The Curse for Salvation
Saturday, 29 October 2022
Kenya’s fake democracy Part 1
President William Ruto holds a sword received from former Commander in Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces Uhuru Kenyatta at Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani, on September 13, 2022. As it turns out, Mr Ruto retained control of the right and centre-right chunk of the state.
By Makau Mutua Professor at SUNY Buffalo Law School and Chair of the KHRC.What you need to know:
- Raila underestimated the implacable foes of the right and centre-right forces within the state.
- The forces of the right and centre-right grouped within the state under then DP Ruto made sure that Mr Kenyatta wouldn’t successfully realise his desire of moving power from its traditional bastions.
- Most senior officials in the right and the centre-right faction that Mr Kenyatta had elevated to the highest echelons betrayed him and rigged the election against Mr Odinga and Azimio la Umoja.
Africans – and Kenyans may sit atop the list – suffer from the self-bigotry of small expectations. It’s a form of self-hatred and pity. Many, if not most, of us are tormented by the curse of fatalism. There’s an innate belief that things will go bad, even when the heavens seem to beckon.
As a materialist, I have no doubt it’s not our consciousness that determines our existence, but our social existence that determines our consciousness. The Ubuntu philosophy coined by Prof John Mbiti, the renowned African scholar of theology, clearly stated that “I am because we are.”
That is to say, we don’t live in atomic isolation, but in the community that moulds us. If we live in harsh or treacherous terrain, we shall be wily survivalists not anchored in any firm principles. That’s because our survival will be our north star.
If we live in plenty, we are spoilt for choice, allowing us to be deliberative about our existence. We are who we are not by choice, but by circumstance.
Four traumas
Fatalism plays an outsize role in the African mind because of the four traumas that have afflicted us. The first was the trauma of enslavement by Arabs and white Europeans and Americans.
The second trauma was that of colonialism in which we suffered under the boot of the white man in some cases for four centuries.
The third was the trauma of post-colonialism in which African-led states and elites cannibalised us in cahoots with the West and the East in the era of the Cold War.
The fourth is the current trauma of globalisation in which we’ve been left further behind in what’s now known as the Fourth World. We aren’t even part of the Third World anymore. We are traumatised people. Our own humanity has been deeply compromised. We can’t proceed as though we haven’t been deeply violated. If we do, we will not recover the innocence of our lost humanity.
Typically, people who are traumatised internalise the trauma and train the guns on each other in a circular firing squad. That’s what we have been doing in Kenya since 1963. We play a zero-sum game against each other. The most poignant example of our self-cannibalisation happens in every electoral cycle.
In our case, the right and centre-right have been very good at keeping state power out of the hands of the left and the centre-left. The latter has never held power in Kenya.
Hook or crook
In Kenya, the right and centre-right have “won” elections by hook or crook – usually by crook. In only two elections – 1963 and 2002 – where the right and centre-right and the left and centre-left came together were elections deemed “free and fair”.
Even in those affairs, the levers of power were held by the right and centre right. In 2007, the right and centre-right stole the elections. In 2013, the same group manipulated the elections to their advantage. In 2017, the same thing happened but Chief Justice David Maraga led the Supreme Court in annulling the result. The left and centre-left boycotted the repeat elections because of the failure of the state to reform the electoral infrastructure.
After the 2017 elections, then Head of State Uhuru Kenyatta did something remarkable. He decided that the stranglehold of power by the right and centre-right Kikuyu/Kalenjin and right/centre-right diarchy must be broken. This was the most progressive decision of the entire 10-year reign by Mr Kenyatta.
He tried to correct the historical mistake of his father and their predecessors. I believe he wanted to give other communities a stake in the republic. To do so, he tried to bring together the right and the centre-right with the left and centre-left represented by himself and ODM’s Raila Odinga.
I believe he underestimated the implacable foes of this idea by the right and centre-right forces within the state. The forces of the right and centre-right grouped within the state under then Deputy President William Ruto made sure that Mr Kenyatta wouldn’t successfully realise his desire of moving power from its traditional bastions in the right and centre-right of the state.
As it turns out, Mr Ruto retained control of the right and centre-right chunk of the state.
That was the larger and more lethal faction of the state. Most senior officials in the right and the centre-right faction that Mr Kenyatta had elevated to the highest echelons betrayed him and rigged the election against Mr Odinga and Azimio la Umoja.
The truth will eventually come out.
Makau Mutua is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School, The State University of New York. @makaumutua.
