The Curse for Salvation

The Curse for Salvation

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Komba’s booboo of “retreating to the bushes”

After Bill Luku-vi fired his deluges, others followed suit.  Jon Kombaa, Chama cha Maulaji (CcM)’s songbird that became an MP and magnate thanks to connections, decided to hit even harder alleging that if three-tier govt receives our consent, he’ll retreat to the bushes to see to it that he topples this govt and install his two-tier one. After Kombaa poisoned the air, boozers are waiting to hear the name of the forest he’s intending to blast-off his attacks. Kombaa’s move poses many questions: who is he representing and when will he start his siege? Who sent him and why?
What’s more, boozers are stating downrightly that such cheap and bankrupt politics aren't supposed to be heard in the 21st century. Thus, they’d not be entertained. The Swahili sage’s it that if you laugh at the monkey you’ll end up with chaffs. Does Kombaa think we’re such foolish and crazy altogether?
Kombaa was quoted as saying, “Woe unto you if you will be persuaded to buy the idea of a three-government system…I will retreat into the forest to fight for the two-tier Union structure.” My foot! You can’t be serious Kombaa.  Interestingly when Kombaa was spitting fire against those advocating three tier govt his boss was doing the same though in a different tone. It is as if they had agreed to threaten us. Jake Kiquette was quoted saying that whoever that will joke with the union will regret it. He was addressing CCM youths who toured the whole hunk supporting two-tier govt. again, where did they get the dosh to burn in such unnecessary mission? Ask Jake. He knows everything. April 26th celebrations belong to the army that will show how it will protect the union and whoever plays with it will regret it. I wonder. Was Jake even Lukuvi talking about the army that receives its salary from out taxes? Since when did our Jeshi la Wananchi become a political tool for any party under the Sun? Aren’t those threatening us with the coup d’état or retreat to the forest or cha mtema kuni abusing and degrading the same army they pretend to respect?
He added, “Why do I categorically charge the trio? They were among the closest aides of Mwalimu Nyerere…they applauded Mwalimu before anyone…they ate ugali and bread and drank tea with him.” Go away boy! Being closest aides doesn't mean being zombies. Those Kombaa agitating to be charged are more patriotic and cleaner than him whose wealth is ill-gotten.
He added his offal saying, “…they know exactly Mwalimu died believing in the two-government system. How on earth are they abandoning it?”  Where and where did he tell you of that? Truth be loudly told. Union isn’t about Nyerere or Karume. It is about wananchi. Leaders come and go but people remain. We, thus, should pooh pooh such short sighted minds that want us to do things depending on founders but not what we want. So too, we’d teach such self-seekers a lesson they’ll nary forget. Fire and have them up quickly before wananchi’s pent-up angst explodes. “Msimtumie Nyerere kama hirizi,” Judge Jose Waryuba once admonish you. Why didn’t you get it? Why people are afraid of using their brains as if they don’t have any? Nyerere and Karume did their parts and left. We too need to do ours.
Kombaa needs to be sincere. He and others who pretend to emulate Nyerere are the ones who let him down by butchering the code of ethics so that they’d easily rob his beauties and goodies. Kombaa knows too well those who betrayed Nyerere have become rich so as to own schools and other ill-gotten investment.  Will Mr. Kombaa be ready to be counted? Kombaa knows pinchers especially those who mugged poor countries like Malawi to build schools and give them Malawian names. Kombaa and the likes should be told to their face to shut up. For if he thinks his dark side is not known he must be dead wrong.
Apart from that our hunk isn't kichwa cha mwendawazimu every drunkard to use to learn how to trim. I wonder. Those supposed to rebuke such winos are just sniggering at their monkey biz as if what they’re attempting is good! Just imagine. If such nonsense were uttered by opposition, you’d hear Jei Wii chipping in with all force and warning that such self-seekers are insulting us by trying to assault our hunk.
If we all keep mum, Kombaa and his masters will mistake us of cowards and zombies. Let them be told. Guys, you’re but playing with fire. If Kombaa and his gang are serious and means biz just retreat to the bush even today.  When Kombaa’s dirty assaults came to light one boozer decided to take on him head on saying, “You’ll see chamtema kuni your boss was threatening others with.”
Again, whoever thinks he’s a man enough should try his megalomania and see how we’ll showcase our mighty as boozers. Kombaa, go away with your booboos.


Anonymous said...

Watu Kama hawa kwanini hawafukuzwi kazi
Zee kulala Kila kukicha likiamka huropoka bila kufikiri
CCM mmekwisha

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon shukrani kwa kuliona hilo ingawa CCM haijaisha kutokana na watu wetu kuendekeza ukondoo na ukapa ambapo huogopa na kuhongwa na kusahau kila kitu. Kuna haja ya kuanza kulipa posho ya usingizi kama ilivyo posho ya makalio au sitting allowance au vipi?

Anonymous said...

Tushukuru kwa hii teknolojia ya picha za dijitali vinginenvyo haya tusingeyajua kuwa wa-heshimiwa wanauchapa usingizi halafu tunawaona watu wa maana na wazalendo wakitembea barabarani na suti zao

Ndugu Nkwazi N Mhango said...

Anon hakuna tatizo ni wajibu wetu. Heri umewajua kuwa ulidhani ni watu si chochote wala lolote bali wasakatoge.

Unknown said...

hahaahahahahahaaa. let me laugh and sing my old song... ccccmmmm oooooh, ccccmmmm ooooooh! And for sure, shut up, fyata mkia kabisa. nitarudi porini, ole wenu..... bla bla bla! Jokes aside..

Komba and others who have bellies as if they are about to deliver all the evils in this earth should fyata their "mikias". WE are not to be intimidated with foul beaks, eti watarudi msituni. That KOmba with his buffalo like stomach; can he carry even a piece of a stick hand grenade? Acha mkwara we kamzee. By the way, Mhango, this is great, let them wafyate mkia.