The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 5 November 2012

Thanks PCB and MPs for entertaining us with your “nudity”

If you hear my keening, wonder not. I wish I’d pick my timbrel up and enjoy the madness of the nudity of the titans. I read the story that Prevention and Combating of Corruption Bureau (PCCB) --that has nary prevented or combated any corruption-- is itself corrupt. Such allegations were made by Members of Parliament (MPs) after PCCB alleged they were corrupt as well. This is why I’m singing and cachinnating. When grasshoppers fight who benefits? What else can I do to witness such megalomania?
The deplorable, sorry, honourable MPs said loudly that PCCB was vile with corruption. During their muscle-flexing bout about who’s who in corruption, much was said and learned. Big dent was incurred in this half-nelson. It’s spooky and doozy to note that those who bore us with their clangor and mantra of fighting corruption are themselves corrupts to the bone. Technically, we call institutional madness or nudity.  Who’d think that the waheshimiwa and anti-corruption watchdog officials were such hopeless and useless? Is PCCB anti-corruption watchdog or a mere thievish dog that can eat its own puppies? We now know that PCCB receives kickbacks. We egg it to come clean.  Astonishingly, when such damning allegations were tossed PCCB didn't rebut by telling MPs to recant them. It was claim and counterclaim, accusations and counteraccusations pell moll. In the end, we all saw how dirtier their underclothes were especially when they’re left on the agora. Again, given that this hunk is grossly immoral nobody cares.
For us who grew up under ethics-minded regime of Mwalimu Nyerere, our first shock was the way the general public treated these revelations. The power that-be, so too, kept mum as if this wasn’t a crime. For a reasonable power that-be such revelations were but a hunch to begin with. Many thought it was the time to bring the big gorilla in. If it were Mwalimu, I believe, he’d never coy to send these guys to Ukonga ASAP in the first place. Again, after our hunk suffered psychopathic megalomania, who’ll take on them if at all they all are the same? Under Mwalimu such revelations guaranteed property seizure and punishment right away. Under mwalimu such poltroons would regret their tongue wagging.
It started with PCCB firing its allegations that honourable MPs were corrupt. MPs did not sit on the allegations. Peter Msigwa (Iringa Town) CHADEMA had this to say, “TAKUKURU are the ones leading in corruption. For instance, during the campaigns of the past elections they (PCCB) were the first to alert the suspects to vacate the particular place when they were phoned. Later they would pretend to go to the place and would tell you that there was no corruption,” Msigwa admonished PCB to put their house in order first.
Serious and denting as the allegations were, one would think that PCCB would not silently own everything up. Instead, PCCB would have done the right thing namely to come clean on the allegations. Hell no. This was a passing cloud. There was no need for PCCB to spill more beans knowingly that Wabongo are good at forgetting easily. Who cares if at all such vices have been legitimized hunk wide? Who bothers if at all those charged with delivering justice are foolishly vending it? Who care if at all everything is well and peace and tranquility are plenty in the hunk?
The other day little bird told me that PCCB officials are super rich thanks to having nobody to arrest them when they fleece suspects. They’re above the law. They can target whomever they deem fit but not one of theirs.  And this has been the wishy washy tradition of the hunk. If you’re among the high and mighty nobody should disturb you. This is why MPs were wronged so as to spill the beans. PCCB must apologize for embarrassing the waheshimiwa. Ask Andy Chenge. The high and might can break all laws in the books.  Nothing sinister can happen given that the law is an ass. It is enacted to protect the “good” and punish the “bad” especially paupers. This is why PCCB deals with small fish but not sharks.  It is sad though that those nitwits are getting away with it due to the fact that the sin of corruption is a down- top and top-down affair in our hunk. If politicians can buy power, as it was alleged, then who’ll reprimand whom?  If some politicos can rig election in the broad daylight and call it free and fair, who then will see what we see? You know what?  Swahili sage has it that the cockerel taught the chicks to shit in the house. Instead of white washing PCCB needs to be helped by disbanding it with immediate effects. If I were president, I would not allow such a dirty beast to be under my office. For people will wrongly think that they are there to protect me with my people. Again, who wants to commit suicide at this very time at which corruption has been legalized especially for the high and mighty? PCCB bury not your head in the sand. Let me calmly tell you. This is hypocrisy.  Courage lost, all lost.
Source: ThisDay Nov., 5th, 2012


Jaribu said...

It didn't surprise me when I learned that PCCB boss Hosea, is one of those crooks who have money stashed away in Swiss accounts. It is top down corruption, starting with our peripatetic Prez, Dr Dunno-What's-Happening.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Jaribu you always make me laugh. Although they think they are invincible, the public eye sees all that they are doing--their dirty laundry is on the agora. Maybe, just maybe, one day they'll be judged judiciously and justiciously. Let's wait and see. Again, thanks for visiting me.

Jaribu said...

No worries, I enjoy stopping by for a look-see.