The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Monday, 19 November 2012

Waheshimwa name names please

The other day I went to the pub to quaffer with friends.  This is where many disgruntled Bongolalalanders floak to hobnob and dream big. If you want to know the hidden lives of our politicos, simply attend regularly. These common earthlings know almost every thing bigwig wear from the diaper, sorry, underwear to the “small house”t hey go to be “skinned” like a goat. This is where I got the names of the bandits who stashed money abroad. A good thing about drinking is: the guys there don’t know the word anonymous or fear.  They willy-nilly jabber whatever they want in a hurly-burly without any fear.
 It is an open secret. We’ve a lot of unfaithful and thievish supromos in our hunk especially in public offices they use to rob us. Since Swiss Authorities spilled the beans that some noble bloodsuckers stashed millions of dosh there, the power that- be has become dumb and deaf. After such earth-shaking revelations many goofed; thinking such news would be a welcome.  Wonder not! It isn’t.  Those alleged to have committed such sodden actions, either are still in office, or have their consigliore and abettors in our fucked up offices known as public ones.  In a phrase, public offices have become public offerings for noble or big thieves to rob. Who cares especially now when thieves are called honourable and vice versa? 
Time’s been flying by without anybody taking on these noble brigands except imbibers. We need wahishimiwa who hate such boorish behaviour to name names.   I heard some of them moving motions in the diet seeking to divulge names. Will the speaker allow such hara-kiri stance?  If you’ve evidence be it puffed up or circumstantial, please spill the beans. We’re tired of politicking while hoi polloi are sinking in destitution caused by such bastards.  If I were a waheshimiwa I’d summon some roundsmen and spill all beans. I’d do so knowingly that those thieves can’t sue anybody under the sun. Where are the goons who forged their “degrees”?  One guy named names even by authoring a book. Those stooges bullied to sue to no avail. This is Bongolaland. They knew.  When something becomes an in-thing soon it is forgotten as was in the cases of EPA, Richmonduli, Meremeta and other sacriligos the regime has committed. So guys, name names and fear not.  The sun won’t fall on you.  Do like Dr. Willy Slaa on the List of Shame.
Believe you me. At our kanywaji, names were flouted like crazy. While waheshimiwa fear to name names, boozers fear nothing even if those implicated are in power.  Boozers aren’t coward like them. Imbibers went a mile ahead associating the list of thieves with big purse in Switzerland with the list of shame that Dr. Willy Slaa tossed a few years ago. I’d have divulged those names I heard at the booze bath. Again, given that my sources were drunk from being heavy-eyed to pie-eyed to wall-eyed, I bet. It won’t do me good. Instead, I will just repeat those two names everybody knows of And Chenge and Id Rashid who were implicated by SFO.
More on heshimiwas, with all immunity and what not you have, why don’t you name names? Yoo-hoo. If you keep on bringing headless motions without naming names people will think you want them to think that such a scandal and allegations are trumped-up stuff next to bo-peep. They won’t differentiate from those serious waheshimiwa and political thugs. Whatever you say will be regarded as power that-be’s hotchpotch if not mealy lies. 
To stop tongue wagging, why don’t you recalibrate the manner and courage you employed when you blew out and dealt with Richmonduli scandal? What’s amiss? Mzee wa Viwango or courage to take on whoever stands in your way regardless who he or she is? Failure to divulge names of those mighty thieves, you’ll be looked down upon if not to be branded liars, rubber stamps for corruption and conspiracy. Are you ready to be called names for not naming names? Verily, people are tired of yada yada, hoo-has and ballyhoos and abracadabra.
It is a nonsensical and feeble-minded act per se-- to keep mum on the dosh stashed abroad while our economy’s always in dire straits for decades. If anything, those presiding over such a regime making do with such situation are nothing but hypocrites and cowards.  We don’t want the guys who shift gears whenever we want them to be accountable.  We don’t want our rulers to be seen as yin and yang to venality and impunity. Show ‘em the door. Who wants to hear the story of the Njaa Kaya’s two-headed serpent in the house? If you know there’s a serpent in your house, kill it instead of making nonsensical statements. Aren’t yourself the said serpent that’s why you don’t want to kill it? Who wants such sanaas and abracadabra? People want actions especially at this time everybody is competing with another in robbing the public. It’s appalling for our hunk to send its president to beg almost everywhere. But when such begged monies are available, it sickens to find that they end in Swiss Banks instead of resuscitating our economy and our people. Shame on you all who rob and rape my hunk.  “The price good men pay for indifference for public affairs is to be ruled by evil men,” Plato (429-347 BCE).
Source: ThisDay Nov. 19, 2012

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