The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Be serious this time Prof Tiba-Ijuka?


I’m sure Prof Ann Kajuamlo Tiba-ijuka, minister of Hekalus, Mbavu za Dog, Lands and Heavens  knows me. I know. You read my stuff not once or twice. I’m also sure. You know that boozers and I take seriously whatever you say. So too, you verily know that we love you so much so that we offer you our free nuggets of wisdom whenever you need them.
Good prof, you said recently that you’re going to demolish all buildings in open spaces and other grabbed lands.  Tawile! Well done big girl shall you live up to your words. If you don’t bring down those mijengos, beware. I’ll commit suicide. Given that you love and value me, you’ll live up to your words to save my precious life even if I'm a boozer.
You said that you’ll take on land grabbers mercilessly. Boozers are waiting anxiously to see how you’ll take on bigwigs such as Gettie Rwakaterehe and others with villas and castles in posh areas such Masaki, Upanga, Mikocheni, Msasani, Mbezi Beach and elsewhere. Guess what. When you fulfill your promise, true, we’ll invite you for kanywaji so as to show the world that you’re not done politically. We’ll shame your detractors who think you’re but a political cadaver if not a casualty.
Given that I've been reminding you to bring down the uhindini ghorofa to no avail, now hopefully, you’ll bring this killer building down just soon. Given that you've discovered how fat land grabbers use our courts to frustrate your efforts, we encourage you to stand your ground and see to it that no bin-Adam is stopping you however big or powerful that person is. I know. You know. Our hunk is now a laughing stock almost in everything. Did you hear how poachers killed our elephants and rhinos while those supposed to apprehend them end up complaining?  You know how our airports have become harbours of illegal trades in drugs, ivory, minerals and whatnot. I know you. You've nary become a person that complains. I also know that you know what transpired when a good Dr. Harry Mwakiembe boasted that he’d take on drug barons who ended up taking him down shamelessly as he vanished shamefully.
Good prof, you’re quoted recently as saying that you erected billboards notifying people who built in open areas to demolish their houses to no avail.  You went ahead chest beating saying that you’ll demolish those buildings and those who said you’re done politically should take a note that you’re not done yet. Bravo big girl.
You added “We will demolish houses I've seen in Mbezi areas and others without looking at the face of a person. We won’t waste time with those with fake title deeds. Instead we will  meet with before the court after demolishing.”
Such words are bold and encouraging if you'll live up to your promises. After all, boozers are tired of empty promises. They’d like to see you swing into actions.
Great prof, I need to warn you. Before you swing into actions make sure that the cops you’re going to use are not beating people up. If they do, your operation will end up a cropper just like Operesheni Tukuza Ujangili. You know what befell four ministers. Some gossipers in boozing circles are saying that the bigwigs were booted out not just because they violated Bin-Adam’s rights. Nay! The gossipers say that the guys were shown the door for trying to take on untouchable who happen to be connected. As one paper in the land of Brits put it, poachers are protected by powerful people who also happen to be their conspirators and biz partners. I don't mean your boss. Spare me.
So big girl, when you start taking on those land thieves aka land grabbers try to avoid all traps aimed at halting your noble cause for our hunk if you mean what you said and said what you mean. Again, though you broke my heart when you swore to bring down the ugabacholini building and failed, I still trust you. I understand. There are general elections next year. Watch your steps. Some party bigwigs could descend on you saying that if you demolish those buildings those owning them won’t give your outfit votes. Yeah! This once happened a few years ago when matching guys and those who live in  informal dwellings especially in Jangwani  marshlands were supposed to be moved forcefully. Again, given that such a move was to take place close to general elections, those who wanted to purge mabondeni dwellers were stopped for the same reasons, votes for Numero Uno. You know what I mean.
Great profwessor, thank your lucky stars I heard another minister who answers to the name Bin Lithmus Mahenge saying that he, too, will expel all top dogs who erected their infamous hekalus on our beaches. Team up with him and show those sons and daughter of the hell the heck. Usikubali kuingiliwa dear.
Source: The Guardian Feb., 23, 2014.

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