The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 13 June 2020


Former 'Nation' columnist Betty Caplan dies in London - Daily Nation

Six years have elapsed since my friend Betty Caplan went to her make in London where she was surrounded by her two daughters and gland children after living in Narobi and Istanbul where she used to touch base with the world. As a journalist, Caplan was on the top of the game. As an analyst, she new when to say what and when to keep mum. Living in the country under a stinking dictator, Caplan knew how to shuffle and play her cards. I met Caplan in Nairobi in 2002 at a Sarit Centre. Since then, we became friends who would touch base up until I move to Canada. Betty as I used to call her was a humble and an open person who would tell you everything. Now that every soul will die, I am humbled to specifically share my memory of Betty Caplan with my readership.
Rest In Peace Betty Caplan. It is as if we met yesterday!

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