The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Shame on You US To Call ICC Kangaroo Court

Currently, the disUnited States (US)––as some observers like to refer to it––is barking up wrong tree. Its relationship with the International Criminal Court (ICC) is murky and shaky. The US recently imposed sanctions on the ICC and any of its officials because it shed light on its war crimes. The US took such a laughable action after appeals judges authorized Thursday an investigation into allegations of war crimes by United States military and intelligence personnel in the period since 1 May 2003. After the ICC authorized the investigation, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s quoted by Reuters (11 may, 2020) as saying “we cannot, we will not stand by as our people are threatened by a Kangaroo court.” Kangaroo court! Pompeo urged the ICC to kill the investigation into the matter.  Shame on you Pompeo! Shame on you US. Let’s be serious a wee bit. Is really the ICC a Kangaroo court? Isn’t this the contempt of the court? Who is Pompeo and the US to refer to an international court as a Kangaroo court? Is the issue here your people or suspects? Since its inception, the US has always committed crimes such as creating banditry, as it happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and later Libya; and treason against other nations; not to mention racism against its own non-white people mainly African Americans. Since the US has never been held accountable for its criminality, has found it its natural right to violate others and hope to always get away with the murder. Thus, the sin the ICC committed is nothing but its efforts to seal the loophole that’s enabled the US to go scot-free without facing the music. The world needs to stand up to see to it that the US wakes up and smells up the coffee regarding its delinquency and mendacity. When the US took its misguided decision, the EU thereof issued a statement condemning such a move it termed objectionable. The Netherland too objected to this move while US’ puppet Israel supported the move.
            Further, US’ aggression and ballyhoos against the ICC won’t demean the court. Instead, its arrogance and holier than thou mentality will become deleterious to the US itself. Remember. When President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy were arraigned before the ICC for the 2007 Post-Election Violence (PEV), the very same US was forcing them to appear before what today is referring to as an impromptu court. Former President Barack Obama’s quoted as telling the duo, “I urge all of Kenya’s leaders, and the people whom they serve, to cooperate fully with the ICC investigation and remain focused on implementation of the reform agenda and the future of your nation. Those found responsible will be held accountable for their crimes as individuals. No community should be singled out for shame or held collectively responsible. Let the accused carry their own burdens – and let us keep in mind that under the ICC process they are innocent until proven guilty. As you move forward, Kenyans can count on the United States as a friend and partner.”
 We need to understand that the US treats and regards itself a world bully; and all others are but clowns and pawns whose value is negligible compared to the US’ super-humans. America’s holier than thou predisposition has, essentially been the backbone of the international superstructure, which is by all means a colonial tool for bullying others.  Although Trump and his courtiers may go chest-thumping that they’re doing America good, indeed, they’re not only criminalising it but also making it a pariah in the international circles. This being the real situation, the US is now looking for an egress out of tons of scandals causing tittle-tattles globally resulting from police brutality that resulted to the death of George Floyd not to mention how Trump mishandled Covid-19. Thus, to easily shift world’s and its people’s attention, Trump regime is looking for whatever ruse to get away with the murder.
            Since Trump controversially came to power has turned the US into a laughingstock. For, America’s fame and name have received a big hit and deteriorated ever since. Despite that Trump’s never been ashamed of himself the same word he uses against those he doesn’t like. Deplorable as America’s foreign policy has become, the so-called leader of the free world’s no longer anything, but a bungled country that Trump’s wantonly rules as his private estate. How can the US be the leader of the free while it impinges on the freedoms of others including the ICC? Is the US free under Donald Trump––who has proved to be good at making America insignificant instead of making it great though––there’s a question as to when America’s ever been great among such criminality and racial divisions. Despite Trump’s disfavour to his people, we must remember: the US has partaken of many delinquencies against other nations in Africa, Middle East, Central America and many more. Remember what it did to the DRC where it’s recorded that the US toppled and killed its first leader the late Patrice Emory Lumumba. Alike, it perpetrated the same in Chile, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Nicaragua, Panama and many more.  If the US knows what Kangaroo court means, the first Kangaroo court it formed was the one that tried and sentenced Saddam Hussein to death. Nonetheless, it’s been US’ policy to topple leaders who don’t cower before it, since Trump took over, America’s PR has hugely deteriorated. What do we expect from a leader who doesn’t only know a little but also is afraid of even divulging his tax return? This speaks to the criminal nature of the state and its leader. Again, who’ll save America from itself?
            As if systemic criminalities such as racism and regime changes are not enough, the US is currently at unnecessary wars with the ICC, WHO and UN among others. The US is alike at war with Venezuela. Refer to how Venezuela recently arrested Americans who were plotting to overthrow the government of that country. As if that isn’t enough, the US is embroiled in punch-ups with China not to mention Iran and North Korea.
            By imposing sanctions on the ICC, the US hasn’t dressed itself down but also has given ammos to African dictators who are now openly opposed to the ICC, which the view as an imperialist tool aimed at punishing only African criminals. The US is disparaging the ICC geared by the fear of what can transpire shall the ICC stand its ground vis-à-vis US’ criminality globally. After getting away with the murder after it nuked the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 respectively claiming the lives of over 300,000 not to mention millions who suffered from the aftermath of the bombings. By the time the US nuked Japan, the world’s polarised under the Cold War. Now that this is long gone, the US fears that its dirty past can be revisited. That’s why the US has never ratified the ICC and other international instruments.
            Considering US’ white supremacy comportment, one can understand why it’s now discrediting the ICC. For, the US and other hegemonic powers, the ICC must deal with feeble countries but not the superpowers. Whoever attempts to stop such countries from walking on air, will face such a wrath.
            In a nutshell, the world needs to fearlessly stand up against US bullying behaviour. We need to say enough is enough; and collectively and universally add nemo est supra leges, namely nobody’s above law. If the US likes to remain relevant and significant in world affairs, it must stop this madness against the ICC and other international instruments. Provided that this is the electioneering year, votes need to put a competent American in the White House. Practically, the ICC isn’t a Kangaroo court but the court of law of an international stature. And nothing could be further from the Truth. Shame on you Trump!
Source: African Executive Magazine

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