Inadvertently, last
week’s article kind
of ‘jumped the
queue’ to discuss
the army mutiny
of January 1964;
when there were
other momentous governance
events in President
Nyerere’s first year
in office, 1963,
which are worth
putting on permanent
record. Hence, for
the purpose of
orderly chronological presentation
of events, we
will go back
to those momentous
events of President
Nyerere’s first year
in office; which
was, coincidentally, also
my first year
in office as
Clerk of the
National Assembly, becoming
the first Tanzanian
chief executive officer (CEO)
of that highly
respected Constitutional establishment.
The following
were the major
momentous events of
that period:
The resettlement of
the rural population
into new, well
organized, village settlements.
(ii) The making
of a new
Constitution, ( that made provision
for a democratic,
One-Party State). (iii)
The formation of a long
lasting Political Union
between Tanganyika and
Zanzibar. (iv) The
1965 general elections,
(which demonstrated to
the whole world
that “Single-Party Democracy”
was, indeed, a viable
political option). I
am a credible
witness to all
of these events;
because of my
personal involvement in the administration of
the relevant Legislative
processes that had
to be undertaken
for their finalization.
The beginnings
of the Villageization programme.
“villageization policy” was first
announced by President
Nyerere in his inaugural
address to the
National Assembly on 10th December,
1962; wherein he
said the following: “ukiniuliza Serikali
yetu imepanga kufanya
nini katika
miaka michache ijayo,
jibu langu ni
rahisi sana. Ni
kwamba katika miaka michache ijayo,
Serikali itafanya kila liwezekanalo, ili kuwezesha wakulima
wa Tanganyika waishi
katika vijiji, utartibu
ambao utaiwezesha Serikali
kuwapatia kwa urahisi
zaidi, mahitaji ambayo ni
muhimu kwa ajili
ya kuboresha maisha
implementation of that
policy started immediately,
with the establishment
of the “Rural
Settlements Commission Act,
1963”, which was tasked
with the responsibility for
establishing new, properly
organized, ‘village settlements’;
wherein the rural residents
would enjoy the
modern life styles,
similar to those enjoyed
by their
urban counterparts; such
as the availability
of electricity, piped
clean water supplies,
and within- easy- reach primary education
facilities, for their
children. Unfortunately, this
initial experiment of
‘Village Settlements’ ended
in total failure,
as a result
of the administrative blunders
committed by the
relevant implementing Agency,
the Rural Settlement
Commission, of making
them too ‘capital
intensive’ investments, which
went far beyond
the capability of
the Government to
fund their establishment
throughout the country.
making of a
new Constitution.
President Nyerere
took the earliest
opportunity, at the
first meeting for
that year of
the TANU National
Executive Committee, which
was held in
January 1963; present
his cherished
proposal for the
country to have
a new, democratic,
One-Party State
Constitution. The meeting
unanimously adopted his
proposal, and also
authorized him, in his
capacity as President
of the country,
to appoint a
‘Presidential Constitutional Commission’,
which would be
tasked with the
responsibility to prepare
proposals, and recommendations, for
the Constitution of
such a democratic,
One-Party State.
And because he
wanted to get
the process started
as quickly as
possible, he fast-tracked
the appointment of the
said Commission, and
announced its members
towards the end
of the same
month, on 28th January,
view of the
general understanding that is now
prevailing in the
world, which tends
to equate democracy
with multi-party politics, Mwalimu
Nyerere’s desire for a Constitutional ‘One
Party democracy’ needs
to be explained.
Basically, it
was based on the
search for a
practical solution to
what he considered
to be a
failure of multi-party
democracy in Tanganyika
at that time;
arising from the
results of the
two multi-party general elections which
were held in Tanganyika before
independence, in 1958/59;
and in 1960.
In both cases,
the majority of
the voters country wide had become
disenfranchised, for the
reason only that because
of TANU’s huge
popularity, most of its candidates
were elected unopposed. For
example, in the
1960 parliamentary elections,
TANU candidates were
elected unopposed in
58 of the
seventy-one constituents that
were available, thus
no voting took place
in all of
those constituencies.
