in South Africa, Sethi is a Tanzanian-born businessman with a reputation for dubious past dealings in Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa and the United States. Sethi claims to have bought 70% of IPTL’s shares from Malaysia’s Mechmar Corporation, now in receivership. Yet Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong (SCB-HK) claims to have purchased IPTL’s debt for $76 mn. in August 2005 and says Mechmar was already in liquidation when Sethi claimed to have acquired the shares.The Tanzanian behind IPTL, former BoT employee and self-styled international consultant James Rugemalira, is also under investigation over the $75 mn. that he was paid by Sethi for his company’s 30% share in IPTL. According to press reports last week, the Tanzanian government requested a bank in the Netherlands to freeze the account into which Rugemalira had deposited $65 mn., from which various officials had received payments. It was not revealed how much money remained in the account.Although Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda endorsed Kabwe’s request for the investigations, the opposition has not so far taken up the issue whole-heartedly, even though it is gift-wrapped for delivering huge political capital at the expense of the governing Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM). This reflects Kabwe’s virtual isolation in the opposition since he fell out with the leadership of Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) and set up his own Alliance for Change and Transparency.The IPTL affair has been widely commented upon in blogs and websites such as JamiiForums but few non-governmental organisations working on good governance, transparency or budget analysis have taken it up, despite its potential magnitude. Among the main development partners, only British High Commissioner Dianna Melrose has had the temerity to comment. Donors are following developments closely, of course, but have not so far been prepared to intervene to protect their aid programmes or taxpayers’ money. The increasingly aggressive government has made donors reluctant to rock the boat, say some.The senior politicians and officials who have been rash enough to defend the IPTL deal from the outset are now in the spotlight. Those who may live to regret their premature public support for Sethi’s takeover of IPTL include the Attorney General, Justice Frederick Werema; the Minister of Energy and Minerals, Professor Sospeter Muhongo; his Deputy, Stephen Masele; and their Permanent Secretary, Eliakim Maswi. All have adopted aggressive stances against Sethi’s and Rugemalira’s detractors.
The Tanzania Electric Supply Company deposited money in a BoT escrow account while a dispute over capacity payments due to IPTL was being resolved through international arbitration. Werema claimed that this was ‘not public money’, a claim shot down by Kabwe who pointed out that the escrow money appeared on Tanesco’s balance sheet. The Attorney General also urged the Treasury not to ‘dilly-dally’ over endorsing the emptying of the escrow account. In a heated parliamentary debate, Kafulila called Werema ‘a liar’ and then Werema called Kafulila ‘a monkey’.Muhongo claimed that opposition members of parliament had been bribed to raise the IPTL question, while Masele accused Melrose of inciting donors and NGOs to take a stand on the emerging scandal. He even demanded her expulsion from Tanzania, a request quickly quashed by the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Although not directly implicated in the deal, the BoT Governor, Prof. Benno Ndulu, has been criticised for allowing the transfer when there were strong grounds for challenging it. Kabwe revealed that the court judgement used by PAP and its supporters as the basis for raiding the BoT didn’t mention the escrow account but did conclude that PAP was the rightful owner of the IPTL plant. Rumours said a judge had ordered BoT to pay PAP: no one had.Sethi and Rugemalira have relied on high-level political support to sustain their initiatives. One person not afraid to reveal her links with IPTL is Prof. Anna Tibaijuka, former head of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Habitat, and Minister for Lands and Human Settlements (AC Vol 46 No 15). She admitted accepting $1 mn. from Rugemalira, whom she described as her ‘brother’. Both the Minister and Rugemalira are Catholic, and Rugemalira is a financier of church causes. The Catholic Church runs the relatively small Mkombozi Commercial Bank PLC, where Rugemalira deposited the local currency equivalent of the $75 mn. Sethi paid him. Most of the money was converted into foreign exchange in a single day, flooding the market with shillings and depressing the value of the national currency.IPTL is still producing expensive power at close to the plant’s full capacity of 100 megawatts. Sethi says he intends to invest in a further 400 MW of gas-fired power production and claims to be in negotiation with the Tanzanian and Kenyan governments over a massive cross-border power project. This is most unlikely to happen but Sethi is keen to boost his public image. He is unpopular in Kenya, where he is a citizen, as a result of multiple scams he was involved in during Daniel arap Moi’s presidency. In 2010, Kenya’s Public Investments Committee recommended that his companies, including Ruaha Concrete, should not be allowed to undertake building work in the country. Consultancy firm Kroll’s leaked report on corruption during Moi’s 24 years in power links Sethi with 74 properties owned by Moi’s son Gideon Moi in South Africa but held in Sethi’s name, as well as with Moi’s close long-term collaborator Nicholas Biwott (AC Vol 48 No 18).Sethi’s business interests also include a gas exploration joint venture in Tanzania’s Mnazi Bay exploration block. Though he has not undertaken any exploration to date, he has retained his block, despite efforts by the sector regulator to take it away from him. Both his exploration company Hydrotanz and PAP have the same Dar es Salaam address.Sethi’s version of the complex process by which he came to own the 70% of IPTL shares that originally belonged to Malaysia’s Mechmar does not stand up to close examination. A briefing paper by Kabwe setting all this out in some detail has been widely circulated in social media ( Sethi and Rugemalira have lived up to Kabwe’s description as ‘aggressive litigators’. Their strategy has been to steer the acquisition of IPTL away from non-Tanzanian jurisdictions (Malaysia and Britain), from other interested parties (SCB-HK) and lawyers, receivers and liquidators in Malaysia and Hong-Kong. In this way, SCB-HK’s property rights in IPTL have been summarily dismissed and attempts by SCB-HK’s lawyers to negotiate a compromise with Tanesco have all been blocked. Furthermore, the findings of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes over IPTL’s overcharging Tanesco for power supplied and the proposal for a solution involving SCB-HK claims have been ignored. Tanzanian courts have been complicit in rubber-stamping IPTL’s transfer to Sethi’s PAP. None of this helps improve the country’s image abroad.
Kikwete wants closure
If President Jakaya Kikwete prevaricates over the CAG and PCCB reports, the public will draw its own conclusions. Though his CCM is unlikely to lose the 2015 elections, Kikwete does not want his legacy to include undermining his party’s already ragged public image or a reputation for abusing his office by protecting the corrupt. Closure on IPTL would allow him to look forward to a quieter retirement than that of his predecessor, Benjamin Mkapa, who had lost his reputation for probity by the end of his presidency in 2005 and was widely maligned after Kikwete came to power.In his last year in power, Kikwete will also want to maintain his positive image among Western donors and development agencies as a progressive, transparent, pro-business leader. In particular, he would like to stay close to US President Barack Obama, whose multi-billion Power Africa programme is another legacy for both of them. There have been suggestions that the US warned Kikwete at the recent Africa Summit that he had better sort out Tanzania’s power sector to benefit from Power Africa investment. So far, the Millennium Challenge Corporation has invested $900 mn. in Tanzania, and US power company Symbion has announced a $900 mn. investment in a gas-fired power plant.
Unbundling Tanesco

