The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Dual citizenship: Fear nothing but fear

Since President Jakaya Kikwete conceived the idea of writing a new constitution, some issues have become. Whether Tanzania must have a three-tier system or two, has dominated the whole exercise whereby Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) has clung onto two-tier system while the opposition, championed by Umoja wa Katiba ya Wananchi (UKAWA), has stood for a three-tier one.
Among things seem to have been forgotten or sabotaged, however, is whether Tanzanians should be allowed to have dual citizenship or not. Rulers seem to favour the later so as to lull diaspora into the trap that’ll extenuate their demands. Refer to the just concluded Diaspora Homecoming Conference in Dar recently that was fully attended by President Kikwete and PM Mizengo Pinda. Many’d like to know how these so-called representatives of diaspora that attended the Dar Conference were elected or appointed, when and under what category. It seems. Many of the so-called diaspora in attendance were CCM members-cum-sympathizers.
Again, are there any logical reasons in refuting dual citizenship? I, for one, do doubt. I see sheer fear and ignorance if not wariness and the like. Looking at how the govt’s caught cold feet, one finds that there are two illogical reasons offered by those opposing dual citizenship. Firstly, they argue that if Tanzanians are allowed to have dual citizenship there’ll be indivisible loyalty to the nation. Secondly, they argue that such a move will compromise our national security. All hogwash! How come that our neighbours such as Burundi and Rwanda have ratified the same? Tanzania is, and won’t be, the first country to allow dual citizenship. It is sheer ignorance and fear emboldened by wariness and wivu tu.
The advocates of indivisible loyalty are misleading. Instead of saying clearly that their reasons for opposing dual citizenship, among others, are fear and ignorance, they’re trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Why do rich and developed countries such as Australia, Canada, US and others allow paupers from Africa and Asia to have dual citizenship without the fear of the so-called indivisible loyalty?
Loyalty doesn't depend on the number of citizenship one’s but his or her personal integrity, choice and understanding. If a citizen’s corrupt whether has one or dual citizenship doesn't matter. Ironically, our public officers who receive kickbacks from aliens and bogus foreign investors don’t have dual citizenship. Why is it illegal for Tanzanians to have dual citizenship while foreigners do? Refer to Amir Habib Jamal, former minister for finance under Mwl Julius Nyerere and permanent representative in Geneva under Ali Hassan Mwinyi. Jamal had secretly had dual citizenship. His cover was blown after his death. He was bullied in Canada (his country). How many Jamals do we’ve and we know they've dual citizenship? Isn't this sheer fear and hypocrisy?
I don’t think that most of venal and corrupt African rulers such as Joseph Mobutu (Zaire), Sani Abacha (Nigeria), Omar Bongo (Gabon), Theodoro Nguema Obiang (Equatorial Guinea), Daniel arap Moi (Kenya), Fredrick Chiluba (Zambia) and others had or have dual citizenship. Thugs and thieves behind ESCROW, EPA, Radar and presidential jet scandals have dual citizenship. Criminals dealing with drugs and those who protect them have no dual citizenship. All those embezzling public funds, vending our people or those employing their children and relations have no dual citizenship. Bankrupt politicians and all those involved in tribalism, religion-ism, regionalism, sabotage, corruption and other vices don’t have dual citizenship. Do such people have indivisible loyalty really?  All those felling our education, economy, resources and whatnot don’t have dual citizenship.
If Tanzanians are afforded the chance to choose between single and dual citizenship chances are many’ll opt foreign citizenship thanks to affording them opportunities and means of realizing their dreams. If we face it, what good does Tanzanian citizenship have compared to foreign citizenship?  It has reached a point whereby Tanzanians to secure visa to enter some African countries such as Botswana, South African and others countries with good economies is next to never. When it comes to rich countries it is a whole new ball game. Again, who’s caused all this nervousness if not those shouting at the top of their lungs against dual citizenship? Haven’t authorities been in bed with, say, drug dealers, saboteurs, self-serving criminal you name it could we've reached this tipping point?  How can you tell the guy who’s born in Tanzania to surrender his God-given right simply because you’re not happy with his or her move to take another country’s citizenship? How can you treat others just like wendigoes simply because they've decided to have dual citizenship?
Off the cuffs: Why do we turn a blind eye to Zenjis who've dual citizenship among us? Suffices it to say, what makes Tanzania hesitant regarding dual citizenship is nothing but sheer fear and ignorance.
Source: The Guardian.


Anonymous said...

Nyongeza Mwalimu, Wanaposema Usalama wa nchi ni upi!!!?

