Kiongozi wa mapinduzi yaliyoiingiza Mali kwenye mtafaruko wa kidini na kisiasa, Amadou Sanogo yuko korokoroni akikabiliwa na mashtaka ya mauaji. Sanogo afisa wa cheo cha kati jeshini asiyejulikana, aliishangaza dunia pale alipomwangusha rais wa zamani wa Mali Amadou Touman Toure. Sasa kibao kimemgeukia kama kilivyomgeukia mwenzie wa Guinea Moussa Dadis Camara. Kwa habari zaidi BONYEZA HAPA.
We do think Army Force is an answer for African Messy..I do not think so.....Never ever that will give us longer term solution before we do change our mentality...We need to get people like Thomas Sankara, Edward Sokoine, Julius Kambarage Nyerere.....
Hello Anon,
You are dead right. We need leaders not juntas, rulers and looters. Sankara and those that you've mentioned came from Mars so to speak. I can add another one, Valentin Strasser of Sierra Leone who was overthrown and went on to live in abject poverty simply because he did not loot his country. Despite his mess even Idd Amin did not partake the sin of looting.
What took you so long or some one turned off the lights.
What do you mean by turning the light off?
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