The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 9 October 2019


Image result for cartoons of nyerere and magufuliDear Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, I sincerely and dolefully toast you today on the 20th commemoration of your demise. Years have quickly lapsed since your untimely demise occurred. Again, I still vividly remember you as if you left just yesterday. How could I stop remembering you while the gap you left behind’s always haunted me? How could I, if at all, your emancipatory policies are still something I miss badly. I badly miss your Ujamaa and Kujitegemea (Self-reliance and Socialism) that’s pointlessly replaced by Uhujumaa and Kujimegea (Corruption and Self-serving), which, at least, president John Magufuli is trying to take on head on.
Mwalimu, I know.  You don't know who this guy Magufuli is. For, he came after your demise. In a nutshell, this guy is the current president who emulates you in deeds and words. Do you know that now the city of Dar has a bridge across Kigamboni peninsula is now connected to Ferry? Guess what. The bridge connecting Kigamboni was named after you. It is Nyerere Bridge. It is one of a few symbols that show Dar as an ultra modern city. As for your beloved city of Ugogoni aka Dodoma you wanted to be the capital city of Tanzania is now shinning. That project of moving to Dodoma that failed many regimes after yours is now a reality. All ministries minus the man himself have already moved to Dodoma. He too said had it not been for the illness of his bi Mkubwa, he'd already have landed there to lead by example.
To be precise, this guy has proved to be as tough as an old boot when it comes to dealing with shark of corruption in the country. Those who wrongly daydreamed that they were untouchable are behind the bars wailing like babies. Another thing, Mwl, revenue collections are swelling as the day go by. This is because this guy Magufuli doesn't budge when it comes to hiring and firing. He has neither enemy nor friend. He can hire a person today and fire him or her today shall he find that such a person is wanting. This way of doing things has seen many people change their mazoea to mazoezi ya kuchapa kazi. They are now really working hard.
Mwalimu, I uniquely remember free social services such as education health and all those goodies. Ironically, those who received free education are shamelessly vending it now. Well, well. Human beings are very forgetful and myopic creatures.  I vividly remember how you kept tabs on corrupt leaders. I truly still remember how you nationalized houses from imported thieves soon after attaining independence. You did all that to see to it that at least some if not all of our people’d have roofs over their heads.
Mwalimu, when I remember how those factories and projects you started to end up dubiously sold to wolves that used to pretend to be sheep are now being reclaimed by this guy Magufuli. Investment is now becoming investment but not the conduit for robbing the paupers as it used to be sometimes back. 
Mwalimu, we used to say that the absence of the cat makes rats take over and do whatever they want.After the arrival of Magufuli we no longer say so. For, the cat is back and rats are in trouble once again. As I am writing, all rats are cursing. This is what we evidence today. We know. So too, they know verily. The Judas are now paying through their noses today as we commemorate you!  Sacrilegious as it is, this is what’s going on mwalimu.
Mwalimu, Magufuli is now reclaiming all resources you protected. He recently erected a wall around Mererani and created more national parks after discovering that those we used to call reserves were used to rob our country. Further, centers for buying and selling minerals have been created throughout the country. As if it wasn't enough, one of the new national park is named after you as a token for keeping these natural resources. As I am writing, gold is no longer exported without being refined. Guess what. International thugs used to use the ploy of exporting it under the pretext of going to smelt and separate it while actually they were robbing us days and nights. 
Mwalimu, we now have a big problem revolving around your commemoration and emulation. We recently have seen some dirty elements pretending they emulate you while they actually lampoon you.What we evidenced since you physically departed is like seeing devils going to Mwitongo to defecate saint’s grave. They pose for photo ops on your grave. They’ve always desecrated your eternal abode. Everybody who wants to dupe our bin-Adams runs to Mwitongo so that he or she can be seen as your disciple while he or she actually is your traitor.  You’ll see them undeservedly competing for going there to mess and disservice you even more. When they do this, their hearts gnash them for this jiggery pockery. It doesn’t mean that they don’t know that what they do is dupery and criminal wrong doing. They abuse you this way.
Mwalimu, there’s a couple of things I’d like to tell you. Do you remember the buggers who robbed us when we faced power shortages? Let me remind you. Those are the thugs who brought one dirty power production utility situated in Tegeta spewing smokes days and nights. After discovering that the whole thing was a hoax, many governments that followed after the one that came after yours seemed to fear to take them on. But when Magufuli stepped in, those guys are now rotting behind bars. Further, Mwalimu, nowadays ethics has returned back and working hard is the name of the game. Those who used to turn their offices into vijiwes now have their teeth gnashing. Tanzanians are now working hard and their president is no longer globetrotting begging as it used to be before.
Mwalimu, good news, nowadays education from grade one to high school is free. No kids is staying at home simply his or her parents are unable to pay school fees. Neither is any person being expelled from hospital or dispensary simply he or she is unable to pay for medicines.
Mwalimu, as well, many roads have been constructed to international levels. Before I forget, currently Tanzania is constructing the standard gauge Railway (SGR) that will connect Tanzania with Burundi, the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda. As well, there is a company known as REA that has electrified rural areas. It is no longer a myth to find thatched houses lit up. Air Tanzania that you found and some of your fickle and untrustworthy lieutenants killed is now well and alive after Magufuli purchasing eight brand new planes.
Mwalimu, I know. You've a lot of letters to read. I thus pray that I humbly wind up this message wishing you eternal peace. Importantly, as you died saying that you feared and felt for your people, lest assured they are now in good hands of John Pombe Magufuli who was in school when you resigned. Please, please please Mwalimu. Pray for your people so that they can understand your vision that now Magufuli has rekindled theoretically and practically.

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