Embassies and aid missions in Dar es Salaam are monitoring the IPTL saga closely. According to Muhongo, the World Bank has committed $300 mn. to finance power sector reform, including the ambitious unbundling of Tanesco, at a cost of $100mn. At least half of the previous $100 mn. power sector loan is said to have been used for non-project purposes. Critics see the Bank’s and other agencies’ loans, as well as budget support, as effectively underwriting Tanesco’s burgeoning debts. The company owes hundreds of billions of shillings to private power suppliers, including IPTL, as well as to its suppliers and lawyers.To allow the investigations to run their course and to resolve the IPTL question would give Kikwete immense kudos. Tanzania power sector monitor Brian Cooksey told Africa Confidential that the current IPTL investigation could be a turning point in the way the government pursues its energy policy. ‘For two decades, power policy has been undermined by private power producers buying political support for their projects. One result is that Tanesco is still paying for diesel-fuelled power from IPTL 20 years after the government decided that natural gas was the rational choice. The losses incurred by Tanesco, tax payers and donors are huge, as are the costs incurred by businesses and private power consumers resulting from recurrent power crises,’ he said.While projected power demand increasingly outstrips supply, surveys show that local and foreign companies consider power shortages and corruption major drawbacks to investing in Tanzania. Fewer than 15% of Tanzanians have access to electricity, ranging from 59% in Dar es Salaam to only 2% in rural areas. A recent survey by the local pollster Twaweza showed that a majority of Tanzanians had never heard of IPTL. That could be about to change. 
Source: African Confidential vol. 55- No 19, Sept 2014.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Ukishindwa kufanya kazi ardhini fanyia angani

 Rais Jakaya Kikwete akiwa kwenye ndege yake. Anaonekana anasaini nyaraka. Wapo wanaoona kama mkwara tu, anatanua kama kawaida yake. Kimsingi, kwa waswahili hakuna lisilo na jibu. Ukiuliza inakuwaje rais hakai ofisini utajibiwa kuwa ukishindwa kufanya kazi ardhini basi unaweza kufanyia angani. Nani anajali iwapo wanaolipia mafuta ya dege ni wale wale waliopigika? Huyu ndiye rais kipenzi cha watu anayeweza kuwatumia atakavyo kwa vile wanampenda naye anawapenda. Lazima hapa yawepo mapenzi ya kimshumaa.
Sina ugomvi na utanuaji wa Kikwete. Tabu yangu siku zote ni ile hali ya kuficha wale anaoandamana nao utadhani kuna soo! Au kuna watu wasiopaswa kwenda kutanua kwa njuluku za umma wanaopenyezwa kwenye msafara wa bwana mkubwa ambao umegeuka kuwa top national security agenda?

Mlevi kwenda The Hague kuwashitaki 'ndata'