Thursday, 27 October 2022
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Does Africa have Professors of Economics? A Rejoinder to President Museveni
Dear Gen. Yoweri Museveni, President for Life,
Allow me to briefly answer your question that asks: Does Africa have Professors of Economics? Yep. It’s plenty some even jobless. They’re not just Profs of economics but competent ones that some western countries can grab under brain drain, which their maladroit and myopia rulers purposely created thanks to pointless fear and hatred of/against people who spent years in school to become who they’re as opposed to politicians who bribe, rig elections, or start bush wars to get in power?
Gen., Museveni, allow me to humbly ask you a simple question? Does Africa have leaders or rulers? Additionally, do African Presidents have brains and eyes? Why am I asking all this? I simply wonder. how a President like yourself who’s been in power for close four decades fails to know if Africa’s the Profs of economics. How many’ve you created or empowered for the decades you’ve been in power? Gen. Museveni, don’t you know that, in Africa, experts don’t make decision but politicians––––who are not qualified––––do? Do you know why Presidents, Ministers, and MPs enjoy humungous emoluments and salaries while Doctors, Professors, and other Experts of their fields receive peanuts? In Africa, including Uganda, politics bullies and exploits other fields. Interestingly, whereas the Profs of Economics you’re asking if exist in Africa are professionals, politicians are neither professionals nor patriotic.
Ones of the things you suggest would help to develop is the love of Africa or Pan-Africanism and being patriotic. Do you know that those professionals are more patriotic than politicians who vend their countries for their personal gains? Another thing you suggested––––that’s flying in your face––––is democracy! Do you know what democracy means really Gen. Museveni? How much democracy not domocracy or the freedom of jabbering, is there in Uganda to begin with? Do Uganda and Africa in general have democracy or domo-crazy like the one you’re applying in formulating your question to divert attention from the quandary Uganda’s in? Did you mean domocracy when you suggested democracy?
Apart from the above ‘nuggets of wisdom’ if indeed, they’re, you suggest the “building an independent, integrated and self-sustaining national economy.” Is that feasible, and if yes, can you show us how you built it in Uganda in the first place? How can Africa build an integrated and self-sustaining economy amidst bad governance, stinking corruption, nauseating criminality, cult personality, dictatorship, greed, myopia, nepotism, and the likes mostly committed by its rulers? Did you mean self-serving economy for politicians when you said self-sustained national economy? You also said, Africa needs to build independent economy. How can it amidst dependency that our current rulers seem to be at home with? Can a begging Africa do so really? Can extravagant, self-serving and thuggish rules build such an economy practically?
Gen. Museveni, allow me to introduce you to my coming book on Africa’s Internalised Internal colonization, which suggests that Africa must decolonise itself for it to develop. It’ll be published by Mwanaka Publishers, Zimbabwe soon. In the said book, I answer your major question that Africa’s lagging economically because it is colonised by black colonialists (Presidents). I strongly argue that Africans, especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are ready to unite but their rulers are the biggest obstacle of all. If you ask Congolese, Burundians, Kenyans, Rwandans, South Sudanese and Tanzanians that form the EAC if they’d like their colonial-created countries to unite even tomorrow, the answer will be soundly in the affirmative. Again, if you ask their rulers, the answer will soundly be in the negative. Why? Because they don’t want to let go their narrow interests such as enjoying power and its trappings and the discretion they enjoy and use to exploit and fleece poor citizenry.
Gen. Museveni, the last dose. Why, as the President, have you the power to appoint even your wife or promoting your son without being reprimanded? Again, if a doctor appoints his/her wife/husband a helper, it’ll be called nepotism and s/he’ll need to explain.
In sum, Africa unite or perish. That’s the title of my book that’s published by Langaa, Cameroon in 2015 in which, I hypothesise how Africa can develop and help other countries using its humungous resources. Please find it and read it if it pleases you.
Ruzuku iwe kwa huduma za kijamii, si kwenye siasa
Nije kwenye hoja yenyewe. Juzi, nilisoma mapendekezo ya kikosi kazi kisicho kazi hata hivyo kuwa vyama vya siasa vipewe asilimia 10 ya ruzuku inayotengwa kila mwaka kama riziki, sorry, ruzuku. Tunatenga hii njuluku kwa utajiri gani? Kwanini isitengwe na kupewa wakulima wetu badala ya wapiga soga? Kutenga asilimia kumi ni jambo jema japo halina wema kama hatatuangalia yafuatayo:
Mosi, je kwanini hiyo njuluku isipelekwe mahospitalini na mashuleni kwanza? Je ina maana siasa ni mali kuliko elimu na siha zetu? Je inakuwaje tunataka kuwekeza sana katika longolongo badala ya mambo ya muhimu zaidi kama afya na ujuzi?
