The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 8 July 2020


Towards the end of 2017; some individuals actively started an unethical campaign for the ‘desecration’ of the country’s Constitution. It all started when it was reported in the print media that “a CCM cadre, Lawrence Mabawa, made public his campaign which he branded as “Baki Magufuli”.   It  was  further  reported  that  a  member  of  Parliament,  Juma  Nkamia ,  had  joined  the  bandwagon  when  he  revealed,  in  a  WhatsApp  posting,  his  plan  to  file  a  ‘Private  Member’s  motion’  in  the  next  session  of  Parliament,  calling  for  a  change to  be  made  in  the  Constitution  of  the  United  Republic,  in  order  to  make  new  provision  for  three  Presidential  terms  of  office,  instead  of  the  existing  two  terms”.
DailynewsThen on 13th January, 2018; an curt statement issued from State House, Dar es Salaam, announcing President Magagula’s firm response to these campaigns; when   he said the following: “I am not interested in staying on after the expiry of my two terms . . .  In my solemn oath upon taking    office, I   vowed   to abide by the Constitution.  There is no way I can lead the country for more than ten years.  That is just impossible.   I must respect the Constitution”.   
Following the President’s response to such   unethical campaigns, I joyfully wrote an article, in which I said thus: “by this announcement, President Magufuli has firmly closed the  door  to  any  such  thinking,  planning,  or  even  maneuvering  by  anyone,  towards  that  objective”.  I even borrowed the famous Latin expression which is   dominant in the teachings of the catholic church, namely “Roma locuta, causa finita”. 
But, alas, this   campaign was resurrected in the National Assembly during the debate on the 2020/21 Government budget.  I  was  contacted  by  some  journalist  and  asked  to  express  my  opinion  on  this  matter;  and  my  response was  the  same  as  before,  namely  that    “ It  is  an  unethical   proposal  for  the  desecration  of  the  country’s  Constitution,  and  an  undisciplined  disregard  of  the  President’s    candidly   expressed  opinion,  firmly  rejecting  this  idea”.
 CHADEMA’s   constitutional cases.
“CHADEMA  files  constitutional  cases”  was  the  big  news  reported  by  THE  CITIZEN  Newspaper  of  Wednesday,  28th  February,  2018;  which  reported  as  follows:  “The  main  Opposition  political  party  CHADEMA,  has  filed  two  constitutional  cases,  through  which  they  are  questioning  the  legality  of  certain  political  conduct  in  the  country.   Specifically, they are questioning the legality of Presidential appointees like the District Executive Directors (DeDs), also acting as Returning Officers during elections”.  The report quoted Makongoro Mahanga, the Ilala CHADEMA District Chairman, as having said the following: “We have started with two cases, but within a period of two months, we will have filed  at least  ten  such  cases”.
I wrote an article praising this action by CHADEMA, in which I said the following “This action by CHADEMA is indeed commendable, for it is a welcome departure from their  hitherto  wholly  unproductive  methods  of  merely  making  public  statements,  or  condemnations,  of  alleged  breaches  of    Constitutional  provisions.  Such statements do certainly attract public attention, but they have always left the disputed matters undetermined.   This constitutional litigation will have the positive outcome of enabling the relevant courts of competent jurisdiction to determine those matters which are in dispute”.  
Unfortunately, however, the promised ten constitutional cases were never filed; and thus, the   expected outcomes did not materialize.  This   reminded me of that famous British Statesman, Sir Winston Churchill’s statement, that “politics is the ability to tell what is going to happen tomorrow, or next week, or next year; and the ability to explain afterwards  why  it  did  not  happen”. But Makongoro Mahanga never explained afterwards why the promised ten cases were not filed as promised.
 President Magagula’s   innovative style of leadership.
“MAGUFULI TAPS ELDERS’ WISDOM” was the eye-catching front-page headline of the DAILY NEWS of Wednesday, 4th July 2018.  That Paper was reporting on President John Magufuli’s   historic   meeting with   the former leaders of all the three pillars of state governance on the previous day.
One   event of significant importance which occurred on   3rd July, 2018, was when President Magufuli demonstrated his new and innovative style of leadership; namely, his determination “to tap the Elders’ wisdom”.  It was a wholly   unexpected, and totally unprecedented event.
On 3rd July, 2018, President Magufuli   convened a historic meeting with all the former top-leaders (who are now in honourable retirement) of all the three ‘Pillars of State’, namely the Executive, the Legislature, and the Judiciary.  The meeting was also attended by the current leaders of those Institutions.    
  The former leaders of the three ‘pillars of state governance’ who attended that meeting, were the following: -
 From the Executive Branch, came former Union Presidents Ali Hassan Mwinyi; Benjamin William Mkapa.  (Former Union President Jakaya Kikwete sent his apologies for inability to attend, as he was out of the country).   But also present was   the former Union Vice-President Mohamed Ghalib Bilal; and former Zanzibar President Amani Abeid  Karume.
