The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 11 October 2015

As we celebrate Mtikila

            It is doubtlessly a great loss.  We grieve and weep for the the loss of the person –Rev Christopher Mtikila – an amiable man who kept political dialogue in the hunk always alive. Controversial as he was, Mtikila was the force to reckon with as far as Bongolalaland’s political landscape is concerned. Boozers were shocked and dismayed to learn about the untimely demise of their colleague.
             I personally knew Mtikila before becoming a megastar politician. I vividly recall. We used to meet at Mnazi Mmoja garden or Shule ya Uhuru Mchanganyiko grounds. It is at this time Mtikila was starting to build his political resume as he launched himself as a public intellectual. Mtikila was a good person to dialog with, so astute and charming that everybody would appreciate nattering with. He indeed, was a good chatterbox that seemed to know many things. Despite his low-slung edification, Mtikila was a self educated dude that died an icon as far as the second liberation of the hunk is concerned.
            Mtikila is the only person who lugged me into participating in the demos for the first and last time so to speak. It was at the time when he launched his “Operation Equality” when he wanted all Bongolalanders to treat each other equally. Despite not supporting his take on gabacholis, I still envy his courage of the mad that sent shock waves all over the world. One of his legacy is the fact that he is the one and and only one who brought sanity in the relationships between people of Asian descent and indigenous. Before Mtikila launched his campaigns of wanting the latter to pack and go back “home” the two communities lived a very segregated life. Before going towards the way of all the earth, Mtikila coined the world gabacholis or thieves or aliens. And indeed, the traditionally secluded community –slowly and dramatically –at least, started to mingle with the former.
            No doubt, Mtikila created many friends as well as enemies for the whole time he lived. His love for his hunk was second to none. A fearless and courageous person, Mtikila became the darling of the youth. He spoke their language. He, too, was a boozer whom boozers will always remember.
            However, Mtikila –as anybody else –knew he’d not become the president of the hunk, his chutzpah, rants and raves kept the embers burning even more. Though I personally don’t endorse all of his political stances, I still respect the man for his courage and steadfastness as far as taking on corrupt and skinny politicians is concerned.
            Like any mortal, Mtikila used to rise and fall as the time went by. Up till his demise, he seemed to have been launching himself after missing out of the show for sometimes. This year, sadly though, robbed us the man who had already launched himself almost close to the tune of the one he was before dwindling sometimes back.
            Indeed, like any boozer, Mtikila –the guy who feared nothing except fear –took on the high and the mighty. He rubbed some the wrong why while he dealt a blow to many so as to leave back many of his political casualties. Mtikila was the guy who was not afraid of death. And, indeed –for the love of his hunk –Mtikila died on the way from campaigns despite being denied to run for president. He still said clearly, loudly, and openly that some of corrupt politicians were not worth to become next president. He minced no words. Eddie Lowassa knows this too well. Sometimes, one would think that Mtikila was campaigning for accountability based on anarchy due to the fact that he attacked both Joni Kanywaji Makufuli and Eddie. This left many shocked and confused altogether.
            Although Mtikila is no more, no book of history of our hunk will be complete without accommodating his name. Mtikila’s sudden death speaks to the fact that no human is forever.  I know too well. His enemies are breathing a sigh of relief as if they won’t die. His friends are shocked and saddened. Again, this is the way for everybody.  Where is Horace Kolimba who openly and courageously told his party that it had lost direction? Where is Zakayo Chacha Wangwe?  They all went towards the way of all the earth just as all of us will –one day –do without any opportunity to abscond or adjourn.
            Although Mtikila lived in this world, he wasn’t a person of this world. He was like a big fish in small pond.  However, we need to thank the creator for allowing him to be with us for 65 years, RIP Christopher Mtikila. Boozers will dearly and badly miss you especially your commitment, veracity and ability in tackling things many fainted hearts feared to touch on.
Source: Guardian Oct., 11, 2015.

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