Tatu, je hitajio la kwanza na muhimu kwa wabongo ni demokrasia aka siasa au mambo mengine wezeshi kama vile miundombinu? Ningekuwa nimeshauliwa au nasikilizwa, ningesema, vyama vya siasa vingoje kidogo japo tuhakikishe kila hospitali na zahanati zina madawa ya kutosha, wafanyakazi wa kutosha, mishahara mizuri na marupurupu mengine. Niviasa vyama kula pini kwanza ili kuhakikisha shule zetu zote zina madawati, walimu, vitabu, na nyumba za walimu vya kutosha mbali na maslahi yanayoingia akilini kwa walimu.
Nne, kabla ya kumwaga neema na ulaji kwa wanasiasia, ningehamishia hilo dau kwenye barabara za vijijini na wilayani ambako ndiko uhai na uzalishaji wa taifa vipo. Huko ndiko madiko diko tunayopwakia kila uchao na mazao ya kibiashara yanayotuingizia uchache wa kigeni yanazalishwa. Nani anaweza kula sera au siasa na kelele za majukwaani au kwenye majumba ya ibada? Nani anautafuta ufalme wa mbinguni ilhali amezama kwenye ujinga na umaskini vya kunuka? Nani huyo asiye na busara anayetaka kuvisha uso kabla ya makalio? Hebu tuelimishane jamanini msijedhani tunatukana au kutetea utopolo na ukandamizaji. Basi kama hiyo pesa imekosa la kuifanyia hadi kuiruzuku na kuwazawadia wana siasia basi itumike kuwapekelekea maji au umeme hawa wahenyekaji ambao jasho na nguvu yao ndivyo vimekuwa injini za taifa tangu kupata uhuru wa bendera. Kama maji yameshindikana, basi tumia fedha hiyo lau kupambana na ukosefu wa ajira kwa kujenga mazingira wenzeshi ya kutengeneza ajira binafsi au za kuajiriwa kwa vijana wetu wanaopoteza muda madarasani na kuishi kuwa machinga wakati wakati wanasiasia na matapeli wengine wakiotesha vitambi kutokana na kuruzukiwa wasipostahiki au kuvuna ambako hawakupanda kwa kupiga domo na kulilisha domo.
Tano, tujiulize. Hii njuluku inayopendekezwa kuwapa wapiga siasa inatoka kwenye kodi ya makapuku wanaozidi kuhenyeshwa na ugumu wa maisha uliyoikabili dunia hata wale wenye nazo au? Je ni haki kuwaacha walipa kodi wengi vijijini bila hata vijibarabara vya changarawe na kuwaruzuku wanasiasa?
Leo sichongi sana. Tukubaliane tena kuelewana. Kwa usawa huu, kwa yeyote mwenye akili timamu, siyo wakati wa kuruzukiana kwa kupiga mikelele. Tunatapanya uchache––––tena mwingi utokanao na kubomubomu––––kwa utajiri upi zaidi ya udhalili tunaouonea fahari kiasi cha wengi kutucheka na kudhani ima tu hamnazo au tuna maradhi ya kichwa? Kuna haja ya kuweka vipaumbele kwenye mambo ya lazima na maana badala ya kuendelea na mazoea yale yale. Wapika kula na walipa kodi wetu hawali siasa. Wanahitaji huduma bora. Wanahitaji barabara, hospitali, shule na zahanati bora na siyo uboreshaji wa ulaji wa wanasiasa ambao hata sera bora hawana. Msinielewe vibaya. Wangekuwa na sera bora tungekuwa kaya kapuku kama tulivo. Tieni akilini na kufikiri na kufanya maamuzi magumu. Tuonane wakati mwingine na mwinginewe.
Saturday, 22 October 2022
Remembering Jomo’s Cabinet
What you need to know:
- Jomo had one, or two, dimwits in that Cabinet, but this land has never seen such a stellar Cabinet since.
- No Cabinet has come closer in terms of heft since then in spite of the lofty requirements of the 2010 Constitution.
- In fact, with every successive government, the quality and character of the Cabinet have gone south.