Then there were all the six   former Prime Ministers: Cleopa David Msuya; Salim Ahmed Salim; Joseph Sinde Waioba; John Sammuel  Malecela;  and  Mizengo  Peter  Pinda.
 From the Legislative Branch, came the two former Speakers, Pius Chipanda  Msekwa;  and  Anne  Semamba  Makinda.
From the Judiciary Branch, came all the three former Chief Justices:  Barnabas Samatta; Augustine Ramadhani; and Mohamed Chande Othman.
But also, in attendance were   the current leaders of two   Branches: The President himself; Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa; and Speaker of the National Assembly Job Ndugai.  The current Chief Justice had sent his apologies for inability to attend.  It was, no doubt, a very distinguished gathering of ‘Elders’; and was reminiscent of a famous old African adage, of “African Elders in their village sit down   under a  tree,  and  talk  and  talk,  until  they  agree”. 
The   unprecedented defection of Opposition MPs to CCM
In parliamentary parlance, the action of an MP   defecting from his political party to another   party of his choice, is called “crossing the floor”. This is because of the traditional seating arrangements within   the British House of Commons, where the Ruling party members sit on one side of the House; while the Opposition party members sit on  the  opposite  side,  with   a  stretch  of  the  House   floor  separating  the  two  sides.  Thus, for an MP who changes his   party affiliation, it means that he has to cross this floor, in order to join   the   party MPs sitting   on the opposite  side.  This, indeed, is an accepted normal practice   in all the Commonwealth Parliamentary jurisdictions.   
During the year 2018, Opposition members of Parliament started “crossing the floor”, to join the Ruling  party  CCM.  All of those who spoke to the Press about their actions disclosed that they had been  attracted  by  President  Magufuli’s    excellent  performance,  and  had   decided  to  show  their  support  and  encourage  him  by  joining  his  political  party.      
But there were also those who misinterpreted this action, by wrongly claiming that this was CCM’s strategy “to kill  the  Opposition”  in  Parliament.   
In response to these misconceived opinions, I wrote a special article for the DAILY NEWS, aimed  at  stating  the  factors  that  normally  motivate  MPs  to  “cross  the  floor”;  in  which  I  explained  the  factors  that  motivate  MPS  defections  to  other  political  parties,  as  follows:-
“The motives will inevitably vary between the MPs concerned; depending on the individual person, and the   political circumstances obtaining at the material time.  But generally speaking, they revolve around two distinct factors, namely the “push” factors on the one hand; and the “pull” factors on  the  other.                                                                                         
  The ‘push’ factors are those unbearable conditions which literally ‘force’ a person to quit a given   organization to which   he belongs; and the ‘pull’ factors are those    attractive conditions which would induce a person to  join  an  Organization .  .  .  With  regard  to  the  recent  defections  by  Opposition  MPs  to  the  Ruling  party,  we  have  heard  it  ‘live’  from  the  defectors  themselves,  claiming  to  have  been  ‘utterly  disappointed  by  the  leadership  of  their  erstwhile  parties’  (the  ‘push’  factor;  or  that  they  have  been  attracted  by  President  Magufulis’s  impressive  efforts  in  guiding  the  affairs  of  our  nation,  and,  specifically,  his  handling  of   the  development  agenda.   We have no palpable reason to doubt the sincerity of their statements”.                                                               
In confirmation of the reality of this “pull’ factor, defections from the Opposition parties to the Ruling party vastly increased during the period  approaching   the  dissolution  of  the  11th  Parliament.
The events of 2019.
On 5th November 2019; President Magagula completed four years of his first term as President of the United Republic.  For  several  days  prior  to  that  date, the  DAILY  NEWS   published  an  advertisement  titled  “ President  Magufuli’s   four  legendary   successful  years”;   in  which   they  promised  to  publish,  on  5th  November,  2019;    a  special  supplement  to  mark  that  event,  and  invited  members  of  the  public  “to  express  their  candid  opinions  in  assessing  President  Magufuli’s  performance  during  that  period”. 
This advertisement received a very good public response; and   what we eventually saw in that special supplement, was a vast  array  of  opinions  from a  wide  variety  of  commentators,  including  renowned  academicians   such  as    Professor  Patrick  Lumumba,  and  many  others. 
I was motivated to write an article for the DAILY NEWS; in which I expressed my appreciation of the action taken by  that  Paper.  For it reminded me of the Biblical saying in Luke 9, 18 – 21, regarding the story of Jesus asking his disciples the  question:  “what  does  the  assembled  congregation  say  that  I  am ?”                                                                                                                
Thus, asking the people to make an assessment of their leader is the most reliable method.  And, basically, that is also the purpose of this year’s Presidential election:  to make an assessment  of  President  Magufuli’s  performance.
(Will be continued next week)
piomsekwa@gmail,com / 0754767576.

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