How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Monday 9 September 2013

Bongolalaland Bongo Bongo land boondoggle

It’s out of question. Our hunk’s become what British people call Bongo Bongo land (Bongo-bongo land) or screwed- up country. However, our all-time-lying politicos tell us that we’re in tiptop shape (maybe 'nihilistically').  Our hunk went to dogs when Mzee Mchonga vacated the office. When’s it? Don’t ask me.  What’s obvious is that it’s when boozers were subjected to all sorts of experiments. Guinea pigs you may call them. Or experimental objects for a bunch of swindlers posed as leaders and other good names.
For example, looking at how our hunk’s passports are sold like peanuts, it’s obvious that we’re becoming Bongo Bongo land. Hearing how some crooks from countries prone to con use our passport to defecate on our good name, I feel like committing suttee. Again, where do they get them from? Simple, homemade-hyena-like officials vend our passports just like those vending our minerals and parastatals. Mzee wa Vijisenti Endelea Chenge, Bassie Pesatatu Mrambaramba, are you there? What of mzee wa Buzwagi Mr Ni zero Kadamage?
Corruption and selfishness have caused many boozers to be left out and to be left behind in chewing the national cake. It’s even scandalous to note that foreigners can easily eat our cake compared to boozers.  I was offended the other day when I heard Oman investor boosting that he’ll beef up security at Mwl Mchonga International Bwimbwi Airport.  The first striking and agonizing question was: How do you hand over such a sensitive facility to a foreigner and stay safe? You know what? The guy who answers to the name sheikh so&so Abid… shamelessly said that he’s invited by his friend, Prezzo Jake Kiquette whom he said he’s helping through investing in Mwl Mchonga Airport! Kwani hii kaya ya mama yake? Sacrilegious as it sounds, nobody came to recant such irresponsible hogwash!  Remembering how Oman featured high in Loliondo scandal, my crystal ball tells me that our elephants won’t be safe anymore. Add the just recent Qatari involvement in smuggling live wild animals and their products out through KIA, chances are we’re going to be losers big time.
What’s more, the guy said that’s invited by prezzo. This means that he didn’t win the tender. Simply put it this way: This sheikh so and so won the project through what we call technical know-presider. Again, if this guy is presider’s buddy, do you think he’ll obey our laws or his buddy? If I were Jake, I’d just tell the boozers that I've failed them miserably and I no longer have the authority morally and politically to rule them.  Kama kaya imewashinda si mseme tu.
Wait. What do you expect to call the hunk whose minerals are stolen every second? We've been hollering about this. They've always denied. We last week got a breakthrough after admitting that over 13 billion dosh worth of minerals were retrieved from illegal capital freighters. What do you expect from a failed hunk where illegals come and live for years up till their home countries assault Mr. Presider who decided to revenge by expelling them over night? How do you expel the guys who've lived in your hunk for almost a half century over night? Where were you when they arrived? Why today after having some bad blood with their potentates? Why shouldn't we call this move a blatant revenge? Sadly though, such revenge’s branded a hunk’s interest!  I’m not trying to be a devil’s advocate. Again, looking at megalomania between two honchos, I feel like we’re taken for a ride pointlessly.
Instead of attacking even addressing our stunted development, our rulers are at daggers drawn. They shamelessly think it’s kind of cool for them to serve their egos on the expenses of boozers.
Let’s move ahead with more boondoggling stuff of our hunk. I read one tabloid accusing some magistrates, judges even the Director of Public Provocation (DPP) for abetting drug barons. Names were named. Again who bothers to interfere in their ways of minting and printing dosh? I read names such as of corrupt judges U-love Msuya, so-and-so Msangi and magistrate so-and-so Msongo who’s always loaded it over the judiciary refusing to be transferred to Lindi where there are no drug deals. These aren't judges but judas.
By all account, what some populists call war against drugs is but charade. Take it from me. How can you fight drugs by nabbing dagaas as you remain in bed with sharks? Don’t tell me that we don’t have responsible, accountable and patriotic boozers who can man our facilities such as Mwl Mchonga International Airport, judiciary and intelligence.  If this is the case, even those in the state white house are the same. Essentially, what’d be done is just wipe out the current corrupt system and establish another responsible one.  The hunk’d depend on sound system instead of depending on investors like Sheikh so and so Abid….
If all boozers are corrupt through and through, do you think Mr. Presider will be an exception to the general rule? Go tell it to the birds. He’s as corrupt as others. Remember how he’s accused of using EPA money robbed from BoT to ascend to power? Has he ever bothered to recant, repudiate or explain? Why? Even chicks know why? He who lives in glass house shouldn't throw stones. Again, who’ll heed my call if at all much time is spent on junket days in days out?
Source: Thisday Sept., 9, 2013.


Jaribu said...

The President, (and I use the term very loosely), is beyond corrupt. He is a crook! Sheikh Abid huh? At least he is a clever Abid, not our dimwitted Dr Prez.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Hey Jaribu,
How are you? Is his excellency a crook really or a corrupt one? Clever Abid wow! To me all fish smell the same so to speak.

Jaribu said...

I am well, in the process of moving to different state for another job. Been busy as heck. Glad to see you are still socking it to the man; as it were.

When you are corrupt you become a crook, since you break the law. You can be a crook without being corrupt, but every corrupt person is a crook. Sheikh Abid must be better if he can hoodwink Dr Dumb Abid into providing security for our main airport. No other country does that.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Good news if you are moving for that purpose. Let's know where you are heading for. I wish you well.

Jaribu said...

Thanks, moving to Louisiana from Texas.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

I wish you a quick adaption and catch up. I know how harder it always is to move from one state/province to another. I did the same five years ago from Newfoundland and Labrador. It was highly demanding especially for the guy with a humongous family.