The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

I Cry fo Ambazonia and Darfur–––My baby

I Cry for Ambazonia and Darfur

ISBN 9789956554935

Pages 150

Dimensions 203x127 mm

Published 2025

Publisher Langaa RPCIG, Cameroon

Format Paperback

Dimensions203x127 mm
PublisherLangaa RPCIG, Cameroon


by Nkwazi Nkuzi Mhango

The world remains tragically silent on the suffering of the people in Ambazonia, Cameroon, and Darfur, Sudan. Since these conflicts began, the international community has failed to adequately address or arrest the violence and protect innocent lives. Countless people have been killed, displaced, and robbed of their hope. This book serves as both a condemnation and a plea to the international community, urging it to acknowledge its failures in these regions. Nkwazi Mhango argues that this inaction constitutes a form of discrimination against the people of Ambazonia and Darfur, highlighting the stark contrast between the global rhetoric on human rights and the grim reality faced by the victims. “The Cry for Ambazonia and Darfur” is a powerful call for humanity to awaken to its responsibilities. It demands more than just empty gestures; it urges critical self-reflection and a genuine commitment to resolving these conflicts. Mhango implores us to recognize our shared humanity and act with the compassion and justice we would expect for ourselves.

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Nkwazi Nkuzi Mhango

Mhango is the author of Saa ya Ukombozi, Nyuma ya Pazia, Souls on Sale, Born with Voice, Africa Reunite or Perish, Psalm of the Oppressed, Perpetual Search, Africa’s Best and Worst President: How Neocolonialism and Imperialism Maintained Venal Rules in Africa and ‘Is It Global War on Terrorism’ or Global War over Terra Africana?: The Ruse Imperial Powers Use to Occupy Africa Militarily for Economic Gains, How Africa Developed Europe: Deconstructing the His-story of Africa, Excavating Untold Truth and What Ought to Be Done and Known, Africa’s Dependency Syndrome: Can Africa Still Turn Things around for the Better?, Our Heritage, Family Friend of Animal and Matembezi Mbugani (Children’s book co-authored with his wife Nesaa).

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