I want to reflect on the institution of the Cabinet, the most important body of personages in the Executive. The Cabinet is the “government”. The men – and increasingly women – who bestride it are the nation’s most important political leaders. They are the face of Kenya whether or not they reflect its diversity.
Let’s dig deeper. I write not to laud, or pillory, anyone. But it’s that time of the political cycle when nominees for Cabinet are sent up to the Legislature for vetting. This is especially the case in the wake of the 2010 Constitution. This week, Kenyans have been treated to a parade of one nominee after another on the National Assembly’s “chopping” board.
We are told they are being “grilled.” Reminds me of pork, or nyama choma. But that’s where the hyperbole ends. That’s because the outcome is pre-determined, and in a hung Parliament – where one party has performed a legislative coup – there’s no mystery where this will end. The whole damned lot will be jammed into the throats of poor Kenyans.
I want to take you back to another time, at the dawn of Kenya’s independence when Mzee Kenyatta picked his own Cabinet. Then, unlike now, he had untrammelled power to make anyone – even a thief or murderer – a minister. But he didn’t.
I admit he had one, or two, dimwits in that Cabinet, but this land has never seen such a stellar Cabinet since. OK admit that he failed miserably on gender – a historical blight of the time – but he chose historic figures. No Cabinet has come closer in terms of heft since then in spite of the lofty requirements of the 2010 Constitution.
In fact, with every successive government, the quality and character of the Cabinet have gone south. Let me awaken your noggin in case you are one of those who hate history. The cabinet Mzee Kenyatta formed in 1963 included such giants as Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Thomas Joseph Mboya, Joseph Murumbi, Julius Kiano, Mbiyu Koinange, Njoroge Mungai, Ngala Mwendwa, and Ramogi Achieng Oneko.
Others of repute were Jackson Angaine, Dawson Mwanyumba, Lawrence Sagini, James Gichuru, Bruce McKenzie, Joseph Otiende, and Njoroge Mungai. I admit the list was a little heavy on Gema and left out many Kenyan identities. It became more inclusive with later additions, reshuffles, and changes.
But one thing was clear. These were men of substance. Some later fell off the moral wagon, but that’s a story for another day. But giants they were. I can say this of Mzee Kenyatta’s first cabinet. None was a known murderer – accused, or convicted. None was an open ethnic baiter and bigot.
None was a known thief, although that came later. To my knowledge, none was an accused rapist. On the contrary, a few of them were pioneers. Mboya was a brilliant trade unionist who spoke several languages including Kikamba and Gikuyu. Odinga was an iconic liberation hero. Mwendwa, though born with a silver spoon in his mouth, was an impressive leader and nationalist.
Koinange and Kiano were among the first Kenyans to obtain PhDs. Mungai went to Stanford for medical school. These are no mean feats for the 1950s and 1960s. In contrast, look at later Cabinets by Mzee Kenyatta’s successors. Most of them barely register on the political Richter scale. Like the biblical prophets, such people aren’t born anymore. But such reasoning is a copout.
What’s true is that the dregs of our society now rise to the top faster than the speed of light. Here’s a hint. How many of the current nominees are mired in scandal or outright illegalities? How many can pass the test of Chapter Six of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity? How many have serious criminal cases in court?
Unthinkable. Where a British PM and minister resign, the latter for using a private email address for state business, a rape accusation is nothing in Kenya. We will get a Cabinet of moral dwarfs, school dropouts, and outright thieves. That’s a fact, not fiction.
Many don’t read anymore, others are barely literate. They can’t tell you the last time they read even a single chapter in a serious book that’s not a romance novel, or a motivational screed. And yet these are the people who are supposed to bring Kenya out of its most severe economic crisis since 1963. God save us all. One thing is clear – they are all fat cats.
Some literally – from a net worth of Sh4 billion for the wealthiest to Sh100 million for the “poorest”.
Makau Mutua is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School, The State University of New York. @makaumutua.
Thursday, 20 October 2022
On memories of Mwalimu Nyerere; his vision on education and self-reliance
THE following news item appeared on the front page of THE DAILY NEWS on Wednesday, October 12th, 2022:-
“As part of the efforts to fulfill Mwalimu (Julius) Nyerere’s vision on education for self-reliance, the government is mulling over reviewing the education curricula, towards obtaining skilled and competent graduates who can contribute in the socio-economic development of the country”.
