The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 5 September 2020


Dr Willy M Mutunga, Chief Justice, Kenya (2011-16) on Twitter: "With Maina  Kiai and Prof Makau Mutua during the burial of Natasha Wangui Gagiria,  Maina's niece."Professor Makau Mutua (distinguished professor of Law at SUNNY Buffalo University, New York);  Dr Willy M Mutunga (former Kenya's Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court- above)  and Maina Kiai ( former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights and Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association) are three Kenyan bin-Adams I admire. Knowing and interacting them taught me something. They are so much connected to Tanzania. They adore Mwl  Julius K Nyerere (father of Nation and his Ujamaa policy) and Tanzania for what we are. As thinkers, this can be seen in their academic works and life. I was astound when I met them in Nairobi. Knowing I was a Tanzania, they started calling me ndugu. They were proud of speaking Swahili while many Kenyans are afraid of doing so. More importantly, their humility blew me away. Despite being academics and holders of such high positions, they still were accessible personalities something rare for many Kenyans of their calibre. These are the two Kenyans I admire so to speak.

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