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NTC Chairperson Mustafa Abdul-Jalil. Is NTC
betraying Libya's Revolution?
The NTC’s recent recommendation that Libya should draw its
major laws from the Quran as opposed to the people, shows how this former ragtag
group is driving Libya astray shall people desire not to be ruled under sharia
law. If people toppled Gaddafi to have the government of their choice, let them
decide what law they want to govern them.
“The Libyan people are attached to Islam as a religion and
legislation," says NTC spokesman Saleh. Is it true that Libyan people are
attached to Islam more than democracy and rule of law? If anything, Libyans are
attached to their nationality in the first place. By introducing sharia law
without the voice of the people, NTC wants to suffocate the rights of minority
non-muslims in the country so to speak. Before taking such a step, NTC needs to
ask itself if the desire for sharia law was the force behind toppling Gaddafi.
To prove how NTC is likely to pose a bigger problem as it
happened in Iraq, Darhoub adds, "And this should not be subject to a
referendum." If anything, this piece unveils NTC’s blatant machinations aiming
at suffocating the gains of the masses. How can NTC decide for Libyans instead
of letting them choose what they deem fit for running their affairs? It is
hypocrisy of high order for NTC to condemn and topple Gaddafi but repeat the
same. Will the Libyan masses accept this humiliation? Will they demand that
their wishes be respected? Why Sharia but not human rights?
The assertion that the introduction of Sharia law in Libya
should not be subject to a referendum shows that the NTC want to overrule the
desire of the people of Libya. Why doesn’t NTC propose this to the people and
let them decide? If Libyans were not happy under Gaddafi’s moderate dictatorial
decrees, how can they be at such a ruthless law that opposes human rights?
The NTC should understand that even the Muslim Brotherhood in
Egypt, despite winning presidency, cannot contemplate the same things as
proposed by NTC. Shall Libyans vote for sharia law, so be it but saying that it
should be introduced without a referendum is a total disaster for the
revolution. The rights of minority non-muslims must be protected under any
The NTC's killing of Gaddafi and humiliating his
remains shows its true face. Ironically though, the so-called international
Human rights groups did not stand for Gaddafi's rights. Why? Wasn’t Gaddafi a
human being presumed to be innocent before the law till proved otherwise by the
court of law? Interestingly, it seems that both the NTC and Western countries
got rid of Gaddafi to achieve their separate interests.
The NTC’s stance poses more questions than answers. Who
appointed NTC to speak on behalf of Libyans apart from being a just transitional
body? Is sharia law what Libyan people want or redress for all the pains they
went through to bring down Gaddafi’s regime? Is this the beginning of the end of
NTC double standard or the beginning of the end of Libya’s dream?
It is a big blow to note that so-called western democracy
stands in support of another dictatorship. It is sad that the world forgets
easily. On 24 February 2011, a day after the campaign to topple Gaddafi, one
Christian News Service (CNS) wrote this, “Christians in Libya are afraid that a
takeover of the country by Islamic fundamentalists, should leader Muammar
Gaddafi fall, would threaten their safety, said a Franciscan priest who has
served in the North African nation for seven years.”
Has the NTC hijacked the Libyan revolution: will it succeed
with its hidden agenda of introducing dictatorial sharia?
Source: The African Executive Magazine July 11, 2012.
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