Baada ya kugundua kuwa ndata wetu wamenogewa na
uonevu kwa walevi, mlevi anawataka waache ka-unafiki ka kufanya undata na siasa kwa pamoja wakati katiba inakataza. Baada ya kuwanyotoa roho walevi wengi wakiwamo waandishi wa umbea, tulidhani wangeshika adabu na kukoma na kutambua kuwa walevi nao ni watu.  
Walimnyotoa roho Dav Mwangosi. Tulivumilia. Walimtesa daktari Steve Ulimboka. Tuliminya. Walishindwa kuwakamata watesaji wa Absalim Kibanda. Tulikula pini. 
Inaonyesha wamegeuka ‘mbwa’ aliyeonja mayai.  
Dawa yake ni mpini ndipo kuku waokoke vinginevyo ukicheka naye unaula wa chuya.
Uonevu ulioonyeshwa na ndata hivi karibuni kwa kuruhusu mbwa kuwang’ata waandishi wa umbea si wa kuvumilia. Lazima tutoe tamko tena kwa herufi na sauti kubwa ili waelewe kuwa, tutachenchiana kama hawataacha.  
Hata wale wanaowaamuru kufanya huo unyama nao waache wakijua kuwa ulaji unaowatia kiburi unatokana na walevi hao hao wanaoamuru mbwa kuwaumiza. 
Nilipandwa na hasira nusu ya kurejea kwenye dojo kupiga karate ili nipambane na ndata ki-Bruce Lee kama siyo bi mkubwa kunizuia kwa kuwaonea huruma ndata wasio na huruma.  
Sijui ni kwa sababu kaka yake ni ndata?
Hakuna kitu kilinisononesha kama picha za vidosho wakikimbia wasing’atwe miguu na mbwa.  
Inabidi tuwaambie ndata kuwa hizo njuluku wanazolipwa kutufanyia unyama ni matokeo ya kodi zetu. 
Hata hao wanaowaamuru ni walaji na wanyonyaji wanaotegemea jasho na njuluku zetu.  
Wanapaswa kutuheshimu na kuheshimu haki na utu wetu kama binadamu. Kama ni kupimana misuli, nadhani Mboe saizi yake si ndata bali wanasiasa wenzake tena wenyeviti kama yeye. 
 Hivi hawa wanaomuandama kwa kuamriwa na maadui zake hawajui kuwa kibao kinaweza kugeuka akawa bosi wao siku moja?  Basi jamani undeni chama chenu cha siasa mkiite CPP yaani Cops’ and Politicos’ Party au anzisheni Chama Cha Polishi (CCP). 
Kwa vile inaonyesha kuwa wao na mabosi wao hawasikii, napanga kwenda zangu The Hague kufungua kesi dhidi yao.  
Wanaweza kudhani natishia kilevi na kibangi bangi, si kweli. 
Kwanza, yule bibie Bensoda ni mwanafunzi wangu wa sheria ukiachia mbali afisa mkuu bwana Mochochoko kuwa mshirika wangu.  
Hivyo, nikiamua nao wanaweza kunyea debe tena si kwa kesi za kubambikizwa kama zile wanazowabambikia walevi. 
Nasikia walitaka kumtia adabu Mboe eti kwa kutaka kusababisha vurugu! Hayoo! Hivi kati ya Mboe na nyinyi nani anasababisha vurugu? Mbona wapo vingunge waliotishia kupindua kaya hamkuwakamata au mnatenda kwa upendeleo na woga?  
Hivi kweli kuna vurugu kama kutishia kuangusha lisirikali la kaya hata kama ni la hovyo? Mbona Mura Were alipotishia kumkata shingo Kafulia tena kwa kumwita nyani asijue nyani wanasabisha ebola hamkumshughulikia? 
Mbona wenzenu walivyokwapua mshiko pale kwenye kituo cha Msimbazini Kariakooni hamkuwakamata au mnadhani tumesahau?  
Acheni unafiki wa kuchagua makosa wakati yote ni makosa. Kinachoshangaza ni ile hali ya ndata kushindwa kutambua kuwa hao wanaowapiga na kuwaonea ni ndugu zao.  Ni wajomba, shangazi, mama, watoto, baba, babu na jamaa zao.  
Hili halihitaji shahada wala bangi nyingi.  Hawa mnaowatesa wanafanana sana nanyi kuliko hao wanaowatumia.  Wanaishi kwenye mbavu za mbwa za wenyewe wakiwadhalilisha na kuwahangaisha sawa nanyi. Wanaishi kwa kubanana sawa nanyi. 
Wengi wao hata viatu vyao vimesagika soli sawa nanyi kwa kuponda mguu kutokana na ukapa. 
Hao wanaowatumia nanyi mkawatumikia wala hawafanani nanyi.  Wao wanaishi kwenye mahekalu mnayolinda usiku na mchana.  Wanalipiwa pango la hekalu na kodi za walevi.  
Wanatanua tena si wao tu bali hata na watoto, marafiki na waramba viatu wao kwa kodi hiyo hiyo. 
Pia hao mnaowadharau wanawadharau kama mnavyowadharau mbwa mnaofungulia wawaume walevi.  
Hivi kweli kuna siku mliwahi kufikiria kuwapa heshima mbwa wenu hao? 
Basi hali ni hiyo hiyo kwa upande wa pili. 
Anayekudharau hukutumia au kukuamuru kufanya mambo ya hovyo kama kuonea walevi. Hivi walevi wakiungana wakaamua kuwatokea na michupa yao mtaweza kuwazuia kwa wingi na ulevi wao? Thubutu yenu! Mnadhani wataendelea kutojitambua? Nadhani mnavyowatenza ni uamsho na kumbushio tosha kuwa waamke wapambane na uovu bila kujali aliyeko nyuma ya uovu huu.  
Hata hivyo, ndata mna bahati. Kati ya vimwana waliotishiwa kuraruriwa mapaja na midog yenu angekuwamo bi mkubwa wangu mbona ningenyotoa watu roho kwa karate kung-fu, jet kune do na madudu mengine yenye majina magumu yakijapani ambayo ninayamanya kama sina akili nzuri.  
Mie ni sensei wa nguvu ati!         Huwa napiga hakuna mfano. 
Nakumbuka wakati nikisomea hii fani niliwahi kuwachapa walimu wangu mpaka wakasema kuwa hawakuwa wamewahi kuwa na mwanafunzi kama mimi. 
 Hivyo, walinipa usensei kabla ya hata kumaliza robo ya mafunzo. Hayo tuyaache.
Kwa vile ninapaswa kuwahi sehemu kupata msokoto na kichupa lau kuamsha akili, kwa leo naishia hapa niwatahadharisha ndata kuacha uonevu, vinginevyo mzee mzima nitaingia mtaani full masnonda.  Na nikiingia tusilaumiane kwa yatakayowapata.  
By the way, kama ndata wanaona siasa ni dili si waanzishe chama na kuendelea kuvaa magwanda yao kama wenzao wa Chakudema ambao wanatunishiana misuli nao wasijue kesho wanaweza kuwa mabosi wao. 

