The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Is it Egyptian al Sisi time to be booted out after Sudanese Bashir?

Image result for egyptian demonstrations against al sisi

                 No doubts. The situation in tense in Egypt where a despot might be pulled down any time. To recap, Egyptian dictator and butcher Abdul Fattah al Sisi grabbed power from the late Mohamed Morsi who was the first democratically elected president in this country. Myopic as he is, Sisi thought he would get away with a double murder. Too naive, nature has its way of addressing anomalies. When South African Jacob Zuma unceremoniously toppled Thabo Mbeki, he did not thought he would face and suffer the same fate. He who lives by sword will die of sword. Now that stinking mega corruption scandals involving Sisi, his family and his courtiers have been exposed by his former consigliere, Egyptians are up in arms baying for his blood. After killing Morsi and suppressing every enemy real and imaginable, Sisi wrongly thought that he was safe while he wasn't. Gauging what's brought many strong dictators in the region, it will be a miracle for Sisi to survive this onslaught, especially if we consider the fact that Egyptians have never reaped the fruits of their revolution. To take a leaf from the neighbouring Sudan whose longtime despot was easily pulled down because of hardships, Sisi cannot survive even if he hangs on power for a stint.  

 Go Sisi go
Time for you to go is now
You no longer have any legality
It is the right time for you to go
Never waste time 
Vox populi vox Dei
You might self-cheat you will survive
There is no surviving at this very moment
Egyptians are well and alive
As they strive to dislodge you
You have lost sanity
Go Sisi go
Image result for all sisi and omar bashir falls in cartoons

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