The said item quotes the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Dr Francis Michael, as having said that “time has come for the country to shift from creating graduates who are only job-seekers, to skilled and competent individuals; which is a fulfillment of the late Mwalimu Nyerere’s vision in promoting its socio-economic development.”
Nyerere’s vision on education for self-reliance.
Mwalimu Nyerere’s vision on ‘education for self-reliance’ was first given expression in the TANU’s policy document titled “The Arusha Declaration on Socialism and Self-reliance”, which was promulgated on 5th February, 1967. This was during the first decade of the country’s independence, which has been characterized as the ‘period of vibrancy’; in terms of ‘resolution, action, and bold attempts at innovation’
In the present day political environment, the Arusha Declaration’s policy of Ujamaa is hardly ever mentioned; and, as a consequence thereof, it is very little remembered, or perhaps not at all! It is therefore most refreshing, that the Ministry has decided to pay new attention to one of the important aspects of the Arusha Declaration, namely, the genesis of this philosophy, or concept, of ‘Education for Self-Reliance’.
Mwalimu Nyerere’s philosophies, ideas, and/or theories, were not simply impromptu pronouncements made by the Head of State and Government. They were the result of his deep personal beliefs and convictions. It has been said that people are more the products, rather than the creators, of history. Nyerere must, presumably, have thought and acted the way he did, essentially because of, or in reference to, the historical circumstances of his time during that “period of vibrancy” mentioned above. For example, the speed with which the events occurred was indicative of how the wrongs wrought by colonialism were to be corrected in a demonstrable hurr Indeed, the government Three-Year Development Plan (1961 – 4), which was put in place immediately after the achievement of the country’s independence, recorded no less than six practical decisions affecting the Education sector alone. They included :- The racial integration of the school system; the rapid expansion of Secondary education, by establishing more schools and increasing student enrolment; the expansion of teacher teaching programmes; and the termination of parent payable school fees; among others.
These were Mwalimu Nyerere’s initial tasks after the achievement of independence; which centered primarily on “building a new country which is distinctly different from that which we inherited from the colonialist”. The tasks involved , were, of course, were very many, varied, and extensive. He therefore had to decide on the priorities, on the basis of which these all important tasks were to be implemented. The education sector was one of the areas that were given high priority.
The development of Mwalimu Nyerere’s ideas, or philosophy
The fact that this major policy was formulated by the ruling party TANU, rather than by the government , is a manifest demonstration of President Nyerere’s unique leadership style; one of whose prominent characteristics was his inclination to use the ruling party platforms for making all major policy decisions. But he used these platform only as a vehicle for conveying his ideas to the public; for he was always the initiator of the ideas that required decision. He utilized his vast intellectual capacity to do all the initial thinking on the relevant issues; and then used his rare ‘power of persuasion’, to convince his colleagues (or the majority thereof), in the meetings of the relevant party organs, to accept his ideas.
And this is precisely what also happened also in relation to the Arusha Declaration policies. The party’s policy-making Organ was, and still is, the National Executive Committee (NEC); which consists of elected representatives of the ordinary members of the party. He had earlier made use of this NEC platform, in the making of the major constitutional reforms and development, first from ‘Dominion’ status to the ‘Republican’ Constitution in 1962; and again from the ‘Multi – party’ to the ‘single party’ constitution in 1963.
However, the adoption of the Arusha Declaration Ujamaa policy was not an easy ride; because there were some among the delegates to that particular NEC meeting, who had their personal doubts about Ujamaa’s efficacy; and these included the party’s Secretay General himself, Oscar Kambona; who, only a few moths later, fled the country in disgust, and went to live in exile in London. These initial difficulties must have contributed to the subsequent failure in implementing this Ujamaa policy.
It must be honestly admitted, that the Ujamaa component of the Arusha Declaration eventually ended in what Kenyan’ Professor Ali Mazrui protectively described as a “brave failure”. But it still was a failure. However, since the ‘Ujamaa’ doctrine is a distinctly separate component of the Arusha Decraation; it deserves a separate presentation, in order for it to be given its deserved proper treatment. Thus, in this presentation, we will focus only on the ‘Education for self-reliance’ aspect of the Arusha Declaration.
The aspect of ‘Eduation for Self-Reliance’.
The general topic of ‘Self-Reliance’ is, in fact, what occupies the largest part of the Arusha Declaration policy document, of which the aspect of ‘Education for Self Reliance’ is only a subtopic. Mwalimu Nyerere himself found time to write and publish a book bearing that title (Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, 1967). In that publication, Mwalimu says the following :- “Our education must inculcate a sense of commitment to the total community, and help the students to accept the values that are appropriate to our future, and not to our colonial past”.