Friday 26 September 2014

Hii kitu vipi?

Picha ya wiki

Huo ndiiyo ukoo wetu. Hiyo ndiyo timu yetu. Hilo ndilo taifa letu.Ni Nkwazi nation. Ni Nesaa empire

Kibonzo cha wiki

Lower-Sir hopeless Journey

I must admit. I honestly adore those who have the courage of the mad. For, they think about unthinkable, aim at unattainable and intend to do impossible. After announcing what he called the “Journey of Hope” former big minister who lost ulaji thanks to Richmond scam, Eddie Lower-Sir (It’s pronounced Lowasa) left me baffled with disbelief.  
He called his hex a journey of hope for boozers! My foot! How dare he? Of course he’s dead right. It’s hope for him, hopelessness for boozers. There’s no hope in this political dandy’s journey of forlon hope. His Canaan is boozers’ Egypt. Thus, the whole abracadabra’s the journey to Egypt. How can a sheep celebrate to be lead to the slaughterhouse?  Has the cuss forgotten how Richmond ruined our lives due to power cuts and hikes? Does he think we’re dopes?
The bloke’s quoted as oping, “I’m very much consoled today to see many friends of mine. Tears are gushing as I see you and God willing we’ll win. For you all know my dream…as members of CcM you need not to worry, we’ll overcome with our strength.” What foppish assumptions!
True, the politico’s surrounded by swindlers bamboozled to be true friends. If anything, most of them were the good friends of his fat purse that vomited the dosh he balled out after using them.  Such good friends are not stupid. They dote on his daydream knowingly that the dude’s going nowhere. They, too, know.  They can take his money and deny him their votes. What can he do about it? Does he have anything new and different from Richmonduli? Boozers can’t allow themselves to be used in creating a breeding ground for yet more Richmonds after the guy topes power.
One boozer invoked God saying, “Let’s pray that the geezer keep on daydreaming about presidency that’ll force him to offer the dosh he got from Richmond. He’ll end up becoming bankrupt which means heart attacks.”
He went on, “The sufferings we endured under his EPA-cloned- friend-cum-partner are enough a lesson. After all, boozers are not zombies to vote for him. Importantly, dupe him by taking the money he’s using to dupe you. He buys you since he too is bought by those who engineered Richmond which turned our lives upside down. Isn't this enough?”
He went on, “Essentially, this lounge lizard’s started his journey to oblivion but not to hope.”
Another boozer chipped in, “The dude’ll soon be history. Why doesn't he accept the cuss Mzee Mchonga unleashed on him? Who wants all the same stuff every ten years by blessing swindlers to ruin us in the name of ruling us?
Of all, Joni Malisera former PM and deputy CcM chair dropped a bombshell wondering why CcM and its chair, Jake Kiquette were silent as the chappie’s humiliating the party. He urged CcM secretariat to discuss this matter and deal with the popinjay even by annulling his membership.” He said that during TaNU times they expelled four members. He added “I don’t see any hardship in doing so for Lower-Sir. I wonder about top dogs’ silence including national chairman, presider Kiquette.” Malisera’s expressly expressed everything. We can’t even ignore him due to the fact that apart from being a long time cadre, he doesn't intend to run for presidency. He tried his mojo and failed so as to accept the reality that Lower-Sir too has to accept.
Malisera went on congratulating UvCcM’s spokesperson Paul Ma-konda on his courage to take on the jay. Now that the macaroni’s already declared his intention to take this hunk to the next level, what’d we do to see to it that his journey of hope does not end up becoming our journey of hopeless? This is question is essential given that we've already suffered under his watch when he was premier.
Essentially, what the punk’s doing is likely to terribly hurt CcM that’s always pretended to take boozers for a ride little knowing that things are changing tremendously. The dude has defecated everywhere. Did you hear how the guys in cloak reacted when one fyatu told them to go and grab mshiko from the dying ass? The other day I saw some con men calling them Dar geezers going to the fella to swindle pretending they support the guy’s bid to ulaji. It’s like a Magomeni saga whereby two con men conned one another. The first had fake gold it sold to the second who paid him fake note. This is exactly what’s happening between this political wino and venal religious swindler who throng him and get away with mshiko. Again, who cares if the dosh the dude’s offering’s made illegally?
Given that the coxcomb doesn't get it, as he tells others to make tough decisions, I’d urge Eddie to do the same, abandoning self-deception of becoming boozers’ next president.
Now that the geezer’s announced his journey of “hope”, it is upon boozers to judge him as the African proverb says: You must judge a man by the work of his hands….. Richmonduli of course!
I strongly advise Lowassssa to start the journey of hope to Monduli and forget the hopeless one to Magogoni. Hata angekuja Yesu na ntume. Hushindi bwana!
Source: Business Times Sept., 26, 2014.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Ndoa ya Polisi na CCM mauti ya taifa

