The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Sunday, 2 February 2014

This is why I adore Danganyikans and boozers

lowasa 47b14
When the good govt that doesn't pay its energy bills hiked power at the tune of 40%, I wrong thought that there’d be some sparks either from the boozers or power generators. Nay! Nothing did happen. I wrongly thought that I’d see some offended paupers taking to the streets at least to tell the world they oppose what’s going on.  Nope!
Whenever power hike occurs everything goes up from daladala to mbavu za dog.  Everybody’ll use what’s possible to top up. Teachers will tell pupils that if they don’t attend their tuition they must expect to fail. Nurses, too, will charge patients not to mention bartenders who, of course, will beg like crazy. Dada poa, too, will increase the prices of their sins. Small houses, too, will hike their services. Truly, all aspects of life will haunt you. While all this menace’s going on, opposition politicians drop the bombshell that the national debt is skyrocketing waiting for you or the next generations to pay it. Before long, the high and mighty in ulaji pointlessly and carelessly will increase their matanuzi knowing that their cash cow, you’ll foot their bill. As if isn't enough, investakers will increase tax evasion on top of many and long tax holidays they always enjoy. As you weigh what to do, Mr Sossie Muhongo the minister of gas drops another bombshell that the gas is for foreigners not locals. Petrol prices swell as the electricity price surges.
I didn't know.  Our sheepish boozers and Danganyika are smarter than I wrongly thought!  Guess what. When you hike power tariffs and prices, they increase illegal connections. They gang up with vishoka and vijembe who illegally and covertly and overtly connect power to the houses.  Who knew that even big factories schools and other ventures could connect power illegally? St Mary’s are you there? They say: Ngoma droo. You think you can take them for the ride little knowingly they beat long before.
Before knowing how Bongo’s ran I goofed. I used to look down at our boozers. I likened them with sheep that can be slaughtered at the will of a shepherd be it in the church or in the barn. Now I know. I was terribly wrong. Boozers are smarter than I am.  Bongolalalanders remind of Samuel Butler’s quote that says, “The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, and pride and arrogance.” Don’t take this serious. For, it is my kanywaji transliteration. Importantly, the point is: We’re pretending to know while we actually cause our own calamity by not acting promptly timely and decisively especially when some goons and swindlers take us for a ride.
Sometimes, fake smartness is ignorance and stupidity altogether. Shall this become the order of the day as it’s always seems to be, when are we to forge ahead just like others? Whom are we punishing? True, we’re but ruining and punishing our coming generations that’ll one day urinate on our graves for being mediocre and stupid. Despite all this megalomania and insanity, I truly love our boozers and the way they commit suttee in the name of being smart.
I still ask myself. How can small hunks such as Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda have reasonable price and reliable supply of electricity in spite of having no reliable sources while we who've them don’t?  What’s a miss? Did you hear how students of University of Nairobi took to street when there occurred power cuts just for a short while?
Again, who cares if at all this is the hunk of the smarter? Bongo ya wajanja hata kama mafala. If you want to know what I mean, just ask yourself. The guy works 365 days a year and his salary can’t buy even a quarter of his needs. Yet, the same guy builds a mansion not to mention enrolling his kids in academics that hike education as well. Wait. The wife of the same guy is always donned in gold and all expensive wiwalo. Nobody questions all this science! Surprise! surprise! You can find that the same guy might have one or two nyumba ndogo and other loss-making ventures such as getting kanywaji every weekend where fat offers are generously made to one or two people. Wait. You can find that the same punk’s a very nourished account not to mention another villa in his village and the oil guzzler. Does this click for you?
 Have you forgotten how artistes are becoming tycoons overnight simply because they use art to deal with drugs? Again, this isn't my take. This is what I hear in the streets of Bongo that nary become bankrupt of rumours and gossips. Faint not my friend. This is Bongo where Bongolalalanders live and do their things. You know them. You can easily and truly see them through yourself. Au vipi? What have you done to stop or erase the injustice of hiking power and other essentials? Aren't you one of them? Include me not. I’m doing my part by telling you the same things you’re supposed to know but you don’t. Why? Hayanihusu is the tendency of everybody. Martin Luther Jr once said, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity.”
Source: The Guardian Feb., 2, 2014.


Jaribu said...

What I can't fathom is why boozers put up with this stupidity. The same government that won't pay its electric bills is the same one that sanctions power price hikes. Do you remember when National Housting Corporation took to task its largest debtors? Turned out to be government ministries and of course our ever sagacious doctor averred that NHC should be "considerate" in evictions for rent non-paying tenants.

What really gets my dander up is this concept of bad contracts. A one-sided contract where the customer goes out of his way to get the worst terms possible is not a contract, it is a scam especially when the customer is a parastatal or a government entity.

You know I work for a federal contractor and whenever the government feels they are getting the short end of the stick they will put the contracts up again for rebids and all the contractors will have to submit bids again. That is a far cry from bongoland where the entire nation is plunged into darkness due to "bad contracts" which everbody knows they are scams but somehow they have to be enforced.

The next governmnet should put all these crooks in jail, from top to botom.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Jaribu you need to know that boozers are boozers if not Danganyikans. I tried to think the way I could put sense into their heads. I came up with the idea of creating boozers to show how our upstairs is clogged with goo instead of brains. I therefore don't marvel when I see what's going on in Bongo Lala Land where every govt that comes screws them up and leave them complaining. Have you heard how CCM vigogo are washing their linens in the agora after dressing one another down?
Again, how is your new location after moving from Texas? You are lucky it is not as cold as it is hither.

Jaribu said...

Here in Louisiana is not as cold as it is up there, but still was life was brought to a standstill with this little twenty degrees spell we had. Couldn't go to work for two days since the workplace was closed. Things were worse in Atlanta where motorists got stranded in freeways for twenty hours or more and most wound up abandoning their cars.

Yes, I have been keeping up with CCM shenanigans. I wish someone could put them out of their misery by putting them all in jail where they can fight over scraps of beans and rice.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

I laughed a lot when the media reported how America South was paralyzed by what we see as something normal hither.
Anyways Poleni sana.
Regarding these lucky dogs methinks we need to vote the opposition in and see if we can use them to kick their asses.