The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 23 April 2011

HUMOUR: CCM's Kuvua Gamba Philosophy

CCM-like giant snake

When a snake sheds, scutes or moults its skin it doesn’t become a lizard. Scientifically, this is known as Ecdysis. The snake’s always the snake. Moreover, its scales pose no danger except its venom.

Scientifically, a snake sheds its skin to make it difficult for its enemies and preys to see it. And it does so four to eight times annually. Thus, scientifically saying, skin shedding makes a snake more complicated to trace.

Don’t boggle your mind fearing I’ll go deeper in this snake science biz.

I must admit. I don’t know the rationale Chama Cha Mapinduzi used to coin snake-moulting thing to mean self purification. Anyway, that I, so too, don’t know the emics and etics of fisadis; I leave it there as I delve into the whole viperous charade-cum abracadabra.

Importantly, it must be noted. Currently, kujivua gamba is but an in-thing in Bongolalaland. People have ceased to be bin-Adams but bin- Serpentis or something near. Quote me not. That is what kujivua gamba implies.

Again, will the snake cease to be a snake by just shedding its skin? What of its poison? A good thing one can do if one wants to get rid of the snake, is just club or chop its head. Failure to this is nothing but self-cheating and cheating others. It is a crime especially when it is committed by those in public offices.

Just recently ruling party, detractors call bullying party, CCM did exactly the same as what the snake does. I’m not saying CCM belongs to snakes as other fyatus imply. But why shedding a skin ala snake if you are not one? The answer is simple. The used-to-be- gung-ho discovered, though a bit late, it’s a lot of sharks in its ranks especially Politisches Büro des Zentralkomitees.

Remember. When it’s told of the same, it mindlessly denied. But after the wabongo gave it a few ballots so as to end up embarking on chakachua tech, it put some sense by seeing the light.

What do you do when your back is on the wall? Sacrifice some chaps you think can help you to get away with it. Those that recall what happened when Richmond neared rocking the boat will agree with this method of sacrificial lambs.

Go ask Jose Ma-ropes, Eddy Lu-washa or Ewassa, Roasttamu and Andy Chenga will tell you what this mean. You know what. When Dr. Willy Silaha named names in his famous List of Shame or National Shame; the triplets as they are known, were named. But were they alone? Nope of course!

The chair was named too. But who will touch him without being shown the door? Is he clean? Show me your friends. I’ll tell you who you’re. Mr Chair, stop masquerade. Do justice.

Interestingly, in this skin-shedding biz, the skins namely fisadis were given 90 days to willingly hit the road. Shall they stay put what will be done? I have no idea. Why Jose Ma-ropes and his co didn’t were not given even nine hours? Waarabu wa Pemba!

When I was musing on all these brouhaha and abracadabra, Dr Silaha struck again. You know what? He’s saying: the chair should also be given 90 days to quit. For, he, too, was mentioned at Mwembe Yanga grounds! Will he commit hara kiri? Let’s wait and see. But again, this is Bongolalaland where brains of those that can go to Tahrir Square are always in slumber.

Dr Silaha is kamikaze. Who could risk saying that even the son of the chair, Riz-One, who completed his school recently is a billionaire? My foot! I’m not the one saying this. Dr Silaha alleged this in Singida recently and nobody refuted the allegations. Is this the truth or otherwise? Fill the blank or ask homo narrans. This is Bongo where hypocrisy is phenomenon almost in everything.

When a “snake” sheds its scutes preys get ready for being bitten.


Jaribu said...

Thanks for your generous contribution, Simon. Try not to be excessively wordy next time, alright? Just kidding, my old mate.

Anyways, Mhango. Hell will freeze over before the Honorable Chair lets go of the reins of power. He has to make sure madam and the young one, (the somewhat clever one, not the pretty boy or the others being kept out of sight), are amply provided for for those lean times after 2015. In the meantime, his sycophants and beneficiaries of his ill-gotten largesse will be extolling his virtues; while assailing anybody who has the gumption to take him to task. It is the cross we have to bear, my friend. (No religious pun intended).

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Jaribu you are dead right. We need to stand and make sure that such mentally bankrupt crop of rulers does not return to power. I have been writing thanks to being fed with their bunkum. I wonder many blind and corrupt Honchos are now criss-crossing our country preaching the rebirth of CCM. Will our people keep on allowing themselves to be take for a ride? Shauri yao.