Maana vyanzo vya kuvunjika na kuhatarisha usalama ni vifuatavyo Rushwa, Utawala mmbovu husiofuata sheria, Mfumo mmbovu wa elimu unaozalisha wataalamu duni na wananchi mbumbumbu, Huduma duni za kijamii kama hapa sasa Muhimmbili Hospitali wakati huu unasoma haya maoni yangu wagonjwa wanalazwa sakafuni, vyoo ni sehemu ya kutunzia uchafu na siyo sehemu ya kupitishia uchafu kama inavyotakiwa kiafya na usalama.

Hivi walishawahi kujiuliza kwa nini wanapokuja hapa Tanzania viongozi wa Kimataifa hasa kama kutoka nchi za magharibi Mfano hivi karibuni Ma-Rais wa Marekani kwamba hoteli watakayofikia wanahakikisha kila kitu kinafanywa watu wao utaratibu mzima wa ulinzi na usalama mpaka mfagizi hapo hoteli anatoka kutoka kwenye taifa hilo Marekani.

Hivi huyo ofisa wa uhamiaji alishawahi kujiuluza kwa nini Mtanzania wa kawaida anapotaka kusafiri kwenda nchi za magharibi anakumbana na urasimu mkubwa kabisa, uzoefu unaonesha mara nyingi tunaishiwa kukataliwa kupewa viza na ni wachahe tuu wanabahatika kupata hiyo fursa.

Hivi walishawahi kujiuliza kwa nini ujenzi majumba mengi unaambatana na na kuwekwa milango ya vyuma na madirisha iwapo kama nchi ni salama kweli.!?

Tena Hivi karibuni walisema wamefanya mkutano na wana-Diaspora Tanzania Serena Hoteli. Sasa naona ni kichekesho kweli unamuzungumzia mtu kutumia fursa zlizopo hapa kwetu Tanzania papo hapo unamkataa.!

Unazungumzia na kufikiria watu na raia wa nchi za Afrika mashariki kuondolewa vikwazo vya uhamiaji wakati wanachama wenzako wanawatambua raia zao wenye uraia zaidi ya mmoja! Sasa sijui utashirikiano vipi hizi nchi.

Tena na ninyi wabunge wa Bunge la Katiba mnatakiwa kuwa wadadisi na mbinu za utafiti siku hizi kila kitu kinapatikana Mitandaoni. Tumieni uzalendo wenu kutafuta taarifa sahihi.

Maana anakuja kiongozi wa idara ya Uhamiaji na kutumia fursa hiyo kujenga hoja kwa kutumia maoni badala ya tafiti za kitaaluma zenye takwinu yakinifu na dhahiri. Hii ni inasikitisha kwamba nchi na chombo cha idara ya uhamiaji inaendeshwa kwa maoni badala ya takwimu katika karne hii 21.

Je Mwalimu NN Mhango, iwapo huyu Afisa uhamiaji iwapo ni mwanafunzi wako ndiyo ameandika Insha ya namna hii na kujenga hoja kwa kutumia maoni badala ya takwimu ungempatia kiwango gani cha ufaulu na hao ndiyo watu(Maafisa) wameshika idara muhimu kabisa katika nchi.

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon nakushukuru kwa kupanua wigo wa kuonyesha uchovu wa hoja za kupinga uraia pacha. Kimsingi, hao maafisa wanaoitwa wa Uhamiaji huenda ni vihiyo walioghushi taaluma wakaajiriwa kiukoo kama walivyozoea. Wenye akili wanashangaa kuona vitu vya ajabu vikiitwa mawazo ya kisayansi na kisomi. Nilisikitika sana kusoma taarifa za kijinga za serikali za kupinga uraia pacha. Nadhani umegonga penyewe ulipoongezea urasimu wa nchi za magharibi na jinsi wasivyoamini huduma zetu wanapotutembelea. Ni bahati mbaya watawala wetu wengi ni kama hamnazo kiasi cha kutojisuta na kujiuliza. Ama huyu aliyetoa taarifa zilizotegemea maoni angekuwa mwanafunzi wangu huenda ningeshauri atolewe darasani na kurejeshwa ima sekondari au shule ya msingi. Kama ningemvumilia basi ningempa bonge ya "F". Ni bahati mbaya kuwa taifa letu linaongozwa na wababaishaji na mafisadi kulhali wasiotaka kufikiri wala kukubali kuwa hawajui chochote. Wanataka tushiriki fursa za uchumi ili tuwanufaishe kisiasa. Hawataki tutumie taaluma na uzoefu wetu kukosoa mfumo mzima wa kijambazi unaoendesha taifa letu. Ni wachumia tumbo watupu wanaokuja na mazingaombwe wakiyaita mawazo yakinifu na pembuzi.