In such
circumstances, Mwalimu Nyerere
felt that this
disenfranchisement of voters
was undemocratic; and
therefore a problem
that required a
solution. He also felt that
the best solution
lay in creating
democratic competition within TANU itself, by
crafting a Constitution
which would make
provision for that
to happen.
Presidential Constitutional Commission
took two years
to complete the
task that had
been assigned to
it, and presented
its final report
to the President
on 22nd March,
1965. And that, is
what gave birth
to the One-party
Tanzania Constitution of 1965.
The momentous events of 1964: The birth of a new country, and a new nation.
The momentous events of 1964: The birth of a new country, and a new nation.
Peoples’ Republic of
Zanzibar, and the
Republic of Tanganyika,
shall upon Union
Day, and forever
after, be united
into one sovereign
These are
precise words of
section 4 of
the a statute
titled “The Tanganyika
and Zanzibar Union
Act” (no.
22 of 1964);
which was enacted by
the Parliament of the Republic
of Tanganyika on 25th April,
1964. I would like
to draw our younger
readers’ special attention
to the specific
words shall be
united upon Union
Day “and forever
after”; which partly
accounts for the
continued stable existence
of our Union,
so many years
after half a
century since its
establishment; and still
going strong.
This action
by the Tanganyika
Parliament, was preceded
by the passage
of an identical
legislation, titled “The Zanzibar
and Tanganyika Union
Law, 1964”; by the
Zanzibar Revolutionary Council
on the morning
of the same
day, 25th April, 1964;
and was subsequently
published in the
Union Government Gazette as
GN 243 of
The two
pieces of legislation
were enacted separately
for the purpose
of ratifying the
Agreement for uniting
the two countries,
which had been
signed earlier by
Presidents Julius Kambarage
Nyerere of the
Republic of Tanganyika,
and Abeid Amani
Karume of the People’s Republic
of Zanzibar, on 22nd April,
1964. That Agreement
had specified that
the Union “shall
be governed by an
interim Constitution, pending
the enactment of
a permanent Constitution”; and
further that “it
shall come into
existence on the day
following that Agreement’s
ratification by respectively
by the Legislatures of
the two countries”.
That is
why 26th Aril
became the birth
date of our
Union, or “Union
then, that is
when, and how,
an entirely new
country called “The
United Republic of
Tanzania”, and the
new nation of “
sisi Watanzania” came
into existence; this being
a proud creation
of the people
of these countries
themselves; and not
that of the
colonial powers who
met in Berlin
in 1884, created
the boundaries of
African countries, and
proceeded to divide
these countries among
themselves, for their
colonial domination and
inauguration of the
First Five-year Development
In my
capacity as Clerk
of the National
Assembly, I was
present therein when
President Nyerere arrived,
on 12th May,
1964, to inaugurate
Tanzania’s first five-year
development Plan. It may be helpful
to also explain,
that soon after
Mwalimu Nyerere had
taken over full
responsibility for managing
the affairs of
Tanganyika, upon the
achievement of independence
in December 1961;
he had invited
Sir Ernest Vassey ,
a British national
who at that
time was serving
in the colonial
Government of Kenya;
to become his
Minister of Finance,
and given him
the added responsibility for
developing a short-term,
three- year development plan,
for Tanganyika.
Sir Ernest
did, indeed, produce
such a Plan;
but, in view
of the prevailing
circumstances at the
material time, plus
the fact that
all the funds
required for the
implementation of that
plan were expected
to be provided
by the British
Government; the said
Plan had, of
necessity, relied heavily
on the World
Bank recommendations that
had been issued
in respect of Tanganyika’s economic
However, that
was not quite
satisfactory for Mwalimu
Nyerere; whose aspiration
was for Tanganyika’s development
to be more
people-centered, aimed at
upgrading the people’s
quality of life,
plus the achievement,
in the long
run, of the
country’s self reliance.
