How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

How the Berlin Conference Clung on Africa: What Africa Must Do

Saturday 2 August 2014

What a shouting season!

Time for every frog, big, small, young, tinny, skinny you name it; to call the well his even if in actuality it isn't is now. This is the time you’ll hear all types of clamours, rumpus, promises, lies and whatnot the frogs, particularly, human ones make. You’ll hear all types of frogs, tall, shorter, clever, crazy, stupid, white, black, females, males, reasonable and unreasonable and whatnot.
Beware guys especially those whose votes make others eat better than they. The season of turning a vote into a dosh-making venture’ll soon start when Jake Kiqutte winds up his show late next year. Given that the presidency of Bongolalaland is up for grab, believe ye me. Every tonge seeker’ll come forth with his or her art of deceit perfectly after perfecting it. If anything, guys get prepared for the make-believe theatrics all aimed at robbing you of your ulaji-making vote. Like frogs, they’ll make all sorts of noises, songs, clangor even poems to see to it that they entice and hoodwink voters who, so too, will make uproars so that those with dosh hear them and offer them dosh. Some’ll come with age hoo-ha. Others will use their gender if not sex to bid for free eating in the white abode. Others’ll come with sexy stuff to see to it they’re appointed to run for presidency which nowadays has become a very good eating venture. You eat for free. You sleep for free. You globe-trot for free. You get per diem for free. And above all, you don’t work and yet you’re paid for that.  So too, in this free eating frenzy you’re also entitled to invite your family, friends and bootlickers and praise singers to join you in the eating without paying.  Yours is to eat not to pay or bother about who foots the bill. You eat and eat till you say and think that everybody in the hunk eats for free like you. So, all noises you hear are not about you but they eating for free as you foot the bill for their eating, be it gluttonously or piggishly. What a nice job, top job that needs top gear!
Things like “Look at me. I’m just a chick that deserves to be your president” will be heard almost everywhere and every time.
At the times those of us were born, presidency’s like a burning charcoal. A few’d eye it even when they truly know they’re competent. The first thing that made presidency a hard nut to crack’s the whole issue of what one wants to do for boozers. Again, when frogs holler in the well, who knows which ones do so and which one don’t? We just hear noises from the well without bothering with which frog is making what noise. This is a bit different from our presidential aspirants.
Back to our power hunters, we heard some saying that our coming president must be a youth. Well said. Are we looking for some boxers or footballers whose age is an asset? Who wants Ronaldo or Messi in politics? Let me remind them. Guys, we’re looking for president whose major assets should be experience, accountability, cleanliness, ability to lead others, good track record, fight against graft, a citizen according to the law and whatnot but not youth or gender or religion or region and all other stuff of this nature. Depending on age sex and all others is but discrimination next to apartheid. Who needs age apartheid? Who need sex apartheid? Guys, go tell it to the birds. We’re looking for president but not athletes or sports-persons.
Looking at age campaigners you discover that they don’t have anything worthy to become president. They depend on their parents’ big names and such useless stuff. Others say they want to create jobs. Well done. Again, they don’t tell us how they’re going to create jobs. Of course they mean jobs for themselves not you.   They just create jobs by mouths but not actions! What a lie! Do they think we’re going to repeat the mistake such as Better Life for All (BLA) which ended up becoming Bitter Life for All (BLAII)? Who wants to be bitten by the snake in the same hole?
Frogs, sorry, politicos shout and shout at the top of their voices to entice and confuse us. The cardinal rule of this game of deceit is, make more noises more and more to see to it that you’re heard even if what you put across is hot air and trash. Again, this is the hollering season. Holler and holler and holler time and again. Who knows which frog’ll carry the day? By the way, when you think about the one to vote for, try to choose the one that can at least take on human pigs that are disgracefully disposing African human body parts in rubbish dumps as if they’re dogs or condoms.
Source: The Guardian Aug., 2, 2014.

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