Ukitaka kuandamana kirahisi nchini lazima ufanye jambo moja hata kama hulitaki wala haliingii akilini. Panga maandamano ya kuunga mkono upuuzi wowote unaofanywa na wenye madaraka kama kupewa tuzo zenye mashaka au kusema mambo ya kawaida lakini yakapakwa mkorogo na kuonekana si ya kawaida. Kwa ufupi, haki ya kufanya maandamano pamoja na kuwa ya kikatiba, si ya kila mtu hasa wale wanaopinga status quo. Wakati mwingine sioni tofauti baina ya zama za Zidumu Fikra za Mwenyekiti. Hali imezidi hadi nchi inahujumiwa na deni la taifa kuongezeka huku waathirika kama vile polisi wasilione hili!
Katika nchi ya “kidemokrasia” kama yetu, kuandamana ni haki ya kila mtu ila ina masharti hata kama si ya kikatiba. Wanaotaka kuandamana bila kupigwa wala kung’atwa na mbwa wa polisi shurti waunge mkono kila kitu kinachofanywa na serikali ambayo kwa nchi za uswekeni ndio wenye hati milki ya nchi.
          Hili utaliona jinsi polisi wanavyohamanika kuzuia maandamano kuliko ujambazi na jinai nyingine ambazo zimeichafua na kuihujumu nchi yetu. Si uzushi. Kwa sasa Tanzania inasifika kama njia kuu ya kusafirishia mihadarati huku watanzania wakisifika kuwa wabebaji na wauzaji wazuri. Polisi wameshindwa kuikomesha! Ukiuliza kwanini, utaambiwa hawana vifaa hata askari wa kutosha. Jibu ni hilo hili kwa kadhia ya ujambazi ambayo inalisumbua taifa ambapo imefikia hata watu kupigwa risasi na waporaji kwa sababu tu wamechukua fedha kichele toka benki.
          Polisi wa kupambana na uhalifu hawapo, wa kupambana na wanaandamanaji wapo sana tu. Mfano, hivi karibuni ni kule Arusha ambako magari manne ya polisi yalishinda yamezingira nyumba ya Mbunge wa Arumeru Mashariki, Joshua Nassari aliyekaririwa akisema, “Mimi naishi njia ya Momera Kijiji cha Ngurdoto. Tangu asubuhi polisi wamezingira nyumba yangu nikaona ili kutosababisha maafa nisitoke.”
          Ajabu polisi hao hao wanapoitwa kwenye matukio ya wizi wanachelewa ukiachia mbali kutoa visingizio lukuki kama kutokuwa na magari au magari kutokuwa na mafuta. Ajabu inapokuja kwenye kuzuia maandamano hata kuwaua kama ilivyotokea huko Arusha Januari 2013 polisi wana zana zote. Polisi hao hao wakiitwa kwenye matukio kama ajali za moto, magari yao hayana maji na upuuzi mwingine. Ajabu wanapokwenda kupambana na waaandamanaji magari yana maji ya washawasha ya bei mbaya ikilinganishwa na maji maalumu ya kuzimia moto! Serikali nayo haina pesa ya kuwalipa walimu, ina pesa ya kununulia mabomu ya machozi na maji ya washawasha! Hata pesa ya kununulia buti za askari haina, ina ya risasi za kuwamiminia waadamanaji. Haina pesa ya kusambaza huduma za afya, ina pesa ya kununulia magari ya kuzuia fujo mbwa na upuuzi mwingine!
          Je tatizo la polisi wetu ni vifaa na nguvu kazi au utashi tokana na kuchagua kutumiwa kisiasa badala ya kitaaluma? Je huu si ushahidi kuwa wengi wa wanaoteuliwa kuongoza jeshi la polisi ama polisi wenyewe ni makada, wanachama hata mashabiki wa chama tawala? Je hapa kuna utawala bora na wa sheria au uimla? Je polisi hawa hawana kadi za chama walizoficha wakionyesha ukereketwa wazi?  Haiingii akili kuona jeshi letu la polisi linapata sifa mbovu ya kuhujumu demokrasia na lisijisute. Je polisi hawajui kuwa si kila amri ni amri halali au ni ile hali ya jeshi kujazwa watu wenye elimu pungufu ukiachia mbali wengi kuw andugu wa polisi?
          Wakati umefika wa kutaka mabadiliko makubwa kwenye jeshi la polisi linalopaswa kuwa la umma na si la chama tawala kama ilivyo. Inakuwa vigumu kutofautisha polisi na wapenzi, makada na wanachama wa CCM. Kama hujuma hii itaendelea vurugu za kwanza zenye kulivuruga taifa zitaanzishwa na tabia ya polisi ya kulalia upande mmoja jambo ambalo ni kinyume cha sheria.
          Japo wanaowatumia polisi na wanaojiruhusu kutumika vibaya waweza kujiridhisha kuwa watazima sauti za umma, watafanya hivyo kwa muda. Mambo yamebadilika. Welewa na madai ya wananchi vimeongezeka. Vijana wanataka atakayewapa hakikisho la kupata ajira na maisha bora. Wataunga mkono yoyote bila kujali ni chama tawala au pinzani. Na hali ilivyo, kutokana na uchovu wa miaka nenda rudi, ufisadi na kuishiwa visheni kwa chama tawala, mbadala wake uko kwenye upinzani. Hili ndilo linafanya chama tawala kuwatumia polisi kukinusuru bila kujua kuwa zamu itafika na polisi nao watajitambua na kujiona kama waathirika na kuachana na kutumiwa kama nepi.
          Tuliyaona haya DRC zama za kuangushwa kwa jambazi wa nchi ile Joseph Mobutu. Tuliyashuhudia Misri alipodondosha imla wa kule Hosni Mubarak. Ni bahati mbaya, watawala wetu wamenogewa ulaji kiasi cha kujisahau wakapingana na ukweli unatokana na wale wanaowanyanyasa. Polisi hawawezi kuendelea kupiga, kuamru mbwa wang’ate watu na kuuwa bado watu wakawapenda au kuwavumilia. Watawachukia tu na wale wanaowatumia. Bila kujitambua, polisi wetu wataliangamiza taifa nao wakiwamo. Maana ukiangalia ufisadi unavyoongezeka huku deni la taifa likifura na kutuathiri wote wakimwamo hata hao polisi, unashangaa mantiki ya jeshi la polisi. Hawaoni kuwa wanaowalinda wanazidisha umaskini wakati wao wakijineemesha? Je tatizo ni njaa ya ubongo au upogo wa kimfumo ambapo wengi wa wanaoshughulika na ulinzi na usalama wanafundishwa woga wa kijinga kiasi cha kubariki hata jinai?  Inakuwaje polisi wanavunja katiba kwa kuzuia maandamano wakati wakijua fika kinachopingwa ni cha kweli na halisi wasistuke? Inahitaji darasa kubwa kuliko hili.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima  Sept., 24, 2014.

