The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

COVID 19: Africans Should Be Treated with Sensitivity

The action by two French doctors Jean-Paul Mira, head of ICU services at the Cochin Hospital in Paris, and Camille Locht, research director for France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) who appeared on TV network on LCI suggested that the test for the vaccine should be conducted in Africa. The CNN, this month, cited Mira as saying “if I could be provocative, should we not do this study in Africa, where there are no [face]masks, no treatments and no ICUs?” Puerile and heedless argument any true human––who is a doctor even a bush doctor––can contemplating about saying leave alone saying it. Where did these morons and mother fxx get the pluck to turn Africans into lab good-for-nothings? Why conducting such heinous experiment on Africa if the aim is to arrest COVID-19 that had claimed only 24 lives compared to highly plagued Europe with thousands fatalities if, indeed, the aim of these murderous delinquents were to develop a cure? Have they forgotten how Africa today knows that the same xenophobes in the west developed HIV to kill black people? Why are western xenophobes always play God when it comes to Africa? Ironically, even the so-called international community kept mum to show how it is a part and parcel of this genocidal treachery against Africa, Africans and black people? Is this the reason why African Americans are dying of COVID-19 more than their counterparts whites? Where are human rights organisations that, often times, are at loggerheads with African leaders who trample on the rights such as sodomy and the likes that have never made any sense to Africans? Where are big religious bodies of the world?
Try to imagine. If such toxic suggestion was made against the "God-chosen one”, racists of whatever denomination or colour,  how the world would look like? What’d have been the reaction of the world had such a proposition been made by an African or a black person? If such a toxic idea were conceived by African doctors against white people, the warrants for their arrest would have been issued he same minute such a conspiracy came to light.
When this heinous crime against Africans was committed, it is only one man who stood his ground and openly condemned this foolhardy suggestion against Africans collectively . This is none other than Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization Director-General whom the CCN quoted as saying “to be honest, I was so appalled. And it was a time when I said when we needed solidarity -- this kind of racist remarks actually would not help, it goes against the solidarity.”
For those who remember how Congolese where maimed and killed in millions after refusing to be enslaved by a criminal king Leopold of Belgium, wonder where such xenophobes get the mettle to keep on adding salt to injuries in the modern times. 
I am intending to write a book known as Education for Ignorance. This is because when I see how––some of the so-called educated people––behave, I draw a conclusion that, for some of this sort of people, either have a problem or the kind of education they received is problematic. This becomes the case, if one considers, what two racist French doctors  above averred recently. They shamelessly said that they’d think  the vaccine for COVID-19 should be conducted in Africa on Africans. I wonder why such fools did not underscore the fact that Africa, up until now, is the less affected continent. This is a simple thing to comprehend. Again, did Africa ask them to conduct such criminality on its people? Are there  some things that we do not know that we need to know?  Although Africa is not out of woods yet, I don’t think that any human beings with any sanity and moral groundings and the sense of humanity can think about such a genocidal idea. 
It is sad that our African leaders and African human rights activists and organisations didn’t gripe against this systemic racism against them as a people. Why has Europe always thought that Africans are its economic and scientific guinea pigs? Refer to how it enslaved and colonised them; and thereby accumulated the capital that catapulted it where it is today. Despite this criminal past, some of contemporary Europeans still think––they can keep on treating their colleagues humans like animals. It is sad that after––European colonial monsters objectified and thingfied Africans––getting away with the murder of slavery and colonialism, not to mentions genocide in the former Congo Free State thereafter Zaire and then the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) under Belgian criminal king known as Leopold who turned it into his private colony, Namibia where thousands of Herero and Namas people were genocided by German and recently Rwanda where close a million innocent people were genocided in the genocide that three European countries, German, Belgium and France created aimed at serving them in future exploitation of the country. Africans may be poor after being pauperised by the same Europe and partly America, among others, but are not crazy and foolish. They might have poor health services but not poor hearts like those who are now contemplating about genociding them.
Enough is enough. Africans are humans like anybody else regardless the pigment of the person. And Africans are not begging to be recognised as humans. In the west, Africans and other non-white are referred to as the people of colour as if those labelling them so have no colour or are the people of no colour.  Refer to how US president Donald Trump kept on referring to COVID-19 as a Chinese virus while they are the ones who named it. This racist proclivity is rife in the west where supremacist ideologies are entrenched in their action, cultures and languages. Try to interrogate and research the meaning of the term black in English language; you will see how endemic and systematic racism is in European minds and nations. What French doctors proposed is a typical replica of how many racist view Africans.  This is the west everybody needs to know despite hiding itself behind many smokescreens such as globalization, internalisation, modernity, traditional, local, foreign and whatnots. Indeed, what these two rump-fed ronyons did is nothing but collective genocidal and racist attempts need to be condemned. This is nothing but medical terrorism that the world needs to seriously and timely address.
Source: African Executive Magazine, Today.

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