Thus, when he came to Parliament to inaugurate the first five-year plan, whose preparation he had closely supervised himself, he was vividly exuberant, and full of hope and confidence, that his cherished objectives would probably be achieved through the successful implementation of this Plan. His is evidenced in parts of his speech on that occasion, wherein he said the following: “Mpango huu una maana sana kwa nchi yetu. Uhuru ulitupatia nafasi ya kujiletea maendeleo yetu sisi wenyewe. Nafasi hiyo sasa ni lazima itumike, kwa kuliweka Taifa letu katika misingi imara ya kuwa na watu wenye afya bora, walioelimika, na walioondokana na umaskini Mpango huu wa miaka mitano, unaonesha njia tutakazozipitia ili kufikia shabaha hizo”. “Kupanga ni kuchagua” is one of Mwalimu Nyerere’s well known metaphors. He used it for the first time in the course of this speech. But, unfortunately, despite his enthusiastic optimism, luck was not always on his side. There were obvious constraining factors which had apparently been overlooked; the main ones being: the lack of sufficient trained manpower in many of the Plan areas; and, even more serious, the heavy dependence on foreign donors and loans for the Plan’s implementation.
For example, when Tanzania suddenly broke diplomatic relations with Britain in December 1965, on a quarrel over the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by its Southern Rhodesia colony, resulted in the suspension, or cancellation, of a substantial loan amounting to seven and a half million sterling pounds, which had been expected to be secured from Britain, for the implementation of some of the projects which had been envisaged in that Plan. The 1965 general elections: A vital test for the “one-Party democracy” argument.
Thus, when he came to Parliament to inaugurate the first five-year plan, whose preparation he had closely supervised himself, he was vividly exuberant, and full of hope and confidence, that his cherished objectives would probably be achieved through the successful implementation of this Plan. His is evidenced in parts of his speech on that occasion, wherein he said the following: “Mpango huu una maana sana kwa nchi yetu. Uhuru ulitupatia nafasi ya kujiletea maendeleo yetu sisi wenyewe. Nafasi hiyo sasa ni lazima itumike, kwa kuliweka Taifa letu katika misingi imara ya kuwa na watu wenye afya bora, walioelimika, na walioondokana na umaskini Mpango huu wa miaka mitano, unaonesha njia tutakazozipitia ili kufikia shabaha hizo”. “Kupanga ni kuchagua” is one of Mwalimu Nyerere’s well known metaphors. He used it for the first time in the course of this speech. But, unfortunately, despite his enthusiastic optimism, luck was not always on his side. There were obvious constraining factors which had apparently been overlooked; the main ones being: the lack of sufficient trained manpower in many of the Plan areas; and, even more serious, the heavy dependence on foreign donors and loans for the Plan’s implementation.
For example, when Tanzania suddenly broke diplomatic relations with Britain in December 1965, on a quarrel over the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by its Southern Rhodesia colony, resulted in the suspension, or cancellation, of a substantial loan amounting to seven and a half million sterling pounds, which had been expected to be secured from Britain, for the implementation of some of the projects which had been envisaged in that Plan. The 1965 general elections: A vital test for the “one-Party democracy” argument.
the 1965 general elections
turned out to be
a vital test
for Mwalimu Nyerere’s
argument, that ‘One-Party
democracy’ was a
viable political option.
For that reason, two things happened:
Firstly, President Nyerere
himself, being keenly
aware of this
fact, directed that
maximum attention be focused
on the need for absolute
fairness in all
the aspects of
that election exercise.
The relevant aspects
included: (i) the
crafting of an
Electoral Law which
would ensure the
availability of strict fairness to all
the participating parties;
(ii) the management
of the whole
process by the
TANU, particularly the
selection of candidates,
and the campaign
stage; and (iii)
the management of
the entire process by
the Director of
Elections, (that was myself).
It was
in the management
of that delicate
exercise, that fortune
smiled on me. Will
be continued next
Source: Daily News and Cde Msekwa Himself.
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