Kijiwe kufanya matamasha ya akili

Baada ya wanakijiwe kupiga kele bila kueleweka wala kusikika, wamegundua kuwa kumbe tatizo pamoja na kuwa na utawala msonge na mchafu,ni wachovu wenyewe yaani wanakaya.  Hivyo wamekuja na mbinu ya kupamban an hali iliyopo hasa kuweza kuokoa kaya kwa kuzuia utwahuti unaoendelea kufanywa na akina Njaa Kaya, Mura Were-ma, Saada Mkuyati, Sam Sixx na manyang’au wengine.
          Mgosi Machungi baada ya kuamkua anasema, “Timechoka kugeuzwa kaya vibua tukiiwa na kila wasaka tonge. Baada ya kusukuti ni kwanini kaya yetu has gone to dogs, nimegundua kuwa tatizo ni wana kaya wenyewe.”
Msomi Mkatatamaa aliyekuwa ametoka kumwonyesha Mijjinga jinsi gunia lilivyomchubua, anakatua mic na kusema akimtazama Mgosi, “Umegundua nini?”
 “Nimegundua kuwa kumbe akii za watu wetu zimevia kutokana na kuchezewa mahepe. Kama utachunguza utagundua kuwa kia kuna mwaka matamasha ya kutafuta vipaji vya kunengua, mibaba kukuna nazi, kuchoma nyama, kukimbiza kuku, kunywa bia na upuuzi mwingine. Je timeidhika kuwa kaya ya wanangeuaji?
“Da Mgosi kweli wewe ni daktari nimeamini!” Anachomekea Mbwamwitu.
“Kwani siku zote uikuwa hujui! Mimi ni daktai wa kwei kuiko akina Merry Nyagu, Makoongo Muhanga, Emmy Nchimbi na wengine wengi waioghushi.”
Mbwamwitu anachomekea kwa utani, “Hebu muuza mmwagie Mgosi hadi azimie.”
Mgosi hakubali. Anakatua mic, “Kijana chunga tabia yako. Unawezaje kusema eti animwagie hadi nizimie?”
“Mgosi usinielewe vibaya. Namaanisha akuwekee kahawa hadi uchoke mwenyewe.” Anajitete Mbwamwitu.
Msomi kuona utani unaanza kuharibu hoja anakwanyua mic, “Kusema ukweli uchambuzi na utafiti wako umefumbua mcho. Japo najua vyanzo vingi vya matatizo ya watu wetu, sikujua hili kusema ule ukweli pamoja na utaalamu wangu.
Mgosi anatabasamu huku akibwia kahawa yake na kashata. Meno yote nje akifurahi kumwagiwa ujiko.
Msomi anaendelea, “Hivi ukichunguza baina ya vijana na wazee nani anaathirika na upuuzi unaoendelea? Wazee wengi tena hawa wanaotuburuza kama wataishi sana hawawezi kuzidi miaka 20. Je, kwa mfano, wanapochakachua ambayo itakuwapo miaka 100 ijayo anayeathirika vibaya ni nani?”
Wanakijiwe wanajibu, “Vijana.”
Anaendelea, “Je kwa sasa ni nani wanakula utamu wa kaya hasa wenye ajira zao binafsi na watu wao?”
Wanakijiwe wanajibu tena, “Wazee.”
Je ni nani waliasisi matatizo hasa ya ufisadi tunaoshuhudia?”
Wanakijiwe wanajibu kwa pamoja isipokuwa Sofia Lion aka Kanunga embe na Kanji, “Wazee.”
Je ni nani wanaoonyesha kuishiwa mawazo, kupitwa wakati na kukataa kukua,?”
Kama kwa wanakijiwe wanajibu kwa pamoja isipokuwa wale mahabithi wawili, “Wazee.”
“Je ni nani atalipa zigo la madeni wanalosababisha kwa kukopa kuiba na kutanua?”
Wanajibu, “Vijana.”
Msomi anaendelea bila kuulizwa swali, “Ukilinganisha majibu mliyotoa, utagundua kuwa kuna pande mbili kuu yaani walaji ambao wengi ni wazee na watakaolipa wasichokula ambao ni vijana. Kwa taarifa yenu vijana, watoto na akina mama ndiyo wengi kayani na ndiyo wenye kuteseka kwa makosa yaw engine. Je ni kitu gani kimewafanya waridhike na jinai hii?”
Kila mmoja anatafuta jibu. Mijjinga anakuwa wa kwanza kujibu, “Nadhani kama alivyobainisha mtaalamu Mgosi, tatizo ni la makundi haya kuchezewa kiakili kwa kupewa fursa za kufanya upuuzi badala ya mambo ya maana kama alivyoyaorodhesha kitaalam Mgosi.”
Mpemba aliyekuwa ameshika tama muda mrefu anachangia, “Yakhe mmemfumbua macho wallahi. Kumbe hawa waungwanaa watutumia ili tuangamie baadaye! Naelewa sasa ni kwanini wakiambwa waache kukopa na kutanua hawasikii wala kujali.”
Mipawa ambaye alikuwa naye hajasema kitu anaamua kula mic, “Kumbe hapa lazima tufanye mapinduzi ya kifikra. Lazima tuanzishe utamaduni mpya kwa kuanza kuangalia mambo kwa jicho la uasi na ukali badala ya kuwaamini wapuuzi wachache waliotuangusha. Hapa lazima kifanyike kitu haraka kuokoa kaya yetu ili kupambana na huu upuuzi wa kugeuzwa vikaragosi.”
Kabla ya Mipawa kuendelea Mgosi anauma mic na kusema, “Tinahitaji kutafuta vipaji vya akili na kufikiri ili kuokoa kaya yetu toka kwenye mikono michafu ya majambazi na wabangaizaji. Hapa azima vipaji vitakavyotafutwa viwe si vya kuhoji tu bali kutenda mambo kwa kuangaia mbai na si usawa wa tumbo kama iivyo sasa.”
Kapende naye anadakia kwa vile hajasema kutokana na kuwa akiandika ujumbe kwenye simu yake, “Hapa lazima tukubaliane kuwa Mgosi ametangaza mapinduzi na vita dhidi ya hawa nuda wala watu. Jeshi la kufanya haya mapinduzi na makamanda wa kuliongoza tupo. Kwanini tushindwe huku tukiendelea kulalamikia wahuni waliotajwa hapo juu wakati tuna kila sababu na uwezo wa kuwapiga chini? Lazima tutangaze mapinduzi leo.”
Kabla ya kuendelea kila mmoja anampigia makofi kutokana na jazba, ngoa na usongo anavyoonyesha.
Sofi ambaye alikuwa amenuna muda wote anaamua kula mic. “Hakuna cha mapinduzi wala nini bali uchochezi mtupu. Nadhani nyinyi mmechoka na amani.”
Mijjinga hamkawizi, “Amani ya kuliwa yamfaa kuku si mwanadamu dada yangu.”
Kanji anachomekea haraka haraka, “Sasa nyinyi taka shida kwa dugu na toto yenu. Kama nafanya pinduzi mimi kwenda Bombay au hamia Kenya hadi yote tulia.”
Mzee Maneno anamjibu, “Ni kweli Kanji. Kwani una uchungu gani na hapa wakati hapajawahi kuwa kwenu isipokuwa kwenye kuchuma?”
Kijiwe kikiwa kinaanza kunoga tuliona gari la Po Chagonjwa tukaamua tumkabili kumpa displine aache unazi wa kipuuzi.
Chanzo: Tanzania Daima Sept., 24, 2014.