By this, he meant that our education must be consistent with, and complementary to, the ambitions of a society aspiring to a socialist mode of existence, characterized by respect for human dignity, equality, participation in cooperative endeavours, and, above all, commitment to hard, productive work. In his own words, he said this:- “Our schools must become communities that actually practice the precept of self reliance. The teachers , the other school workers, and the students, must be members of a social unit in the same way as the members of an Ujamaa village are expected to be, namely, a social unit consisting of “people who live together and work together, for the benefit of all”. (This was the formal definition of an Ujamaa village).
All schools, but especially secondary schools and other institutions of higher education, must contribute to their own upkeep. In addition to being educational communities, they must also be economic communities. Each school should have, as an integral part of it, a farm which provides the food eaten by the school community, and makes some contribution to the total national income” . This sounds more like a ‘tall story’’ (something that is difficult to believe because what it describes seems exaggerated and not likely to be true). But it was, actually, so scripted; and a handful of Secondary schools did manage to embark on model and manageable farms, or other viable projects; but more often, with direct or indirect high-level official facilitation.
At the Primary education level, the principal actors were the teachers and the pupils themselves in the relevant schools. Virtually all primary schools engaged themselves in economic ‘self-reliance’ activities of one kind or another. In the majority of cases, these were agricultural projects, with pupils occupied in tilling the land, and looking visibly occupied. While the assigned teachers helped in the areas of project conceptualization, project planning and organization. But the pupils were the major role players in the actual project execution.
The implementation of this policy appears to have produced the desired positive results; specifically because the ethos of ‘education for self-reliance’ positively affected many people’s attitudes, as a result of the intensive sensitization that was carried out through the teaching of a new school subject called ‘political education’ , which focused primarily on inculcating the tenets of socialist culture, particularly the obligations which a school has towards the larger community.
Among the practical steps taken in the implementation of the education for self-reliance policy, were a review and revision of the school curricula, syllabuses, and text books; the development and production of new text books; the re-design and expansion of of the evaluation scope concerning pupil progress and promotion.
A lasting, indelible imprint.
Mwalimu Nyerere’s philosophy of ‘Education for Self-Reliance’, remains as an indelible, lasting imprint of his innovative thinking and actions. In his address to the National symposium organized in September 1988 by the Tanzania Professional Teachers Association (CHAKIWATA) to evaluate “Twenty years of Education for Self-Reliance”; Mwalimu Nyerere is on record as having said this:- “except for two typographical errors, he would not change a word in the text of that policy statement, if he were called upon to re-write it”.
The situation at the level of University education.
There were obvious limits to the application of the education for self-reliance policy at the university education level, that were dictated by the ‘Charter’, and philosophy, of University institutions, which spell out the goals for which such institutions are established, and about what they can and cannot do.
The University of Dar es Salaam, in particular, was established for the basic objective of training minds and producing the high-level manpower requirements for the many occupational fields in the national economy. It was very difficult for the University to combine its curricular obligations with such extra-curricular productive activities.
The reality is that University education could not be made genuinely self-reliant, mainly because they lack the essential pedagogical tools that are needed in order to create an effective institution capable of contributing fully to national life, in the context of the ‘Education for Self-reliance’ policy. His earlier writings, which were produced even long before independence, such as his ‘Uhuru wa Wanawake’ essay (which he wrote while he was a student at Makerere); and his other essay titled ‘African Socialism’, which he submitted to the Tanganyika Standard; give us the impression that he was already developing what was to become his vision for the country after independence.
It would appear that Mwalimu Nyerere was developing a “rallying system” of ideas, or ideology, which would give meaning to the nationalist struggle for independence; as well as giving a ‘sense of purpose and direction’ for the new independent nation. It is these philosophical ideas which he concretized in the document titled “ Arusha Declaration, TANU’s policy ion socialism and Self- Reliance ”, which provides minute details on TANU’s pathfinder policy on socialism and Self-reliance. ‘Education for self-reliance’ is an aspect of that policy; which we have chosen as the subject matter of today’s presentation.
But there is also a negative side, which is that many of the schools implemented these projects haphazardly. As a result, their ‘self-reliance’ activities remained largely marginal, extra-curricular digressions; commanding no professional respectability, or academic recognition within the overall educational system, which continued to respond to the immediate demands of school tests and examinations, before anything else. / 0754767576.
