The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Will Donald Trump Make America Gleet Again?

Historically, the independence and the confederacy of the United States were realised through violence or revolutionary wars (1775-1783). Its economic marvels and military muscles were attained by criminality and violence. Refer to how the US had to fight its mother, the British Empire to achieve independence; how it used the barrel of gun to unite noncompliant states. Furthermore, refer to how the US used slave to create the capital that hurled it to economic world dominance and; how it nuked Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Despite being enacted in 1930, the US has never ratified the Forced Labour Convention, and the Employment Policy Convention, 1964. FYI, up until now, the US has never ratified 46 international instruments on various important issues.  Refer to how it gained its world political legerdemain by plotting against or killing many recalcitrant leaders such as Chilean president Salvador Allende, Jacobo Árbenz (Guatemala), Patrice Lumumba (DRC) and many more.  

Although the US is naturally a violent state, it’s become more violent under untoward president Donald Trump who saw many police killings he seems to enjoy and support as he recently showed when he went to Kenosha–––where a black man was gunned down by the police–––to support racist and trigger-happy cops. What an insult to the American population including the culprit himself and his base! One’s to be a killer and a racist to shamelessly do so.  When he bald-facedly supported murders and racist, Trump’s quoted as saying while in Kenosha “you went through hell just a few days ago, but I feel so safe. … We’re safe because of law enforcement.” Who went to through the hell between those Trump’s addressing (killer cops) and their preys (Afro-Americans)? What a humungous blooper! Who’s practically safe in the hands of such murderers or gory law enforcement agents? Any white person and cops of course. Was there any lucid and wise reason of commending the law enforcement agents while one of theirs was implicated (via live footages of the shooting) in the murder?

Though the US is naturally an apartheid state, under Trump, it’s become more xenophobic than ever before. Listen to or watch any American media. You’ll hear words such as ‘the cops shot a black man’ or ‘a white cop shot a Latino.’ Why mentioning the colour of a person while all Americans are Americans? Another proof that the US under Trump’s become more racist and riskier revolves around the revitalisation of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement that became more vocal recently after the increase of racial related police murders of Americans who are not white.

Needless to say, the US is a warring nation ever since it’s created. However, under Trump it’s exacerbated this proclivity. Refer to how the US invented trade war with China simply because it showed the possibility of taking over its superpower crown. Before the dust settled, under Trump, the US does no longer enjoy cordial trade relationship with Europe one of its chief allies.  Although China-US trade war’s the foremost one, Trump also went to trade wars with Canada, the EU, India and Mexico. Such idiocy had some knock-on effects on US economy that’s likely to lose squillions if not gazillions of dollars.

Traditionally, US foreign policy is ineffectual and imperious. Anybody who doesn’t rave according to its jingle is banned or bested as is currently the case with Iran and Venezuela. Under Trump–––a poor bin-Adam who knows nothing about the world–––US’ foreign policy has become a mumbo jumbo sort of affair. Refer how he called African and some Latin American countries shitholes not to mention continually calling Mexicans drug paddlers and rapists whom is preventing from entering his country by erecting a wall on the border of the two countries.

Trump hasn’t only lost it on foreign policy only but also on home front. His mishandling of Covid-19 pandemic is now staring on his face. To show how ignorant the man is, once suggested that people should be injected with decontaminators to kill the virus in their bodies.

What’s more, the ostensible leader of the Free World’s no longer free. Before pondering on freedom, remind yourself of democracy, which the US likes to tutor to others. There’s no way there can be freedom without competent and dependable democracy. To be a leader of the Free World one has to be elected in the free, fair and credible election. Was the election of Trump free, fair and credible? How’d it be while nobody’s ever denied Russian interference? Even birds know that Trump is but a clone of Vladimir Putin. Politically, you can call Don Trump Don VladPut if not a Russian understudy. To prove that under Trump democracy doesn’t make sense, he recently urged his followers to vote twice.

Although the US asserts to be an epitomic democracy, currently, it can’t even mimic democracy. We need to ask ourselves. What type of democracy has the US become under Trump? If we consider how the White House was turned into a Trump family private estate after Don became president, the US is a derisory sort of democracy if not a democrazy. Better Saudi Arabia and other Gulf kingdoms and emirs that openly declared their demesne devoid of any gist of democracy. To prove how Trump is more of a king than a president, he’s sprightlier relationship with the dictators in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Russia etc.

After being sworn in president, Trump assembled his children, in-laws, business buddies, conspirators and gangs to run the show. Refer to how scandal after scandal surfaced after Trump became president. Google the following names to know who’s who in Trump’s crime pond in Washington: Michael Cohen aka Trump’s fixer, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates. This is not all. The list goes on and on not to mention the mother of scandals that’ll erupt after Don vacates the WH next November, tax aversion and womanizing, gagging sex-providers etc. To give you a tipoff, what to uncover aren’t only scandalous but also reeky, especially for the country that conceits itself of being the archetypal of mature and true democracy.

We can go even deeper as far as Trump’s netherworld is concerned. To prove the point, almost all of Trump’s ex-wives were not Americans. How did he get them? He did nothing wrong provided the US has never ratified the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others, 1950 and the Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of Marriage, 1962. Under Trump, immigrant juvenile and children were detained others separated from their parents. Trump wanted the law that protects young immigrants repealed.  Again, if Trump is a true patriot, who loves is country–––as he play-acts to be­­­–––why did he marry foreigners as if his country was barren of women? Is there anything fishy behind this proclivity?  

When it comes to human rights, the US is a renowned violator of human rights. refer to how it maintained racism up until recent times. To make matters worse, the US has never ratified the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958. As for the general application of Human Rights, despite the fact that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was enacted in 1948, up until now, the US is one of the nations that have never ratified it. Similarly, the US has never ratified many other international instruments such as the International Criminal Court (ICC). Wait a wee bit. Do you know that the US has never ratified even its own convention, namely the American Convention on Human Rights? What else do you want to pass your judgment as an American voter and a citizen of the world for those who can’t vote but have the sway to American voters? For Americans, I know you think you are extraordinary humans because your country’s the mightiest currently. Under Trump however, the opposite it the case. For the guy who promised you to dry the pond in Washington’s plagued it with his corrupt and selfish acquaintances, broods and chums. The guy who promised to make America great again–––though it’s never been great at any time–––has generated it to the level it’s never reached in its history.

In sum, intuiting his incompetence and the price he’ll soon pay thereof come election day, Trump’s already been worked up so as to show desperation to the extent that’s never been seen in American politics. He once said that if he loses election there can erupt civil war in the US. To show more hopelessness, Trump’s quoted recently as saying that the democrats are going to rig elections. How while Trump’s the one who has the power they seek to wrestle from his grip? These are the signs of despondency and confusion. Will America repeat the mistake allowing Donald Trump to make America gleet again? It’s upon them to decided.

Source: African Executive Magazine today.

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