Sunday 21 September 2014

I dare Sumaye to decouple CCM

        In testing the waters, former PM Freddie Sumaye left many puzzled. He’s recently quoted as asserting that shall corruption exceeds in Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), he’ll walk away from it. In simple parlance, he’ll abandon the sinking dinghy. He didn't say where he’ll go though. Some think. He’s but politically marooned. For, they add that if he’d anywhere to go he’d have already jumped the ship.  Is really Sumaye stranded or he’s trying to pave the way for his walkaway?
Others ask: Does it mean CCM became tarnished after Sumaye vacated office. Is it better than thou mentality or political-hat tricks to be seen as an anti-graft crusader that he’s nary been? Is it better said that done or Sumaye seriously means what he says? If so, doesn't Sumaye see how the said corruption’s already exceeded any tolerable and imaginable proportions? What does he want to see if such a simple and visible thing even birds know of? Those who think that corruption’s already exceeded tolerable proportions think Sumaye’s wasting time and opportunity shall he cling unto CCM.
          Is it true that Sumaye doesn’t know CCM’s bedfellows in the matter he’s raised? We’ll try to jog his mind a little bit so that he can think about his alternative move. In the field of Conflict Resolution we call this BATNA which stands for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement or safe walkaway.
          Being people who back their assertions with solid and irrefutable evidence, boozers want to jog Sumaye’s mind by furnishing him with evidence to thwart his too-late-too-little stance.
Firstly, in 2005 shortly after the rigged results of the general elections were announced, it’s alleged that CCM robbed our coffers under what’s later known as EPA scandal. Ironically, CCM’s nary wanted to mount its defence, refute or admit such allegations. In this theft, boozers lost a cool $ 131,000,000/- for a begging hunk such an amount is humongous. What boozers remember is that president Jake Kiquette pardon those involved in this crime by urging to return back the spoils. Though this it totally against the law, who else’d question the power however implicated as it was and still is?
Secondly, apart from EPA, Kigoma South MP David Kafulila, once again, implicated some CCM cadres and top CCM govt’s officials in what is now known as ESCROW scandal whereby over 200/- billion was stolen.  Implicated was Freddie Werema who called Kafulila a monkey before he threatened to behead Kafulila. Others are Prof. Sossie Muhongo and his permanent secretary, A Liar Kim Maswi, Saada Mkuyati, Prof. Benny Ndururu and Felchemistry Mramba. Methinks Sumaye knows all this too well.
Thirdly, it came to light recently that CCM offered some kickbacks to Members of the Constituency Assembly to induce them to support its two-tier system of administration as opposed to three-tier one championed by the opposition. Ironically, when Ezekiel Wenje fired such allegations, CCM didn't refute them. Mentioned in this scandal were Big minister mzee Mizengwe Pinder, prof J4 Maghembe, Dr. School Kawambwa and Gauddie Kabaka who were said to have offered things like beer, food, soft drinks, drinking water and envelopes chock-full with cash. Does it mean Sumaye didn't hear even this just recent episode? Wenje’s allegation was backed by  another though controversial heshimiwa Joni Chibuda who's quoted as saying, “It is true there are some members who have been called to plot with our leaders to move us away from important thing.  It is better this should be stopped so that we can do the job people sent us to do.” How can Sumaye elide such vivid evidence from reality?
More on CCM, it was alleged last year that CCM cadres were receiving kickbacks from local govts. Mentioned were Goddie Zambi who was then promoted, Zabeiiin Mhiita and Ommy Badweeell who faces corruption charges. Does Sumaye need some specialized help to translate such sorts of things? He wants corruption to exceed. Well sir. What do you call this when the situation worsens so as Hishimiwas to ask for kickbacks from local govts?
By furnishing Sumaye with a few examples out of a milliard, I am sure he will be able to see how late he is as far as abandoning CCM is concerned. Failure to act now, he will be seen as issuing political statements in order to gain notoriety without any merit. Whether corruption has exceeded proportions in the ranks or not, we leave this for Sumaye to decide after exploring the width and breadth of the matter and use his own criteria that need to be scientific logical and acceptable based on what everybody sees on ground.
Suffice it to say, we've offered Sumaye an alternative by displaying the whole situation his party is in as far as corruption is concerned. We thus believe that he’ll avoid ping pong by springing to action to meet his words that he’s to live up to.  Sumaye, I dare you walk away from CCM.
Source: ThisDay Sept 22, 2014.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Will Zitto Kabwe get away with murder?