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Letter to Muhoozi Keinerugaba, Tweet Even More Please
Muhoozi, before saying something, I must remind Ugandans the best day the country has ever had. On 24th April 1974, Uganda and the world were blessed with and received one of the most powerful sons of presidents in the world, you. This is the time you (he who avenge or revenges) came to this earth to save some of earthlings from the ennui of a long-time ruler who happens to be one of your makers. It is the time your great mother gave birth to you, the great son of president who wields as much power as his father, the son who needs more power. Indeed, your arrival wasn’t a habitual occasion. It wasn’t like the birth of small men and women who come from poor and weak families. Yours was the birth of a saviour of some sort, especially for those who don’t believe that the more things change the more they remain the same. You know what I mean. Still, you’re a saviour for the status quo so to speak as far as Ugandan politics is concerned.
Dear Muhoozi, a few weeks ago, you, as the most power son of the most powerful man you unveiled what Ugandans need to make do with.. Yep, you started to bite at the power that your dad’s been eating on for long. Because of your significance and that what you want everybody to know and made do with you fired a tweet Kenya threatening to take and occupy it within two weeks. No joke. You’re not joking. Did you mean business or you’re just looking the way take a bite on power and come out of the political closet. This, for me, shows your significance as the son of the most powerful man in Uganda as the most powerful son of the president over the insignificance of the rest that can be taken for a ride. The twosome of–––without forgetting your mother––––are the most powerful people Uganda’s ever had. Let Ugandans know that your trinity’s unshakably intact and unique since you’ve made Uganda what it’s today, rich for them and poor for the rest. Let them know that you still have a lot to offer, and Ugandans must wait for more surprises from this trinity.
Dear good General, underscoring your greatness and significance, I propose that next time you tweet, all Uganda’s media must support you by subscribing to your tweeter account I propose that your tweets must be made breaking news in all Ugandan media. I know those who don’t like you, dear good general, will wag tongues thinking I’m trying to get a mileage out of this assertion, or I might have been paid to say this. Nope, what I’m saying is as simple as the tweets themselves. I know those who don’t know the importance of the first family, you, the mother general, and the father general, wrongly think that their lives––––that are adversely impinged on with uncertainties your tweets cause. Go figure. Guys, who are you in Uganda? Who bewitched or cheated you not to get it?
Dear General, when the story of your tweets and threats to Kenya surfaced in the media, a friend sent me an email complaining about the uncertainties they’d cause. Also, he’s concern about the EAC, which’s never delivered anything. I scolded him to stop being selfish, evil, and naïve since things have changed. Christians believe Jesus died for their sins though they’re told everybody to carry one’s cross. To the contrary, politicians believe that citizens must die for them and their sins. Methinks this is the genesis for many African rulers to live larger than life while their taxpayers live in penury. I told the guy to consider other related things such as the disturbances democracy’s been causing in many African countries that tried it and ended up abusing it through vote rigging and tampering with constitutions to extend their time in office.
Dear General, methinks Ugandans––––whether they like it or not–––should brace themselves to see you becoming their leader shall anything happen to your father. This is simple to decipher. When I consider your gruff rise in the army, you can easily know what I mean. Also, if you interrogate the reason[s] behind your father’s clinging unto power, you’ll be on the same page with me. More so, if you consider the powers your mom has behind the curtains, you’ll agree with my hypothesis. To give those who pretend to deny the truth, I want them to ask themselves as to why your tweets are leaving everybody shocked? Is the system testing the waters? Is it preparing Ugandans psychologically for what’s in the card in the upper echelons of power wherein manipulations are one of bread and butter of its mainstay? Why have you become such important this time around? Let’s get as serious as a seal instead of trying to screw over this rear up of your display. What do you aim to achieve if not more power?
Dear General, in sum, let me wish you a very spiffy tweeting mission. The Swahili sage’s it that clouds are the signs of rains. Therefore, what you’re seeing with regards to your centrality is but the beginning if not the tip of the iceberg. Tweeting threatening the neighbour is one leg in the waters. The sage’s it that if you can’t beat them, join them. Whether they like you or not, they need to understand Uganda’s power dynamics, especially after your dad came to power and altered everything to his advantage. If he were able to prop up you so quickly that way in the military, how can he fail to do so in the office of the president? Once again, Dear General, you seem to brace yourself for big things. Big things come to big people. That’s my titbits of sagacity. Ring-a-ding-ding, nothing but.
