Apart from winning underhandedly, soon after ascending to power, Trump sent mixed signals as far as his mental capability is concerned. To begin with, Trump tribalized the White House by appointing partial advice-givers by appointing his relatives such as his son-in-law Jared Kutcher, his daughter, Ivanka and many bungling and dirtied business cronies to various national roles. Instead of allowing merit to inform his choice, cronyism and nepotism became the only qualifications for Trump’s appointees to be considered and appointed. This became an asset simply because Trump didn’t expect or need anything from them except dancing according to his tune. And indeed, they did as they have already proved from his vice president to almost each and every one in his admin. When he promised Americans that he would drain Washington’s swamp, they did not understand that he meant the opposite, filling the swamp with close sharks.
After tribalizing the White House, Trump launched the war against his perceived enemies simply because they’re on the position of unearthing his netherworld of deceit and lies. He thus, fired the then FBI director, James Comey––the man leading the investigation into whether members of Trump’s campaign colluded with Russians who hacked the 2016 election––simply because he declined Trump’s wish to terminate the investigation. Ever since, the Trump White House has become a hectic place where being hired and fired has not boundary.
The above are by gone provided that the American voters decided to make do with them. Trump’s recent remarks that COVID-19 patients should be injected with sanitizers to sanitize their body is surreal. Trump was quoted as saying “so, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do, either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?”
After coming with such ridiculous suggestion––even a kindergarten kid can’t ponder about let alone suggesting––the world was shocked little did it know this is Donald Trump a much knower who knows a little. This is Trump who believes he can get away with everything as he has done with the presidency.
Trump is not the first quack to have suggested the use of lethal stuff to cure ailments. In Africa, we are used to such quackery involving greedy and ignorant preachers––who swindle unsuspecting illiterate followers by administering many things into them in the name of performing miracles. For, we see such many desperate earthlings doing all sorts of crazy things such as kissing feet of their clergy, ‘pictures’ of Jesus and his mother, drinking jik as it once happened in Zambia where such followers died and other two-timing things. It becomes sacrilegious when such unconventional methods are prescribed by the person who goes by the title of president. noting the danger people like Trump pose, a spokesperson for Reckitt Benckiser, the UK-based owner of Lysol, said in a statement that “as a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route).”
What is obvious here is the fact that Trump has proved his ignorance about medication and how medicines come to use. He doesn’t know that for any remedy to be prescribed to any human must be vigorously experimented to see if it is safe or otherwise. It is scientifically proscribed, and it is criminal for any remedy to be used without going through such tests. Trump’s naivety reminds us of what transpired in Kenya in the 1990s when the then president Daniel arap Moi surprised the world by announcing that Kenya had discovered the cure for HIV/AIDS by the name of Kemron that proved to be a hoax resulting from being cheated by controversial doctors, Davy Koech and Arthur Obel. It seems surprise is the ambit of dictators. Before then, in 1987, Zirimwabagabo Lurhuma in conjunction with an Egyptian professor, Ahmed Shafiq duped Zairean tinpot dictator, Joseph-Desire Mobutu and his Egyptian counterpart, Hosni Mubarak that they had discovered HIV/AIDS cure. To make their boss happy, they named their new invention MM1 or Mobutu-Mubarak. Thanks to the desperation of the world, it initially listened to these scientific charlatans. The last buffoon in power to try a hand on the ‘breakthrough’ of discovering HIV/AIDS miracle cure was the former dictator of a tiny country of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh whose education, up until now, has never been made public not to mention his Trump like naivety. Instead of allowing doctors to get away with the credit of folly, this nincompoop in power, Jammeh took it himself by administering his concoction of herbs hinged on spiritual healing techniques to poor HIV/AIDS patients in his country who later died because of this megalomaniac tendency entrenched in undreamed-of buffoonery.
When it comes to making a killing or a political mile, swindlers and politicians becomes one. Who would expect a president worth his salt would tarnish his name easily and senselessly this way? Again, greed, ignorance and popularism are a good thicket for unreasonable creatures.
Source: African Executive Magazine today.
Source: African Executive Magazine today.
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