          The media recently reported what can be referred to as an admission from Kigoma North MP, Zitto Kabwe. By the look of things, Kabwe seems to have seen the light though a little bit late. He’s quoted accusing courtiers to have antagonized him with Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA) Chair, Freeman Mbowe. This is after CHADEMA’s cleaver fell on him after being accused of blackmailing the party. Again, looking at the mess Kabwe’s already and the way he’s been struggling to eat humble pie, is it possible for CHADEMA to bite the bullet, forgive and forget or stink to their guns?
Kabwe’s quoted as saying, “I have no problem with Mbowe, I believe he will one day discover that his handlers affected us and they are the ones who pushed us to this.” Is this statement sincere and true? Who’s trying to fool who on the whole issue known even to birds? Well, well, Kabwe you might have no problem (s) with Mbowe. But you’ve many problems with CHADEMA. If you say this, maybe we might subscribe to it. So too, you’re only accusing Mbowe’s handlers, what of yours? Is the problem basically handlers or your personal ambitions and mess? Does it mean allegations that you plotted to sabotage the party are mere denigrations and hogwash? When did you become aware of this? Why lately just like now?
Do you remember how you were all over Facebook saying untrue things as a part of your vendetta? Why did you do that while you knew there’s no “problem” with Mbowe?
Many’d like to know what you’ve to say regarding allegations that you plotted to sabotage the party. So too, they’d like to see mounting defence on allegations that you’re used by Chama Cha Maulaji (CCM) which they say gave you a lot of dosh.
Others think your attempts are too little, too late. They openly say that you committed sacrilege at the time the party needed your support. Others, however, think that you can be all loosey goosey and iron things out and go on with your marriage.  Doing so is seen as getting away with murder on your side thanks to the magnitude of the offence you committed. Again, in politics, there are permanent interests but not permanent enemies.
For those in on, what’s truly going on between CHADEMA and Kabwe will agree with us that the source of this entire imbroglio is the document that the party discovered authored by Kabwe and other. CHADEMA didn’t mince words. It said that the authors of the documents plotted to topple the top brass and sabotage the party.
Up to this point, does it mean that Kabwe’s discovered that his attempt to form the Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT) will come a cropper, thus, forcing him to make a U-turn? Will CHADEMA subscribe to his sobs and pleadings? Suppose they forgive him. Will they trust him again? Will he hit back later at the time of need?
Looking at the real situation, Kabwe is in hot soup trying to get out of it unscathed something next to a miracle. I don’t see any loophole he can use to get out of the mess he is in really. You can see this in his admission quoted saying, “This is the way I see and don’t wonder to find us working together in the future. I have already forgotten everything, I cried in umrah (pilgrimage to Mecca) and I have forgiven everything.” Many will still ask. If you forgot and forgave everything, why then are you making noises wantonly? Do you think there’ll those you’ll dupe so as to empathize with you sir? Will CHADEMA reciprocate equally and in the same manner especially given that sabotaging the party is next to sacrilege?
While Kabwe is trying to seek the mercy from CHADEMA, there some who think that instead of blaming Mbowe’s handlers, Kabwe needs somewhat to blame himself especially his quest for power. This can be seen in his admission saying, “One of things alleged against me is that I am being used by CCM, but it has never happened one of the leaders of that party to invite me to join it.” Will such simplistic assertion soften CHADEMA’s stance? Why doesn’t Kabwe demand the substantiation of the allegations by all those accusing him and instead he’s taking refuge on hoo-ha that no CCM leader has ever invited him to join the party? If I were Kabwe, I’d either keep mum or find another job, especially, teaching as he once vowed to do before jumping a smoking gun. Again, will Kabwe get away with murder really as he tried to enchant the world?
Source: The Guardian.