Source: Daily Monitor today.
Why Vladimir Putin’s end is nigh
By Makau Mutua Professor at SUNY Buffalo Law School and Chair of the KHRC.
They are Napoleonic in ego and braggadocio. None has the moral authority to rule over even an insect, yet both superintend nuclear power states.
One, the resident of the Kremlin, can destroy the earth several times in minutes. And yet, it’s their outsize machismo that will be their undoing. Methinks the Moscow citizen will go first before his Pyongyang counterpart.
A certain date with cruel destiny – sooner than later – awaits. Let’s dig deeper.
Russians sit on a bed of rich literary and artistic culture. Theirs is one of the globe’s most remarkable civilisations. They’ve built and collapsed empires. They’ve raised great armies and weaponry. They are technological pioneers. They built one of two great superpowers of the 20th century. The other, more dominant, was the United States.
The ideological bankruptcy of the Soviet Union, an empire, and the economic and military might of America, finally did in the Soviet Union. International capitalism and democratic values sucked the Soviet Union dry, leaving an empty husk, a dead carcass.
The fake Marxist socialism and state dominance of the economy put the Soviet Union asunder. But something more resilient – culture – was at work.
All cultures – political, social, literary, social, and economic – have a genetic fingerprint. While I don’t essentialise culture, I believe you can identify it when you see it.
Culture is like pornography. You know it when you see it. Culture even has sounds and smells. Of course, it’s dynamic and mutates, or even completely transforms.
But you know the culture you are seeing – and smelling – when you come face to face, or nose to nose, with it. What’s my point? Slavic cultures in general have tended to be authoritarian and state-centred.
They have a certain inflexibility and lack a general gene of tolerance. They lie on a crucible of raw power, uber-masculinity, and heteropatriarchy. I don’t know why.
To be sure, Slavic cultures are not the only ones that suffer these deficits. All cultures do, but my study of history shows that these drawbacks are more pronounced there. Mr Putin is a product of that ecosystem. Historically, Russian rulers haven’t been gentle. Mr Putin has been true to form.
Recreate Sovet Union
A KGB agent to the bone – the embodiment of imperial hegemony – Mr Putin’s singular purpose in life has been to recreate the dominant Soviet Union. His preoccupation has been to give Russia a longer phallus so that it can piss further than any other global power, especially the United States.
His idea of political dominance is testosterone-driven. That’s why he took Crimea. Because he could. That’s “manhood”.
It was this pigheadedness that drove the spy to invade Ukraine. But if Mr Putin is the master of psychological warfare, then he’s no Garry Kasparov, the Russian chess grandmaster. The chess genius only made moves when he was certain of a victorious outcome. No hollow chest-thumping, or false bravado.
You can gamble, but make sure the odds of a win are virtually assured. Don’t play Russian roulette. Unfortunately, Mr Putin has committed all these cardinal sins of warfare.
He mistakenly thought Ukraine was Crimea. For the record, Ukraine was the second most powerful republic after Russia in the Soviet Union. The resilience of its people and fighting forces are a marvel to behold. It’s truly astonishing.
With boundless morale and superior Western, especially American, intelligence and technology, the Ukrainians have made minced meat of the large and lethargic Russian forces.
Many Russians have simply abandoned post and fled in cowardice, tail between the legs.
They have taken heavy casualties. The war is to Russia what Vietnam was to America. The Russian military has been exposed as lazy, fat, and even dumb. Their fighting skills are near zero. In my view, the Russian military is near collapse. Clearly, Mr Putin doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going.
Nato has outfoxed him. American and European sanctions have decimated the Russian economy. Mr Putin is now a deer caught in the headlights. Does he know when “to fold them?” The greatest threat to Mr Putin’s stranglehold on power isn’t external. It’s right there in the Kremlin. Billionaire Russians don’t enjoy Russia. They love frolicking in the West and sending their kids to school there. Now their yachts can’t leave Russian waters. The military is humiliated.
And for what? It’s the business elite and the military that will end Mr Putin’s reign. He can’t – and won’t – survive Ukraine.ed his misadventures so long as he didn’t destroy the economy, vanquish his own military, and upset the elite. The GDP of New York was always bigger than Russia’s, and it’s even larger today. Mr Putin’s end is nigh. He will go by whatever means necessary.
Makau Mutua is SUNY Distinguished Professor and Margaret W. Wong Professor at Buffalo Law School, The State University of New York. @makaumutua.